Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 34 Kidney deficiency needs to be replenished

Although Li Xuan was in a bad mood when he walked out of the library, he was mostly calm and calm. Although frustrated, it was far from being in a state of panic.

This is related to the temperament that Li Xuan developed since childhood. As mentioned in the introduction, due to congenital heart disease, Li Xuan's parents divorced when he was seven years old, and they reorganized their families, got married and had children.

After that, Li Xuan, who felt abandoned and became a superfluous child of his parents, continued to be wild and rebellious for several years. It wasn't until his sophomore year in high school that Li Xuan listened to his class teacher's advice and realized that his life was his own after all, even if it might be short.

After that, he focused on his studies and was admitted to the forensic medicine major a year later. After that, he gradually became a forensic doctor in a police station. Although he is not rich and powerful, he can make himself food and clothing without worries.

Such a life seems to be a good one, but when Li Xuan wakes up in his single apartment every day, he will inevitably think, ‘Why on earth am I alive? ’, ‘Why did God give birth to a disabled person like me? ’, ‘Am I redundant to this world? ’ and other questions.

More than a year ago, Li Xuan had a friend who studied psychology and judged him to be world-weary.

Li Xuan sneered at this. He was neither pessimistic about life nor lost the courage to live.

He is still attached to life, hopes to live his life well every day, and is full of expectations for the future. Although he occasionally feels lonely, for Li Xuan, just being able to continue breathing the air of this world already makes him feel very happy.

He thought that the reason why God allowed him to be born was because he wanted him to see the wonders of this world.

Therefore, after Li Xuan realized that he had time traveled, he was filled with excitement and anticipation. He quickly accepted it and never planned to go back. Just because he knew in his mind that his original body was probably already braided.

Li Xuan also hopes to experience a new environment and a new life, and not miss the past at all.

Therefore, after learning that his life here might be very short, Li Xuan was also very free and easy.

Of course, he would not give up his efforts to survive, but he already had the open-mindedness in his heart that I would be lucky if I gained, and my life would be lost if I lost. Just because Li Xuan came here like this before.

But this open-mindedness only lasted for half an hour. When Li Xuan returned to Uncle Chengyi's house and saw his original mother, Mrs. Liu, bringing him a large bowl of 'sea cucumber and mutton soup' made by herself, Li Xuan's eyes were filled with tears. Unstoppable tears fell.

"Why are you crying? You've only been working for a few days and you can't stand it anymore? Isn't it so useless?" Li Yan looked at his brother in disbelief while trying to pick out a few sea cucumbers from Li Xuan's bowl. , but was slapped on the hand by Mrs. Liu.

"How old are you? Are you still robbing your brother of food? This is to replenish your brother's yang energy. Your father said that he has severe kidney deficiency. Besides, it's not like you don't -"

Li Yan looked at the basin-sized bowl in front of Li Xuan, and then at the teacup-sized cup of soup in front of himself and his father, and could only choke in silence.

Li Xuan was not happy after hearing this. He had already noticed that several servants standing around were trying their best not to laugh.

This 'sea cucumber and mutton soup' is good for replenishing the body, and he really needs to replenish his yang energy. But don’t talk about kidney deficiency in front of so many people.

Mrs. Liu didn't realize it. After she suppressed her eldest son, she looked at Li Xuan with great distress: "Xuan'er, why are you crying? Who in the yamen has wronged you? I told you, you should just resign. This is a good job."

Li Chengji, the sincere man, had a dissatisfied look on his face: "No matter how great the grievance is, it can't be shed. It's said that men don't shed tears easily. What do you look like -"

Before he could finish his words, Mrs. Liu slapped him on the back of the head. The latter sneered: "A man can't shed tears easily? Then more than twenty years ago, who knelt in front of my door and cried bitterly?" Tears?"

When Li Chengji heard this, he couldn't stop talking: "When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, just because he hasn't reached the point of sadness. Madam, how can you say this in front of children?"

