Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 266 I have the final say here


Xuan Chenzi's eyes were incredulous: "How could it be you?"

Isn't this guy a monk from Baosheng Temple? How could the living incarnation of the so-called Medicine Master Tathagata be involved with these spiritual-building rebellious parties?

"What's so surprising? After I was established as the Ling Emperor, the sixth generation descendant of Taizu's direct lineage had entrusted himself to protect the Holy Temple just for today's plan."

Master Zhenru had already stood up. He glanced at Xuan Chenzi and his lower body with cold eyes, and then looked at Li Xuan: "Fellow Taoist Xuan Chenzi, you are planning to repay a favor with your enemy. You want to join forces with your enemy." Are you taking action against me?"

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He was worried that Xuan Chenzi would be persuaded by Zhenru and rebel against him.

If it were him, the hatred of Shaijiao would be irreconcilable, and he would definitely fight to the death with the other party.

But in this situation, once Xuan Chenzi, a master close to the fourth gate, stands over, the possibility of them surviving is close to zero.

Xuan Chenzi shook his head without any hesitation and said: "I, Longhu Shanzhengyi, have been deeply favored by the imperial court. Since the destruction of the Yuan Dynasty, I have been accused of being the orthodox religion of the imperial court and have been able to reign for three hundred years. It is absolutely impossible for me to deal with a rebellious official like you." Thieves mix together."

He then sighed again and glanced at Li Xuan with complicated eyes: "Actually, I was very angry at first, but then I calmed down and thought about it carefully, and I realized that all this was actually my own fault, and I couldn't blame others. What's more, If it weren’t for Captain Li, I would never know what I really am like and what the true meaning of life is—"

Li Xuan felt that this sentence was very familiar. He thought for a moment and then remembered that wasn't this what Dongfang Bubai said to Ren Woxing? The words are different, but the meaning is similar.

So he had goosebumps all over his body, and a trace of guilt grew in his heart.

Has Yunrou's senior brother finally embarked on this path of no return? But I really can't blame him.

"Chang Le?" At this time, Xue Yunrou had also barged in. When she saw the figure in the blood coffin, she was immediately stunned: "How is this possible? How can it be Chang Le?"

All she felt was that her scalp was numb, her whole body was trembling, and a cold and clammy feeling crawled onto her skin.

The world changes, the stars change - it turns out that the purpose of the altar in Jiangjun Mountain is to seize Changle's fate. No wonder it uses dragon energy.

But since ‘Changle’ is really being worshiped as a drought demon here, who is the other ‘Changle’? What kind of bitch is that best friend 'Chang Le' who is like her sister on a daily basis and has hidden it from her for several months?

"The true meaning of life?"

Zhen Ru gave a disdainful glance, then reached out to grab it, sucking up the blood coffin and holding it in his hand.

"The dragon energy here is no longer enough, so we can only go over there to complete the last step. Time is tight, so I will go first. I leave everything here to Aunt Yuan."

The woman in palace clothes wearing a high hat opened her hands and lowered her sleeves. Sixteen crescent scimitars were dancing around her body.

This man narrowed his narrow phoenix eyes, and there was a cold look in his eyes: "Your Highness, just go ahead, there are a few clowns, it is difficult for them to leapfrog. Your things are more important, the Han Demon is refined, Your Highness, your country will be restored." A great cause is half the success.”

Just as she was speaking, the crescent moon-like sword light rotated, and with just one strike the demon-subduing King Kong who was trying to hit Zhenru was forced back.

Li Xuan, who was taking a detour from the side, was almost beheaded by the scimitar. If Zidie's dagger hadn't struck in time, he would have been shorter by now.

The Zhenru monk nodded slightly and dragged the blood coffin straight to the underground passage at the rear. He seemed to have the ability to shrink the ground, shrinking a ten-foot-long space into three inches under his feet. It seemed to be walking calmly, but it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"We can't let him go!" Hearing Tianmastiff's words at this time was full of anxiety: "Once he completes the drought, things will not be good. My master can suppress the earthquake, but he can't stop the drought, and this Nanzhili people don't know how to die. How many people. Also, once Your Highness’ body becomes a drought demon, she will only be able to survive as a ghost in the future.”

At this time, the female ghost in red stretched countless blood threads and ribbons like waterfalls into the depths of the tunnel.

As the blood coffin left, the blood-eyed girl's mood seemed to gradually become manic.

With a sullen face, Li Xuan tried to get around the woman in palace clothes for the second time. This time, he and his sword turned into thunder and lightning, and he directly used the 'Electronic Leap' escape method.

But just as his figure turned into thunder, he was split open again by the woman's knife.

At this time, the latter was already fighting with Luo Yan and Xuan Chenzi. Xuan Chenzi's body was like a ghost and had the speed of thunder, while Luo Yan's figure was like smoke, changing in no direction.

But the woman in palace clothes was able to suppress the two men and at the same time block the pursuit of Li Xuan, which made Xue Yunrou so exhausted that she couldn't even perform a decent spell. She could only rely on her protective weapons to resist the deadly scimitar that came from the bone.

