"Li Qing, are you serious about what you said?" Emperor Jingtai tried to calm down his mood, but there was a touch of moxibustion heat in his eyes: "Can you really save people?"

"But it's only limited to resuscitation. I don't know when His Highness the Crown Prince will wake up. In addition, I also need the help of Divine Doctor Jiang. I need to open the Crown Prince's skull and remove his brain tumor."

Li Xuan cupped his hands, thinking that some things had to be explained clearly in advance.

According to Lvjian Loli, even if Yu Jianji survives, his condition should be close to a vegetative state.

As for the vegetative people Li Xuan knew, some could wake up, while others slept until death. But in this magical world where immortal magic is rampant, the royal family should have other ways to wake him up.

Emperor Jingtai felt his sleeve being pulled at this time. It was his concubine Hang, who was looking at him with extremely expectant eyes.

Yu Hongshang was both surprised and hesitant. As far as she knew, Li Xuan's medical knowledge could surprise a miracle doctor like Jiang Yunqi, but he had no ability to resurrect the dead.

On the one hand, she hopes that Li Xuan can revive Yu Jianji, but on the other hand, she is afraid that Li Xuan will eventually fail and incur the complaints of her parents.

Emperor Jingtai was not the kind to believe others' words. He took a deep breath and continued to ask attentively: "Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Yunqi knew that his son-in-law was definitely not the kind of person who talks freely, but he still had doubts in his heart: "It is easy to remove the tumor on his body, and I can even guarantee that he will not relapse in the future.

But the heart of the prince had stopped, his vitality had been exhausted, his bone marrow had deteriorated, and it was difficult for his brain and internal organs to resume functioning. Also, since his soul has dispersed, how can we restore the integration of his spirit and body? "

Li Xuan didn't answer. He walked to the bed again and put a hand on Yu Jianji's chest. As the lightning exploded in his hand, Yu Jianji's entire body trembled.

Modern defibrillators are used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, using pulse current to act on the heart. The voltage is generally around 3,500 to 3,700 volts. At an impedance of 50 ohms, the maximum current is between 50 and 60 amps. This is something Li Xuan can do and master skillfully.

But the main force that can bring Yu Jianji back to life is not him, but Green Sword Lolita.

As Li Xuan pressed, a green fluorescence also penetrated into Yu Jianji's chest.

Just after Li Xuan clicked for the fourth time, the three heavenly beings present discovered that the situation in Yu Jianji's body was completely different from before. Not only is Yu Jianji's heart and lungs gradually recovering, but the bone marrow essence and blood in his body also seem to be 'alive'.

Yu Jianji's blood had always been lifeless before and gradually became thicker. But at this time, they started flowing again.

"Use thunder and lightning to stimulate the heart? That's a good idea."

Green Sword Loli showed appreciation in her eyes: "This saves me a lot of effort."

Under her control, there was a touch of green fluorescence that spread through Yu Jianji's meridians and reached his brain. This actually attracted all the remaining souls of Yu Jianji, and they turned into strands and began to return to Yu Jianji's Yintang.

"Shaping the soul and fixing the soul?"

There was something strange in Emperor Jingtai's eyes, and then he immediately stood up and bowed to Jiang Yunqi: "Please sir, give it a try! Sir, you don't need to worry, just try your best. I am not an ignorant person, see you. Whether Ji survives or not, I will not blame him."

Jiang Yunqi also nodded slightly and began to roll up his long sleeves: "I should do my best!"

The situation inside Yu Jianji's body did give him some hope.

Yu Hongshang was also slightly surprised, but worried that her joy would be in vain, so she tried to control her expression. She looked at Li Xuan suspiciously, wondering when did Li Xuan master this powerful magical power that could bring the dead back to life?

Yu Hongshang then looked behind Li Xuan,

She had suspected before that there was something attached to Li Xuan's body. But after that, she didn't see any reason for the magic weapon she called from the Shaofu's treasure house.

Now it seems that the level of this magical weapon is probably not enough.

"His Royal Highness the Prince has blood type A." Li Xuan whispered to Jiang Yunqi at this time: "His blood is weak now, his internal organs are exhausted, and he is no longer able to bear the pill. So before opening the skull, we have to collect some blood."

Jiang Yunqi nodded slightly again: "Just keep him alive, I will handle this matter."

When he was in Jiangnan, Li Xuan told him about blood types. However, Li Xuan did not say ABO, but replaced it with A, B, C and D.

In the past two months, Jiang Yunqi has figured out a method for identifying blood types.

As for the source of blood, everything is available in the palace. There are so many eunuchs, doctors and maids kneeling outside, so each of them can smoke a little.

Soon Jiang Yunqi came back with several jade bottles of blood. The jade bottles were all refined with secret methods to ensure that the blood would not be contaminated. His special medicine and saline were also added to the blood to prevent blood clotting.

Afterwards, Jiang Yunqi took out some more surgical tools, first cauterized them with the thunder fire he summoned, and then soaked them in medicinal liquid. His hands did the same thing, and were later covered with a layer of glue.

