Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 275 I must keep my wings

When Li Xuan returned to Jiang Mansion, it started to rain heavily.

He waited under the eaves at the entrance of the hall for about a moment, but the maid who rushed to make the announcement brought him an unexpected reply.

"Miss, she said it's not convenient to see you right now. She said that if the Captain has anything to say, we'll talk about it in a few days."

Li Xuan frowned: "What about aunt? What did aunt say?"

"Madam, that's what she said too." The maid secretly looked at Li Xuan's face: "Madam also said that Sir Captain, your injury is actually almost healed. Sir, you can just go to the hospital for a checkup when you have time, no. If you must continue to live here. Also, she will have the elixirs and medicines that adults need delivered to Uncle Chengyi’s house."

Li Xuan was slightly stunned when he heard this, as if he had been hit hard. Is this Mrs. Jiang's eviction order? how could be? Wasn't it fine before?

He thought about it carefully, then pulled his face down and said to the maid with solemn eyes: "Tell me the truth, how is your young lady's injury? Huh?"

How could that maid be compared to his divine thunderous voice and majestic meaning? She immediately looked panicked: "Miss, her injuries are fine, but according to the master, when she defended you against those Ziwu soul-breaking nails, she also used some secret magic power, and she was hit by three more soul-breaking nails. , so Miss, the time when she transforms into a half-demon will be greatly advanced, it seems that it will be within these few months."

Li Xuan's breath stagnated, and his eyes were full of confusion.

At this time, in the east courtyard of Jiang Mansion, in a neat and elegant room filled with various weapons, Jiang Hanyun wrapped herself in a quilt and looked at her mother in surprise.

"That's weird, mother, are you really planning to let go?"

"What else can I do if I don't let go?" Jiang's mother glared at her, and then sighed: "Even if I have all kinds of skills, my daughter is not up to par and is only holding her back. What can I do? The same goes for the child. She is a kind and righteous person. Since Yunrou has taken the first step, I am afraid it will be difficult for our family to seize the opportunity. If we continue to fight, I am afraid that people will laugh at my family for nothing. And I have thought about it carefully——"

She paused and said with a wry smile: "Even if Hanyun becomes a half-demon, aren't you my daughter? As long as you don't mind, it doesn't really matter. Hanyun, you are destined to be a half-demon in the future. For someone who has achieved heavenly status like your father, being half-demon and not half-demon really won’t be much of a hindrance. I can’t look at your affairs with a mortal’s eyes.”


Jiang Hanyunyao's nose twitched, and then she hugged Jiang's mother tightly with red eyes: "I will stay with you and never marry."

Little did she know that Mrs. Jiang was looking out the window at this moment, her eyes sparkling.


After all, Li Xuan still couldn't see Jiang Hanyun. When he walked out of Jiang Mansion, he felt guilty and uneasy.

Hanyun has transformed into a half-demon in the past few months? No, is there no way to save it?

Until a familiar and pleasant voice rang in his ears: "Hey! Lord Captain, Lord Captain, your soul is back! Hello!"

Li Xuan suddenly came to his senses and found Luo Yan waving her delicate little hands in front of his eyes.

"Purple butterfly?" Li Xuan knew something was wrong as soon as he spoke: "Luo You—Captain!"

He discovered that Luo Yan had changed into a formal captain-level battle armor, with a complete turtle-shaped pattern on her chest, indicating her identity as a sixth-grade military attaché.

Unlike before, although he also received the salary of the Demon-Suppressing Captain. But at that time, the Biao on Luo Yan's chest had been reduced, with two clouds missing, and the word "王" missing from his forehead.

Li Xuan then looked around in astonishment: "Strange, why did I get here?"

This is actually the Inner Qinhuai River, the jurisdiction of Mingyou Capital, which is thousands of miles away from Chengyi's Mansion.

"How do I know? You rode your horse here distractedly. I don't know what you were thinking about. But your riding skills are pretty good, and you didn't hit anyone in this state."

Luo Yan crossed his arms and looked at Li Xuan: "Are you okay? I heard that the battle in the underground palace was very dangerous?"

"I'm lucky. It was dangerous, but luckily I didn't get hurt."

Li Xuan raised his hand to express that he was fine, and then looked at the other side with concern: "I heard that the woman named Yuan died in the hands of Captain Luo? I wonder if Luo Yan was injured?"

This is also what the Tianmastiff said, but it didn't know Luo Yan's condition, and that guy didn't have the guts to take a look at Zidie.

"Just her? Is she worthy of letting me get hurt?"

Luo Yan snarled coldly, then pointed to his chest with a smile: "Look, the woman's head was exchanged for it. This is what you call the blood-stained official seal."

But what Li Xuan was mainly worried about was the consequences of using that Buddhist sacred weapon. However, looking at Luo Yan's appearance, he was bouncing around and full of energy, and it did not look like there was any hidden danger.

