Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 247: A Dynasty Transformed into a Dragon and the Storm Rises (5,000 words long chapter)

Just as Li Xuan was preparing, two more people died in the lobby. Just like before, he was cut open by a dark knife mark and his whole body was broken into two parts.

This method of killing, which was almost half-cut, could not kill anyone for a while. Together with the two previous ones, the four of them all let out shrill screams. This made many shaken students in the hall even more flustered.

"You can't do it." Su Xin tried to make Li Xuan change his mind: "That's the sword demon Li Zhetian! Don't be fooled by this set of magical tools."

"Let's try it first!"

Li Xuan stood up and walked into the hall.

He thought that he had just ridiculed and argued with many Confucian scholars present with the words "starving to death is a small matter, but losing integrity is a big deal". If he ran away without doing anything at this moment, how could he still have the dignity to be a human being?

At this moment, Li Zhetian's sword intent had rushed into the lobby again, making every step Li Xuan take feel doubly difficult. There was an explosion of energy all over his body, and not even the 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor' could completely defend against the sword demon's sword energy.

In the hall, Tong Lin, the two priests who were struggling to support themselves, as well as the Deya layman Fang Ming and Mr. Jingyuan Kong Xiu, all noticed Li Xuan standing up.

All four people had doubts in their eyes, especially Fang Ming and Kong Xiu.

What on earth is this Demon-Suppressing Captain of the Six Daosi Division going to do? Want to escape? It doesn't look like much.

If it weren't for the heavy pressure of Li Zhetian's sword intent, which made it extremely difficult for both of them to speak, they would definitely have shouted questions at this moment.

Quan Dingtian had a vague premonition, and there was a bit of relief in his eyes, as well as strong uneasiness, worry and helplessness.

While several people were watching, Li Xuan unfolded a scroll and softly chanted in his mouth at the same time: "Thousands of hammers and thousands of hammers have carved out the mountains, and the fire is burning them as if it were nothing. Don't be afraid of your bones being shattered into pieces, you must leave your innocence in the world!"

As Li Xuan softly chanted the "Ode of Lime" written by Yu Shaobao, a powerful aura rushed out from within, protecting Li Xuan's body, and finally forced Li Zhetian's sword intention away.

At this moment, Li Xuan walked straight out of the hall and in the direction of the Wenxin Bell.

"After a hard encounter, the stars are scattered all around. The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind is floating, and the life is ups and downs. The fear is on the beach, and I am alone in the ocean. No one has died since ancient times, and the loyalty is left to illuminate the history."

This is "Crossing the Lingding Ocean" written by Wen Zhong Lie Gong. It seems unique among the "Songs of Righteousness" in the Mingjing Hall. However, these two works are originally written by the same person and have the same origin.

Li Xuan's chanting was not suppressed, and his majestic aura became even more majestic and upright under the boost.

Until this moment, everyone present didn't pay much attention to his behavior, and they didn't know what he wanted to do.

Until Li Xuan's next sentence came out: "Don't let go of the green mountains, the roots are still in the broken rocks. It has been strong despite countless blows, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south!"

What a poem!

Deya layman Fang Ming couldn't help but glance sideways and looked in the direction of Li Xuan.

He thought to himself that he had never heard of this poem.

This shouldn't be the case. This poem, which borrows objects to express one's ambitions, is not inferior to Shaobao's "Ode of Lime" in terms of intention or vigor.

Logically speaking, with his erudition and photographic memory, one should not have heard of him.

What surprised him even more was that at this moment, Li Xuan's body suddenly surged with a majestic aura that was completely inconsistent with his cultivation level.

The whole person seemed to be transformed into a green bamboo. Under the pressure of Li Zhetian's sword, it remained strong despite countless blows, regardless of the east, west, north and south winds——

At this time, Li Xuan's pace had accelerated, and he stepped out of the threshold of Mingjing Hall.

"There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han is blooming alone. I know it's not snow from a distance, because there is a faint fragrance."

Another poem I’ve never heard of——

Deya layman Fang Ming's pupils widened, and then he discovered that Li Xuan's golden majesty began to appear restrained, but became more tenacious and powerful. It had soared over a hundred feet, and was directly sealed with Quan Dingtian in Bagua. The long black sword outside the formation plate made direct contact.

But at this time, Li Xuan was actually writing one word at a time, and every few dozen steps was a poem.

"My man, why don't you take Wu Gou and collect the fifty states in Guanshan? Please go to Lingyan Pavilion for a while, like a scholar with ten thousand households!"

Lin, Si Ye, whose surname was Tong, and Kong Xiu, Mr. Jingyuan, couldn't help but looked at Li Xuan intently.

"What a great song. Do you know who made it?" Kong Xiu asked curiously, regardless of Li Zhetian's pressure.

