Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 387 The greedy Wuqu Pojun

The monstrous rain of arrows fired by the Demon-Conquering King Kong killed dozens of ghosts in front of the giant tree, and then bombarded the trunk of the towering tree with endless momentum.

The arrows of the 'Thousand-Gold Magic Crossbow' are less than two fingers thick and have no arrowheads, but their lethality within a hundred feet is comparable to that of a twenty-stone crossbow. At this time, each arrow penetrated deep into the giant tree, creating a large hole like a honeycomb, causing the giant tree to emit a harsh roar - it was like the sound of countless pieces of wood rubbing together.

What's surprising is that the sap flowing out of those holes is actually bright red blood.

At this time, there were dozens of tree vines wrapping around them, but the Demon-Conquering Vajra ignored them all. Electric light shone all over its body, and it charged forward like a mad tiger, and then with one sword, it killed the twenty-foot-tall giant tree. The tree was cut from it.

Later, he saw the big demon-suppressing sword inserted into the tree trunk, exploding with immeasurable thunder power, turning the huge demon tree into charcoal piece by piece, and ignited a raging fire.

"It is indeed the most dangerous place in the world!" Luo Yan came over and looked at it carefully, and then exclaimed: "A three-hundred-and-fifty-year-old silver fir tree was actually twisted into such a ghostly appearance. climate.”

She then looked around with a puzzled expression: "This tree has killed at least twenty people, and there are even more livestock members. But how could there be so many people in this wilderness?" swallow?"

"It should be the herb collector."

Le Qianqian followed Luo Yan step by step: "The top-quality wild ginseng is produced nearby, and ginseng is born from the essence of heaven and earth and will not be contaminated by any evil spirits. The wild ginseng near the Liao Taizu Mausoleum has extra medicinal effects Well, twenty-year-old wild ginseng is worth a hundred years elsewhere, so it is particularly famous.

Therefore, although the herdsmen around here know that this is a dangerous place, thousands of people still rush here every year. All they need to do is find a 100-year-old ginseng plant, and they will have nothing to worry about for the rest of their lives. "

Feng Sheng was in shock. Just now, a tree vine had entangled his feet. The huge force caused him to fracture on the spot.

He hugged Li Xuan and said, "Thank you for your humiliation, sir!"

Li Xuan nodded expressionlessly, looking very cold. But in fact, most of his attention at the moment was on his right arm armor, 'Wuqu Pojun'.

This time, his 'Ferocious Beast Taotie' did not move at all. On the contrary, it was 'Wuqu Pojun' that just burst out with a violent desire to devour, wanting to swallow all those ghosts and the demonic tree.

Fortunately for Li Xuan, he has surrendered the weapon spirit of 'Taotie'. Otherwise, just now, the 'Taotie', driven by the 'Wuqu Pojun', would have devoured the demon tree and the dozen or so ghosts.

The ‘Vicious Beast Taotie’ and ‘Wuqu Pojun’ are originally one body, with ‘Wuqu Pojun’ as the main one. When the two immortal treasures have no owners, Taotie is driven by them.

"Can't swallow!"

Green Qiluo opened her eyes behind Li Xuan: "These Yin spirits can strengthen Wuqu Pojun's power, but the more you swallow now, the stronger the evil star's backlash will be. There are also evil forces, sedimentation It’s going to be pretty scary coming down.”

"I know."

Li Xuan had already suppressed his desire to "break the army with martial arts" and turned to look ahead: "Let's continue."

He glanced at Feng Sheng again: "I know you are anxious to save people, but you have to be careful. You know the dangers here better than I do."

Feng Sheng was slightly ashamed, but he still walked in front and led the way, but his steps were much more cautious. At the same time, he felt a little more at ease.

The mechanism puppet gave him a little confidence. Just from the tyrannical sword power of the 'Demon-Suppressing King Kong', it can be known that this is an existence that is as lethal as the martial arts cultivator of Jiuzhonglou.

They walked through the mountain road and passed two valleys in succession. About two hours later, when Li Xuan stepped onto a mountain, he finally saw a rapid mountain stream ahead, flowing between the canyons.

Therefore, it is still dozens of miles away from the mountain stream, and Feng Sheng cannot see it. In this dense mist, even if he used his spiritual vision, he could only reach five miles away at most.

After hearing Li Xuan's inquiry, the man replied doubtfully: "Luohu Stream is in this direction, and it is about seventy-two miles away from here."

He thought that Li Xuan's 'spiritual vision' could be so exaggerated? Can you see Luohu Stream from here?

This person seems to be a master of both martial arts and martial arts, but his martial arts cultivation should have just broken through the third gate. His spiritual vision ability can actually surpass him by so much.

"Is that Luohu Stream?" Luo Yan also had purple fire in her eyes, looking from a distance, and then her expression moved slightly: "I found their location, it's on the mountain ridge to the west."

Jiang Hanyun also raised her eyebrows: "I saw it!"

On the opposite hilltop, there were about twenty people, standing guard among the rocks there. Jiang Hanyun couldn't see the specific situation clearly because of the shadows.

Li Xuan waved his hand and took out the 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' that Xue Yunrou gave him: "Let's fly over."

Li Xuan didn't use this thing before because it was difficult to determine the direction in the fog and he was worried about not being able to find anyone; he was also afraid that his mana would be wasted and his own combat power would be greatly reduced.

But the straight-line distance between here and the mountains over there is less than thirty miles, but if you walk there from the ground, you have to go around for more than fifty or sixty miles.