At this time, he found that Luo Yan's face seemed a little sad and reluctant to leave, and he seemed to be hesitant to speak. Li Xuan couldn't help but feel slightly: "Captain Luo, do you want to leave?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you." Luo Yan nodded with a complicated expression: "The reason why I was caught by you on purpose and infiltrated into the Liudao Division was because I wanted to avoid the limelight; and because I wanted to take advantage of you Liudao Division. I need Si’s power to find out the mastermind behind my grandmother’s murder, but now everything has gone as planned.”

She felt that she had no reason to stay in Liudaosi.

Li Xuan's heart tightened. He still remembered Qiu Qianqiu's instructions, even if he sacrificed his appearance, he had to keep the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl.

He immediately rolled his eyes: "So, what are Captain Luo's plans next? He won't become a snitch again, right? You have to know that the time in the Zhendong Hou Mansion was not easy a while ago. "

When the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl was captured into the Demon Suppressing Tower, the Zhendong Marquis was often found in trouble.

"I haven't thought it through yet." Luo Yan's eyes were confused: "Anyway, I can no longer use the identity of Zidie."

Now that her heels are exposed, if there is another theft, others will only look for Duan Dong. There are also many treasures she had stolen before that are now coveted.

She had managed to get rid of the trouble with the help of the remaining Jianling remnants before, so why would she want to get it back again?

"Then before you think about what to do in the future, how about you stay in Liudaosi?"

Li Xuan's voice was gentle and he said seductively: "I don't need you by my side now. Now the superiors treat me like a hammer. If there is any problem, just pick me up and hammer me twice. But I know my own weight, and the whole Ming Dynasty The real pillar of the Third Banner of Youdu is actually you, it’s a bit irresponsible for you to leave now.”

After hearing this, Luo Yan smiled, thinking that she would not accept Li Xuan's flattery. Before she came, Li Xuan had already repeatedly solved major cases.

Li Xuan resolved several crises by herself. She actually contributed very little.

"The main thing is combat power. No one in our Third Banner can fight! There are also various documents. Can we still count on Peng Fulai and Zhang Taishan?"

Luo Yan couldn't help but sigh again, thinking that Li Xuan himself could kill Zhen Ru under the suppression of Han Bao, so what kind of fighting power would he need? The flag also enshrines the magician Xue Yunrou.

Besides, several of Li Xuan's sweethearts now even have heavenly positions.

As for the paperwork, Le Qianqian can do it for him.

"I really can't bear to let you go." Li Xuan sighed, caressing his chest with a wistful look: "Somehow, I feel very reluctant and uncomfortable, just like a bird losing its wings."

Luo Yan's eyes were slightly bright, but she looked at Li Xuan suspiciously: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true, it couldn't be truer." Li Xuan felt that he had to show his true skills. He looked at Luo Yan sincerely: "Yan'er, where are you going? Where in the world will you hide? ?Will I still be as alone as before? I feel very distressed when I think of this."

Luo Yan couldn't help but be moved again. Under Li Xuan's gaze, a blush appeared on her pretty face: "Okay, then I'll think about it again."

Then she flashed her eyes slightly and looked at Li Xuan with a bit of provocation: "I heard them say that in the Xiaoling Tomb, you Li Xuan showed your unparalleled escape skills, and even the throne was helpless for you? I was very upset because of this. I’m just curious, and since I bumped into it today, it’s time to give it a try!”

Li Xuan's lips couldn't help but twitch: "I am actually using the help of a magic weapon. It is not an unparalleled escape method, and the range can only be limited to a distance of two hundred feet, which is far worse than Yan'er. "

"Then I also want to see it. Next to it is the Great Baoen Temple, and there is a venue over there."

Luo Yan has already taken off, flying towards the nearby Da Baoen Temple like smoke: "Just consider this as a condition. If your escape method satisfies me, I will stay and help you. Don't worry, I will too Just use the cultivation level of the fifth level tower realm."

She could see that Li Xuan's cultivation level had improved again and he had crossed the threshold of the fifth-level building realm.

Li Xuan was unwilling at first, but after hearing the last sentence, he had no choice but to fly up from the dragon colt and chase after Luo Yan's figure.

And just when he was approaching the Great Baoen Temple, Li Xuan had already spilled thousands of silk threads from the disc behind him, covering every piece of void within the two hundred feet radius.

When Li Xuan's figure UU Reading landed in the backyard of Da Baoen Temple, a smoky figure flashed in front of him, and a blade light struck quickly.

Apart from retaining her true energy, this one actually didn't hold anything back at all, and even used her best dagger.

That is the martial arts of the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl that is famous in the south of the Yangtze River - the glimmering red sleeve sword!

Li Xuan, on the other hand, dodged and did not confront him head-on. He turned into thunder and walked away, quickly dodging three feet away.

Luo Yan's eyes suddenly lit up. She thought it was really powerful. This was much better than when she was at the fifth level.

The next battle between the two of them turned into a chase. One figure was like smoke, the other was like thunder, moving and flashing rapidly in the backyard of the Great Baoen Temple.

Gradually, Luo Yan discovered a fact that frustrated her. Li Xuan seemed to have the ability to predict her predictions.

This damn heart-to-heart connection, this damn synchronization rate!

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