Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 456: 1 shot of corruption, 300 miles and two

Zhang Guanlan was at a loss, and there was a hint of horror in the depths of his eyes.

The thing that passed by their ship just now seemed to be a cannonball?

But this is really crazy. How could there be a cannon with a range of 350 miles in this world? And just the air waves raised can move this huge gunboat in the clouds.

——How could a projectile fired two hundred and fifty miles away be so powerful?

Zhang Guanlan thought about his Yunzhong gunboat and Hunyuan cannon, but with the help of a drop of 18,000 feet, numerous magic formations, and the power of the Hunyuan divine thunder, he could increase the range to 180 miles. To one hundred and ninety miles.

But the cannonballs on the opposite side were fired from the ground!

If the shooting was from the same height, wouldn't the range of the opposite side be more than 500 miles?

What the hell is this?

"Notify the entire ship to stop advancing!"

Zhang Guanlan was shocked and doubtful. He immediately used his magic technique and used the technique of spiritual vision to look closely in the direction of Nankou Pass.

Zhang Guanlan fixed his gaze on the mountain pass behind Nankou Pass, maximizing his field of vision.

The power of the coiled thunder over there has disappeared, and the Marquis Jingan of the Jin Dynasty is still standing behind the exaggeratedly long barrel, in the center of the magic circle that accumulates huge thunder.

Next to him, there was a woman and two machine puppets, busy around the strange cannon.

Zhang Guanlan looked carefully and found that the woman seemed to be adjusting and replacing parts for the strange-shaped cannon and the lightning storage array.

"What on earth is this, and how can it hit so far?" The man in black hat was full of hesitation: "It looks like it is being repaired. Is that strange cannon broken?"

But he knew that this was probably his luck.

So the man in black hat quickly changed his voice: "How about we exit three hundred miles away and take a look?"

Zhang Guanlan also felt in a dilemma. The momentum of the shell just now really scared him.

In order to prevent the attack from Heavenly Position, the defensive capabilities of his five Yunzhong warships are still very good. Judging from the momentum of that shell, they only need to be hit by one shot to be in danger of being sunk.

But he felt unwilling to retreat at this point, and it was inevitable that he would be lucky.

What if, what if that strange cannon fails to hit like before? Or is it just a fake, with only one shell and it is now damaged?

Or rush forward now? Destroy the strange cannon first while the other party is still repairing it? But what if the other party fixes it?

Zhang Guanlan was full of hesitation and couldn't make a decision.

The five warships hovered in the air for a full moment, and people on the ground gradually noticed something unusual.

Li Yan, the general at Juyong Pass, looked at the sky strangely.

At this time, he had commanded all the Jin surrender troops at Juyong Pass to come out of the pass and form an array in front of Nankou Pass.

Since the two Guanchengs are not far apart, just a few steps, plus they are usually well-trained. So just four moments after the switch, they had already listed two square formations twenty miles in front of Nankou Pass.

Most of the troops who surrendered during the Great Jin Dynasty looked angry and unwilling. But under the strong pressure of Li Yan's army and many generals, they all dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

The numerous Mongol cavalry who followed behind made them unable to resist.

At this time, all it takes is five Yunzhong warships to arrive and blow open the gap at Nankou Pass, and the army can rush in and head towards the gates of Beijing.

But the five warships in the clouds that were supposed to be much faster than them were hovering in the air and did not move for a whole moment.

"Don't look, they are frightened. There is probably something extraordinary inside Nankou Pass now."

This is Yuan Jun, the commander-in-chief of Juyong Pass. He is tied to a prison cart. His bones were pierced, and more than twenty Zhenyuan nails were hammered into his body.

Li Yan brought him over to prepare for the flag sacrifice, but Yuan Jun had no intention of panic at this time. At this time, he looked at the sky with a strange expression on his face.

Although Yuan Jun's true energy was suppressed, his physical fitness as a pseudo-celestial master was still there. In addition, he had nothing to do in the prison car, so just now, he barely managed to capture the traces and light of the shot.

This made Yuan Jun feel excited and full of expectations.

Only after that shot, there was no movement at Nankou Pass for a whole moment, which made him feel a little worried.

But at this time, Yuan Jun still laughed hoarsely: "These Mongol people are in trouble, and your position as Duke of Li Yan will probably fly away. Haha! It's almost as if all the princes and princes have been exterminated for thousands of generations. Our country, the Jin Dynasty, is prosperous, but you young people can only succeed for a while——"

"Shut up!"

Li Yan suddenly swung his whip and struck Yuan Jun, the commander-in-chief of Juyong Pass: "The man who is about to die is still making noise here! Come on, shut his mouth!"

He then looked at the city wall of Nankou Pass: "My Dayuan's Yunzhong gunboat is invincible, and a mere Nankou Pass can be destroyed with a snap of the finger!"

But at this time, Li Yan felt increasingly uneasy.

Then he shook his head violently to drive away these distracting thoughts.

Li Yan thought that the "Hunyuan Cannon" of the warship in the cloud had a range of up to 180 miles, and firing fifteen cannons at once was equivalent to the combined force of the five heavens.

This kind of divine power, this kind of range, no one in this world can defeat it.

My choice must be right. The Mongol cavalry who sweated profusely first will definitely take over the Central Plains this time.

The position of Duke was hereditary for thousands of households. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was the pinnacle and supreme glory of the Han people!

