Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 410 Heavenly Killing Formation

In the upper reaches of the Jinsha River, countless water monsters are traveling in the rapid water.

Their monster bodies may be large or small, or they may be fish bodies, or crocodile bodies, or turtles, or snakes and dragons, and there are all kinds of shrimps, soldiers, and crabs, and without exception, they all have ferocious images and are covered with Bone spurs and scales.

They floated up and down in the water, and their huge numbers almost filled the entire river.

Sailing in the middle of the river is a huge bone boat, about forty feet wide and seventy feet long. It travels in the turbulent waters of the upper reaches of the Jinsha River, but it feels like walking on flat ground, like a palace of bones on the water.

At this time, both Fubo Sanren and Pingbo Zhenren had dozens of chains piercing their bodies, and they came to the bone ship trembling.

One of them is a golden turtle and the other is a dragon crocodile. They were punished by Ao Shuying to perform hard labor in Tongtian River for attacking Li Xuan.

But just the day before yesterday, the defense line set up by the East China Sea Dragon Clan at Tongtian River was breached. Not only was the Dragon Lord of Tongtian River killed, but tens of thousands of the Dragon Clan navy were killed and injured. The two of them were also captured alive by the demon army of Tongtian River, and ended up in this situation. .

Just a moment later, the two of them were taken to a hall in the center of the bone ship.

This hall is surrounded by demons, guarding a bone throne.

On the bone throne, sat a man with an unusually tall body and a very heroic demeanor.

Fubo Sanren raised his eyes and looked through, only to see this man wearing a black robe and a golden crown on his head. The look on his face was half-smiling. What impressed people was the pair of triangular eyes and bulging cheeks.

But this did not affect the man's temperament. The man's stern look showed the spirit of embracing the world.

Fubo Sanren noticed that the man was looking at him, and immediately lowered his head and knelt on the ground.

He knew that this was Changze, the lord of the upper reaches of the Tongtian River, the queen of Ba Snake.

The Ba Snake is a kind of mythical animal. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Hai Nei Jing" says: "There is the Ba Kingdom in the southwest, and there is the Zhujuan Kingdom. There are black snakes with green heads and eating elephants."

Legend has it that this giant snake is a thousand fathoms long, green, yellow, red and black.

According to ancient records, the Ba Snake originally lived in the Dongting Lake area. Because this snake repeatedly caused trouble and preyed on humans, the Yellow Emperor sent Dayi to kill it.

Dayi first shot the Ba Snake with an arrow, then chased it to the far west and cut it into two pieces. Later, the body of Ba Snake turned into a hill, now called Baling (Yueyang).

However, although the Ba Snake died, its descendants evacuated along the river to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

During the Han and Tang dynasties, the Ba Snake lineage occupied both the Jinsha River and the Tongtian River. At that time, several rivers around here were called poisonous water and no ships could pass through them.

"Are you two Fu Bo and Ping Bo? Their cultivation is mediocre, but their names are quite domineering." Chang Ze glanced at the two of them and then withdrew his gaze. His voice was hoarse, with a hissing sound unique to snakes: "I ask you, are you willing to serve me?"

Fubo and Pingbo were as silent as cicadas after hearing this, and lay motionless on the ground.

Their descendants are distributed on both sides of the Yangtze River. Among the lakes and seas, who would dare to betray the East China Sea Dragon Clan, which controls the water systems of the world?

After a moment, Chang Ze sneered: "That's all, I won't make it difficult for you. We have no relationship between monarch and minister, and I won't force it. So, can you always talk to me about the situation along the Yangtze River?

Do you know the distribution of the dragon kings in various places and how many troops they have? There are also the imperial navy, how many troops there are in total, who the generals are, and what their military preparations are, right? "

At this time, dozens of demons and dozens of sinister and cold eyes in the hall were all looking at the two people kneeling in the hall, making both Fubo and Pingbo feel numb.

"According to past rules, I would throw captives like you directly to my sons to share their food. But now I am willing to leave you a chance of survival, but you have to say something to give me an excuse."

When Chang Ze said this, he smiled coldly: "I heard that you two offended Uncle Chengyi's second son Li Xuan, so you were sentenced to hard labor in Tongtian River. And the nephews in the family are all because of Li Xuan And with so many dead and injured, don’t you two want revenge——”

When he said this, Fubo Sanren was still fine, but Master Pingbo's eyes were red, his body was swollen, and he began to show the shape of a dragon and crocodile monster.

Chang Ze couldn't help but show ridicule in his eyes, and just when he was about to continue persuading, a figure flew into the hall.

"Your Highness!"

It was a ‘Thunder-winged Osprey’ at the eleventh level of the building, named Danyuan. Their tribe usually feeds on fish, shrimps and the like, and is active on both sides of the river. They can also be considered a member of the Tongtian River Monster Tribe.

And this Danyuan was surrendered by him three hundred and seventy years ago, and has always been his loyal minister.

At this time, this person transformed into a scholar, dressed in flowing black clothes, and looked very chic: "Your Highness, Master Jiu Deng sent the flying talisman, please Your Highness to speed up the eastward movement. He has helped you open the water channel near the Minjiang River, just If His Highness's demon army needs to arrive, we will be able to recapture the Jinsha, Minjiang and Jialing water systems, rebuild the Jinsha Royal Court, and restore the ancestral hegemony."

When Chang Ze heard this, he remained calm: "It sounds like he is in a hurry."

