Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 330 Purple Butterfly turns out to be so innocent

Chapter 333 Zidie turns out to be so innocent

When they left early the next morning, both Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai found that Li Xuan was not in high spirits and looked listless.

Peng Fulai was happy: "Li Xuan, what did you do last night? I fought hard all night and I feel refreshed and refreshed. Li Xuan, you are recharging your energy, but why are you so sluggish?"

He thought about how someone like Li Xuan could take care of so many ships. They would definitely have to be capsized.

"I didn't do anything, just chatting with others." After Li Xuan finished speaking, he sneered, and then glanced sideways at Peng Fulai: "That Demon Sect Enchantress's kung fu is amazing, I guess you used at least three yuan. Impotence elixir. Now it's just supported by the power of the medicine. Why are you pretending to be in front of me? I'll be as good-looking as you after the medicine wears off."

Peng Fulai thought to himself, what the hell, how did this guy guess it?

Zhang Yue asked very strangely: "Chatting? Are you with Luo Yan? Why didn't you see her in the morning?"

"A group of earthly dragons came from the main hall, and she went to pick them up for me."

While Li Xuan spoke, he looked at Zhang Yue with a hint of complaint.

He thought to himself, Zhang Taishan, Zhang Taishan, you will never know how much sacrifice I have made for you to pursue girls.

The girl from Uncle Guo's residence is not easy to deal with. Last night they talked from poetry to literature, and then from literature to famous mountains and scenic spots in various places. From the famous mountains and scenic spots, they talked about the general trend of the world, and then started to think about life from the general trend of the world.

The girl named Sun Chuyun was particularly good at chatting, and was extremely lively and full of energy, so he had to work hard to deal with it until morning.

And just as they rode out of the alley where Huichang Bo's Mansion was located, Li Xuan saw two people standing and waiting outside the alley.

One was a man in his twenties, wearing a crimson flying fish suit and a curly beard; the other was dressed as a shopkeeper, which made him feel slightly familiar.

When the two people saw Li Xuan, they were overjoyed. The young man immediately clasped his fists at Li Xuan and said, "Master, please stay. I have something to discuss with my friends."

Li Xuan immediately reined in the reins and rode to a stop: "Are you from Shanweilou? I remember that you are the shopkeeper of Shanweilou, right?"

"Exactly!" The shopkeeper answered first: "Three days ago, I was blind to Mount Tai, so please forgive me. This is our boss -"

"Go to Zhudong Tower!"

Zhu Donglou clasped his fists and took the initiative to introduce his name: "I will be the admiral of the fifth military camp!"

Li Xuan's mind changed and he remembered that the Fifth Military Camp was one of the three major battalions of the Jinjing Camp. Wasn't the Admiral of the Fifth Military Camp the Admiral-General?

Is this guy only in his twenties? Such a young commander-in-chief of the Beijing camp?

Li Xuan couldn't help but be in awe, holding his fist and saying: "It turns out to be Admiral Zhu, I'm disrespectful."

"No, it was Zhu who was presumptuous." Zhu Donglou then said with a wry smile: "Zhu is really easy to find friends. After that night, I mobilized the whole family and searched for you all over the capital for three days.

If it weren't for this coincidence, Huichang Bo Mansion hired our Shanwei Restaurant to organize the banquet last night, and I, the shopkeeper, happened to recognize you. I really don’t know when I can find you. "

Li Xuan became even more confused. He asked in confusion: "I wonder why Admiral Zhu is looking for me?"

"It's the authentic calligraphy left for you in my Wuyi Stone." Zhu Donglou explained this sentence and asked solemnly: "May I ask your surname?"

Li Xuan was in a dilemma. He glanced at the Huichang Mansion in the rear and could only cope with it and replied: "My surname is Li Mingqian."

"It turns out to be Brother Li." Zhu Donglou handed over his hand again: "I wonder if you and your friends can move. Zhu has asked someone to prepare a banquet at Shanweilou."

"Forget about the banquet. Admiral, just tell me what you have to say." Li Xuan thought to himself that he would have no time to go to your house to eat and drink today. There are so many things waiting for him at Liudaosi.

Zhu Donglou had no choice but to get to the point: "Zhu took the liberty to come here this time to ask for an unsolicited request. I hope to get your permission to send your authentic calligraphy to the Imperial College."

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel strange, thinking that this guy wanted to send the stone tablet to the Imperial Academy, so he could just move it himself, why would he ask him?

But then Li Xuan understood and realized that although he didn't take this matter to heart, these ancients still cared about rules, especially before the literati, they had their own set of agreed upon rules.

In modern times, other people's portraits and works cannot be used indiscriminately.

When Zhu Donglou saw this, he thought it was because he was unwilling, and he immediately bowed again: "Please forgive me for your kindness. Zhu is willing to pay a heavy sum of 150,000 taels in exchange for your authentic calligraphy. A few taels of silver are not as good as this stone tablet." It’s worth a contingency, but Zhu is short of money recently——”

"Let's not talk about money." Li Xuan laughed: "Admiral Zhu just sent the stone tablet to the Imperial College? No other purpose?"

Zhu Donglou thought for a moment and then solemnly said: "To be honest, Zhu's father, Zhu Guoneng, is currently the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu. He was impeached by officials for leading the cavalry to invade the grassland a few days ago, and is in a worrying situation.

Zhu wants to send this stone tablet to the Imperial College. Firstly, because your calligraphy skills are very good at defending morality, leaving it in my restaurant would be a waste of money. Secondly, he wants to use this to make friends with all the great lords of the Imperial College, and invites these Neo-Confucian scholars to speak for my father. . "

"General Soldier of Xuanfu?"