Feng Sheng couldn't help but look strange, thinking who are these people? Can spiritual vision see this far? His immediate boss, the Demon-Subduing Captain of the Eighth Level Tower Realm, could only see within fifteen miles from here.

I had never heard of such a godly man in their main hall and Qinglong Hall before.

He boarded the shuttle dubiously, and then felt his back being pushed forward violently. This 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' was so fast that it flew ten miles away in an instant.

At this moment, Li Xuan frowned slightly. Just because his mind was clearly locked on the mountain on the opposite side, he felt that the shuttle under his control was getting further and further away from the mountain.

There is a powerful force here that is distorting his perception of time and space, causing him to have countless illusions.

"This is caused by the distortion of the ley lines."

Le Qianqian explained: "This is not just the Mausoleum of Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, so it is the place of Longxing for the Khitan people. All the emperors of the Liao dynasties are buried here. The Mausoleum of Taizu of the Liao Dynasty is buried in the center, and the tomb of Taizu of the Liao Dynasty is buried in the north. Liao Qing Mausoleum of Liao Shengzong, Xingzong and Daozong.

It is said that it looks like a crouching dragon. It looks like the dragon's head is slightly tilted, its eyes are wide open, its whiskers are floating, and its spine is undulating. It seems that it will rise into the sky at any time and leap into the sky.

To the south is the Liao Huai Mausoleum where Emperor Taizong of the Liao Dynasty and Emperor Muzong of the Liao Dynasty are buried. It looks like a tiger, with its front body crawling, like an evil tiger before it pounces on food. These three are just like the three talents of heaven, earth and man. Therefore, within a radius of 500 meters, there are all kinds of strange phenomena that are forbidden to birds. "

Fortunately, the distance was only thirty miles, so Li Xuan still drove the 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' and successfully landed on the opposite mountain ridge.

After landing, Li Xuan frowned slightly and looked down the mountain. It can be seen that there is a thick black mist over there, and with his eyesight, he can see that there are countless filthy and dirty things hidden in it, and he is eyeing the mountain tops here.

Then he looked at the surrounding rocks and found that in addition to the ones he had seen before, there were more than thirty people hiding behind the rocks. But most of them were unconscious, either seriously injured or infected with poison.

The huge rocks here are covered with Buddhist scriptures written in cinnabar. They are criss-crossed to form a magic circle covering one mile of the mountain.

The Buddhist formation is not called a formation, it is called a 'boundary'.

Li Xuan recognized that this was a common formation in Buddhism - the 'Shenhui Shurangama Realm'.

The Surangama Sutra is a very important sutra in Buddhism. It contains a comprehensive collection of Buddhist practices. It is also a magic-busting book that records all the evils in the world and how to destroy them. The 'Shrangama Mantra' contained in it is considered the number one in destroying demons, and the formations derived from it are also feared by countless demons.

"Captain!" After Feng Sheng came out of the shuttle, he walked towards a huge boulder next to him with a look of joy.

There are two people standing over there. One is dressed as a monk, with a bare head, a square face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth. He is wearing a bunch of skull-shaped Buddhist beads the size of a fist, and is holding a crescent shovel in his hand. , the image resembles the flower monk Lu Zhishen in Water Margin.

The other one is also about thirty years old, wearing a six-path demon-suppressing armor, with an eagle nose, deep eyes, and a long beard reaching to his chest.

Feng Sheng saluted the two of them and introduced to Li Xuan: "Li Xiaowei, this is a low-ranking official. He is a member of the Buddhist sect, and his dharma name is Miaoxin; the other is the leader of the fifth flag, Fu Mo School." Lieutenant Yushuang. Two adults, this is Lieutenant Li Xuan of the Demon-Subduing School who has just been transferred to the main hall——"

"Needless to say, I know him. Years ago, I heard that the general manager transferred a person from the south to steal the job of our Shenlei Mansion. His name is Li Xuan, and he must be this one."

Monk Miaoxin waved his hand impatiently, and then asked coldly: "Let me ask you, how many people can your shuttle carry at one time?"

Seeing that their attitude was average, Li Xuan hugged the two of them politely as a greeting, and then asked in confusion: "Why does the master ask this?"

"Don't you know how to read it?"

Monk Miaoxin said angrily: "Those things down there, they are just waiting for dark! It is the end of Shenshi now, UU Reading If we don't send the wounded here out, we will all die."

The Demon-Subduing Captain named Yu Shuang was somewhat restrained: "What we mean is, Mr. Li, please use the shuttle to transport the wounded out, and then we can break through."

Li Xuan shook his head: "It's no problem to carry thirty or forty people, but the earth veins here are different and the void is twisted. My magic power is not enough to send them out of the black fog, and I don't have the time. And if you break out in the dark, none of you can Can’t survive.”

Miao Xin and Yu Shuang were suffocated. They had no intention of leaving alive. They just planned to fight to the death after sending the wounded away.

Li Xuan then looked sideways at Luo Yan: "How is it?"

"It's not a big problem." Luo Yan put his hands behind his back, looking confident and contemptuous: "It's easiest and easiest to bring them up together and burn them. There are three evil spirits from the fourth gate inside, but it's not a big problem for you and me."

She knew that it was easy for Li Xuan to kill one or two evil spirits from the Fourth Sect now.

Jiang Hanyun is already gearing up and eager to try: "It's best to do it now."

Le Qianqian said: "Be careful behind the scenes. I noticed that there is an evil cultivator hiding over there. He has four coffins with him. It may be something serious."

Monk Miaoxin was stunned when he heard this, and then yelled: "Where did you get Guawazi from? You are boasting nonsense here."

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