Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 282 My operations are as fierce as a tiger’s

"Quiet!" Li Xuan knocked on the tile surface, shutting up the two people around him: "The key to this operation is not to use any magic or true energy. The protective array inside Jiang Mansion can detect any Form of spiritual power. Then there is the door on the left side of the inner courtyard. Did you see it? Zhang Yue will stay there later. Anyone who comes in will be knocked unconscious by me. Don't use weapons, just use what I give you. Prepare the poison——"

"Are we going in too?" Peng Fulai couldn't help but feel even more depressed: "Shouldn't the two of us be watching out for you outside?"

"It's not like you are really a thief. Why do I want you to watch the wind outside?"

Li Xuan glanced at him: "I saw Hanyun later, how could I keep it a secret? Just apologize then and leave normally."

Peng Fulai felt guilty in his heart: "But I heard that Lord Xiaowei's father has been promoted to heaven? Is this considered a troubling move?"

"Uncle Jiang practices in the West Courtyard every day, which is seventy feet away from here."

Li Xuan knew the situation of the Jiang Mansion very well: "The Heavenly Throne is very strong, and they are already among the gods, but we don't need to regard them as too magical. Before the battle of Xiaoling, I and Jiang, who had not yet been promoted to the Heavenly Throne, After communicating with his uncle, he found that his sensing ability, as a half-step heaven-level martial artist, was actually far less exaggerated than outsiders imagined.

At that time, my uncle's five senses, except for vision, had very little effect at a distance of twenty feet. Usually he relies on electricity - relying on his spiritual thoughts to sense everything twenty feet away. "

Li Xuan originally wanted to say electromagnetic wave induction, but probably the two people around him didn't understand.

"There is naturally a huge difference between a strong person in the heavenly position and a half-step heavenly person. But I think their sensing ability and method will not change fundamentally. Therefore, as long as we don't use true energy or magic power, there will be no Hostility, and no particularly abnormal behavior, they generally can't detect it——"

"Stop! Stop!" Peng Fulai was confused, but he still reluctantly believed it.

After all, the person next to them has dealt with several heavenly positions, and these words feel very professional.

"We just listen to you. We will do whatever you say."

"Let's start!" Li Xuan jumped up first and came to the corner of Jiang Mansion.

Zhang Yue pulled out his waist knife and wanted to follow closely. But before he could get up, Peng Fulai slapped him from behind: "Didn't you hear Qianzhi's words? It's not like robbing the house, why did you use the knife?"

When the two came to the corner, Li Xuan was already standing on the one and a half foot high courtyard wall.

In the past two months, he had achieved great success in refining his body with the help of the Jiang family's father and daughter. Even without using his true energy, he could jump more than ten feet high. So he easily climbed up, then lowered the rope to provide assistance to Zhang and Peng.

What the three of them didn't know at this time was that in the west courtyard of Jiang Mansion, Jiang Yunqi, who was practicing meditation, suddenly opened his eyes. His face was full of weirdness.

After the three of them jumped off the wall together, they bent down and used the cover of vegetation and flowers to sneak towards the direction where Jiang Hanyun lived. If he met someone along the way, he would blow on the poison that Li Xuan brought, stun the person, and then hide him in the grass.

The main force among them is of course Li Xuan, and Peng Fulai, as a flexible little fat man, helps him. The movement skills of both of them are very strong, and their feet are tied with cotton balls, so they don't even make a sound when walking.

The two Wushuanglou martial masters they met along the way were actually stunned by the two joining forces.

Zhang Yue couldn't do it. Without using his true energy, his steps were very heavy and he could only watch from a distance.

When he entered the inner courtyard, Peng Fulai couldn't help but said: "This drug is really easy to use. Where did you get it, Qianzhi? Give me two packets later."

Naturally, Li Xuan would not tell him that it was produced by Zidie and that he got it from Zidie temporarily. He glanced at Zhang Yue, who immediately understood and stood behind the courtyard door.

At this time, two martial arts masters from the Jiang family walked in with swords on their shoulders. Zhang Yue blew a bamboo tube at the two people, and the two martial arts masters at the fifth level of the tower fell down in response.

Zhang Yue grabbed one of them before they fell to the ground and placed the two behind the wall without making any sound.

Then he thought that the drug was indeed very effective, and at the same time he thought that these two guys seemed to have very good figures, and their muscles were very strong.

And just when Zhang Yue was trying to restrain himself, he heard the clear voice of a middle-aged man beside him: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Yue was startled, and while turning back, he put another bamboo tube in his mouth.

It wasn't until Zhang Yue blew out the drug inside the tube that he could clearly see the person who spoke. It was a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, with a gentle and elegant temperament. He looked like a teacher in his family.

But what is surprising is that this middle-aged man was not affected by his drug, but nothing happened. He still looked at him with a half-smile, but also a slightly mocking look.

