Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 208 Beauty Invitation

The Demon-Conquering Manager has indeed increased the reward for slaying the 'Biyi Demon'. In addition to twenty great merits and a medium-grade magic weapon, he also added an opportunity for 'initiation'.

This time it will not be the Demon-Subduing Supervisor who will take action. The person who will initiate Li Xuan will be a quasi-celestial figure who has retired for a long time.

Qiu Qianqiu did not say clearly who he was, but only said that the time was arranged within the past three months, and the direction was ice martial art.

This surprised Li Xuan, and he felt that his scarred heart had healed a lot.

There is no doubt that this is the most valuable and attractive among the many rewards that Liudaosi can currently provide, except for those top-level magic weapons and elixirs.

The previous initiation provided by the Demon-Subduing Manager had greatly improved Li Xuan's martial arts cultivation.

And this time, with a stronger foundation in martial arts, he will surely be able to make great progress.

I wonder if this increased reward is additional compensation given to Li Xuan for this incident, or is it an advance payment for him to sacrifice his appearance?

Li Xuan bid farewell to Qiu Qianqiu with a solemn and solemn mood, and then received the seventh component of his 'sacrifice' suit at the Tibetan Artifact Building.

It was a forehead ornament, made entirely of dark purple thunderstone, with gold inlay on the outside. It can be placed between the eyebrows to look noble and elegant.

Its original owner was an admirable woman, so the style is delicate and feminine. But if you are thick-skinned enough, men can also use it.

Before he left, the treasurer of the Tibetan Artifact Building solemnly told him: "Next time you come, try to collect the rewards together and exchange them for high-grade magic weapons. That's about it for mid-grade magic weapons. Unless everything on you is damaged, I can’t find anything to pile on you.”

He patted Li Xuan on the shoulder expectantly: "Six Daosi has accumulated over thousands of years, and even the top-grade magical weapons have a few good collections, but until now few people can use them. I am looking forward to them being in your hands." Blooming."

Li Xuan's face trembled, thinking that this person meant to encourage him to replace the mid-grade 'sacrificial' suit with a high-grade 'sacrificial' suit as soon as possible?

It's certainly a good thing to be able to change to a more powerful magic weapon, but will you sacrifice yourself faster?

Just because of this, Li Xuan felt like he couldn't control it anymore.

And just when he made up his mind, he was ready to imitate the ostrich and stay in the prison room of Suzaku Hall for a few days without seeing anyone. Li Dalu, however, hurried to Zhuque Hall and conveyed his mother Liu's wishes.

A simple summary is this - if you, Li Xuan, don't go home today, then you will never come back!

Li Xuan had no choice but to find a piece of cloth to cover his face and returned to Chengyi's Mansion in despair.

He originally thought that he would face a scolding from Mrs. Liu, and then listen to Mrs. Liu crying and persuading her sincerely all night long.

But unexpectedly, when he returned to Uncle Chengyi's house, he heard Mrs. Liu's scolding of Li Yan from afar.

"Is this kind of thing a joke? You just like to stir up trouble and scaremonger your brother. I'm just wondering, why does that kid Xuan'er like men? Fortunately, your uncle Qiu Shi and the demon-suppressing manager specially sent a picture Fei Fu explains everything, otherwise my mother will really believe your evil deeds!"

Li Xuan perked up and thought to himself that he was caring and causing chaos. Why didn't he think of this move?

He gave Qiu Qianqiu a big thumbs up in his heart and strode into the room. Then he saw Li Yan sitting on a chair next to him with a slumped head and a slumped posture. .

After Li Xuan came in, he raised his eyebrows at this man proudly.

Now that the past grudges have been wiped out, now there is a new Liangzi!

When Li Yan saw this, he let out a 'bang' sound and turned his head to look elsewhere.

"Mother!" Li Xuan obediently bowed to Mrs. Liu: "I wonder what your mother's instructions were when she called the child back?"

"Originally, I heard your brother talk about the Qinhuai River, so I wanted to call you back and give you a lesson."

Mrs. Liu's face was filled with a kind smile, and she pulled Li Xuan to sit next to her: "But the manager of your family explained in the talisman that the reason why you and the man named Luo Yan were able to kill the Biyi Demon, In fact, it relies on a special magic weapon in their hall, not because you are really good at Long Yang.

The manager also said that they would publicize the matter to the public and explain the misunderstanding clearly. Ouch! After Wei Niang heard about it, she was really relieved. You don’t know, I had the desire to die before. "

Li Xuan's mood suddenly brightened, and he thought, so there is still this way?

At this moment, he not only praised the steward and Uncle Qiu Shi, but even shed tears of gratitude and worshiped them.

Uncle Qiu Shi should have said this earlier, which made him feel depressed and worried for a long time.

"Who is this child? Don't you still know, mother? How could you like men? Don't even think about it. Someone must be spreading rumors and slandering to cause trouble."

Mrs. Liu also nodded fiercely: "Exactly, as the saying goes, nature is easy to change but hard to change, and dogs can't change it - hmm, you were so lustful before, how can you change it in such a short time?"