At the same time, in the back mountain of Nankou Pass, Leng Yurou had made the final adjustments.

"Okay, sir, try again."

Leng Yurou's face was a little flushed. Although she was full of confidence just now, something went wrong during the test.

As a thunder magic monk, Li Xuan can exert 120% of the power of this cannon, but this also causes certain components and formation structures to be overloaded.

According to Leng Yurou's estimation just now, after two consecutive shots of this electromagnetic gun, its power may be greatly reduced, and after five shots, some parts and wires may be damaged.

Fortunately, Li Xuan left enough margin. The five warships were also stunned by the shot and did not dare to move forward for a while. She also had enough spare materials and parts in her hands to replace them.

Li Xuan was not polite. He once again formed a seal with his hands, mobilized the power of thunder in the 'Nine Heavens Thunder Pond Formation', and also locked a distant warship from the sky.

There is a slight problem with the ballistics of this railgun. This is because the accuracy of the 'gun rail' is slightly insufficient.

In fact, the weapon refiners of the Artifact Alliance have achieved the ultimate, but the slightest difference, placed three hundred miles away, is a full fifteen feet difference - this is because the ship Li Xuan was aiming at just now is In the middle, the ballistic trajectory of the cannonball passed by three feet away from the side of the ship.

However, through this near miss, Li Xuan had already figured out the crosshair of this electromagnetic gun.

In just a moment, a large number of Razers were entangled around the entire electromagnetic gun.

Yu Hongshang, who was watching from one side, couldn't help but clenched her fists quietly, wondering if this shot could hit?

She had seen the test firing just now with her own eyes, and she was pleasantly surprised by the range and power of this gun.

At this time, Yu Hongshang was only worried about the accuracy of this 'super electromagnetic gun'.

Xue Yunrou also raised her heart to her throat.

As long as these five Yunzhong battleships survive, they will be a major worry for Dajin and the Tianshi Mansion.

Following the 'sizzling' sound of the electric current, their eyes were gradually brightened by the huge thunder and lightning.

The next moment, with a muffled sound of "boom", the cone-shaped cannonball that was pushed onto the rail turned into a blue and red stream of light and blasted 250 miles away.

Luo Yan, Yu Hongshang, Xue Yunrou and others around them couldn't help but fly into the air, looking longingly at the cloud sky in the distance.

The three of them are all skilled in both martial arts and martial arts. They can see the scene one hundred and eighty miles away relatively clearly without the aid of other tools.

Others present, such as Tongzhi Zuo Daoxing, the Commander-in-Chief of the Xiuyi Guards, Wang Yuan, the guerrilla general of Nankou Pass, Le Qianqian and Xuan Chenzi, all picked up their telescopes and looked at it.

The next moment, they saw a ship over there suddenly violently turbulent, and then a stream of fire and smoke rose into the sky from the ship.


Tongzhi Zuo Daoxing, the governor of Xiuyi Guard, suddenly lit up, and then a rush of blood rushed to the top of his head, and he was so excited that he couldn't be more excited.

He found that the warship in the cloud was not only penetrated by a huge hole by the cannonball, but also a large amount of gunpowder exploded. The huge explosion made the ship unsustainable and was falling from the sky.

"Quick! Send a talisman to Your Majesty, informing Your Majesty that Nankou Pass can be defended! Let him not worry! There is also Yu Shangshu, let him rest assured that Beijing city is safe and sound. No! I will come in person -"

Zuo Daoxing almost said these words in a roaring tone: "Someone, please take my gold medal and tell Eunuch Lin, the Royal Horse Supervisor, that there is no need for troops to stay in the capital, and ask Eunuch Lin to quickly transfer their Royal Horse Supervisor's Fourth Guard Battalion to me. !The sooner the better!

I know this guy with no balls, if it's just a talisman, he will definitely hesitate. Only the gold medal given by His Majesty can force him to move. "

Wang Yuan, the guerrilla general of Nankou Pass, ran down the city wall like crazy: "All armies, listen to the order! All armies, listen to the order! All those who are above the level of the fourth level building, get on the wall! Get on the wall! Marquis Jing'an's cannon The power of the gods is invincible, they can’t break through the Nankou Pass!”

Before, he was not sure whether Li Xuan could destroy the five Yunzhong gunboats, so he held back. No martial arts cultivators with higher cultivation levels were allowed to board the city to avoid being hit by the cannonballs from the opposite side.

But at this time, he no longer had any scruples.

At this time, two hundred and fifty miles away, there was a sky of 18,000 feet of cloud.

The man in black hat held the long knife tightly, UU reading www.uukanshu.nnet, his face was ashen. He tried to intercept just now but failed.

The speed of the cannonball was already extremely fast, but when it entered two hundred miles, it still derailed and accelerated slightly under the influence of the runes, which made him misjudge its trajectory. It also makes the possibility of their interception extremely slim.

Looking at the sinking battleship in the cloud not far away, the man in black hat felt a wave of panic in his heart, and at the same time he felt helpless and confused.

Without these warships in the cloud, how can they break through the Nankou Pass?

If they could not break through this city, the Mongol troops would not be able to break through to the walls of Beijing.

This means that all their master's plans will be in vain and cannot be carried out.

"The entire ship is turning to left and the rudder is full! Get back!"

Zhang Guanlan shouted hoarsely, his face was pale and bloodless.

But at this moment, he discovered another huge ball of thunder and lightning shining on the hilltop behind Nankou Pass in the distance.

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