Li Xuan and Li Yan looked at each other and pricked up their ears. Unfortunately, Mrs. Liu did not continue to expose Li Chengji's background. She glared at Li Xuan: "Tell me! Who is so brave? It's that Jiang Hanyun. She rebelled!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Mother, you are overthinking. With my child's ability, no one in Liudaosi can make me suffer. This is just sand in my eyes, a little uncomfortable."

"Really?" Mrs. Liu looked at Li Xuan dubiously. Seeing that he looked calm, but his eyes were a little red, she stopped worrying: "It's okay, but if you really suffer any grievance, don't bear it. Come on. Don’t think that our family won’t be able to survive after something like this happens. The deputy head of your White Tiger Hall in the Sixth Path Division has been my childhood sweetheart since childhood. He is much more capable than your father. I heard that he will be transferred to Nanjing soon."

Li Xuan couldn't help but blinked, thinking that his mother actually had such a relationship? There is no such thing in the memory of the predecessor.

He was about to ask what happened when he saw Li Chengji's face turn blue next to him. Li Xuan changed his mind and wisely held back, and then asked about the inheritance of thunder method in his family.

"You want to also cultivate the thunder element?" Li Chengji was puzzled: "Thunder is the power of the Yang. If it is to balance yin and yang, the fire element is more suitable. Moreover, our family's concept of thunder is also lacking."

"But isn't our family's concept of fire also flawed? There seems to be more missing."

Li Xuan knew that his brother Li Yan was able to master the fire element all because of the help of his wife's family. But this alone cannot convince Lee Seung-ki.

"Father, there is a reason why I want to practice Lei Yuan at the same time. Today I fought with a fourth-level martial arts cultivator outside the city, and then I froze him with one palm. In addition, yesterday I practiced cold element It took nine Shaoyang Pills to dissolve the remaining cold power in the body."

After hearing this, Li Chengji and Li Yan were obviously surprised. But after the two of them looked at each other, they didn't raise any objection. Although they didn't know whether what Li Xuan said was true or not, the fact that Li Xuan froze Li Yan's heart with his palm a few days ago was a fact that they had witnessed with their own eyes.

Li Chengji couldn't help stroking his long beard: "There is some truth to it. Your cold talent is indeed amazing, and the ordinary fire element cannot be balanced. Well, let's come to the study later. It is said that there is a set of Phantom Lightning Heavenly Swords in our family. The Dongxuan Jingshen Finger is a top-notch thunder martial art. UU Reading However, there are indeed shortcomings in the visualization method, and it is relatively mediocre. If you want to complete it in the future, you can only turn to Liu Daosi's It’s been passed down.”

Li Xuan looked slightly happy and bowed at the dining table: "My child understands!"

The reason why he wanted to learn the thunder element as well was because of Le Qianqian's guidance. Only the most yang and strong thunder essence can balance the coldness brought by the female ghost in red.

In addition, the thunder method has great effect in destroying evil spirits. It can subdue demons and subjugate demons. It is known as the first of all methods, and it can help him destroy the evil power in his body.

As for the idea of ​​contemplation, Li Xuan didn't pay much attention to it. He thought it was nothing more than a step-by-step approach to cultivating the cold essence.

But coming from the modern world, he knows about currents of various strengths.

The voltage of mobile phones generally does not exceed 4.2V, the voltage of laptops is between 9V and 20V, electric vehicle batteries are 42V to 46V, 110 volts is the Japanese power supply standard, and the average current of lightning is 30,000 amps, and the maximum current can reach 300,000 amps. Its voltage is very high, about 100 million to 1 billion volts. The power of a moderate thunderstorm can reach 10 million watts, equivalent to the output of a small nuclear power plant.

As a single with a wide range of interests, Li Xuan has browsed many popular science videos and has a basic understanding of the physical properties and manifestations of current and voltage.

In addition, he also knew about positive and negative charges and what static electricity was.

Of course, the thunder method in this world is not just as simple as thunder and lightning, it also contains some miraculous powers that the scientific world cannot understand.

But Li Xuan believes that this will never be an obstacle to his practice of thunder.

Coincidentally, Li Xuan now also has permission to enter the seventh floor of the Liudaosi Library, which is enough for him to make up for some of the shortcomings in his concept.

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