Li Xuan used a microscope to help him realize that there are hundreds of thousands of insects in a bowl of water. Therefore, during surgery, high-temperature flames and lightning must be used to disinfect the water to prevent infection.

But judging from his research over the past two months, high-temperature flames can only remove most of the hundreds of thousands of insects. Some small creatures are actually extra resistant to fire and lightning. Their ability in this regard is not inferior to that of the Heavenly Ones, and it is very difficult to kill them. Therefore, Jiang Yunqi also developed a drug to ensure non-toxic and sterile operation.

The subsequent craniotomy was simple. Jiang Yunqi's cultivation level was as high as heaven. His hands and his knife were more accurate and stable than any so-called miracle surgeon in modern times. Jiang Yunqi's sensing ability was also enough to surpass most. Modern instruments.

He even made himself a surgical microscope with eight magnifications, about the thickness of a thumb, which could be hung on his right eye to improve his vision.

In terms of postoperative treatment, Jiang Yunqi has advantages that modern surgery cannot match. He can even control thunder and fire with precision and achieve everything he wants.

The entire operation lasted for about an hour. Finally, Jiang Yunqi took out a little blue spiritual liquid and placed it between Yu Jianji's eyebrows, making the prince's vitality more abundant.

Yu Jianji's heartbeat had stabilized. When Li Xuan let go of his hand with a slightly tired look on his face, all of Yu Jianji's physical signs were the same as those of ordinary people. Only the eyes are closed, and there is no self-awareness.

"That's all we can do right now."

Jiang Yunqi was already packing up his surgical tools: "Although he is alive, I estimate that the prince will remain a living dead for a long time. Whether he can wake up depends entirely on God's will. The human brain and soul are extremely complex, even if There is nothing Jiang can do.”

He used to practice medicine in Jiangnan and had seen countless cases of living dead, so he was not very optimistic.

Yu Jianji's brain was severely damaged, and there was little chance of him waking up.

Concubine Hang was already crying with joy. She thought it would be great if the person could be saved.

What's more, they are in heaven, but they still can't find a way to wake up Yu Jianji?

Jiang Yunqi gave Concubine Hang a warning look: "I advise your Majesty not to use anything with strong medicinal properties on him within three years, otherwise His Highness the Crown Prince will be close to death.

His aura is weak now, his life is like a candle in the wind, and he cannot bear anything from a tiger or a wolf. He needs to strengthen his foundation and cultivate his vitality. It will not be too late to find another way until his aura is stable. Also, it is best not to let him come into contact with outsiders in the near future. His Highness is not yet stable and cannot bear any shock."

Emperor Jingtai frowned slightly, then nodded slightly: "I'll save it, and I will definitely abide by your will."

At this time, he met Jiang Yunqi again and put the tumors taken out from Yu Jianji into several porcelain bottles for preservation.

Emperor Jingtai's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly: "Excuse me, sir, what are you doing?"

Jiang Yunqi smiled slightly: "Just now, my son-in-law asked me to take these tumors back and study them to see if there are any abnormalities. Jiang is also very interested. This brain tumor has been sealed by a secret method for several years. Once it breaks out, it will be fatal. This situation, I have never seen this kind of case before.”

Emperor Jingtai's face twitched slightly at first, and then he turned a blind eye to Jiang Yunqi's word 'son-in-law'.

He is in a very complicated mood now. On the one hand, he is very grateful to Li Xuan for saving Yu Jianji's life; on the other hand, he is still angry about Li Xuan's escape from the imperial city on New Year's Eve.

What's more, this Dr. Jiang was extremely kind to him.

And now he is extremely angry with the entire hospital and has lost trust. If something happens to Yu Jianji in the future, the only person he can rely on is the medical master in front of him.

At this time, Li Xuan cupped his fists towards Emperor Jingtai and said, "Your Majesty, I think that although His Majesty's life is safe, this case still needs to be investigated.

Although I haven't found any clues now, His Highness had been in the East Palace for only seven days when he suffered from a brain tumor and almost died of a sudden illness. If I don't get to the bottom of it, it will be difficult to resolve the doubts in my heart. "

Emperor Jingtai's eyes lit up, and the appreciation on his face was undisguised: "I will leave this matter to Li Qing, and I will give you full authority. I will not give up until I get to the bottom of what happened today."

He then told Zuo Daoxing, who was standing next to him: "Zuo Qing, you, the embroidered guards, must fully cooperate with Uncle Jing'an. Uncle Jing'an must not refuse when he meets the needs of the investigation."

Zuo Daoxing bowed silently. He cherished his words like gold, but his words were sonorous: "I obey my orders."

At this moment, the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the Imperial Guard, hurriedly walked over and knelt outside the palace: "Your Majesty, Chen Xun, the first assistant of the cabinet, Gao Gu, the second assistant, Wang Wen, the official secretary, Yu Jie, the junior security guard, and other ministers are outside. ask to see."

When Emperor Jingtai heard this, his face became gloomy again, and he glanced in the direction of Renshou Palace: "Go and tell them that I am not free for the time being, so let them wait at the Gate of Supreme Harmony."

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