Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 251 Jiang Mu’s clever plan to calm the world

Jiang Hanyun didn't think much. She held up the dizzy Li Xuan with one hand and flew in the direction of Jiang's Medical Center.

But halfway through the flight, she heard Mrs. Jiang shout again: "No, your father should be at home now. I remember he just said he was going home to practice."

Xue Yunrou in the back felt something was not right, but at this time, it was naturally best to ask her uncle Jiang Yunqi to diagnose and treat Li Xuan.

She was determined to take Li Xuan from Jiang Hanyun, but she couldn't catch up.

Li Xuan, who had gradually regained consciousness at this time, was full of unwillingness and thought, where are my second base, third base and home base?

I'm really fine. Give me a pill to replenish my vitality, and I can still fight!

But the feeling of weakness and dizziness lingering throughout his body left him speechless.

When everyone arrived at Jiang's house, Jiang Yunqi was already waiting outside the door. He received a letter from Jiang's mother and Quan Dingtian Feifu, and learned about Li Xuan's coma.

When he took Li Xuan's pulse in the lobby, he frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

"How is it going?"

Quan Dingtian, who was following, asked worriedly: "Brother Jiang, please make it clear that no matter what kind of miraculous medicine is needed, it will be borne by our Imperial College."

He personally invited this person to the Imperial Academy, and because of the ethics of Neo-Confucianism and the dignity of the famous religion, he, the Imperial Academy, naturally had to bear the responsibility.

"Trouble, trouble -"

While Jiang Yunqi continued to ponder, he secretly glanced at his wife's face. Then he looked at the door, still frowning, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Just when everyone's hearts sank, they felt even more worried, and gradually became impatient. Mrs. Chengyi, Mrs. Liu, and Leng Yurou hurried in.

Jiang Yunqi relaxed his brows, and said solemnly: "This is caused by excessive activation of life energy, and also caused by the sword intention that Li Zhetian penetrated into his body. Although it was just the aftertaste of the sword intention, it came from after all. The hand of Heaven is no small matter, especially the sword of nothingness, which is the most sinister and powerful. In addition, there is a stagnation of cold and cold power in his body, which adds to its power.

Fortunately, the awe-inspiring aura of the Imperial College students had helped to suppress him before, so he seemed to be fine as usual. But when this majestic energy dissipated, it was natural that he would fall ill like a mountain. In fact, it is not surprising. After all, it is the sword demon Li Zhetian. Li Xuan fights against him with the weak body of the fourth floor. How can he not pay the price? "

Jiang Yunqi was actually surprised. He originally thought that Li Xuan would not be able to hold on long after the battle.

So he went to the Imperial Academy to wait for rescue, but after waiting for half an hour, Li Xuan was safe and sound. But when he thought his estimate was wrong and returned home, Li Xuan was seriously injured and fainted again.

Jiang Yunqi guessed that there was some kind of power that helped Li Xuan suppress Li Zhetian's sword intent, but this power suddenly disappeared at a certain time.

Also, the stagnation of yin energy in this guy's body has subsided a lot this time.

"May I ask Mr. Jiang, is my son in danger of his life now?" Mrs. Liu's face turned pale, and she wrung her sleeves tightly with both hands: "How is Xiaoxuan's injury? Sir, please tell me clearly!"

"The situation is actually not bad. Judging from the current injury, it's not serious at all——"

Jiang Yunqi couldn't bear to be bullied when he saw Mrs. Liu's body trembling slightly and almost fainting.

But midway through his words, he heard Mrs. Jiang coughing heavily from beside her, and at the same time, she gave him two dagger-like looks.

Jiang Yunqi was startled, and immediately changed his voice and emphasized the tone: "The key is the future troubles! The future troubles! The situation in Li Xuan's body is very complicated, extremely complicated, intricate. His life energy is weak, his sword intention is lingering, and his Yin Qi is stagnate. , these three are entangled, intertwined, and ever-changing.

In short, if any one of these three disasters is not dealt with well, there will be endless disasters. It can range from not being able to lift to being paralyzed or even losing your life soon. At this time, he needs a great doctor with extremely good medical skills to regulate and recuperate his Qi and meridians, so as to ensure that he has a worry-free future. "

But for some reason, a suspicious blush appeared on his face. His eyes were also wandering and evasive, unable to meet Liu's eyes.

Li Xuan panicked when he heard the words 'don't do anything lightly', wondering how serious his injury was?

But at that time, he clearly used the power of Yu Zi and others to protect the Tao, as well as the majesty of many Imperial College students to wash away the accumulated evil spirits in his body.

So although he spent a lot of life this time, theoretically speaking, his life span should be greatly extended. How can he live for three to five months longer?

How could the situation be so dangerous? He didn't want to learn "The Immortal Manual".

"Is it that serious?" Mrs. Liu was also panicked, but then she remembered that this person in front of her was recognized as the first person in Jiangnan medical science, a medical expert and one of the top three great doctors in the world?