Si Ye, whose surname was Lin and Tong, was too lazy to answer. He looked at Li Xuan's back with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"It has never been heard before. It may have been written by this captain. This is the third song. I have never heard of it before."

Deya layman Fang Ming looked outside: "Jingshen, look at the sutra wall outside!"

"Jing Shen" was Kong Xiu's word. When he heard the words, he looked sideways, and then he found that the many papers on the sutra wall were all shining brightly at this time.

At this time, more and more Confucian scholars discovered Li Xuan's presence. While they were struggling to hold on under the pressure of Li Zhetian's sword, they looked sideways in Li Xuan's direction, with expressions that were either surprised, shocked, or stunned.

"——Since I was a child, I have been thorny in the deep grass, but now I am gradually aware of the basil. At that time, people did not know the Lingyun tree, and they waited until the Lingyun began to rise!"

"This is the fourth song. You made it all yourself?" Su Xin on Li Xuan's shoulder was looking sideways at Li Xuan with extremely surprised eyes.

It's a pity that she doesn't know modern vocabulary, otherwise at this moment it would be "I fuck fuck fuck fuck", and her heart was growing crazy.

"You are indeed a man of great literary talent. These poems about your ambitions can become famous throughout the ages, and they can complement your majesty. In the future, if you are integrated into the soul, your majesty will be able to suppress the eternity. But your current cultivation is too great. Weak, he is no match for Sword Demon, and he is about the same if he is replaced by Quan Dingtian."

Li Xuan ignored Su Xin's words and continued walking forward.

"Ten thousand dollars worth of wine in gold bottles, ten thousand dollars worth of treasures on jade plates. I stopped eating and threw chopsticks. I drew my sword and looked around at a loss. I wanted to cross the Yellow River, which was blocked by ice. I was about to climb the snow-covered mountains of Taihang. I was fishing on the Bixi River when I was free. Riding on a boat again and dreaming of the sun. The journey is difficult, the journey is difficult, and there are many divergent roads. Where are you now? There will be strong winds and waves, and you can hang up your sails and sail across the sea!"

As Li Xuan sang, many Imperial College students in the hall who were listening attentively were filled with worship!

Especially when Li Xuanyong reached the last sentence, "There will be times when the wind breaks through the waves, and the clouds and sails are directly connected to the sea." Many people's scalps went numb, and a heroic spirit burst from their chests.

How difficult the road is! How difficult! There are so many different roads, where is the real road? I believe that one day, I will be able to ride the strong wind and break thousands of miles of waves; hang my sails high and move forward bravely in the sea!


At this moment, the poems about the aspirations posted by the five thousand imperial disciples on the sutra wall were full of majesty, echoing brilliantly with the golden pillar of energy around Li Xuan.


At this moment, Li Zhetian on the roof of Wenxin Tower was also alarmed, and he looked sideways in the direction of Li Xuan. Just because at this moment, Li Xuan has completely replaced Quan Dingtian's Eight Diagrams Purple Gold Plate, using his pure Qi Pillar to support Li Zhetian's Heaven-Shading Sword Intent.

This gave Quan Dingtian some spare strength to rescue his students and forcefully blast away the two black sword lights that Li Zhetian slashed into the palace.

At this moment, many Imperial College Supervisors and several great Confucians including Fang Ming and Kong Xiu in the hall were in high spirits.

"Gentlemen! Let's think back to your original intention and what is your ambition to practice martial arts! Is it to learn literary and martial arts to become a member of the emperor's family, or to use your blood and paint to wipe out the injustice in the world!"

That was Shen Jiang, the 'Prince of the Imperial Academy'. He roared loudly in the hall, his face almost ferocious: "Read the Song of Righteousness, louder for me!"

In the hall, whether it was Wang Jing, Long Rui, Zhen Huandou and his two junior brothers, they all began to recite the righteousness song in a voice that was almost roaring.

Some of them had shouted at the top of their lungs, but the majestic energy was even more pure and brilliant, without diminishing at all; many people had completely forgotten their fear of Li Zhetian, and there was only warm blood in their bodies.

And Li Xuan's another poem about his ambitions only adds to its momentum!

“One day the great roc rises with the wind and soars ninety thousand miles.

If the wind stops and comes down, it can still blow away the water.

When people in the world see my extraordinary temperament, they all sneer when they hear my eloquent words.

Xuan's father is still afraid of future generations, but his husband must not be young! "

In an instant, the golden aura of thousands of people gathered together shook the mountains, shaking the entire land.

"Who is this? A Demon-Suppressing Captain with a fourth-level cultivation?" The corners of Li Zhetian's lips raised slightly, and there was some interest in his eyes.

