Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 346 Give it some dignity

Li Xuan's double swords struck the Demon Qilin's body like a waterfall of light.

The force of this ferocious beast was extremely powerful. Even when he slashed more than a hundred times, he was still unable to break through the iron scales outside the demon unicorn's body, and could only create countless sparks on its surface.

Fortunately, the Demon Qilin's body was covered in scars, with several wounds showing deep bones, which caused flaws in its body's aura that should not have existed.

Li Xuan quickly changed his mind and started from the most vulnerable part of Demon Qilin's body. The sword light pointed at all the scars of this ferocious beast.

This move finally drew Demon Qilin's attention back, causing it to shift its gaze away from the candle shrimps and look at Li Xuan again with its scarlet eyes.

Seeing this, Li Xuan's spirit perked up slightly, and he activated his sword speed again, causing the phantom of light in front of him to increase by 10%, and more sparks bursting out from around the Demon Qilin.

What Li Xuan didn't know was that just when he was happy that he had contained this ferocious beast, the demon Qilin was also struggling hard, trying to restrain his appetite and appease the animal instinct in his body.

"It hurts, Li Xuan, this bastard! He must be killed. He must - ugh~ look at how fresh and delicious the candle shrimps are."

Li Xuan cut to five hundred swords and finally cut the demon Qilin's body into pieces.

"Just be brave! Meng Qingfan, Meng Qingfan, I owe you such a great position, but now you can't even suppress this animal instinct? Have you forgotten the frustration you experienced today? Forgot Master Have you entrusted me with the important task? What should I do? It smells good, it must be delicious——"

Li Xuan cut to 1,200 cuts, and a large number of blood marks appeared all over Demon Qilin's body, and the previous wounds were also expanding.

"No! You said you want God to block the killing of God, and Buddha to block the killing of Buddha. Meng Qingfan, you are not a beast! You can't look at it, you can't smell it. Look at that guy, he is cutting you! It hurts a little - um ~It smells so good!”

When Li Xuan reached 1,700 cuts, the demon unicorn roared, and endless red thunder liquid exploded, impacting in all directions. Even Li Xuan, who was contemplating the scene of the great sun, could not hold on and his body flew back several feet. Then he saw the demon unicorn rushing to the other side, and then sweeping away the candle shrimps with a voracious force.

Li Xuan didn't take any more action. He held two swords and watched from the side, and then asked Peng Fulai: "Old Peng, how are you?"

"They all got in." Peng Fulai smiled with anticipation in his eyes: "I wonder what kind of medicine this was given by Captain Luo?"

Li Xuan was also curious, and just when he was about to ask Luo Yan, he saw two bandaged figures rushing in menacingly.

"This evil beast!"

Zhu Chiling walked into the small courtyard with his Fangtian Painted Halberd and a ferocious expression on his face. When he saw the figure of the demon unicorn, his eyes immediately burned with rage, and his whole body hit the top of the ferocious beast like a red meteor, and then swung down with a halberd.

"Suffer death!"

Demon Qilin's eyes were originally intoxicated, and he swallowed hard to taste the food here. It wasn't until the halberd touched the body that the demon unicorn suddenly became alarmed. Scarlet murderous intent suddenly appeared in its eyes. It immediately lowered its front body slightly, and then kicked its legs violently back.

——It was like a horse kicking someone with its hind legs, but the speed was as fast as lightning. Zhu Chiling had no time to react, and the demon Qilin's hind hooves had already kicked on his chest.

Zhu Chiling suddenly felt bad and his eyes were confused.


Following this muffled sound, the many six-path demon-slayers who had surrounded the small courtyard of Shenyi City saw only a red stream of light flashing away from the air, flying hundreds of feet away, and then falling. There was a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

Mu Qianwei originally planned to follow and join forces with Zhu Chiling. But when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva and retreated to a safe distance.

"Li Xuan, what's going on?"

Li Xuan glanced at the bandages all over her body, as well as the burns and scorch marks on Mu Qiangwei's face, and thought of the four masked men he met at the entrance of the Demon City today, and also thought of what he saw shortly afterwards. A pillar of red fire.

Li Xuan immediately knew what was going on, and thought that no wonder the four people were so angry with him before. They must have taken the blame for himself and Luo Yan.

But at this time, Li Xuan could only pretend not to know anything: "As you can see from Mulang Jiang, it should be here for these candle shrimps. By the way, Zuo Vice Tianzun, and Zhenren Lingyou and the others What? Why hasn’t there been any movement?"

"Everyone is waiting on the other side of the palace wall, and almost all the generals in the hall have also gone. This monster obviously hates the royal family so much that he bumped into the palace wall three times in a row."

When Wood Rose said this, her eyes were very strange: "Who would have thought that it would come here?"

While they were talking, the demon unicorn had already eaten its twentieth basket of candle shrimps.

Maybe it was because his appetite was completely satisfied and Meng Qingfan's consciousness finally recovered slightly. It immediately scanned its surroundings, and then felt slightly relieved.

Fortunately, the two Heavenly Positions of Liudaosi haven't rushed back yet, so it still has a chance!

