The next day, Li Xuan woke up at the same time, and then went to the backyard school to practice the family martial arts.

Last night, Li Chengji had given him the secret books of the Magic Lightning Heavenly Sword and the Dongxuan Jingshen Finger, but Li Xuan did not rush to practice.

As the saying goes, biting off more than you can chew, Li Xuan hasn't even figured out the two martial arts techniques of 'Cold Sky Sword' and 'Cold Breath Fierce Palm'. And Li Xuan still feels unfamiliar with most of the moves. How dare he be distracted at this time?

The key is that his thunder element essence is still insignificant and very weak. At this time, even if he has mastered the two thunder element martial arts techniques, he will not be able to exert much power.

However, Li Xuan had to stop when he reached the seventh round. Just because a flying talisman shot out from a distance and fell directly into his arms.

This is his boss, Lieutenant Jiang Hanyun of Fu Demon School, who has something urgent to do and uses a flying talisman to send a message.

Li Xuan secretly resented that when he was a forensic doctor in his previous life, the thing he hated most was mobile phones. The bureau would always summon him to work overtime.

In the end, it was still the same in the world of the Jin Dynasty. Why was there such a thing as a flying talisman?

Li Xuan had no choice but to change his clothes in a hurry, then rode an earth dragon in the mansion and flew out of the city.

When he arrived at the city gate, Li Xuan found that Ma Chenggong was also coming from the other direction. When he saw Li Xuan, his face was full of surprise.

"The captain actually called you here?"

"Eh? What's wrong with calling me?" Li Xuan felt like he was offended, but then he realized something: "Ma Touer, what's the situation over there at Jiangjun Mountain? The captain seemed to be in a hurry, and he said Zhang Fei Fu was sent to my home."

"A big case! A shocking case."

At that moment, the closed city gate had already been opened wide. Ma Chenggong had already galloped out before the city gate could be fully opened. While running quickly, he said: "Sounds like this case has a lot to do with you. Not far from the scene where you solved the wolf murder case yesterday, the captain found an abandoned altar there. It is said that The evil force is as thick as a cloud, and if you look at it with your spiritual vision, you can see the sea of ​​blood rolling."

He wondered if it was for this reason that Jiang Hanyun called Li Xuan, a little demon-slayer, to the Jiangjun Mountain site for inspection?

Li Xuan reacted very quickly and immediately became alert: "Are those wolf murder cases related to this altar? The purpose is to prevent strangers from approaching? Or to silence them?"

Ma Chenggong gave a soft compliment: "That's it. It's said to be the clues found by Le Qianqian, the newly assigned demon doctor, who checked the files. Unexpectedly, this girl is not very old, and her brain is very useful."

Li Xuan was surprised, thinking that this Le Qianqian was actually assigned to their Mingyou Capital?

Because it was not yet early morning, there were almost no pedestrians on the road. Both of them spared no effort to push the ground dragon under their crotches to a speed of 180 yards. Soon they arrived at the location marked by Jiang Hanyun.

When they arrived, Ma Chenggong's face turned slightly pale, and his eyes were furious: "How brave! On the side of the capital, how dare you do such a shameless thing, which is outraged by both humans and gods."

Li Xuan couldn't turn on his spiritual vision, so he cast a magic mirror to observe, and then he saw blood clouds rolling down the valley in front of him wherever the mirror shined.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be confused for a while, thinking how many people had died in this place? What kind of tragic death was it?

What left Li Xuan confused was what was behind him. He could feel that the female ghost in red behind him was in an extremely unstable state.

This can be seen from the cold numbness in his chest. In this short period of time, the cold numbness suddenly disappeared, suddenly worsened, and changed erratically.

When Li Xuan looked back, he could see that the blood-eyed girl's phoenix crown and Xiapei became extra bright.

When they entered the valley, Li Xuan noticed that something seemed to be lingering around him, which made him feel chilled to the bone. This coldness is different from Li Xuan's 'Cold Breath Fierce Palm'. The temperature in this valley has not actually dropped, but it makes people feel like they are in an ice cave. In addition, it is also creepy, with cold hairs standing on top, and even the whole body is feeling... Resist disgust.

