Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 237: Being fooled again

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Chapter 237 of Where Did the Witch Escape? I was deceived again. Li Xuan came to the top floor of Suzaku Tower with some tangled emotions.

According to what the previous Ji Gong poster said, the initiation provided to him by Liu Daosi this time will be ice magic.

The weird thing is that he has made great progress in ice magic today, and the balance between ice and thunder has been destroyed.

If there is another ice magic initiation, wouldn't it be worse?

But if he was asked to give up just like that, Li Xuan couldn't bear it. This was an opportunity he had bought with his own life. The improvement of his martial arts foundation through the initiation could be said to be immediate, saving him several months of research in one go.

This is especially important for people like Li Xuan who have wasted their prime time in martial arts.

When Li Xuan came to the top floor, he found that in addition to their demon-suppressing manager, there was also a young man wearing a blue brocade robe. He was about thirty years old, and his facial features were ordinary. An appearance that could not be found in the crowd.

Li Xuan couldn't sense any traces of true energy on this person.

But he knew that since this person could appear on the top floor of Suzaku Tower, he was absolutely extraordinary. This person might be a tyrannical person who has reached the stage of returning to his original nature.

Sure enough, after Li Xuan saluted, the Demon-Fuming Supervisor introduced him: "This is Helian Fulong, you can call him Mr. Fulong. Today, Mr. Entrusted by the Second Prince, he will personally provide you with initiation."

Li Xuan's facial features suddenly froze. Remember the URL m.xbeque. com

Helian Fulong? Is it that Helian Fulong?

After he came to this world, he had inquired about the conditions of many heavenly masters.

After all, this is a world of fantasy and fairy tales. Li Xuan must be aware of the ceiling of these powers and the characters who can crush him to death at any time like an ant.

And Helian Fulong is one of the few high-ranking people who are still active in the territory of the Jin Dynasty.

Ever since this man broke the barrier between heaven and man thirty-nine years ago, he has been serving the royal family.

Didn't it mean that a pseudo-celestial being equivalent to the Demon-Suppressing Manager would give him the initiation? Why was it suddenly replaced by Helian Fulong?

Seeing his appearance, the blind old man smiled without any surprise: "The Second Prince admired the explosion of the Demon Suppressing Tower that you solved this time. I heard that you have insufficient foundation due to your absurdity in your early years, so please help me Mr. Fulong can help you. It just so happens that your reward this time has not been agreed upon yet, so together with the previously planned initiation, we will replace it with a Six-Path Life-Essence Pill to restore Mr. Fulong's vitality that was lost during the initiation."

——The Six Paths Sheng Yuan Dan is a high-grade spiritual elixir that is specially used to heal wounds and cultivate vitality. It is said to be able to regenerate human flesh and white bones. Its rank is below the Six Paths Tian Yuan Dan and above the Six Paths Earth Yuan Dan. Changed to the nine turns of Taoism, the division of the nine refinements of Buddhism is at the level of six turns and six refinements.

The Dragon-Tiger Great Return Pill that Master Cheng Huang used on Li Xuan was at this level.

However, Li Xuan's eyes showed a tangled look: "However, my subordinates have made great progress in the cold method recently, and the two ice and thunder methods have been out of balance. Can the time of this initiation be postponed for another month or two?"

"Huh?" Helian Fulong exclaimed in surprise, and then his eyebrows suddenly split open, and a vertical eye like an Erlang god appeared, looking up and down at Li Xuan.

"It's interesting. You are only at the fourth level of building realm, but you have reached this level with the entry of cold method and martial intent. Jiuyou Juehan, high-grade cold power, I was originally worried that I would give you the initiation, so that you would not be able to stick to your roots. , the foundation was shaken by my divine will. But now it seems that I was worrying too much."

He then looked sideways at the blind old man: "This boy's two ways of ice and thunder are indeed seriously imbalanced, and this is not a good opportunity for initiation. But in the next few days, I need to conserve my energy and prepare for the battle with the sword demon Li Zhetian. Sacrifice to Xiao Xiao After the mausoleum, I will rush to Beijing immediately and have no time to stay here. I wonder if Mr. Long has a solution? "

The Demon Lord was also watching Li Xuan carefully. A layer of blue light appeared in his pupilless eyes, peering into Li Xuan's body.

After a long time, this person fell into deep thought: "There is still a way. The reason why he is now unbalanced with ice and thunder is mainly due to his evil power. Jiuyou Juehan is the top cold evil, and I don't know how he mastered it. But in terms of thunder method There is no matching Thunder Sha of the same level, so it is naturally a one-sided situation. It is also a coincidence——"

The blind old man raised his lips slightly and looked at Li Xuan: "After the former Demon-Subduing Manager of Xuanwu Hall passed away, he left behind three thunder sky relics, which were condensed by the thunder evil 'innate thunder crystal' he mastered during his lifetime. You If you can refine this thing, it can be compared with your cold evil 'Jiuyou Juehan'. However, this thing is extremely precious. It is regarded as a magical weapon of above grade in our Six Dao Division, and it requires twenty great skills to redeem it. If you If you are willing, I can use the three-legged sacred crane provided in the hall to bring you this thing now."

Li Xuan instinctively resisted. It was clear that he only needed fifteen great skills to accumulate another top-quality magic weapon.

But the opportunity for heavenly empowerment is indeed rare. If you miss this village, you will never have this shop again.

