Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 224 Extremely admired

"Lei Yun ever left?"

Shi Xin's eyes became sharp in an instant: "When did you leave? Where did you see him? Since he was covered by illusion, how did you see him?"

Li Xuan was also slightly frightened. Lei Yun did not speak like this before. According to Lieutenant Lei, he has been sitting at the Yangyu Altar on the third underground floor since his shift.

"Colonel Lei is a martial artist after all. He can barely use illusions, but he can't compare with a real magician. It's just because of my bloodline that my ability to break illusions is different from ordinary people."

The cell leader on the second underground floor is named Xu. He is a "Trial Demon Commander" who is about forty years old. His official job is "Prison Warden". If you look carefully, you will find that his left arm is a wooden prosthetic hand.

Most of the people in the Demon Suppression Tower are like this. They are disabled, but they can still use their talents in suitable positions.

As Captain Xu spoke, a blue light appeared in his eyes to show that what he said was true: "On the night of the incident, I met him at the top of the stairs at 7:30 p.m. This person was walking upstairs. As for the specific whereabouts of this person, I didn’t delve into it.”

At this time, all the people present in the inner hall were excited. Only Shi Xin showed no emotion or anger: "Then when did he come back?"

"I don't know about that." The prison chief's eyes were helpless: "There are 350 black water cells and 700 secret cells on the second underground floor, but there are only less than 20 people to guard them. The lower official has a heavy workload, and he is flawless Gu. And Lieutenant Lei is very careful in his actions."

His words paused: "At that time, he was hiding in the dark, walking close to the wall, making no sound in his steps. Even if he didn't use illusions, there were very few people who could detect him."

Shi Xin then patiently asked a few more questions, and just when he was about to end the interrogation of Captain Xu, Li Xuan suddenly said: "Captain Xu, the explosion that occurred on the top of the tower and underground was caused by The gunpowder is as high as three stones. I want to know who can send these three stones to the third underground floor without telling you?"

When he asked this question, he clearly noticed that Shi Xin and others showed surprise.

Li Xuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes secretly, wondering if these people didn't even understand the amount of gunpowder used in the explosion, right?

If this is the case, then the Demon Lord is right in his evaluation of the people in the inner hall. Although these people are enthusiastic, their ability to handle cases is really worrying.

"Three stones of heavy objects?" Lieutenant Xu frowned slightly: "Captain Lei can hide it from most of us and pass between each floor. But if he carries heavy objects, it is impossible not to be discovered. Especially if he is carrying heavy objects, he will not be discovered. There are dedicated personnel on duty to guard the stairwells on each floor. No—”

When Captain Xu said this, his mind suddenly moved: "There are still people who can do it. One is the general warehouse. The general warehouse will send people to distribute and recycle materials every afternoon; the other is the dining room. The dining room will be there in the morning and noon." The meals will be delivered on time at night. We have prisoners on the two underground floors, so whether it is supplies or food, the consumption is very large. If it were them, we wouldn't pay attention."

Li Xuan thought for a while, then immersed himself in writing and recorded Captain Xu's words.

"Have you finished asking?" Seeing that Li Xuan didn't respond, Shi Xin sneered and said, "Bring Lei Yun to trial!"

Perhaps because he had a premonition of something, Lei Yun's face turned pale when he returned to the interrogation room again.

But he generally maintained his composure. Even when Shi Xin questioned him with harsh words, Lei Yun's reaction was very calm: "I did leave for a while. Why did you leave? I feel bored. Can't I just wander around? I just I’ve been to the first floor, but not to other floors.”

"But why didn't you mention it before?" Shi Xin asked while flipping through the previous interrogation records: "You signed and stamped this confession."

"After all, I left my post without permission. Such a big change happened, so I feel guilty." Lei Yun crossed his arms, his face as cold as ice: "This is indeed my fault. I should apologize to the execution hall."

"Your fault is not just for leaving your post without permission."

Shi Xin squinted and looked at Lei Yun with an almost leering look: "Three days before the incident, you were on duty at the top of the tower. And among all the suspects, you were the only one who had left the altar. Tell me, you Where did you go? To the cells of Xue Wuya and Shenhui? Or to get explosives?"

"I haven't gone anywhere." Lei Yun simply closed his eyes: "Everything must be based on evidence! My Lei family has been working for the Six Daosi for generations. It has been six generations so far. The ancestors who died fighting to slay demons and subjugate them are There are six of them. I, Lei Yun, have a bright future, so why bother to collude with the Maitreya Cult?"

Shi Xin smiled half-heartedly and said: "So what about the murderer of the wolf pack murder case and the murder case of Wei Shi? It is said that you were the only one present at the moment of Wei Shi's death? That unknown magician was also there when you rushed to Jiangning County died when."

"I have already found out these two cases." Lei Yun said with obvious anger at this time: "Wei Shi died of suicide, and the person who handed her the poisonous needle was a white servant in my Zhuque Hall Prison. , that unknown magician died at the hands of the gangsters in Jiangning County. They have all confessed that they were driven by the Maitreya Cult."

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, thinking, have these two murder cases been solved? He had never paid attention to it before.