"It's very urgent." Dan Yuan nodded slightly: "What he said is that the imperial court and the East China Sea Dragon Clan have been alerted, and the emperor has gathered many heavenly officials and armies to prepare for the crusade. They only rely on the power of Xiang Yao who was sealed in the Minjiang River, We may not be able to withstand it, so please, Your Majesty, move eastward as soon as possible.

I don't know if what he said is true or false. But I just flew to a height of 10,000 feet and looked at it with my supernatural powers. It was discovered that from this time down to the Minjiang generation, there was no longer any navy from the Dragon Clan. As long as His Highness's army marches eastward and holds tight in the Yuzhou (Chongqing) and Wujiang areas, we can indeed rebuild the Demon Court and dominate Tiannan. "

At this time, his voice paused, and there was excitement on his face: "If we go further down the river and sweep the two sides of the Yangtze River with the big water, then how can the many brothers here get three or five heavenly positions. At that time , even Jinque Tiangong doesn’t dare to look down on us.”

Following his words, all the great demons in the hall had thick auras and scarlet eyes. They looked at each other, then knelt down one after another: "I am willing to die serving the king and sweep across the Yangtze River."

"Your Majesty! This opportunity cannot be missed. We respectfully request your Majesty to move eastward as soon as possible and achieve the hegemony of the Demon Kingdom!"

When Chang Ze heard this, he laughed loudly: "Then what are you waiting for? Give me the order to all the armies to speed up immediately."

Master Pingbo, who was still kneeling on the ground, moved slightly, with hesitation in his eyes.

His current cultivation level has reached the level of the tenth level tower. If you can join in and swallow one or two thousand blood food with the help of water, you will have a chance to reach the quasi-celestial realm.

At this time, Master Pingbo suddenly felt a biting chill spreading from all directions.

The coldness came so quickly that it froze the river water in the area in an instant. In an instant, the many monsters pulling the giant bone ship outside were frozen directly into the ice.


Chang Ze stood up suddenly. He glanced around, with awe-inspiring expressions in his pupils: "Who dares to be so bold? Offend my king on this Jinsha River?"

"Jinling Jiangyunqi, I have met His Highness the Demon King!"

Following this sound, a pair of silver-white halberds flew down from the sky and stuck into the ice on the left side of the giant bone ship. The huge force forcibly tore the upper part of the giant ship into pieces.

Then a gentle and elegant figure wearing a white Confucian shirt floated on the pair of painted halberds.

At the same time, a silver-white spear also fell on the ice on the right. Accompanying the spear was a man in a Confucian shirt with a majestic body and a domineering aura: "Tongzhou Helian Fulong, I'm sorry!"

Almost at the same moment, a black and white picture of yin and yang fish appeared in front of the giant ship. In the picture of Yin Yang Fish, there stands a beautiful girl wearing red palace clothes. Her face is cold and murderous: "The eldest princess of the Jin Dynasty, Yu Hongshang!"

Li Chengji showed up last. He fell from the air with a sword and fell behind the Bone Ship: "Sincerity, Li Chengji!"

He had a smile on his face, but he was merciless at his feet. The majestic power of ice spread rapidly from his feet, causing the ice on the river to spread to seventy miles away in just an instant!

The combined efforts of the four heavens froze all the 30,000 demon soldiers in this section of the river into the ice in an instant.

Even the monsters on the bone ship were covered in frost in this moment.

At this time, seventy miles upstream, a huge stone dam suddenly rose from the water, and continued to rise and thicken, completely blocking the gap between the two banks and the mountains.

Above the stone dam, there is the jade unicorn, and Le Qianqian, whose temperament has changed drastically, becoming graceful and luxurious, with a heavy momentum like the "houtu" Lingchen.

This huge stone dam not only intercepted the entire Jinsha River, but also blocked the 120,000 demon army located upstream behind the stone dam.

At this time, Xue Yunrou's figure appeared on the stone dam. Her 'Zhengyi Demon Sword' transformed into two giant red dragons, killing nearly a thousand monsters in front of the dam in an instant.

Behind her were Li Yan, his wife and Jiang Hanyun. The three of them each protected Yu Qilin and Le Qianqian, who were temporarily unable to be distracted. They were like an unshakable wall, driving away the big monsters that attacked them. . UU reading

Chang Ze's face turned dark, and his eyes were extremely cold and stern.

He felt that the might of the tens of thousands of troops originally under his command had been completely separated and fragmented.

At this time, only the 60,000 demon army forwards downstream who had not yet been frozen could still allow him to take advantage of the situation. But they are hundreds of miles away, and the strength of the tens of thousands of troops, energy, blood and smoke that Chang Ze can mobilize are already very few.

However, Chang Ze had no intention of panic. He hummed softly: "Five heavenly positions, what a grand scene! But this is the Jinsha River, how dare you attack my army with just trash like you?"

He stepped hard, causing a large area of ​​ice below to crack. The huge force comparable to the Nine Dragons and Ten Elephants made the entire land shake. A huge crack extended straight to the stone dam seventy miles upstream.

Chang Ze secretly sneered with disdain in his eyes. These four people had frozen the river and the water method, but how much power did they have left to fight him?

But at this moment, two figures that shined like lightning suddenly shuttled over.

Chang Ze was unable to react in time, and two huge holes were blasted out of his chest and abdomen by the fierce light thunder sword energy.

Bashe Changze couldn't help but be shocked. He endured the severe pain and looked at the two rapidly passing lights in panic.

"Who are you?"

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