Zhang Yue was slightly surprised, but he didn't have time to think too much. He instinctively continued to blow the medicine, blowing all the medicine powder in the bamboo tube. He thought to himself, if this happens, you should fall, right? But in the end, the person opposite was still standing perfectly fine.

"People are a bit stupid, but this drug is quite good."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but shake his head, and then he opened his mouth and blew, causing the medicinal powder to roll back.

Zhang Yue reacted very quickly and immediately held his breath, but he still felt dizzy and dizzy.

Only then did his pupils shrink, and he realized who the person in front of him was. Isn't this Jiang Hanyun's father, the newly promoted Tianzhi Jiang Yunqi?

And just when Zhang Yue was about to yell with all his strength to warn Li Xuan and the others. A ball of thunder and lightning suddenly erupted from the middle-aged man's fingertips, and with a 'sizzling' sound, Zhang Yue trembled all over, smoke erupted from his head, and he completely lost consciousness.

Jiang Yunqi didn't even look at him next. He flicked his sleeves and made Zhang Yue lie down with the two unconscious martial artists. Then the figure drifted and came behind Li Xuan and Peng Fulai, who were still sneaking in front.

"The Jiang Mansion, which is rumored to be full of masters, is nothing more than this!"

At this time, Peng Fulai felt like a fish in water, and he felt at ease: "It feels quite easy. If you hadn't gone to see the captain, we could have even followed Zidie's example and robbed their medicine storehouse. And That Ice and Thunder Divine Halberd has actually not been noticed until now. It seems that you are right, Qianzhi. The so-called heavenly position is just like this - "

Jiang Yunqi, who was following silently, suddenly twitched his lips and smiled helplessly.

Peng Fulai was still unaware: "Why don't you just seduce the captain and then just cook the rice? Why do you want to do so many tricks?"

"Lao Peng, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak."

Li Xuan thought to himself, why is this guy so talkative?

As he spoke, he observed the surrounding environment, and then continued to move forward: "Show me here, Hanyun has three female nuns from the second sect in her courtyard. I still have to spend some effort to deal with them. "

"It's all on me!"

Peng Fulai patted his chest, and then looked at Li Xuan's retreating figure and shook his head: "Brother, brother, why are you here? That captain is a female Shura, a big insect, aren't you doing it yourself? Looking for trouble, asking for trouble? I don’t know how sad the future will be. Go to the Qinhuai River like before and find those brothel girls. It will be easier and less troublesome——"

At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man in blue robes, less than three feet away from him, looking at him with strange eyes.

Peng Fulai was taken aback and jumped back a few steps, trying to distance himself. His reaction was much faster than Zhang Yue's, and he recognized Jiang Yunqi's identity almost immediately, which made him panic.


He originally wanted to warn Li Xuan that they had messed with Tai Sui. But before the words could be spoken, a ray of red lightning came from Jiang Yunqi's fingers and struck him.


Peng Fulai's body was trembling with fat, but he didn't faint for a while.

Jiang Yunqi next to him sneered expressionlessly: "Is this what Jiang Mansion is all about?"


"Is this the so-called heavenly position?"


"Being fascinated by raw rice and cooked rice?"

Sizzling sizzling——

"Female Shura, female worm?"


"Going to find a brothel girl?"


Peng Fulai finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground with his eyes rolled white. And just after he fainted, his muscles and limbs were still trembling.

Jiang Yunqi snorted and turned to look at Li Xuan, who was climbing over the wall.

There was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and he thought that he would just pretend he didn't see it, so he didn't know? Or do you just pretend you haven’t seen it and don’t know?

The three female martial arts masters of Jiang Mansion lived in the wing of Jiang Hanyun's small courtyard.

Li Xuan sneaked over silently, and then blew the poison into the windows one by one. When no one inside moved, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, there was only one last step left in the long journey of thousands of miles - the next step was to break into Jiang Hanyun's room and see what kind of situation she was in.

But just as he approached Jiang Hanyun's room, he saw a voluptuous and graceful figure suddenly appearing in front of the window lattice.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw this. He took a closer look, and then he hesitated, his blood boiling.

——Judging from the shape reflected on the window, UU Reading this girl seems to be without a shirt. If you break in at this time, the result may be very embarrassing.

At this time, Mrs. Jiang's voice came from the room: "You have to ask Mrs. Le to help you adjust the breastplate. Do you see how suffocated this place is? You can't be tied up all day?"

Jiang Hanyun was slightly distressed: "I just asked Mrs. Le to adjust them a month ago. Mom, do you think they will become bigger?"

"How do I know?" Mrs. Jiang sighed: "This should be one of the symptoms of fox transformation. Hanyun, you will regret it sooner or later. Look here, the fox's tail is almost growing. And this waist, how come A little thinner——"

Li Xuan subconsciously imagined Jiang Hanyun with a fox tail, a bigger bun, and a slimmer waist, and then his breathing suddenly became heavier.

"Who is it?" Jiang Hanyun reacted immediately and punched out of the window. Li Xuan was caught off guard and was hit in the eye by the small fist packed with majestic thunder.

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