Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 230 This is the truth 2

Li Xuan stood there waiting, but the noise around him continued for three breaths without calming down.

Even the Demon-Suppressing Manager couldn't stand it anymore and stopped directly with his wooden staff: "Shut up!"

As a result, the silence inside and outside the gate of the Demon Suppression Tower was restored to a level of silence that could be heard when a needle dropped.

"My initial thought, the same as Inspector Shi's, is that the mole who caused the Demon Suppression Tower explosion and escaped Shenhui and others needs to meet several conditions at the same time. First, and the most important condition, it must be Within seven days, I had the opportunity to enter the fifty-seventh floor and the third underground floor of the Demon Suppression Tower. Later, I found out that the ghost used rice paper to make talismans, so I shortened the time to three days.

Second, I have been exposed to the drawings of the Demon Suppression Tower and know the underground structure of the Demon Suppression Tower. Able to bypass unbreakable water gates and accurately open the layers between water jails, sewers, and canals;

There are three more, there is a chance to obtain three kinds of materials: rice paper, sulfur and charcoal - as we all know, the entrance and exit of the Demon Suppression Tower is very strict. No matter it is gunpowder or talismans, it is impossible to bring it into the Demon Suppression Tower. But since saltpeter can be obtained near toilets and sewers, as long as someone can get sulfur and charcoal, gunpowder can be made inside the Demon Suppression Tower; and talismans can be made from rice paper and human blood. "

Li Xuan looked around at everyone present: "Then there is a fourth person who can coordinate with Mrs. Lin's meal delivery time and plant explosives in two places. But in this way, only four people in the entire Six Daosi Division meet this condition, and they are responsible for that day Four lieutenants on duty.”

"If I follow this line of thinking, I will also focus on Lieutenant Zhen. But an unexpected incident made me change my mind. I realized that in addition to those detained by Inspector Shi, there are others People can achieve the most important condition one, which is to enter the fifty-seventh floor and three underground floors of the Demon Suppression Tower within three days."

Li Xuan's eyes focused on the man in the crowd whose face was gradually turning pale.

"After that, I asked people to investigate three things. First, the relationship between all the captains and captains of the Six Daosi Division and the untouchable servants; second, to investigate all the people related to the structural drawings of the Demon Suppression Tower, especially those more than 20 years ago. , those Momen craftsmen who renovated the sewers of the Demon Suppression Tower; third, the source of the sulfur. In addition, I also did an autopsy for Mrs. Lin. When these clues were put together, the identity of the mole, That’s all I know about it.”

At this time, he took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly: "Colonel Sima, can you lend me your identity tag?"

At this moment, almost everyone turned their heads with a 'swish' and turned their attention to Sima Tianyuan in the crowd.

There was some confusion on the latter's face, and he smiled slightly: "It's okay to lend it to you. Is it related to solving the case?"

He asked curiously, while taking off the talisman from his waist and throwing it towards Li Xuan.

"Just to let the truth about this explosion case come to light." Li Xuan said as he walked out and came to the stone lion in front of the gate.

"Everyone should know that the reason why our Suzaku Hall enshrines these twelve fire-eyed lions and makes them responsible for guarding the entrance of the Demon Suppression Tower is because they have an unparalleled sense of smell and have magical powers that are almost 'Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes'. And if you want to enter, Not only can this tower not carry any foreign objects, but it must also use its own personal talisman. After the incident, I went to understand the process of making the talisman. They used human blood and essence to be integrated into the talisman, making the person The breath and the talisman blend into one body.

Therefore, the Fire-Eyed Lion not only looks at cards, but also looks at people. I tried to use other people's talisman cards to enter the Demon Suppression Tower, but of course I was refused entry. Later, I asked Master Zhang to perform illusions on me, imitating me as a good friend, and tried to deceive the Fire-Eyed Lion. The result was still a failure. This shows that the Fire-Eyed Lion has sharp magical powers and strict surveillance. But as long as I hold my own talisman, I can enter the Demon Suppression Tower even if I am disguised as the steward. "

Li Xuan then took out another thing from his sleeve, which was a white talisman, which was very crudely made: "This is the confession talisman I found on Mrs. Lin's body. It's a coincidence. The two fire-eyed lions on duty today are the two who were on duty that night. Next, I would like to ask these two lion brothers to identify for me whether the talisman and the owner of the talisman had ever entered the town that day. Demon Tower.”

As he bowed his hands, the two 'stone lions' quickly came to life, but they still sat on the base, motionless.

Li Xuan was worried that they would not understand, so he continued to explain: "Two lion brothers, on the night of September 19th, if the owner of this talisman and the talisman has entered the Demon Suppression Tower, please raise your front feet. "

But there was no movement from the two fire-eyed lions.

Seeing this scene, Shi Xin's pupils suddenly shrank slightly; Qiu Qianqiu, who was next to him, raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes showing a serious look.

There was also a slight discussion among the crowd.

"Sister-in-law Lin has never entered the Demon Suppression Tower? How could that be?"

"Isn't that impossible? I saw her that day."

"I even scolded her, so it couldn't be a ghost, right?"

"We pushed the dining cart together and entered the lift together. How is this possible?"

"Hmph!" The Demon-Suppressing Supervisor snorted coldly, causing calm to return to calm inside and outside the gate of the Demon Suppression Tower. He then looked at Li Xuan kindly: "Continue."

