Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 361 Give you a chance

Li Xuan felt the frightening and stinging feeling in his chest and couldn't help but frown, wondering what on earth was going on?

Yu Hongshang has returned to her true body, so where did these evil spirits come from?

At this moment, Li Xuan felt something. When he opened his eyes, he found Sun Chuyun sitting in front of him. She was holding her chin in her hand and looking at him intently.

Li Xuan was helpless and immediately shouted loudly: "Brother, cell leader, there is a female prisoner here who broke into my room, do you care?"

Several jailers came over and took a look. They all thought, what the hell, why did someone get into Li Xuan's room? I am really ashamed of my uncle Guo's trust, and I am also ashamed of the two hundred taels of silver he gave me.

Several people quickly opened the door and asked Sun Chuyun to come out.

Sun Chuyun had no choice but to return to Room No. 4 opposite Tianzi angrily.

The guards were worried this time and sent a person to hold a bench to guard the corridor between the two cells.

But when Li Xuan entered meditation again, Sun Chuyun walked out of the cell door again and came to Li Xuan's room as if there was no one around. The prison guard looked intently inside Tianzi No. 4 room, but he still didn't notice anything unusual.

The prison guard was just wondering, what am I doing sitting here? It seems that he wants to keep an eye on the prisoners in Tianzi Room 4? But today, there seems to be no prisoners in Room No. 4? Isn't there no one here?

I see, my mission is to keep an eye on Room 4 of Tianzi! How conscientious I am.

So Li Xuan had to wake up from trance again and looked at Sun Chuyun helplessly.

I thought to myself what kind of skills this girl was practicing. It was so magical and awesome. She felt that she was more suitable to be a snitch than Zidie. She probably didn't know who did it after she stole everything from each house.

Just when he was about to shout loudly again, Sun Chuyun smiled at him: "Brother Xuan, please stop calling. It's useless to call anyone. As long as the bones of the pipa are not locked and nailed into the Zhenyuan nail, then this world There are no more than ten things that can trap me in time."

Li Xuan thought to himself, "Can't I just struggle a little bit?" Then he heard Sun Chuyun say: "Brother Xuan, your situation seems not quite right. I can feel that the evil spirit wrapped around you is very strong. All the resentful spirits in this prison have begun to become restless. If I hadn't If you guess wrong, Brother Xuan, your physique and soul should be very special."

Li Xuan's expression suddenly froze, and he temporarily gave up his plan to drive Sun Chuyun out: "My physique? Chuyun, what do you know?"

Sun Chuyun said nothing and directly grabbed Li Xuan's hand. Li Xuan hesitated for a moment, then let her hold his wrist.

Sun Chuyun concentrated on the feeling: "My knowledge of Taoism is limited, and I don't understand it very well. But brother Xuan, your soul is particularly powerful. This is definitely not natural. It should be due to some kind of accident that caused external spirits to enter the body and grow stronger. Got your soul.

So if you sense it carefully, you can feel that there is a slight disharmony in your soul, which is because it has not been completely integrated. Brother Xuan, you are so powerful. You actually fused an extra powerful external spirit, so your spirit base is ten times better than that of ordinary people. This must have happened a long time ago, right? It's almost integrated, and now there are almost no traces. "

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel surprised when he heard this.

I thought to myself, what on earth was Sun Chuyun talking about? Is it related to replacing the real 'Li Xuan'?

After that, his spirit indeed became extra powerful. Can it be integrated with external spirits? The original owner had no such memory.

Or maybe this external spirit is himself?

"Brother Xuan, your physique should be easy to attract spirits. Of course, ordinary spirits cannot be on your body, especially after your cultivation has entered the realm of the third floor. Only those particularly powerful and extremely special spirits Only then will the body regard you as an excellent support body.”

Li Xuan thought of Yu Hongshang, and thought that the reason why Yu Hongshang was attached to him might not be just because of the same birth date and month.

He thought about those two 'immortal weapons' on himself again - did they really enter his body because they had nowhere to attach themselves to and had no choice?

Li Xuan's expression suddenly changed: "Yun'er, do you have a solution?"

He asked Sun Chuyun for help, so he called out Yun'er Yun'er.

"How old am I? I haven't arrived at the fourth gate yet. What can I do?"

Sun Chuyun shook her head violently: "If it hadn't been for the special environment in Dali Temple, Brother Xuan, your physique would be triggered by the stress, and I wouldn't have been able to tell anything. However, if my guess is right, Brother Xuan, your physique would also It is related to your birth date. The closer to your birth date, the more obvious this physique will be.

So you were fine originally, but various factors came together to cause this situation to happen. "

Li Xuan's eyes became even colder. 'Li Xuan's' birthday was just recently, at midnight on New Year's Eve, at the junction of the first day of the lunar new year. So New Year's Eve is also his birthday.

"How should I put it? Brother Xuan, you know that Buddhism regards the human body as a 'ship' crossing to the other side, right?"

At this time, Sun Chuyun smiled again and said: "Other people's ships have only one cabin, which can only accommodate one person. Your ship has two or even three cabins."

Li Xuan frowned slightly, not because of Sun Chuyun's words, but because the 'taotie' on his arm suddenly began to devour the sea.

The weapon spirit of this arm armor, the golden gluttonous ferocious beast, has begun to manifest itself beside him, and at the same time, it opens its bloody mouth and sucks in the evil power around him.

