Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 34 Just follow her

"Help?" Le Qianqian stopped walking as expected, with confusion in her eyes.

"I'm dying now, but I don't know why. I know that Mr. Le is very knowledgeable, so I came here to ask for advice."

Li Xuan sighed, then pointed to a corner: "Can we sit down and talk again?"

Le Qianqian hesitated for a while, then sat down. But she still maintained a strong defensive mentality towards Li Xuan and was separated from him by two tables.

"A fierce ghost that cannot be detected by martial arts cultivators in the Tenth Level Building using spiritual vision techniques? And when the technique was performed, the blood of the Tianmu Demon was also used?"

After Li Xuan finished telling the reason, Le Qianqian said thoughtfully: "This kind of situation exists, and I know at least ten kinds. But it has not killed you for so long, so there is only one reason."

She looked at Li Xuan with a strange look in her eyes: "That should be a guardian spirit that exists in the form of a 'wish-keeping spirit'. Note that it is not a resentful spirit, but a wish. Although it comes from the most filthy and evil, It came out of the most painful environment and was burned by the fire of karma all the time, but it was born with the obsession of kindness. It never thought of hurting anyone. What maintains its existence is not so much the obsession. Great wish.”

Le Qianqian's tone clearly contained sympathy and admiration.

Li Xuan's eyes widened in disbelief: "Guardian spirit? Are you kidding me? Classmate Le, how could that be a guardian spirit?"

"The guardian spirit is absolutely unmistakable."

Le Qianqian had a timid tone before, but after Li Xuan raised his objection, her tone became particularly tough: "If it weren't for the guardian spirit, you would have been dead by now. If I guessed right, it should have taken the initiative to help. Pass you?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but froze, remembering what happened in the morning.

"But what's the matter with the green spots on my chest? My heart feels cold and paralyzed now. The situation is very bad."

"The green spot you are talking about should be a kind of evil spirit, which is what Buddhism calls karma fire. It is the aggregation of evil power and resentment. Almost all ghosts have it, more or less, and the forms of expression are also different. Are not the same,"

Le Qianqian explained: "Although it has no intention of harming you, as long as this wish-keeping spirit is by your side, the evil power it carries will naturally invade your body. You can treat evil as a toxin If you look at it, it’s something ordinary people can’t bear.”

Li Xuan still couldn't believe it: "If it's a guardian spirit, how could it not even be able to see the martial arts cultivators on the tenth floor?"

"That's because you have read too few books and are too ignorant." Le Qianqian snorted softly: "That's because you are ignorant. These ghosts are the same as humans. Not only do they have four doors and twelve levels of buildings, , there is also the difference between qualifications and talents. The female ghost you mentioned probably has the qualifications of an emperor and is qualified to become an emperor among ghosts and gods, so its visual impairment is also extra powerful. Although it has just been born, it can It will grow very fast, faster than you can imagine. It will also be the most powerful among the Yin spirits of the same level. Even the ghosts a few levels higher than it will not belong to this wish-keeping spirit. Opponent. If it doesn't want to be seen, then unless it is a person of the level of the current national preceptor, you can't even think of seeing through its cognitive barrier. That's why I think it is your guardian spirit, otherwise with your cultivation Because, within a moment of contact with it, you will die tragically."

Li Xuan couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He turned back with great suspicion and glanced at the female ghost in red behind him again.

Imperial capital? Is this female ghost so powerful?

The masked girl opposite him also looked at Li Xuan with a bit of pity at this time: "This kind of guardian spirit is a dream opportunity for those practitioners who are above the realm of Jiuzhonglou. But for you In general, it is a real death charm. If you don't find a way to suppress its evil power, you will die under the influence of its evil power within five to six days at most."

Li Xuan already believed it: "Then why do you think it is a wish-keeping spirit?"

"Isn't this very simple?" Le Qianqian explained: "If a ghost and god with such imperial wealth was not very powerful during his lifetime, which one of the others would not be burdened with great obsession and evil power? But since it does not If it harms you, it means that you have nothing to do with its death. The generation of a guardian spirit is also extremely demanding. In addition to the requirement that the ghost and god be born within the twelve hours, they must also be connected by fate and have a strong bond with each other. Therefore, the guardian spirit The spirit and its master are generally close relatives, but you don’t recognize it, right?”