"It seems that there will be a little surprise during today's trip to the Imperial College. However, thousands of horses are in silence here. You, a small captain, dare to howl in front of me. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

At this moment, the huge black knife hanging in the sky suddenly dropped a black light and shadow, winding down like thunder and lightning, and bombarded Li Xuan's head.

However, this light and shadow, which was enough to kill the master of the fourth gate, failed to hurt Li Xuan. Just because a long scroll suddenly stretched out, the original copy of "Song of Righteousness" written by Duke Wen Zhonglie was protected around Li Xuan like a layer of golden armor.

At this time, Quan Dingtian also used a finger to cover Li Xuan's body with a purple-gold Bagua diagram, which was combined with the inside and outside of the "Song of Righteousness" scroll to resist Li Zhetian's flying attacks one after another, trying to kill Li Xuan. The cool and fierce sword energy that cuts and shreds.

At this moment, both Tong and Lin took off the official seal of 'Guozijian Si Ye' from their waists and threw it out directly. Under the influence of the majestic energy, they turned into the size of a millstone and guarded Li Xuan's rear.

Li Xuan also raised his head and looked at Li Zhetian on the roof of Wenxin Tower for the first time.

"Jingwei holds a tiny piece of wood, and will fill the sea. Xingtian dances with relatives, and the strong will is always there——"

As Li Xuan spoke out the seven-character quatrain that contained the intention of killing, almost all the Confucian scholars in the hall were filled with passion, and something seemed to explode in their minds.

And Li Xuan's majestic energy not only turned into a red gold color, but also faintly transformed into the shape of a sword and an axe. With a fierce fighting spirit and a vast murderous aura, it soars above the sky, as if it wants to force away the dark clouds covering the sky.

"Is Xing Tian Wu related to you?" Li Zhetian said with disdain: "I hope you really have the ambition of Xing Tian! Your pure majesty and spiritual will make me unable to bear to kill you. Yes. But the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be forgiven!"

At this moment, blood suddenly spurted out from Li Xuan's seven orifices, and there was unbearable pain in his brain. This is when Li Zhetian turned his spiritual will into a blade and cut directly into his soul sea, almost cutting his spiritual will into pieces.

Fortunately, there was still a person in red in his mind. The overwhelming red silk and the rolling ribbons helped Li Xuan withstand most of the impact of his spiritual thoughts.

"I was born as a hero, but died as a ghost. I still miss King Xiang and refuse to cross the Yangtze River!"

Li Xuan's eyes were red, and he continued to move forward with a desperate intention. There were continuous bursts of air explosion sounds all over his body. Strongly resisting Li Zhetian's overwhelming sword intent, he walked towards Wenxin Tower.

"Xuan Lang?"

A hundred steps away, Xue Yunrou, who saw this scene, had lost her mind. She desperately wanted to run over, but was held tightly by Jiang Hanyun.

The latter's clear black and white eyes were filled with strange luster, flashing with complicated meanings.

——That guy is actually much more outstanding than the most heroic, upright, and heroic person in his dream!

Next to her, Mrs. Jiang's eyes were frightened, but also filled with indescribable relief and appreciation: "As expected of Xiaoxuan! Who in the world can match such a literary talent, such majesty, and such a hero?"

She thought that among the men in this world, besides the child in front of her, who else could be worthy of the Hanyun of her family?

And Li Zhetian, who was on the top of the Wenxin Tower, temporarily stopped grabbing the Wenxin Bell: "You surprised me even more!"

He put his hands behind his back and looked down at Li Xuan: "Can we continue?"

At this moment, his sword intent towards Li Xuanling was almost doubled!

At this time, the veins on Li Xuan's neck were exposed.

"Those who are determined will achieve great results. Even if the cauldron sinks the boat, a hundred and two Qin passes will eventually belong to Chu; if a person works hard, God will not let him down; if he sleeps on his salary and tastes courage, three thousand Yuejia can devour Wu."

Although this is not poetry, the ambition and courage are beyond words.

"Qinghai is covered with long clouds and dark snow-capped mountains, and the lonely city looks into the Yumen Pass in the distance. The yellow sand wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will never return it if it is not broken!"


The swirling dark clouds in the sky were actually pushed away by Li Xuan's majestic energy at this moment. The obscured stars and moon began to appear.


Li Zhetian unsheathed the long sword hanging on his waist and pointed at Li Xuan, who was less than a hundred steps away from the Wenxin Bell: "It's really unbelievable. Since I ascended to the throne, I, Li Zhetian, have never thought about myself. , will use a sword on a fourth-level martial arts cultivator."

He did not cut off the long sword, but the black long sword full of meaning in the sky suddenly sank a thousand feet, causing the Imperial Academy and even the ground of Zhengyuhuatai to crack open inch by inch.

"If you can climb the Questioning Heart Tower today, I will be considered defeated. From now on, you will never touch the Questioning Heart Bell, nor will you harm any plant or tree in the Imperial College."

