Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 27 This is a gentleman

Three minutes later, Li Xuan walked to the steps helplessly, while Jiang Hanyun looked at him sideways: "What are you guilty of? I just let you try. There are so many seniors, and no one laughs even if they lose. you."

"Your Majesty, the captain is right." Ma Chenggong folded his hands on his chest solemnly, trying hard to cover up his original intention of avenging himself: "I'm sorry, you have done so many shameless things, but you are still afraid that this little beast will expose you? Is this the case? It’s called fighting fire with fire!”

His logic is that for a person who has corrupt personal ethics and doesn't care about face, listening to Mastiff's privacy attacks is not worth it.

The corners of Li Xuan's lips twitched, but then he gritted his teeth and stood on the first step.

He had already thought that as soon as this 'Tingtian Mastiff' mentioned that he was a time traveler, he would immediately retreat.

Judging from the character of this spiritual beast, it doesn't seem to be too much. It shouldn't be reluctant to hold on to him.

After standing still, Li Xuan closed his eyes tightly, waiting to hear the judgment of the Tianmastiff.

But to his surprise, for the next ten breaths, he didn't hear the Mastiff speak. Li Xuan opened his right eye and peeked ahead, only to see the 'Tingtian Mastiff' looking at him with complicated eyes without saying a word.

After waiting for another twenty breaths, 'Tingtian Mastiff' still didn't speak. Li Xuan paused for a moment and then tentatively asked: "Brother Mastiff, if you refuse to speak, then I will treat this level as passed? That's it." It’s settled, you can’t go back on your word!”

Then he took courage and stepped onto the second level.

Tingtian Mastiff was still watching him without any additional reaction.

At this time, not only Li Xuan, but everyone below also looked confused.

Are you all wondering what's going on? There is no reason why Tingtian Mastiff would treat Li Xuan differently. There is no way that this famous libertine in Nanjing City does not have some dirty information.

The smile on Ma Chenggong's face gradually became stiff.

This was different from what he had imagined. He was expecting that the subordinate who caused him to be beaten by his wife would also undergo a public execution in public.

It is said that happiness alone is not as good as happiness among others. How can this experience of social death be enjoyed by oneself alone?

"Brother Mastiff?" Li Xuan stepped onto the third level in an uneasy mood, and kept a posture ready to jump off at any time: "This is because you are unwilling to speak, not because I am pushing forward. Brother Mastiff, I am a well-informed person. If you can’t stand it, just say something, and please be merciful.”

The Tingtian Mastiff on the steps was like a clay wood sculpture. Even if Li Xuan stepped onto the fourth level later, he still turned a blind eye to his behavior.

Li Xuan felt weak in his heart. He was worried that this person was holding back his big move. When he reached the fifth level, he would kill him instantly with one move.

It was at this time that Li Xuan discovered that the Tingtian Mastiff's eyes were not only filled with astonishment and surprise, but also a trace of fear and awe.


After Li Xuan carefully identified it, he realized that the listening mastiff was not looking at him, but about one foot behind him.

When Li Xuan turned around, he saw the female ghost in red who was following him, looking at the Tiantian Mastiff with her bloody eyes without pupils.

Li Xuan felt that in terms of demeanor and angle, this was more like one-sided oppression and overlooking.

After another minute, Tingtian Mastiff converged his eyes, then shook his tail, and floated into the air: "I have lost, and that's the end of this matter. But my master has something to say, if you dare to destroy it again His incense temple cannot be destroyed so easily, you Liudaosi are like rat tail juice."

Ma Chenggong was stunned for a while, and then shouted with a hint of unwillingness: "You just left like that? He gave up without even saying a word? This is not fair. How did he lose? You have to give us an explanation."

Tingtian Mastiff lowered his head and glanced at Ma Chenggong, and then said jokingly: "This man is a rare gentleman. He seems to be absurd and uninhibited, and he is wild and unrestrained. In fact, he is upright in his body and fair in his heart. His actions are restrained and his words are restrained." According to the rules. I searched his past secrets and listened to his voice. I found that he was invulnerable, so I retreated."

Then, as the words fell, its figure transformed and suddenly disappeared between the world and the world.

Ma Chenggong was a little confused, and then looked at Li Xuan with disbelief: "Li Fenzhi, a gentleman?"

He thought something was wrong. Why was he drinking flower wine? How could this guy be a gentleman?

At this moment, not only Ma Chenggong, but also Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue in the distance looked at each other. We all think that that guy is a gentleman, so it’s not too much to say that we keep our integrity as pure as jade, right?

Li Xuan blushed slightly and waved his hands in embarrassment: "Ashamed, ashamed! After hiding it for so long, this mastiff brother still discovered his true nature. I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

He was overjoyed. Not only did he get a great achievement in vain today, he also had the opportunity to enter the seventh floor of the library, which many people dream of.

As for the monetary reward, it is the least important to him.

But at the same time, he was also wondering about the scene where the mastiff and the female ghost in red looked at each other.

Li Xuan wondered why Tingtian Mastiff was afraid? There must be a reason for this.

But then he suppressed his emotions and clasped his fists in all directions: "Brothers and sisters, I will book 200 tables of the best flowing water tables at the Hongding Restaurant opposite today. If you are free and want to have a meal, just come Go over and tell me your name!"


