Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 290: Caught in adultery?

I don't know how long he had been asleep, but Li Xuan gradually regained consciousness.

Maybe it's because the Nine Nether Fantasy Divine Incense has lost its medicinal power, but Li Xuan is still in that 'ghost-pressing' state. He could think now, but he couldn't move.

After trying to raise his eyelids several times to no avail, Li Xuan began to visualize the 'big sun' again in his mind, which was the scene of nuclear fusion. This can help him forcibly mobilize his own true energy and force out the scent in his body.

The effect was immediate, and the feeling of lethargy and weakness that filled the body was quickly fading away. Li Xuan's consciousness became more and more clear.

At this time, he felt something slippery, starting from his chest and scraping upwards to his face.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Xuan frowned and found that he seemed to be hugged by some larger creature.

"go away!"

He wanted to reprimand him verbally, but when he tried to say it, he was weak.

The strange creature responded by scratching his chest and face with the slippery thing again.

Li Xuan used some of the spiritual thoughts he could control to sense, and then his face darkened, realizing that he had been licked by this huge guy who was holding him forcefully.

"No, what are you doing-"

Give it a lick?1

"Stop licking it, okay? I'm not a lollipop. Get away from me!"

Give it a lick?2

"Fuck, I gave you a face, didn't I? Try licking it again?"

Give it a lick?3

"You've gone too far. I can't do it anymore. Please let me go."

Give it a lick?4

"I really can't do it anymore, please let me go, don't lick-"

Give it a lick?5

Li Xuan was about to cry but had no tears. He swore that he would never eat Aodan soup again, nor would he eat any dragon, crocodile or anaconda. Really!

Give it a lick?6

Li Xuan was immediately furious: "Just wait for me. When I can move, I will let you know how powerful I am!"

At this time, outside the palace, the many dragon heads that were close to the door and listening to what was going on inside suddenly made an uproar.

"That Li Xuan, he said he can't do it any more! Please let me go, second sister."

"It's normal. When the female dragon first tasted it, she was naturally like a wolf and a tiger, squeezing it with all her might."

"Haha! Now this female dragon finally has a laughing stock in my hands. Let's see if I don't laugh at her in the future."

"Human men are really useless, Ao Zhihui. When he wakes up, give him a golden turtle to replenish his health."

"The golden turtle is almost extinct, let's get a dragon crocodile."

"It's incredible. He said to let my cousin wait and then let her know how powerful he is."

"Tsk! He's not good at fighting, but he still has some backbone."

At this moment, they heard a loud noise coming from outside the door. This huge earthquake was accompanied by a huge impact, which even caused the entire small void of the Dragon Palace to shake.

"what happened?"

"It seems like someone is smashing the Dragon Palace door?"

"So brave. Who is it? Does he want to die?"

"Who is so blind? There are more than a hundred Dragon Kings here, and each one of them can spray him to death with a spit."

But just a moment later, the voices of the dragons fell silent. They peered toward the entrance and discovered that the one who was bombarding the door was a beautiful girl wearing a phoenix crown and a halo, and behind the girl, there were several strong humans following.

But the key lies not in the attire of a current princess, nor in the royal masters of the fourth sect, but in the beautiful girl herself.

The cold evil power of this body is spreading under the water, and there is a clear tendency to freeze the void around it. But inside the Dragon Palace, the temperature increased rapidly, as if it had the power of burning mountains and boiling seas.

Ao Zhihui, the Dragon King of Poyang, couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he saw this, knowing that the victim was here.

After thinking about it, he immediately released the ban and allowed several people from outside to break in.

When one of the red shadows penetrated the Dragon Palace, Poyang Dragon King clasped his fists in that direction.

"Your Highness Princess! The kidnapping of Jing'an Bo was done by Zhenren Pingbo of the Jin'ao clan and Fubo San of the Longcrocodile clan. It was clearly not the work of the old man, and it was not ordered by me, Poyang Dragon Palace. Please show mercy."

The Dragon Clan is in the wrong for this matter and cannot resist stubbornly. The key is that he cares about money. Once the war breaks out, the Dragon Palace he worked so hard to build will definitely not be saved.

"Where is Li Xuan?"

After Yu Hongshang stood in mid-air, she looked around. Her breath was cold and her murderous intent was deep: "Where are you hiding him?"

Xue Yunrou stood behind her, her beautiful eyes also filled with anger.

Then the two of them saw that almost all the 'dragons' here pointed to a palace behind them with their claws.

Yu Hongshang immediately dodged and rushed towards the palace. To Yu Hongshang's surprise, none of the dragons stopped her wherever she passed. They all moved aside like a tide.

After Yu Hongshang stood in front of the door, she glanced behind suspiciously.

"You won't stop me?"

She found that not only did these dragons have no intention of stopping her, they actually seemed to be looking forward to her next move.