"The spiritual power is strong, the obsession is astonishing, and I have no connection or enmity with you. This can rule out most of the Yin spirits. The wish-keeping spirit is the gentlest among the remaining three, and is also related to you. The closest thing to the form in life. I guess you must have had direct or indirect contact with it, and happened to do something related to its wishes that led to the bond. You may even be the reason for its final birth."

Li Xuan couldn't help but fall into meditation, thinking back on what happened that night. From the time he went to the Duke Xu's mansion for a banquet, until he was knocked unconscious.

"Then is there a way to resolve this evil spirit or get rid of this wish-keeping spirit?"

"There are ways, three in total, but you can't do any of them." Le Qianqian shook her head slightly: "The first is cultivation. If you have enough cultivation and sufficient yang power, you will naturally be immune to all evils; The second is to start from the root. I guess its desire and the source of its obsession are related. As long as it achieves its wish, its resentment will naturally be eliminated and it will dissipate naturally. The third is, if it can find Getting a real artifact to protect yourself can keep you safe and sound. But artifacts are hard to find, and even our Six Paths Demon Subduing Division doesn’t have a few. Other than that, there is no other way. Don’t even think about it. Find a skilled practitioner to take action. Only the obsession will remain, and there is no way to get rid of it. Also, in front of those practitioners, it's best not to mention it at all."

"Why is this?" Li Xuan frowned: "I can't just sit back and wait for death?"

"Do you think Yin spirits with imperial qualifications are common? Each of them is an excellent body for refining a 'protecting spirit', and can help a practitioner achieve immortality."

Le Qianqian looked at Li Xuan like an idiot: "I can bet you that if those people find out that you have such a guardian spirit, the first thing they will do is kill you and then kill you." Take it as your own. People with a little conscience will choose to stand by and wait for your death, and then take over. Of course, you can't ask Buddha to practice it. Your guardian spirit is qualified to become a Bodhisattva. In some radical In the eyes of a Buddhist cultivator, you will be the biggest obstacle to its Bodhisattva status."

Li Xuan's heart was slightly frightened, and then when he looked at Le Qianqian's eyes, something was wrong.

The latter finally realized what she had said. Like a frightened deer, she shrank her delicate body behind her and hugged the book tightly on her chest.

"Don't look at me like that, it's so scary! I, I will keep it a secret for you, and I will never tell anyone else. I swear!"

Li Xuan smiled bitterly, then stood up and hugged the girl: "Thank you, classmate Le, for your advice. If I can survive this disaster by luck, I will definitely repay you!"

He walked towards the stairs with a heavy heart, but after taking only a few steps, he was stopped by Le Qianqian again: "Well, what you are wearing now should be a necklace made of thunder meteorites, right?"

"It's the thunder meteorite. Miss Le, you actually recognize it?" Li Xuan looked at his chest. The necklace Li Yan gave him was hanging around his neck.

"Thunder meteorites are famous, but only seventeen of them exist in the world. I have seen pictures of them."

Le Qianqian's voice was extremely solemn: "This magical weapon can indeed help you suppress evil spirits, UU Reading But don't think that you can sleep peacefully. As I just said, your guardian spirit Its growth rate will be much faster than you imagine, and the evil spirit it possesses will become stronger day by day, so the effect of the magic weapon on it will only decrease day by day."

Li Xuan couldn't help but be confused: "Then how long will it work? Now I have no way to survive at all?"

"At least you will be safe for this month." Le Qianqian's words made Li Xuan breathe a sigh of relief, "I just want to remind you that if you want to live longer, you have to think about your cultivation. Method. But you can’t practice it randomly, it must be a symptomatic method. Your ‘Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique’ is very good, but you’d better not practice cold power alone anymore——”

She said for a moment: "This can make you live for a while, but it is just drinking poison to quench your thirst. The guardian spirit relies on you, is rooted in you, and relies on you. Therefore, any increase in your cultivation will make its power stronger. Powerful. If you want to get rid of it by relying on your own cultivation, you must achieve Yang Shen, and it must be within ten years."

Li Xuan's heart couldn't help but sink to the bottom little by little. He knew that the so-called "Yangshen" in Le Qianqian's language was the last floor of the twelve-story building, also known as "Dengxian". When a person's soul changes from yin to yang, that is the realm of an immortal. But as far as he knew, none of the most amazingly talented and beautiful people in the world could become a Yang God within fifteen years.

"So -" Le Qianqian said timidly: "Your only chance is to trace its origin, understand the cause of its death, find a way to resolve its obsession and satisfy its wish."


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