Just when Li Xuan was getting anxious, Luo Yan suddenly said: "Li Xuan, did the manager and Qiu Qianqiu really say that? No matter what troubles there are, they will take care of them for me?"

"This is natural!" Li Xuan took the time to look back and looked at Luo Yan with suspicious eyes: "When did I lie to you?"

"That'll do!"

At this time, Luo Yan suddenly took off the hairpin from her head, causing her black hair to fall down. This person's six-layered demon-suppressing armor also transformed into a purple dress in an instant, and dozens of purple fire butterflies fluttered around Luo Yan.

Purple fire flashed in her eyes, and she looked at the woman in palace clothes with a sneer: "Today we have found the rightful owner. Is it you bastards who killed my grandmother?"

The eyes of the woman in palace clothes gradually became solemn at this moment: "Purple Butterfly Witch, Xia Nanyan!"

Xue Yunrou and Xuan Chenzi beside them couldn't help but look at Zidie in surprise.

The latter's double swords were also ignited with flames at this time: "You all go away, let me share life and death with this enemy."

Just as Zidie was talking, there was a continuous sound of 'ding-dong' sounds in the room.

She seemed to be standing there, but her phantom and her dagger seemed to be everywhere in the room.

Especially in front of Li Xuan, there were constant sounds of weapons clashing, and sparks exploding.

Li Xuan was frightened for a while, but then he realized that the crescent-shaped scimitar of the woman in palace attire could only get closer to two feet away.

At a distance of one to two feet, there must be a plain hand and a short knife, which will knock the crescent scimitar away.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately drove the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong' together and rushed straight into the passage. Sure enough, those crescent scimitars could no longer stop him.

Xuan Chenzi raised his eyebrows: "Buddhist Thousand Hands of Great Compassion? Guanyin's Thirty-three Dharma Bodies?"

His eyes were filled with wonder, and then after only a brief thought, he decisively put away his swords and followed Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou.

"Don't even think about it!"

The palace-dressed woman's eyes were furious. Her four crescent scimitars merged into one and turned into the shape of a sun wheel. They carried red thunder and fire and slashed at the three people who had rushed into the tunnel.

"Then it's not up to you—"

At this moment, a purple butterfly flying beside Xia Nanyan suddenly turned into a huge flame spear and roared away, hitting the red sun disc away.

At the same time, the dozens of purple butterflies suddenly began to change, and they all turned into purple flame spears, pointing at the woman in palace clothes.

The latter's pupils also suddenly shrank, and she immediately clasped her hands together and summoned all the crescent scimitars in front of her.

At this time, the corners of Xia Nanyan's lips were slightly raised: "This place is only decided by me now!"

With the sound of these words, those flame spears were like lightning, bombarding towards the palace-dressed woman.

Li Xuan had only walked more than a hundred feet in the underground passage when he felt a sudden tremor behind him. Bursts of violent roars made his ears ring, and the ground shook violently, making him unsteady. Sand and rocks are falling all around, and the tunnel seems to be collapsing at any moment.

He couldn't help but turned around in surprise and looked back.

"Don't worry, her escape skills are unparalleled, and that Yuan guy can't do anything to her."

Listening to Tianmastiff saying in his ear: "Now that the Buddhist sacred weapon has been used again, this woman will most likely die in her hands today."

"Buddhist sacred weapon?"

Li Xuan's eyes couldn't help but surge up and down.

Buddhist sacred weapons are equivalent to Taoist immortal treasures. They are superior to magic weapons and possess all kinds of incredible and tyrannical powers.

Even with such a thing, how arrogant is this woman?

With Zidie's cultivation level, using this kind of sacred weapon rashly would be costly.

"There must be a price to pay. This Buddhist sacred instrument will transform a person's physique and turn them into the living incarnation of the Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva. The longer it takes and the more times it is used, the weaker her own consciousness will be."

Listening to Tianmastiff, you can always hear Li Xuan's thoughts: "But Zidie has many kinds of treasures in his hands, and there are many ways to reverse this process. It's not a big problem to use it this time. Besides, this is not just For you--"

It said for a moment: "That was the culprit behind killing her grandmother after all."

Li Xuan thought it was right, and then quickened his pace. At this time, he had already seen the tunnel's exit, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net At this time, Xuan Chenzi, who was the last to arrive first and had surpassed Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou, suddenly accelerated like a fired crossbow arrow and walked out of the opened exit first.

"This is?"

Li Xuan also walked out of the tunnel, then frowned and looked around blankly.

What he saw was a huge palace complex, but Master Zhenru, who was holding the blood coffin in his hand, had disappeared.

"This is the Qin'an Palace in the palace."

Xue Yunrou stepped out of the tunnel almost at the same time as Li Xuan. She glanced around and identified the location: "It is said that after Emperor Jianling lost his throne, he burned himself here and died. There are also legends that he escaped from the tunnel and fled Nanjing disguised as a monk. .”

At this time, Li Xuan had discovered that the female ghost in red behind him was extending countless blood threads to a certain direction in the north.

Li Xuan's mind moved slightly, and he immediately ran away following these bloodshot fingers.

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