When Li Xuan heard this, he didn't know how to respond. Should I agree, or should I be honest and say that I have really changed my ways?

Then he saw Mrs. Liu again and took out an envelope: "By the way, this is the letter sent by Miss Xue's maid just now. She asked me to deliver it to you."

Li Xuan opened the envelope and saw only a short sentence in the plain white letter - I will meet you at the foot of Jiming Mountain tonight at Unity Time.

Li Xuan thought carefully and then remembered that today is the birthday of the City God, and there is a temple fair there as usual.

So Xue Yunrou meant to date him at Jiming Temple?

Li Xuan's heart suddenly started beating unsatisfactorily.

In Zhuque Hall, the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

When the prison door opened with a clang, Qiu Qianqiu and Lei Yun walked into a dark and damp prison cell one after another.

When the light from outside shone in, a figure with messy hair and blood spots all over his body, chained to a huge pillar, suddenly raised his head and looked at the people who walked in.

When he adapted to the light and saw a few people walking in, he immediately sneered, showing his white teeth: "What? It's time for torture again? It seems a little early today? What kind of punishment are you going to use? Hundred needles to puncture the acupuncture points." ? Bloodworms eating bones? Just come."

But at this time, his pupils were also shrinking slightly.

The intimidating power Qiu Qianqiu, the master of demon-subduing, brought to him was completely different from that of others.

When he worked at the White Tiger Hall in the past, he had always been known for his iron fist and had a fierce reputation in the western frontier.

"The words sound very strong! He looks very good and seems to be very high-spirited."

Qiu Qianqiu walked up to Shenhui and stared at Shenhui carefully: "In other words, Master Shenhui has not done anything until now, right?"

"It's true that he didn't say a word." He was the prison head on the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower. He smiled bitterly: "You have also seen that we have exhausted all the punishments. This man's bones are very hard. He is almost I even refused to move until I was unconscious."

"It's your method that's wrong!"

Qiu Qianqiu sneered: "Take him to the Black Water Prison, pour three thousand blood flea fish into it, and lock him up for ten days and ten nights. We will let him out after we have asked everything we want to know." "

The cell leader next to him was stunned when he heard this and looked at Qiu Qianqiu: "Blood flea fish? Deputy Hall Master, are you afraid that this is inappropriate?"

This creature is similar to the piranha found only overseas. It is a very small fish with sharp teeth and a ferocious temperament. It likes to gnaw its prey in groups.

The pain caused by the blood flea fish is actually not great. At most, it is equivalent to the ordinary punishment of Ling Chi, which is nothing to a Taoist cultivator.

But after being locked up for ten days, it is estimated that none of the bones of Master Shenhui will be left.

"There is nothing wrong! This person is not afraid of pain, but only afraid of death!"

Qiu Qianqiu sighed slightly: "If he does it, let him live. If he doesn't, then wait until ten days before opening the door."

Lei Yun's eyes hesitated: "Your Majesty, this Master of Divine Wisdom has a very high status in Lin Ziyang's army, and was once promised the position of Imperial Master by Lin Ziyang. He is an important witness in Lin Ziyang's rebellion case. Not only does he know Lin Ziyang and the many secrets of the Maitreya Sect are the only ones who may know the identity of the Maitreya Buddha, and the imperial court's Ministry of Punishment also named him."

When he spoke, he deliberately used a secret voice to prevent Master Shenhui who was tied to the soul-suppressing pillar from hearing.

But Qiu Qianqiu didn't care: "Witnesses who are unwilling to confess are worthless. What's the use of living? If someone comes to hold accountable, let them come directly to me."

Then he remembered something again and asked with a sneer: "Speaking of which, Xue Wuya also refused to attack, right?"

The old man next to him had already had a premonition of the devil's fate, but he replied without any emotion: "In just these seven days, we have tortured Xue Wuya five times, and all of them were severe punishments."

"Then throw us into a dark prison together and do as I say. People like these who have committed such heinous crimes are just a waste of food."

Qiu Qianqiu flicked his sleeves and read a book www. walked out of the door directly: "Not only him, but all the criminals in the Demon Suppression Tower who are related to the Maitreya Cult and Lin Ziyang's rebellion can also be dealt with in this way. Only by explaining everything clearly can you survive. And , all prisoners should be separated as much as possible. There should be more than one blackwater prison here.

In addition, in recent days, the patrols in the tower have been strengthened as much as possible, and two more demon-suppressing captains have been added to guard the tower every day. The reason why these people held on without recruiting people was because they thought there was someone outside, and they still had hope of getting out alive. "

At this time, drops of cold sweat overflowed from Master Shenhui's forehead.

A look of fear flashed in his pupils. All the words of this Vice-Teacher Qiu were aimed at attacking his vital points.

The man then raised his head and looked at one of the people present with a look of help, but the latter showed no reaction and followed Qiu Qianqiu out of the cell door with a calm expression.

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