Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 366 The Prince loses his moral character

At this time, there was a lot of noise in the East Palace.

"It has already crashed into the courtyard wall, so fast——"

"Stop it quickly! Are they all trash?"

"No, that evil beast went to the direction of Hanyuan Pavilion!"

"Protect the prince quickly!"

"No! This is wrong! You see clearly, that is the jade unicorn! It is the holy beast unicorn."

At this time, the prince Yu Jianshen saw with his own eyes the red brilliance breaking in, taking away his library, the four treasures of the study, the bookshelf, etc., as well as the writing in Hanyuan Pavilion. The plaques with the words 'The benevolent are invincible' were all smashed into pieces.

Prince Yu Jianshen pressed the sword with his hand, but his arm was trembling. He was filled with anger and hatred. He wanted to draw the sword, but he still couldn't muster the courage to draw the sword. He could only grit his teeth tightly, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

What grudge does he have against this jade unicorn? Why did this beast want to put Yu Jianshen to death?


Shang Hong, a scholar from Zuo Chunfang, reached out and grabbed the prince's arm tightly like an iron pliers: "This is the sacred beast of the Confucian sect, and it is respected by people all over the world. You must not use weapons without permission, unless your highness You must renounce Confucianism!"

But there was no color on his face, as if he were dead: "Your Majesty is waiting for your mistakes, and you must not give anyone an opportunity to take advantage of you."

At this time, the red light had already shuttled away and continued to fly wildly into the depths of the East Palace.


That was the East Palace Bedroom, and there was a sound of being shattered by the jade unicorn. The guards in all directions were panicked.


Yu Jianshen finally retracted his hand from the hilt of the sword, but his body was still trembling and his lips turned white: "But if the jade unicorn hits the East Palace, everyone in the world will definitely think that it is a bad act! Your Majesty will definitely do the same. Let’s get into trouble.”

At this moment, Yu Jianshen's emotions were extremely complicated.

It's ridiculous that he was still regretting that Li Xuan didn't know how to praise him, but now that he is so enlightened, he is about to fall into a state of eternal doom!

Shang Hong said with a sullen face: "Prince, don't worry. The envoys from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the six subjects are still facing the prince. I will leave the palace later to appease the ministers for the prince."

Later, the prince may write a self-incriminating memorial to explain his sins and reflect on his mistakes. It would be best to build another cottage outside the Meridian Gate, so that the officials can see your gentleness and humility, Prince, and your deep introspection. "

At this point, he hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "If the situation really comes to the worst, it would be better for His Highness to lose the crown prince than to never turn around. To put it bluntly, since the emperor has If you have Yi Chu's heart, your wish will come true sooner or later. Now only virtue and reputation can keep your highness in the future."

Yu Jianshen felt a little calmer and nodded slightly with a cold face.

But the sound coming from far away made him change his expression again and look towards the north.

"No! That beast went to Renshou Palace."

"Why didn't you stop it?"

"That's the holy beast Qilin. Who dares to use weapons on him?"

"The problem is that it can't be stopped! The speed is too fast, it should be the timing method."

At this time, in the Renshou Palace to the north, Queen Mother Sun's face was purple, watching the crimson light crashing in, invincible along the way, smashing all the houses and buildings into debris.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly. Countless wind knives appeared around Queen Mother Sun, but deep murderous intent emerged in her eyes.

"No, Queen Mother!"

It was a female official, hugging the Queen Mother Sun's leg tightly: "If this Qilin is damaged in our Renshou Palace, it will not be clear afterward! My Majesty, you must not do anything!"

Princess Changning, who returned to Renshou Palace, also had a face as deep as the bottom of a pot, and said in an extremely dry voice: "My queen, please calm down your anger. For the sake of His Majesty the Emperor and the Crown Prince, please calm down the wrath of Thunder!"


Empress Dowager Sun finally gave up her intention to take action. She suddenly waved her sleeves, and the huge force not only shook the surrounding houses into dust, but also created a huge deep pit in the ground.

"What kind of Confucian holy beast? It's just an evil beast! Why does it accuse me of being immoral? Does it want to force my children and grandchildren to death? After today, I will definitely kill this evil beast!"

At the same time, in the Zhongji Hall of the Purple Gold Palace, Emperor Jingtai was wearing a set of purple and gold bright light armor.

"There must be something unusual over there at Dali Temple! Their target is Jing'an Bo. Go there now in person and follow my orders to transfer Jing'an Bo to the prison of your Xiu Yiwei. You must hurry, hurry!"

Emperor Jingtai's eyes were filled with confusion, and he was filled with shock and anger: "I never thought that these bastards would be so bold as to act so arrogantly. They simply regard the imperial court's regulations as nothing!"

Zuo Daoxing immediately bowed, with worry in his eyes: "I'll rush over right now! It's just that the Queen Mother has set up this situation, so she must have back-ups to deal with it. Your Majesty, you take the overall situation into consideration, but they may not."

"So what about the backhand? How far do they plan to ignore the overall situation? Are they planning to rebel?"

Emperor Jingtai's face showed a green air: "Since they are unwilling to abide by the rules, then why should I abide by the rules with them! In short, no matter what, we must not let Uncle Jing'an get hurt."