At this time, all the dragons were shaking their heads, and Ao Zhihui cupped his short hand: "Li Xuan is safe and sound, and we have no intention of stopping him. Princess, please use your strength and don't damage my family's property——"

He said it in vain, because Yu Hongshang reached out and clapped her hand, and the two stainless steel doors, which were fifty feet high, crashed inward with a "canopy" sound.

"Xuan Lang!" Yu Hongshang's figure turned into light and then turned to stone on the spot.

Xue Yunrou followed closely behind, but her eyes became dull and all the blood on her face faded.

The dragons outside also squeezed their dragon heads in, and then made a "wow" sound together, full of wonder, relief and satisfaction.

When Ao Shuying fell down on the door, she was already woken up by the movement outside. She subconsciously tightened her arms and looked outside with vigilance.


Ao Shuying's blue eyes were filled with anger: "Where did you come from, bastard, dare to break into Gu's bedroom!"

She took action with hatred, and countless hurricane spears suddenly appeared around her, each spear containing red thunder.

Yu Hongshang waved her sleeves, forming a black and white Tai Chi diagram behind her. The cold energy inside was so strong that it actually froze the wind spears and thunder in the ice. At the same time, she dodged and rushed towards Ao Shuying's arms.

"you wanna die!"

Ao Shuying's eyes suddenly changed into blue vertical pupils.

She thought that this woman would just force his way into her bedroom and disturb her sweet dreams, but how could he be so vicious?

However, this woman's strength cannot be ignored.

She threw the things in her arms aside and began to transform into a human body. Then she raised her hand and waved the wind and thunder, punching the void with one punch.

In an instant, everything was destroyed! Everything in front of her was shattered into dust by the impact of the majestic fist.

Yu Hongshang's expression changed, and she used the Yin-Yang fish pattern to defend herself against the incoming shock wave. With a loud bang, the wall behind her, as well as several buildings further away, turned into fine sand and dispersed. A huge arc-shaped deep mark also appeared on the ground, extending to five miles away. Even the small void here was shaken out of a hole, and a large amount of lake water poured in from the outside.

When Poyang Dragon King Ao Zhihui outside saw this, he couldn't help but cry without tears.

He thought to himself how could he be so stupid? He should have expected this result.

At this time, the large piece of ice in front of Yu Hongshang was also shaken to powder. The Yin-Yang Fish Diagram also began to become unstable, with large-scale collapses occurring.

It's not that her power is inferior to her opponent's. But her power of extreme ice and extreme fire is not stable, and there are signs of reverse.

But Yu Hongshang still forcibly controlled her own flaming power, turning it into a blazing red ray and blasting it towards her opponent. The extremely high temperature made Ao Shuying dare not move forward and had to retreat to avoid it. And wherever the blazing red ray passed, everything was 'cut' by melting and annihilation. The walls, the ground, and the buildings behind them all melted at the touch of a touch. In the end, even the small void was forced to burn out a huge scar. More lake water poured in.

Ao Zhihui's face turned pale: "My Dragon Palace——"

"You have some moral skills." After Ao Shuying stood up again, she looked at her opponent intently and said coldly: "Your power of extreme ice and extreme flames can still penetrate my eyes. But you can't even reconcile yin and yang." If not, you still dare to challenge me?"

Yu Hongshang ignored her words. While she was confronting Ao Shuying in the distance, almost all her mind was on Li Xuan.

Xue Yunrou ducked over and hugged Li Xuan, who could barely open his eyes.

At this time, Ao Shuying realized that the thing she threw out turned out to be an adult man - it should be something she hugged and licked all night.

"Li Xuan?"

Ao Shuying was stunned for a while, and then looked at the many dragon heads crowded outside the door: "What's going on? Why is he in my bedroom, why is he in the bed?"

Her complexion was green and black, and her vertical pupils were filled with a cold air.

The more than a hundred dragon heads looked at each other, then they all shrank back suddenly and exited Ao Shuying's dormitory.

In the end, only Ao Zhihui was left, and Poyang Guicheng, who was hiding at the bottom, was also watching the excitement.

"Second sister, this matter, this matter-" Ao Zhihui, as the landlord of Poyang Dragon Palace, could not escape. Under Ao Shuying's increasingly cold gaze, his face was covered with beads of sweat, but then he noticed a huge turtle quietly crawling outside.

Ao Zhihui had an idea: "I don't know much about this matter! Mr. Guicheng, tell me what happened? How did this person get into the second sister's bed, huh?"

Poyang Guicheng couldn't help but feel confused for a while, thinking that this was really a pot coming from the sky.

How did Li Xuan get into Lord Shui Deyuan's bed? Don't you still know, Your Highness?

"I don't even know about this!" Poyang Guicheng was trembling all over. Before Ao Shuying's eyes became more and more dangerous, he said in the fastest voice: "But five hours ago, there was Zhenren Pingbo of the Jin'ao clan, Fubo Sanren of the Dragon Crocodile clan, and old man Mingfei, a thousand-year-old demon python, sent Li Xuan to our Dragon Palace to ask His Highness to administer justice."

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