"I want you? What want you?"

Li Xuan didn't react for a while. It wasn't until he saw Xue Yunrou's blushing cheeks and spring eyes that Li Xuan suddenly woke up.

Then his heart beat violently and unsatisfactorily, and the blood all over his body became hot.

Li Xuan felt like his head was on fire and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Yunrou, do you mean creating a human being?"

"What created a human being?**?"

Xue Yunrou couldn't understand these modern words for a while. What she did was to put her delicate red lips directly on Li Xuan's lips, and then they kissed each other in a passionate and passionate way.

When their mucous membranes touched each other, the touch that hit her soul made her soul tremble and her back tremble.

It wasn't until thirty breaths later that Xue Yunrou reluctantly backed away.

She hugged Li Xuan's neck with a pair of lotus-rooted arms, panting slightly and exhaling sweetly, with a touch of silver hanging at the corner of her lips.

"I mean the joy of fish and water, the passion of Wushan, and Yu Fei's wish! Xuan Lang, just tonight, you want me and let Yunrou be your woman!"

This time, Xue Yunrou no longer asked, but expressed unwavering determination.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Li Xuan was affectionate and charming.

Li Xuan was already distracted and couldn't control himself. He grabbed Xue Yunrou's shoulders while panting like an ox, and then managed to maintain his last rationality: "But I remember Yunrou, you said that you want to wait until I, the matchmaker, get married." , the bridal chamber is full of flowers and candles."

"No wait, I can't wait until then."

Xue Yunrou shook her head, her eyes filled with sadness and emptiness that Li Xuan couldn't detect, but then this emotion was replaced by tenderness and longing that were too strong to be dissolved. She snorted softly and said with a hint of resentment: "I don't care, Xuan Lang, you are so carefree. If I start later, another woman will definitely take it away."

"But~" Li Xuan was almost losing his mind due to her teasing, but he always felt that something was wrong with Xue Yunrou today.

Could it be a change in mood caused by the drastic changes in Longhu Mountain today?

He took a long breath: "Yunrou, my self-control is not as good as you think. You -"

But just when he wanted to continue saying something, he saw Xue Yunrou put an index finger in front of her lips and made a silent gesture.

Seeing Xue Yunrou's encouraging eyes, Li Xuan reached out his hand without hesitation and slowly reached into Xue Yunrou's lapel.

"Go on, Xuan Lang!" Xue Yunrou's voice was trembling, and her black and white eyes were filled with a fascinating luster: "Haven't you been enduring a lot of hard work? Come and eat me."

At this moment, the soft and elastic touch under Xue Yunrou's clothes also came from Li Xuan's palm. He felt that a string in his mind suddenly burst open, and then the emotions that he had been suppressing surged out like a tide.

"Yunrou, don't regret it!"

It was a roar like a wild beast. In this three-foot-square quiet room, a gray wolf with a big tail slammed down the little white rabbit who came to the door and crushed him under his majestic body.

His mouth was dripping with thirsty saliva, and he couldn't wait to ravage, tear this delicate and weak prey into pieces, and taste her taste.

At this time, the god-blooded Qingluan ‘Cowherd’ was raising his head and looking into the night sky.

It heard the sounds coming from below. The male's voice was deep and deep, like a wild beast; the female's voice was melodious and melodious, containing pain and joy.

There was also a "crunching" sound mixed in, and finally the whole house began to shake slightly.

——This quiet room was originally very strong, enough to withstand a blow from the master of the fourth door. However, due to the previous splashing of a large amount of gravel, structural damage occurred. Temporary repairs did not restore it to its original state.

So when two masters who had reached the fourth gate and quasi-celestial level had a fierce battle here, this quiet room gradually became overwhelmed.

It might collapse——

Divine Blood Qingluan shook his head, could only flap his wings, flew to the roof of another room and stood there, and then continued to look at the sky.

At this time, its partner, the Fire Cloud Phoenix, also flew over. The fiery phoenix bird flapped its back with its wings and looked at it with doubtful eyes. This is asking the god-blooded Qingluan Cowherd why he is not happy about the union of their masters.

The god-blooded Qingluan Cowherd sighed and let out a cold cry.

"You do not understand--"

The divine blood Qingluan Cowherd has not yet been able to refine Heng Gu and cannot speak, but that is probably what it means.

How can it be happy? Its owner is a scumbag.

Xue Yunrou, such a kind and lovely girl, eventually fell into the clutches of her master.

Huo Yunhuang couldn't understand and could only shake his head, and then spread his wings and tail feathers in front of the divine blood Qingluan, walking in a graceful and graceful step that was almost like dancing, showing off its gorgeous feathers.

The divine blood Qingluan was attracted by this scene and could not look away for a while.

It swallowed its saliva and wanted to pounce on it. But the feeling of powerlessness welled up from within the body. Let him think of the time he spent with Huo Yunhuang, the passion he felt no less than seven times a day.

No - the Qi-tonifying pill that the owner gave it to restore its body has almost finished.

The god-blooded Qingluan Cowherd raised his head with difficulty and tried to continue looking up at the sky, trying to find where the 'Cowherd' his master said was.

But Huo Yunhuang then let out a cry that was almost like laughter. It walked to the side of the Cowherd, stretched out its head, rubbed and entangled it with its neck and the Divine Blood Qingluan Cowherd, and at the same time made a cry with the quiet room. The sound of the hostess's melodious moans was similar in rhythm.

The God-Blooded Qingluan Cowherd raised its wings and tried to push Huo Yunhuang away, but it was of no avail.

Due to the lack of determination to resist, its wings were weak. Not only did it not squeeze out the fire cloud phoenix, but the fiery phoenix bird squeezed under the wings and made more intimate movements.

The god-blooded Qingluan Cowherd turned around and glared at Huo Yunhuang, UU reading www.uukanshu.net meaning: Huang'er, Huang'er, you are seeking death!

Huo Yunhuang looked up with a smile, with provocation in her eyes: Come on, be happy, you have a lot of time anyway; she is just a piece of music, wishing that someone knew how to sing it; she has eyes full of softness Light is just waiting for someone to bloom for it.

The divine blood Qingluan couldn't bear it any longer. He opened his wings and exploded with purple thunder, erupting with a powerful force unique to males. With one attack, he knocked down Fire Cloud Phoenix.

Just a moment later, Huo Yunhuang let out a soft, feeble, yet painful and joyful cry for mercy.

The eyes of the divine blood Qingluan Cowherd are extremely cold. It cries loudly, as if it is singing a war song, intending to conquer the opponent's warrior. It rushes forward bravely and ruthlessly, vowing to crush and crush its enemy. !

And just about two moments later, the divine-blooded Qingluan Cowherd lay on the tile surface in a heroic sacrifice posture, while the Huoyunhuang next to him was combing its more brilliant feathers with its beak as if nothing had happened.

Only occasionally would he turn his head and look at his partner with sympathetic yet worried eyes.

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