There was also a lingering smell of blood that made Li Xuan feel nauseous.

But at this moment, what concerned Li Xuan more was the female ghost in red. The latter's whole body was now filled with a layer of red luster, and red ribbons scattered from her body. They were flying behind the blood-eyed girl, like a pair of wings stretching out.

Li Xuan even felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

Li Xuan couldn't figure out for a moment whether it was the powerful environment here that made the female ghost change, or was it related to the death of the female ghost because of this place?

He suppressed his discomfort and walked into the valley and found that there were already more than twenty people busy. There are those who survey the site, those who measure the site, those who exhume the bones, and those who examine the corpses.

Jiang Hanyun stood on a huge rock in the distance, frowning and looking down.

"They are from Guisudu and Firecrowdu."

Ma Chenggong grinded his teeth for a while, then his figure flashed and came to Jiang Hanyun's side: "They took over this case again?"

"Their people are nearby, and they just happen to be nearby to deal with it. It is said that they are tracing the whereabouts of Xue Wuya, and may have fled south to the outside of the city."

Jiang Hanyun was also unhappy, but she still glared at Ma Chenggong: "This case may involve hundreds of lives, how dare I conceal it?"

"When it comes to Xue Wuya and that evil corpse, I'm even more angry. They were discovered by you and Li Xuan, and they should have been handed over to us."

Ma Chenggong was full of dissatisfaction: "How much does the manager dislike us in Mingyou Capital?"

Li Xuan, who came from behind, immediately stopped his thoughts and looked up at Captain Ma in front of him. Don’t you have some confidence in your heart that you want to win? In the past two years, the one with the lowest crime detection rate in Suzaku Hall is Mingyou Capital. Besides that, they are the ones who cause the most trouble.

Wasn't it the fault of you and the other Demon-Suppressing Captain of Mingyoudu that the statue of the City God was damaged before?

"Stop talking nonsense! The manager didn't say that the case would be handed over to Oni Sudu and Huo Yadu. Now it's up to each of them to rely on their own abilities. Instead of talking to me here, you might as well pay attention to see what clues you can find."

Jiang Hanyun rubbed her forehead with a headache: "This case is very troublesome. The scene was cleaned very clean. There was not even a complete body, and Xiao Lei didn't smell anything that could be used here. I see ghosts The people in Sudu seem to have gained nothing.”

When she said this, she turned to look at Li Xuan: "You should also go and have a look."

Li Xuan raised his hand to accept the promise, then jumped down from the boulder.

He didn't think much of himself. If even the veteran detectives below couldn't find any clues, what could he find out? He was really not good at on-site investigation. Autopsy was his specialty.

But the case here is probably related to the female ghost in red. Li Xuan still endured his physical discomfort and walked around the altar in the center of the valley.

He did not enter the inside of the altar. At this time, several magicians from Guisudu and Firecrow were inside using compasses and rulers to measure, trying to restore and repair the destroyed altar.

Li Xuan was afraid of leaving footprints inside and affecting the measurements and calculations of these magicians.

Ma Chenggong was not afraid. He stepped directly in, leaving no traces under his feet.

Li Xuan didn't have this ability, so he could only limit the scope of his investigation to outside the formation. He circled around until he was a mile away.

But until dawn, Li Xuan found nothing and could only walk back in despair.

As Jiang Hanyun said, there are no clues available here. Li Xuan even suspected that the entire land here had been shaved off a layer. If it weren't for the evil power and blood that lingered here, it would be hard to believe that a bloody murder had occurred here.

But when he returned, Li Xuan found Le Qianqian kneeling outside the altar, holding a compass and an abacus in his hand, calculating something.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up, and he walked over and patted Le Qianqian on the shoulder: "Classmate Le, are you also calculating the formation?"

The latter was startled, and she jumped up. She turned around and looked back with pale face. When she found out it was Li Xuan, she breathed a sigh of relief and showed an expression that almost made her cry: "Can you not? Like this? It’s so scary, I almost lost my soul just now.”

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