Sun Chuyun was completely unaware of this: "Brother Xuan, if you care very much, then find someone to show you, but it must be a capable person like Tianshi Zhang, or the headmaster of Wudang, or the headmaster of Longmen. The so-called eminent monks and virtuous people below me, their sensing abilities are not as good as mine, so they probably can’t see what’s going on.

If you don't care, that's okay. Brother Xuan, your Hao Qi cultivation has reached the third level. This kind of physique will have extremely limited impact on you. When you reach the fourth gate, no one can get on your boat. "

At this moment, Sun Chuyun suddenly moved slightly, and then like a frightened cat, she returned to her prison with dexterity.

Li Xuan also felt something and looked outside the cell door.

Just a moment later, he saw a young man wearing a nine-beam crown and a black five-chamber dragon robe with Xi Huaien and a large group of followers appearing at the door of the prison.

Li Xuan frowned, and then bowed with a solemn expression: "Li Xuan, the Sixth Daoist Secretary, please see His Highness the Crown Prince!"

According to the etiquette of the Jin Dynasty, the emperor was crowned with twelve beams and served with nine chapters, and the prince was crowned with nine beams and served with five chapters. The prince's clothes and coat of arms are the same as those of the prince, but the color of his clothes is the same as that of the emperor, all black.

But Li Xuan had some doubts in his heart. What was the prince doing in Dali Temple?

Sun Chuyun smiled and waved to the prince: "Your Highness, are you coming to see me?"

According to seniority, Prince Yu Jianshen is her cousin.

"Li Qing doesn't need to be so polite."

Prince Yu Jianshen ignored Sun Chuyun. When the cell door opened, he walked into Li Xuan's cell first. Xi Huaien and several attendants stood with their backs to the cell, each looking around with wide eyes.

There were also two highly skilled magicians who opened a layer of dense spiritual barrier to cover the cell.

Someone else took out a magic weapon and scanned it in the direction of Li Xuan and the cell. It was similar to a modern anti-eavesdropping method. It could detect whether someone was using secret techniques, talismans, or magic weapons to listen to records. .

"My current situation is very dangerous. I left the palace privately today, so I have to be extra careful. Please forgive me, Li Qing."

Yu Jianshen sat down at the wooden table in the cell, and then looked at Li Xuan with a sincere expression: "Li Qing, please sit down."

Li Xuan did not refuse. He calmly sat across from Yu Jianshen and said meaningfully: "Your Majesty is in prison, and His Highness the Crown Prince has condescended to do this. I am really flattered."

"That's because Li Qing, you have this qualification. You are an unparalleled national scholar, and you should be treated as a national scholar."

Yu Jianshen burst into laughter, as if he had not heard the irony in Li Xuan's words: "Li Qing, your deeds have been heard many times before you entered the capital. After the East Palace murder case, I was even more impressed by Li Qing's talents and character. Very impressed.

This time Gu Yu took the risk to come to Dali Temple when he was under suspicion, because he wanted to ask Uncle Jing personally if he would be willing to serve Gu and be Gu's humerus arm. "

Li Xuan heard this, but his eyes narrowed slightly: "That's why there was a fire in the Metropolitan Procuratorate today, and the generals were sent here, right?"

"I don't know if Li Qing is willing to believe it. I have never been involved in Huichang Bo's setup."

Yu Jianshen's expression became solemn: "However, I can guess what Uncle Huichang will do next. Li Qing, since you have entered the prison of Dali Temple, you are like a tiger in a urn, and you can only let it go. They are at their mercy. Now there is only one way to get you out of this prison."

"This method is to serve His Highness the Crown Prince?" Li Xuan believed that Yu Jianshen was not involved in the plans of Huichang Bo Sun Jizong and others, but he may not have known about it.

"Gu said, you will be a national scholar!" Yu Jianshen actually stood up and bowed slightly towards Li Xuan: "Li Qing will become Gu's humerus as he wished. Not only can this disaster be resolved, Gu will also become a national scholar. Treat each other!"

Li Xuan looked at him intently for a moment, and then shook his head slightly: "Your Majesty, you are serious! I sincerely believe that the Li family has been loyal to the royal family for generations. When your highness ascends the throne in the future, Li Xuan will naturally be your minister."

Yu Jianshen was stunned for a moment, UU reading www. uukanshu. net then smiled bitterly, already knowing what Li Xuan was thinking.

He sighed softly: "I had someone prepare a banquet and bring it over, but it seems I won't be able to have a drink and talk with Uncle Jing."

After saying this, he looked at Li Xuan for a long time, trying to find any wavering on Li Xuan's face. But in the end, he found nothing and could only walk towards the cell door with a disappointed expression.

Li Xuan spoke again at this time: "But for Miss Sun's sake, I can give Uncle Huichang and the Queen Mother a chance to change their ways. As long as they give me an explanation for today's events, I can take everything before as an example." Did not happen."

Yu Jian frowned deeply and finally walked out of the cell without saying a word.

Li Xuan looked at the knife in his hand with a cold expression.

Since he has not yet been convicted, nothing on his body has been searched, and the 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' is still in his hand.

He thought that there was no way for him to be on good terms with Huichang Bo, the Queen Mother, and the Prince after all.

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