After everyone dispersed, Li Xuan walked to the side of the main gate of Zhuque Hall and found Jiang Hanyun, who was looking at the Tianmastiff's departure direction with resentment.

"Lord Captain, this is a humble job."

Jiang Hanyun finally turned around and looked at Li Xuan with complicated eyes. She also seemed a little unwilling, surprised that Li Xuan had not experienced the results of a public execution, and at the same time she still had some residual shame and anger.

But after a few breaths, Jiang Hanyun returned to normal: "I'm very motivated! I came to work on the first day after waking up, and I practiced two extra rounds today."

Li Xuan was surprised and said: "Sir, how do you know?"

He was wondering if this woman also sent someone to follow him?

"It's Xiao Lei Lei."

Jiang Hanyun shook his sleeves and let the three-tailed spirit fox come out of the sleeves: "Although its bloodline is not as pure as that of the Tingtian Mastiff, it is still a descendant of the mythical beast after Bai Ze. I let it stare at it. And you."

Li Xuan was disappointed. Fortunately, he had deliberately moved his body to the side just now, trying to expose the female ghost in red behind him to Jiang Hanyun's sight.

But neither Jiang Hanyun nor her spirit beast was aware of the existence of the female ghost.

He thought that the so-called Bai Ze bloodline was probably very weak. The real Bai Ze can understand the emotions of all things, know the appearance of all things in the world, can see through the past and know the future, and his magical power is still above listening.

Look at this spirit fox, he can't even speak.

Then Li Xuan saw the three-tailed spirit fox opposite him baring its teeth at him. This little thing couldn't see the female ghost in red, but he could see Li Xuan's contempt for it.

"I originally wanted to give you two days off, but Xiao Leilei said that you have recovered from your injuries and are no longer in serious trouble. It just so happens that I am also short of people now."

I don’t know what the three-tailed spirit fox said to its owner. Jiang Hanyun pressed the knife on his waist and looked at Li Xuan: "I'll wait for you half a cup of tea and go and bring all the things you should bring. We have to go to the outskirts of Nancheng." .”

"Is there a case in the suburbs of Nancheng? That's not our jurisdiction, right?"

Li Xuan was actually reluctant. The purpose of his coming to Liudaosi was firstly to see the female ghost in red behind him, and secondly to understand the progress of the hunt for the two Taoists, not to investigate the case on duty.

"Didn't you mention that there is a shortage of people?" Jiang Hanyun glared at him: "It's not a big case. Someone was bitten to death by a wild wolf near Jiangjun Mountain in the suburbs. Because there was evil spirit left at the scene, a talisman came from Jiangning County. , let us send someone to take a look."

Li Xuan had no choice but to run into Hongding Restaurant not far away. After putting down some deposit, he rushed back to Zhuquetang Yamen to pack his belongings.

Fortunately, Li Xuan was already wearing the standard equipment of Liudaosi. And all the tools a trainee soul needs are concentrated in an iron suitcase - in fact, this suitcase has never been opened since it was placed in Li Xuan's hands.

The original plan of Li Xuanyuan and his father Cheng Yibo was to use the corpse as a springboard to enter the Six Daosi Division, and then become a "strong man" who didn't need to use his brain. They had no intention of staying in this autopsy business for a long time.

The two of them did not ride horses this time. Instead, they each pulled out a large lizard that was stronger than a rhinoceros from the stable outside Suzaku Hall, and then rode away at a galloping gallop.

According to the memory of the predecessor, those so-called dragon colts, UU Reading www. In fact, he only has a little bit of dragon blood. However, these beasts that look similar to lizards are real dragon species, named "Earth Walking Dragon". They were originally a hybrid between "Boiled Dragon" and "Dragon Crocodile".

Li Xuan's driving experience is very good. Not only is the Dixinglong extremely fast, it can reach speeds of more than 160 yards per hour at its peak, and it is also very stable.

In just over a moment, they had arrived at Jiangjun Mountain, which was dozens of kilometers away from Suzaku Hall.

The crime took place in a patch of grass at the northern foot of Jiangjun Mountain. In addition to a few Jiangning County government officials at the scene, the person in charge of the case turned out to be Dian Shi of Jiangning County.

Dian Shi is the miscellaneous officer of the county magistrate, responsible for arrests, prisons and other matters, and the surname of Dian Shi in Jiangning County is Liu.

"We are here to see you, Lord Colonel!"

After Liu Dianshi saluted, he led them towards the corpse: "We have passed the test. The deceased was forty-two years old. He was a wealthy businessman in Nanjing and had a great fortune. The time of death was between two and three hours. The cause of death was an encounter with a pack of wolves and being bitten to death by a pack of wolves."

Jiang Hanyun was very surprised: "What is a wealthy businessman with a huge fortune doing in a place like this? Two to three hours, that must be midnight yesterday?"

"I checked with the mountain people living nearby, and they identified the deceased as a medicinal materials merchant named Shi Laogen. This time he went into the mountain to discuss medicinal materials business with them."

Liu Dianshi answered accurately: "There is a mountain temple not far away. We found a fire there and his luggage. It is worth mentioning that the broken silver in the luggage was not lost. I guess this person I must have missed the time, so I stayed in a small temple for the night, but unfortunately I encountered a pack of wolves."

"Didn't he bring any followers or martial arts masters?" Jiang Hanyun paused when she said this, because she and Li Xuan had already seen the corpse.

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