"You are in charge of the trial of this case, and you can take charge of it yourself." When Shi Xinzheng said this, he saw someone coming in from outside. That was Luo Yan, whispering in Li Xuan's ear: "After checking, those two construction drawings only have records of one review twenty-three years ago, but it was due to the sewer pipe being blocked in recent months. At that time, The general manager of the Suzaku Hall had no choice but to hire craftsmen from the Mo Sect to dredge and transform it. Then, there is Captain Lei."

Li Xuan was surprised: "Has he reviewed the drawings?"

"I haven't read it, but I may have come into contact with it." Luo Yan shook his head: "The top floor of the Suzaku Tower is divided into ten closed compartments, arranged according to the heavenly stems. The Xinzi Fang where the drawing is located has been in the past year. Only Lei Yun has entered with the authorization of the general manager to investigate a case."

She looked at Shi Xin again: "This person from Inspector Shi is also checking. That person's progress is slower than mine, but it is probably faster."

Sure enough, not long after, another person hurriedly walked in from outside. As this person handed a document to Shi Xin, the latter immediately sneered: "Among the six captains and three captains who are suspected this time, you, Lei Yun, are the only one who has come into contact with the architectural drawings of the Demon Suppression Tower. What else can you say?"

Lei Yun's face became even paler: "I don't know what you are talking about. I have indeed been to Xinzi Fang on the top floor of Zhuque Tower, but I have never seen any architectural drawings. Who has the time to look at that? "

"I think you won't die until you reach the Yellow River!"

When Shi Xin said this, he glanced sideways at Li Xuan again: "Transfer Captain Lei to the execution chamber!"

Li Xuan had nothing to say, and Lei Yun was extremely suspicious. According to the usual practice of their Six Daosi Division, he should have been tortured long ago.

Shi Xin was able to endure it until now, probably because he still had concerns about him and the demon-suppressing manager behind him.

He just felt dazed and had an awkward feeling like he was preparing to punch, but hitting the empty space.

Do you think this Demon Suppression Tower explosion case has just been solved? Is this the traitor who caused Suzaku Hall such humiliation and humiliation to be Lei Yun?

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses, and then he raised his fist towards Shi Xin: "Since the supervisor has identified the real culprit, can we release Deputy Tang Zun Qiu, Xiaowei Jiang and others now?"

After Shi Xin heard this, he sneered: "Why identify the real culprit? Lei Yun has not confessed yet, and the suspicions of these people have not been completely cleared."

Li Xuan frowned: "Sir, the manpower of Zhuque Hall is now tight. Whether it is the demons who have escaped into Jinling City or the pursuit of Xue Wuya and Shenhui, they are in urgent need of experts. The Maitreya Cult has a grand plan. Once they succeed, I will You can’t even take responsibility.”

In fact, he also felt that this case was not settled yet, but the problem now was that the manpower of Suzaku Hall was indeed in an extremely difficult situation.

They hadn't noticed anything while investigating the case in the Demon Suppression Tower, but today five people were injured in their Mingyou Capital alone. This was the result of Xue Yunrou's all-out effort.

"Scaremongering!" Shi Xin ignored it and walked out of the interrogation room with a roll of his sleeves: "Li Duwei's words are ridiculous. He is indulging the real mole. You and I cannot bear the responsibility."


"I think his intention is to use this case to cause trouble in the Suzaku Hall. A thundercloud cannot satisfy them."

After Shi Xin left, Luo Yan said thoughtfully: "Could this be a factional struggle within your Six Daosi Division? Who does this Shi Xin belong to?"

"I am not sure."

Li Xuan was also confused about the internal situation of Liudaosi. He actually joined Liudaosi for only three months. "You and I only care about investigating the case, why do we care about so much?"

He frowned and walked to the information room on the first floor.

And just after Li Xuan walked in, his mind suddenly moved, and he looked at Gongsun Xue, who was looking down at the ledger, but he was obviously distracted and frowning.

He stared at it for a moment, then turned around and left.

Luo Yan felt strange: "Where are you going again?"

"Gongsun Xue and Lei Yun's second sister-in-law are biological sisters, and that guy also said that he has only been to the first floor!"

Li Xuan walked like a meteor, and just as he stepped onto the stairs to the second underground floor again, he saw Captain Xu coming up from below. He thought it was a coincidence, and immediately asked: "Captain Xu, when you saw Lei Yun, what was his expression?"

Lieutenant Xu was slightly stunned when he heard this, UU reading and then fell into thought: "My face was red, and he seemed to be very excited, a bit like a monkey in heat——"

His words stopped abruptly. Just because Li Xuan was blowing past him like the wind at this moment.

The execution room on the ninth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower was on the southwest side, when Li Xuan arrived. Lei Yun has been tied to the torture rack, and the soldering iron next to him has begun to burn.

Li Xuan took the general manager's order and drove out everyone in the inner hall.

Shi Xin stood in the center of the execution chamber, motionless, just watching him with cold eyes. Li Xuan also knew that he could not let this person leave. When there were only three people left here, he looked at Lei Yun with admiration.

"Hey! Lei Yun, on the day of the incident, did you go to the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower to have a private affair with Gongsun Xue?"

"how do you know?"

Lei Yun was caught off guard and was calmed down by Li Xuan's majestic thunder. He said this with a change of expression, but then his face became even paler: "We have a private meeting, but there is no affair. Wang and I Madam just said a few words."

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