He thought for a moment and then said with some pain: "Of course I am willing, but I heard that it is best to do it step by step."

The blind old man laughed when he heard the words and said: "This is the common sense, but ordinary evil forces can't even stand firm under the pressure of 'Nine Nether Cold'. And since you have 'Jiu Nether Cold', then... Don’t worry that your body won’t be able to bear it. Just change to a more advanced way of thinking afterwards, and the two evil forces will naturally form a balance.”

He gave Li Xuan another reassurance; "Mr. Fulong and I will not let it go. We will protect you while you are melting the relics."

After hearing this, Li Xuan gritted his teeth and said without hesitation, "Then change it!"

He needs the balance of the two methods of ice and thunder, and the high-grade thunder evil is of great help to both the practice of thunder method and the true meaning of thunder method.

After all, Li Xuan sees the benefits of the 'Nine Nether Absolute Cold'. His cultivation speed in cold method has always been faster than that in thunder method. 'Jiuyou Juehan' can also help increase his palm power and sword power - regardless of the at least 200% increase, the most important thing is that 'Nine Netherworld Juehan' is effective in martial arts cultivation and against various supernatural and evil spirits. restraint.

But when he spoke, he found that the old man's face, which had always been emotionless, actually showed a hint of joy.

Li Xuan wondered if he had been deceived again?

Naturally, the manager would not deceive himself about the value of the treasure, but the other party's purpose might be to dismantle his eighty-five great achievements and not want to prepare another top-quality magic weapon for him.

Just when this thought flashed through Li Xuan's mind, he heard Helian Fulong say the word 'rise'. Li Xuan suddenly felt like the world was spinning. When he regained his senses, he found that he had arrived in a quiet room.

At this time, Helian Fulong pointed at his eyebrows again: "Pay attention!"

Li Xuan felt as if his mind was exploding, and an unparalleled force of thought was enveloping his mind and swimming to an unknown direction.

Soon he found that he had transformed into a huge chilong, wandering on the northern ice field——

It is stretching its body, letting out the cold breath wantonly, and using the scales that naturally contain strange runes to move freely through the ice.

Soon, the ice stinger locked onto its prey - a huge white bear walking on the ice.


One day later, Li Xuan walked out of the Suzaku Tower in a daze.

His spirit was still immersed in the past day of his career as ‘Bing Chi’.

Helian Fulong was very ingenious. He did not forcibly instill the true meaning of his ice method into him, but condensed it into a chilong, introduced Li Xuan's divine will into it, and realized it by himself.

This can eliminate hidden dangers to the greatest extent and reduce the impact on Li Xuan's soul.

But correspondingly, how much true meaning Li Xuan can understand from this 'Bing Chi' depends on his own understanding.

Li Xuan didn't know whether he gained more or less from this initiation, but judging from Helian Fulong's expression when he left, he should be very satisfied with the results of the initiation.

He was in high spirits, and regardless of the fact that it was already late at night, he walked directly to a school ground located in the backyard of Suzaku Hall.

Fortunately, there are three wooden figures placed here.

Li Xuan raised his hand and sealed one of the bodies in the ice.

It looked like a lump of ice with a radius of half a foot, but Li Xuan noticed that the wooden figure inside had actually turned into powder.

The evil power and true meaning of martial arts contained in this ice also make it difficult to melt. Under normal temperatures, it can last for five or six days.

——Three hundred years ago, Taizu of the Jin Dynasty sent his army north to attack Zhang Cheng, the king of Zhou who was separatist in Huaidong. His ancestor Li Lexing froze the Huaihe River system with a knife, and it did not dissipate for ten days. Zhang Cheng's navy was frozen between Haosi and Si.

Next, Li Xuan raised his hand and fired another lightning bolt, and the Huaiyi sword was unsheathed and retracted at an astonishing speed. And in the lightning flash, the ice cubes and wooden figures were all turned into dust and thunder slag in an instant.

This is the result of the 'Thunder Sky Relic', which has been integrated into his body under the care of Mr. Fulong and the Demon Lord. The power of the 'Innate Thunder Crystal' has initially merged with his thunder essence.

They were pieces of thunder power that were like silver-white crystals. They were the product of thunder and lightning condensed to the extreme. They were flowing through his meridians at this time.

——This is very unscientific, but Li Xuan has not only integrated them into his body, but can also initially use their power. UU read

"Mr. Fulong said that your talent in cold magic is something he has not seen in a hundred years. He also said that he is willing to support a young and promising person like you, even without the Second Prince's request."

In one sentence, it came from behind Li Xuan. When he turned his head sideways, he saw Qiu Qianqiu standing thirty steps away, looking at him with a smile: "But you are just a little stupid. If I were you, these eighty-five great achievements would never be dismantled. You should first ask The innate thunder crystal that your father and I asked for help is not something that is impossible for Uncle Chengyi and I to ask for. But the best magic weapon is truly priceless."

Li Xuan didn't realize how regretful he was: "My nephew, I have thought about it carefully. Now the Sixth Dao Si can't even give me a top-quality magic weapon. I don't know how long it will take to wait for the second one! It's better to change it first." Some useful things, more life-saving abilities.”

Qiu Qianqiu was stunned for a moment, then he laughed dumbly and said: "It makes sense! That's right, your ranking on the white list within our Six Daosi Division has been raised to seventeen, so you won't have to worry about not having merit in the future."

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