Li Xuan smiled and said: "Yes, Mrs. Lin was obviously there that night. But as far as I know, because of her unusual appearance and figure, she not only dislikes socializing, but is also ashamed to see others. She wears clothes all year round. She wears a black cloak. And because of the scars on her face, she often covers her face with a veil. Can you confirm that what you see is the real Mrs. Lin?

In addition, unfortunately, I found duck meat, fish meat, shrimp meat, etc. in Mrs. Lin’s stomach three and a half hours before her death, which was around the end of Youshi (6 p.m.). This person probably had a death wish and wanted to have a good meal before death so as not to starve to death. But on the night of the crime, the kitchen of the Demon Town Tower prepared a meal for the white servants, which consisted of green vegetables and tofu, pork belly, scrambled eggs with green peppers, and a bowl of loofah soup. It was completely different from what Mrs. Lin ate. and. "

"After doing the autopsy on Mrs. Lin, I even found a restaurant where Mrs. Lin bought salted duck, squirrel fish and other famous Jinling dishes a day in advance, but that's not important."

Just when everyone was in shock and doubt, Li Xuan held up Sima Tianyuan's talisman in front of him: "Two lion brothers, as before, on the night of the incident on September 19th, this talisman was If the talisman and the owner of the talisman have ever entered the Demon Suppression Tower, please raise your front feet."

The two fire-eyed lions raised their right front legs almost at the same time.

At this time, even the majesty of the demon-suppressing manager could not suppress the restlessness among the crowd.

"Sima Tianyuan? Sima Colonel?"

"He was actually in the Demon Suppression Tower that night?"

"In other words, Captain Sima may also have committed a crime?"

"Are you kidding me? How could Captain Sima be a mole?"

"This is really unexpected——"

"That's interesting. Since you entered and exited the Demon Suppression Tower on the day of the incident, why didn't you say anything about it?"

"How could it be?" The blind old man's face once again revealed a look of astonishment. He still couldn't believe that the suspect was changed from Zhen Shenlian to Sima Tianyuan.

Qiu Qianqiu and Shi Xin were both extremely surprised and looked at Sima Tianyuan.

Not only them, but Jiang Hanyun, Lei Yun, Shen Zhimou, and even Zhen Shenlian and others present were all shocked.

The crowd around Sima Tianyuan also moved aside, leaving the tall captain like a stone after the tide ebbing, isolated in everyone's sight.

Sima Tianyuan didn't care. He looked at Li Xuan, then at the two stone lions, and then said with a smile: "You mean, do you mean that I, Sima Tianyuan, pretended to be Mrs. Lin and entered the suppression tower that day? This is really true. It surprised me, how could it be me? Mrs. Lin is tall and good-looking, taller than many men, but I am still different from her, right? On the night of the incident, I did enter the Demon Suppression Tower. But it was to deal with a case in Fire Bird Capital.

Inspector Shi was looking for people who had been on duty at both the top and bottom floors of the Demon Suppression Tower within seven days. Doesn't this count as concealment? "

"Captain Sima, in addition to the Flame Lion, there are people guarding the gate! I expected you would say this, so I conducted an interrogation in advance. The four people on duty at the time all said categorically that you, Sima Tianyuan, had never entered the town. Demon Tower. Naturally, your name is not on the register."

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with sadness: "As for appearance, there are many ways to shrink your bones and change your appearance in this world. There is a difference in stature between you and Mrs. Lin, but the difference is not big. With your talent, you can easily This level of bone shrinkage can be achieved.”

"Maybe they forgot, or they had ulterior motives." As Sima Tianyuan spoke, he looked sideways at the heavy sword he placed outside the door of the Demon Suppression Tower: "These speculations of yours cannot convict me. Just say Gunpowder, you said the criminal made it in the Demon Suppression Tower, but how should I get the sulfur and charcoal?"

"That is not speculation. Those brothers on duty will never ignore a person like you, nor will they allow others to frame Sima Tianyuan, who has a high reputation in Suzaku Hall."

Li Xuan shook his head slightly: Then he took out a file: "As for the sulfur you mentioned, this is the result of my subordinate Le Qianqian, who contracted dozens of clerks. UU Reading found that within this month, we The Six Daosi Division has captured a total of four snake demons, all from the Fire Bird City. When you entered the tower to declare, in addition to applying for a sufficient amount of sulfur, you also asked for a sufficient amount of realgar from the general treasury. I will go check it out on the spot. However, the amount of sulfur did not match the records in the ledger.

Also, among the nine people who have come into contact with Song Wenmo, you, Sima Tianyuan, are one of them——"

Qiu Qianqiu suddenly interrupted here: "If it is Sima Tianyuan, how can he obtain the blueprint of the suppression tower?"

"This is exactly what I am going to say next." Li Xuan took out the second file from his sleeve: "It is still the result of Le Qianqian. It found out that the Momen who participated in the renovation of the sewer of the Demon Suppression Tower twenty-three years ago Gu Hong, the master craftsman, is your uncle, Lieutenant Sima. In the past, you were influenced by your uncle and almost joined the Momen, but even now, you still like to play with various mechanisms and equipment."

"My uncle has participated in the project of the Demon Suppression Tower. Is it possible that I have come into contact with the structure diagram of the Demon Suppression Tower?"

Sima Tianyuan laughed: "It's a bit far-fetched, and even if your inference is correct, what reason do I have to do this? Although my family is not a famous family, it is also a famous demon-killing family in Nanzhili. There is no reason to collude with the Maitreya Cult. There is no need to get mixed up with those untouchables. What is the reason for me to do this?"

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