Li Xuan murmured, and then his eyes narrowed: "Disrespect! It turns out that the Admiral is the queen of Uncle Fu Ning."

If he still respected Zhu Donglou's official position before, then he really respects him now.

Since the 32nd year of Zhengtong (the 32nd year of Zhengtong), Bo Zhu Guoneng had unified the army in the important town of Xuanfu and resisted the Mongols for 12 years. He was the pillar of the Jin Dynasty on the northern border.

Although this person is not a heavenly person, he is good at luck, and his prestige on the battlefield is not inferior to that of a powerful person with a heavenly position. In the past, after the Tumubao Incident, he stuck to Xuanfu, and in the first year of Jingtai, he resisted at Guanzikou for several days, leaving the Mongolian Khan helpless.

In addition, there are also rumors in the honorable circle that Uncle Funing's family has a Qilin son, who is more talented than others. He has entered the fourth gate in his twenties and is deeply favored by Emperor Jingtai. He must be the one in front of him.

"Let's do this. I don't want the money. As long as Admiral Zhu doesn't have impure intentions, he can just send the stone tablet over. If Admiral feels sorry for it, he can donate the money to the charity in Beijing on my behalf."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he raised his hands with a solemn look: "I am busy with official duties, so I will leave first. Speaking of Uncle Fu Ning's character and martial arts, I admire them greatly. I also heard that Admiral Zhu is a hero in the world. Qilin among men, let’s drink together when we have time.”

When Zhu Donglou heard this, he couldn't help but smile: "Brother Li, Zhu has taken note of what he said. You can't break your promise and get fat. Also, since brother Li doesn't like this thing, you can come to our mountain when you have free time." Let’s have dinner at Weilou and let Zhu talk to show respect.”

The shopkeeper next to him couldn't help but trembled after hearing this. How much respect do you think this has? All free? But with Li Xuan's appetite, he doesn't need to come to their Shanwei Restaurant too often. He only needs to eat three to five times a month. Is his Shanwei Restaurant afraid of going bankrupt?

Then he heard Zhu Donglou murmuring in a low voice: "He is indeed a contemporary protector of Neo-Confucianism and a powerful Jinling Tiger in the south of the Yangtze River. Regardless of his character and talent, he is admirable."

"The Protector of Neo-Confucianism, the Tiger of Jinling?" The shopkeeper asked puzzledly: "The admiral is talking about the uncle Jing'an next to this young master?"

"Why are you so indifferent?" Zhu Donglou glanced at him sideways: "Think about his clothes that night."

Only then did the shopkeeper realize it, and then looked back at Huichang Uncle's Mansion behind him strangely, but then he heard Zhu Donglou's warning: "Don't be troublesome! Jing Anbo must have his own intentions for doing this, and he shouldn't care about it. Just leave it alone.”

At this time, Peng Fulai asked Li Xuan strangely: "Aren't you short of money? You just don't want the 150,000 taels of silver?"

Li Xuan rolled his eyes at him, thinking that of course he wanted money, but his own generosity was much more important.

It’s okay to use other people’s poems to seduce girls on a daily basis. The owner of the poems will probably be able to accept them if they are used to perform heroic acts or subjugate demons. However, if they are used to seek fame and fortune, then his heroic spirit will still be as pure as before. ?

He would rather eat the girl's soft rice than let his majesty be damaged.

In the next few days, Li Xuan was really busy in Liudaosi, accepting people, receiving supplies, connecting with various agencies in the main hall and Qinglong Hall, and continuing to argue with Tianguan Tower and Diguan Tower, asking for money and people. Waiting, exhausted Li Xuan's energy.

At this time, his Divine Wings had already taken shape. The seven large and small courtyards assigned to them had been organized, all kinds of office equipment were in place, and more than 120 people came to report - more than 120 people came to report. All the jobs that come out are civilian.

Tianguanlou was very quick in this regard. There was a lot of redundancy in the civil service of Liudaosi, so they were allowed to be transferred.

It's a pity that the business has not been launched yet, and the Demon-Fuming Tianzun is still stranded in Beihai. Qinglong Hall did not move any cases up, and the two deputy venerables of the main hall turned a blind eye to Li Xuan's 'Divine Wings City' for some reason. UU Reading

However, the atmosphere in the 'Shenyi City' is quite good. Li Xuan is good at winning people's hearts. Since he has nothing to do, he will use his energy on his subordinates. Arrange food and lodging for these subordinates who have come from afar, inquire about their welfare, etc. Coupled with the superior treatment given by the Divine Wings, everyone in the city was highly motivated and eager to show off their skills.

Only Luo Yan stayed away from Li Xuan these days. Now every time she sees Li Xuan, or accidentally makes eye contact, she will blush for most of the day.

Li Xuan was amazed, thinking, is this still the sassy and unruly Xia Nanyan? It turns out that the Purple Butterfly Witch in the eyes of everyone is so innocent.

And on the third day after that, Li Xuan, who was at work, received a flying talisman from Zhang Yue, saying that Gong Xiaowu invited him to the Imperial Academy for a while.

Zhang Yue was out shopping at this time on his orders. The guy didn't think much after receiving the invitation and went directly. Fortunately, this guy still remembered to notify him by Fei Fu.

Li Xuan held the talisman in his hand and was filled with doubts. I thought to myself why the uncle-in-law would invite ‘Li Xuan’ in their eyes to go to the Imperial College? What's the plot?

But there was one thing he was sure of, and that was that the next moment would be when the uncle of the country would see him.

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