At this time, Li Xuan put his hands in front of his eyes and found that his skin was filled with tiny drops of blood. This is because his capillaries ruptured in large numbers under the heavy pressure, and blood was forced out of the cracks in his skin and even his sweat glands.

At this time, behind him, everyone in the Ming Jing Hall looked at Li Xuan's back.

I wonder if this captain can do it? Climbing the stairs under the pressure of Li Zhetian's magic sword.

But all the Imperial College students knew that there was nothing they could do this time. The only thing everyone could do at this moment was to use their loudest voices, shouting, or even roaring, to sing the poems of the Righteous Song.

"You are really powerful." Su Xin looked at Li Xuan and said, "Xue Yue, who was halfway to the throne at the time, couldn't get him to draw his sword! He was injured much more seriously than you."

After speaking in an admiring tone, her voice changed: "Use the Wenshan Seal! You are good enough to have reached this point. Using the Wenshan Seal and the power of protecting the Tao in the Wenxin Bell, you can do it Force Li Zhetian away! There is no need to injure him any more. Xiao Wenshan can hardly hold back now, you let him worship with passion!"

"Let me endure it! It's not yet time." Li Xuan put his hand on the long knife and smiled nonchalantly: "If I just force him away, doesn't it mean that he will underestimate me as a Dharma Protector? Has he underestimated the many sages of Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism? Has he underestimated the many ambitious Imperial Imperial College students here?"

"You—" Su Xin's eyes widened in disbelief.

This guy, he is not satisfied with forcing Li Zhetian, who is almost invincible in the world, away?

At this time, Li Xuan actually rose into the sky.

He was clearly stepping on the void, but there seemed to be stairs under his feet, supporting him up into the sky.

"How is Mr. Dai Zong? Qilu is still young. The clock of creation is beautiful, the yin and yang are separated from each other at dusk. Zeng Yun is born in the chest, and the returning bird comes from the canthus. When you are at the top of the mountain, you can see all the small mountains!"

When this poem came out, Li Xuan was already standing parallel to the fifth floor of Wenxin Tower.

"Get down!"

Li Zhetian's eyes glowed with thunder. He flicked his robe sleeves, took a step forward on the roof of the building, and locked Li Xuan with his sharp sword force from afar.

And the entire Wenxin Tower under Li Zhetian was also growing cracks.

But Li Xuan's body sank as he wished, falling like a heavy stone.

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene was terrified. What made them relax was that Li Xuan stabilized his figure again when he fell three feet above the ground.

At this time, he gritted his teeth, and his heroic and heroic voice echoed in all directions!

"In the cold autumn of independence, the great river goes eastward to the head of Baguazhou.

See the mountains all red, the forests all dyed; the rivers full of green, with hundreds of boats vying for the current.

Eagles strike in the sky, fish fly in the shallows, and all kinds of frost compete for freedom in the sky.

I feel so melancholy, asking who is in charge of the ups and downs of the boundless earth——"

In the Ming Jing Hall, Long Rui felt his head explode. The already surging passion and blood seemed to tear his chest apart.

He thought he was the only one like this, but when Long Rui looked around, he found that even Wang Jing, the most calm and self-possessed, had a red face and was howling along with everyone in a ferocious manner!

At this moment, the majesty of more than five thousand people suddenly gathered like a dragon, roaring up. Black clouds exploded in the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu. net blasted away the sky-covering sword energy, making the moon and stars finally appear in front of people.

Li Xuan in front of Wenxin Tower walked up step by step. His figure and his majesty were also crushing and defeating Li Zhetian's sword intent and power. Climbing upwards with unstoppable momentum.

"——I brought hundreds of couples on a trip to recall the glorious past.

Qia's classmate is a young boy who is in his prime; he is a scholarly student and scolds Fang Qiu.

Pointing out the country and inspiring words, the excrement of thousands of households.

Have you ever remembered that when you hit the water in the middle of the current, the waves stopped the flying boat? "

The moment the last sentence was spoken, Li Xuan's figure was already looking at Li Zhetian.

The two looked at each other from a distance of five feet, and then Li Xuan took a step towards the edge of the building first.

"Flying to the Qianxun Pagoda on the mountain, I heard the rooster crow and saw the sun rise.

Don't be afraid of clouds covering your eyes, just because you are at the highest level. "


Li Zhetian's long sword suddenly struck Li Xuan like a silver sword; at the same time, the Wenshan seal in Li Xuan's sleeve also carried the endless majesty it had accumulated for a long time, enveloping all the twenty-seven Neo-Confucian protectors. And Zhu Zi's power of protecting the way flew out.

Under the seal of Na Wenshan, a huge word "reason" suddenly appeared in mid-air!

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