He strode out and told Zuo Daoxing: "Yu Shaobao is not in the capital, and I need to go out of Shanhaiguan. If there are police in the capital, or if you encounter any accidents, you can go to Chen Xun for help. That old man, he I know what to do at this time. If he messes with me again, I won’t hesitate to overturn the table!

Also, Hongshang is already on her way to Beijing. She can arrive in Beijing in half a day at most. With her here, the situation in the capital will not get out of hand. "

But Emperor Jingtai's words contained anger that was difficult to vent.

Emperor Jingtai thought that the 30,000 Mongol and Tatar cavalry raided Liaodong at this time, and the Tatar Mongol Khan Tuotuo Buhua personally appeared outside Shanhaiguan. This was definitely not a coincidence.

His aunt is so hateful and annoying!

And that Tuotuo Buhua, doesn't he know that once the Ming Dynasty declines, he, the Mongolian Khan, will be the first to suffer?

Is that idiot willing to continue to be the puppet of the Great Khan of Wasi and the Grand Master Mengwu?

But at this moment, Emperor Jingtai's expression moved slightly, and he heard the roar coming from the east side of the palace city.

Emperor Jingtai couldn't help but frown. He thought what was going on these days? Why are things happening one after another in the Forbidden City?

He looked into the distance, and then he was stunned, and there was a hint of strangeness in his eyes. He actually stopped at the door and ignored the military situation at Shanhaiguan for the time being.

And just a moment later, several waiters from outside walked in with happy faces. The person leading the charge was none other than the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the Du Zhijian.

"It's bad, Your Majesty! It's a disaster."

He said 'disaster' in his mouth, but there was undisguised joy on his face: "Just now, a strange beast broke into the palace wall, broke into the East Palace, and smashed Hanyuan Pavilion and the prince's palace into pieces! Servant! I just took a look at the strange beast from a distance, and it seemed that the jade unicorn, the holy beast, was showing its sanctity!"

"This is really sad news."

Emperor Jingtai had already seen the red light and crashed into the Renshou Palace. The corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he felt that all the accumulated anger during the day was vented at this moment, as if he had eaten a bowl of iced sour plum soup in the hot summer, which was extremely comfortable.

"In this troubled year, the prince has lost his virtue and the queen mother has lost her kindness, so that the holy beast appears to warn them. What should I do?"

"My order is that the jade unicorn is a sacred beast of the Confucian sect, symbolizing the way of heaven. Everyone inside and outside the capital must not harm it in the slightest, otherwise it will be considered a crime of evil and rebellion!"

Emperor Jingtai was originally a little worried that the Holy Qilin would crash into the Zhongji Hall. But when he saw the red light turn and rush outside the Forbidden City, he was completely relieved.

At this time, he turned his head again and looked at Zuo Daoxing beside him: "Daoxing, do you know what to do?"

Zuo Daoxing's expression became stern: "I will definitely not disappoint His Majesty!"

At this time, another chamberlain came hurriedly outside, and he was also a chamberlain from the governor. He walked quickly and prostrated himself before the jade steps.

"Your Majesty, Wai Lang, an official from the Ministry of Punishment, wants to see you!"

The chamberlain lowered his body to the ground and reported: "I am here to report on the order of Yu Shiyue, the Minister of Punishment. Today, the holy beast Jade Kirin appeared outside the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but it broke into the door and smashed the Palace of the Metropolitan Procuratorate." The "Integrity and Uprightness" plaque and the "Mingjing High Hanging" plaque. This Yuanwailang accompanied Yu Shiyue to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to handle the case and saw it with his own eyes."

Emperor Jingtai was stunned when he heard this, and then he laughed dumbly: "It seems that this immoral person is not just Donggong."

He knew that a qualified emperor should not take pleasure in others' misfortunes, but he still couldn't suppress it.

For the sake of easy storage, he was already tired of the so-called clean-minded people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He finally managed to get Lin Youzhen, the left deputy censor of the capital, into trouble, but he got into trouble with a fire in the scripture room.

"Inform the Imperial Guard and immediately prepare a decree to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and ask them why Saint Qilin broke into the house today? Let them give me an explanation."

After saying this, Emperor Jingtai did not hesitate anymore and flew directly into the air and stepped into the 'Red Thunder Divine Chariot' waiting outside the palace. UU read books

What the emperor didn't know was that at this time, in the southwest corner of Beijing, all the officials were surrendering to Wei Zhen's house. Peng Fulai and Zhang Yuezheng were escorted out of the house by the owner of the house in person.

After Peng Fulai walked down the steps, he bowed deeply to Wei Zhen above him: "Then I'll leave it to Uncle Wei Shi!"

"Don't worry, nephew Peng Xian! Since such evil things have happened in the East Palace, how can he inherit the Jin Dynasty?"

The officials all said that Wei Zhen was in his thirties, handsome, elegant and elegant. He put his hands behind his back and looked towards the East Palace with cold eyes: "At least tonight, there will be a cloud of bullets!

I also ask my nephew to tell Uncle Jing'an on my behalf. No matter whether it is the censor of the capital or the censor of the deputy capital, no one of them can ever be content in his position again! "

A hint of joy flashed across Peng Fulai's face, and he bowed and said, "If Uncle Wei Shi needs us to run around, or needs money for activities, just ask Uncle Wei!"

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