"I wonder if Mr. Jiang has time recently to treat Xuan'er and nurse him back to health? Don't worry, sir, no matter whether my Xuan'er can recover or not, I sincerely will give you a great gift from my uncle's house."

She knew that this request was too much. It was inappropriate to ask a master who was trying to achieve the throne to spare time to recuperate his child's body.

But in this Jiangnan area, can she still find a powerful player other than Jiang Yunqi?

"This?" Jiang Yunqiu twirled his beard, seeming a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a long time, and then he finally said: "Yes, it's okay, but I don't have time to come to his home to diagnose and treat him, so I can only keep him in my house all the time. I wonder if Madam might accept it?"

"Of course." Mrs. Liu was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly: "I can accept it, I can accept it. I just don't know how much time it will take?"

"Twenty--" Jiang Yunqi wanted to say that twenty is almost there, but as soon as he said the words, Mrs. Jiang calmly stepped on his foot hard.

Jiang Yunqi immediately knew what he was saying, so he rounded off his words without changing his expression: "Twenty years is still too short. To truly achieve the goal without any hidden dangers, it will take three months, right? In these three months, he will have to Living in my house will of course depend on his recovery. If he is injured during this period, the time may have to be extended."

"Everything must be obeyed sir's instructions!"

Ms. Liu thought to herself that at this time, of course, whatever the husband said, it would be best to wait until Li Xuan's body fully recovered before coming back.

——This person almost stopped lifting, which is no small matter.

She then looked at Mrs. Jiang next to her apologetically: "I wonder if this will disturb your house too much?"

"How could it be?" Jiang's mother waved her sleeves angrily and said with a smile: "Why did Mrs. Li say such things? I have said it before, right? In the past, I felt happy when I saw Xiaoxuan, and also My Hanyun has always been in love with Xiaoxuan, what's wrong with him staying in my house for a while? Just don't worry, my husband and I promise to take good care of this child."

Jiang Yunqi nodded slightly and began to write a prescription beside him: "Since Madam agrees, I will give him the injection. Hanyun, go to the pharmacy in the mansion and give Li Xuan the medicine according to my prescription."

Quan Dingtian glanced sideways at the prescriptions written by Jiang Yunqi and found that they were all mild and nourishing medicines.

He looked at Jiang Yunqi and Jiang Mu, and then at Mrs. Liu and Xue Yunrou. He immediately knew what was going on and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

He had the intention to say goodbye and leave directly, but after thinking about it, he decided to give his friend a face and stay here for a while.

Xue Yunrou's pretty face turned green and white. With her ice and snow intelligence, she could naturally tell that there was something different about this situation.

But at this time, she couldn't get in the conversation at all. When several elders came to talk, it was not her turn to speak.

Secondly, Mrs. Liu's worried look also made her helpless.

Do you want to tell your aunt that there is a 90% chance that her uncle, Jiang Yunqi, a great contemporary medical expert, is deceiving you, but in fact, Li Xuan is probably fine?

But let's not talk about it herself, she couldn't be 100% sure, and her aunt would definitely not believe it.

Speaking rashly at this time will only arouse the resentment of my aunt.

In this person's eyes, Li Xuan's body is probably more important than anything else.

At this time, Jiang's mother looked towards her with a smile: "Yunrou! Look, it's almost midnight. If you don't rush back soon, your mother will be worried."

Xue Yunrou's heart sank. She immediately frowned and looked at Li Xuan worriedly: "I will stay with my aunt tonight and won't go back. Brother Li is injured so badly. I'm a little worried. I can help you if you stay." Take care of him. As for the mother, just let someone know."


Jiang's mother suddenly straightened her face and snorted coldly, startling everyone present: "How can I, the daughter of the Xue family, stay out at night? How can I be so unruly? Someone is here. , Send Ms. Biao back to her home."

Xue Yunrou couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that her aunt could really do it.

Is this too much? What's wrong with staying at your aunt's house for a night? Why are there no rules? This is too bullying!

Mrs. Liu was also stunned. UU Reading She secretly hoped that Xue Yunrou could stay. But this was Jiang Mansion after all, and she had no room for comment.

And when Xue Yunrou was helpless and left with a stomp of her feet and a groan, Jiang's mother rushed back to Jiang Hanyun who was rushing back with the medicine: "Girl, what are you doing with the medicine? Go and boil it for Li Xuan." Medicine. After all, you have studied medicine with your father for a year, and Hanyun is the most reliable at making medicine in the house.

Wait a minute, give your Aunt Li a cup of tea first. Also, I asked someone to boil water for Xiaoxuan and wipe him down later. I saw a lot of blood on his body. "

Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that she was being treated as a maid?

Li Xuan tilted his head and watched Yunrou's figure leave with great reluctance. He felt that the distance between himself and the home plate had become further.

At this time, Jiang Yunqi said: "Next, I will remove Li Zhetian's sword intention for you. This process will be very painful. I know you are perseverant, but there is no need to endure it."

He inserted a needle that was a finger long into the back of Li Xuan's head, and then Li Xuan lost consciousness again.

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