While Qing Fan was tasting the aftertaste of the candle shrimp in his mouth, he looked at Li Xuan again with his scarlet eyes. The red thunder liquid around it suddenly turned into a pair of wings spread out on both sides, and the blood-red mist almost covered the entire courtyard.

Li Xuan became energetic and clenched his swords again.

Wood Rose also frowned, and a pair of golden-green eight-edged hammers were covered with white fluorescence.

The martial arts she majored in were more focused on 'gold' and 'wood'. Others took advantage of the sharpness of gold and iron, but she only took advantage of the thick, domineering and indestructible qualities of gold and iron.

"Bastard! Today-"

Meng Qingfan sneered. He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to build up momentum and say, "No one can save you today," and then kill Li Xuan.

But at this moment, Meng Qingfan's complexion suddenly changed slightly, and he instinctively tightened his hips and lower abdomen.

Something's not quite right——

It felt that there was a sudden violent wave in its belly, turning the river and the sea upside down.

This weakened its momentum, and most of the red thunder in the sky disappeared in an instant.

Mu Qiangwei felt the heavy pressure on her body disappear, and then faintly heard a "gurgling" sound in the belly of the demon unicorn. She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, showing a look of uncertainty.

Li Xuan noticed that Mo Qilin's abdominal muscles suddenly bulged and contracted, rising and falling. He was stunned, and then asked Luo Yan: "What happened to it? What kind of medicine did you give it?"

"A kind of laxative, I made it myself and it will not disappear in three days." Luo Yan crossed his arms and said expressionlessly: "It should be diarrhea."

"Laxative?" Li Xuan was speechless for a moment. What he wanted was something that could bring down this demon unicorn in the shortest time.

"But why is it called "Three Days of No Seeing"? What a strange name."

"How do you put it? It means that after using this thing, you have to stay in the latrine for three days without seeing anyone."

Luo Yan looked at the Demon Qilin with cold and pitiful eyes: "The shrimp is inherently cold, and it doesn't know how to control it. It ate so many in one breath, and the attack was naturally very severe. I'm not lying to you. Wait until it pulls." After that, if I have only one achievement left in my body, I will lose."

Li Xuan was right when he thought about it. It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. As long as the laxative works.

He then silently took out two strips of cloth from the Little Sumeru Ring and stuffed them into his nostrils to avoid subsequent poisonous gas contamination.

However, Meng Qingfan gritted his teeth and refused to compromise. The scarlet meaning in his eyes became even stronger: "Despicable! I will definitely kill you."

It worked hard to gather energy, causing purple thunder to grow all over its body again, but just when Meng Qingfan was about to jump up, trying to use up all his strength to kill Li Xuan. Its stomach spasmed violently again, and the feeling of a flood about to erupt from its buttocks hit its brain.

Meng Qingfan let out a cry and knelt down, then tried hard to maintain his gate.

It's thinking no, no, it's not possible, it's a girl - how will it meet people in the future?

At this time, the gazes of the many six demon-slayers around it felt like sharp swords, about to punish it with Ling Chi.

no! Absolutely not! Can't be here.

Meng Qingfan tried his best to be patient, but his gate was on the verge of collapse. It was like there was a Li Xuan hidden in his belly, which turned the sea upside down and caused the mountains and rivers to collapse.

Thinking of the nightmare scene that followed, Meng Qingfan couldn't help but shed two lines of hot tears in his eyes, and even looked at his enemy with pleading eyes.

"Sir Captain, it doesn't seem to want to have diarrhea in public. It is a big demon after all, and it should be wise."

Le Qianqian couldn't stand it anymore. She walked up behind Li Xuan and quietly tugged on his sleeve: "Just give it some dignity."

Li Xuan didn't care, he knew that the demon unicorn in front of him had already spread its wings and could not escape. Moreover, this demon Qilin's body was covered in cuts and bruises, and he looked very wet. He looked really pitiful.

The key was that scene, he didn't want to see it with his own eyes.

Li Xuan thought about it carefully and pointed to the side: "There is a toilet over there, can you go there by yourself?"

Meng Qingfan felt like he was being pardoned. He took a deep look at Le Qianqian, and then the unicorn body turned into lightning and rushed into a small earthen house next to it. UU reading www.

The next moment, they heard an overwhelming sound inside.

The sound was continuous, and it was actually a surging, rushing momentum that continued for a long time without stopping.

From the evening, until the sound of the third watch was heard outside, Meng Qingfan walked out of the toilet with his legs weak.

Then it saw around it, a total of fifteen demon-suppressing lieutenants and generals, who were casting sympathetic glances at it.

Above them, there are many heavenly positions including Liu Daosi Zuo Deputy Tianzun, Ao Shuying, Lingyou Zhenren, and Shaobao Yujie.

Meng Qingfan found that his stomach, which had just calmed down, began to stir up trouble again. It was filled with despair and powerlessness, and simply fell to the ground, too lazy to move: "It's up to you, I'll admit defeat."

Now she wished she would die immediately, and even began to give up on herself, allowing the animalistic consciousness in her mind to grow.

Faced with this situation, she no longer wanted to live.

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