Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 460 A fight to the death

When the golden flames spread, many lamas and shamans accompanying the army hurriedly used their magic to extinguish the flames.

They continued to turn over the soil, digging all the fire points into the ground.

Fortunately, this is not in the air, nor on a ship with a lot of wood, and Zhang Guanlan's Wind Suppressing Step is there to suppress the wind.

The 'Immortal Fire' is said to be immortal and is a magical flame coming from the nine heavens. But the essence is just a fuel formula similar to fierce fire oil, which belongs exclusively to the Artifact Alliance.

After about thirty breaths, the flames in the canyon were finally extinguished.

But at this time, not only were two thousand Mongol knights killed by the 'Thousand Bullets' that exploded, but more than a thousand people were contaminated by the 'Immortal Fire'. They either transformed into torches and burned directly to ashes. , or buried deep underground during the burning process.


Ashe Timur's eyes were red, and his face was filled with endless violence.

In front of the Nankou Pass, nearly 6,700 of the 70,000 cavalry under his command had been killed before they even started attacking the city. This made Ashe Timur extremely heartbroken and furious.

"Your Highness the Prince!" Zhang Guanlan looked in the direction of Ashe Timur with some worry. He was worried that this 'thousand bullets' would make him timid.

However, Ashe Timur looked violent and shouted angrily: "I am ordering the 30,000 households on the left and the 40,000 households on the left to come to the city immediately! The other 10,000 households will be covered with arrows."

He then looked at Zhang Guanlan with cold eyes: "Master Tian is worried that I will be shaken? I am not a fool.

There shouldn't be many thousand bullets like this in their hands, otherwise they would have used them long ago. It only takes four consecutive rounds for my entire army to collapse. In this battle, I will bet with you. "

As the saying goes, compassion does not lead to troops, Ashe Timur was ready to suffer more than 20,000 casualties in this siege battle.

As long as this Nankou Pass is captured, Mengwu can still expect a great victory.

They have Juyongguan to rely on in the north, and Tangshan in the south. His second uncle Choros Boyan Timur and the 170,000 pieces of iron under the control of the Mongol Khan Bor Jijin Totuobuhua can stabilize the situation. never fail.

Zhang Guanlan nodded slightly with admiration: "His Royal Highness is still very knowledgeable!"

At this time, in the back mountain of Nankou Pass, Li Xuan had transferred the control rights of the electromagnetic gun to Leng Yurou.

"Then it's up to you, Yurou. Just hit places with a lot of people."

The Mongols on the opposite side were ready to risk their lives, but the railgun's shells could no longer determine the outcome of the battle.

The reason why these conical shells can carry wide wind knives is because Leng Yurou made several curved holes in the shells and compressed the air during their high-speed flight.

Zhang Guanlan took the initiative and used the wind suppression tower to suppress the surrounding air and wind, thus greatly reducing the lethality of these shells.

As a member of the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and the Yangyang Magic Sword', and the Nankou Pass garrison general who can gather the 'power of ten thousand armies' at Nankou Pass, Li Xuan will inevitably be unable to miss the upcoming battle.

After Leng Yurou took over, she frowned: "But we don't have many shells anymore. I only have seven in my hand."

"You don't necessarily need artillery shells." Li Xuan said with a smile: "No matter what it is, as long as it can be blasted out with the help of this cannon, it will be very lethal."

Li Xuan just regrets that the thrust of this railgun is too strong, the trajectory is too straight, and the spray fan is too narrow, so it is impossible to use 'shotgun'.

Also, if he had four more 'thousand bullets' or 'grenades' designed for mass destruction at this time, he could directly blast tens of thousands of Mongol cavalry.

The grenade is also called a bomb. As the name suggests, it contains thousands of seeds, just like a 'pomegranate'. It sounds similar to the 'Thousand Bullets', but the 'Thousand Bullets' are mainly armor-piercing, while grenades specialize in area destruction, and are more lethal to humans and animals than the 'Thousand Bullets'.

The problem is that the railgun's 'Thousand Bullets' and 'Grenade' are more difficult to cast. Metals that can withstand the high speed of Mach 150 without deforming, melting or vaporizing are very rare in this world.

Therefore, the shells Li Xuan fired before were all solid.

The hollow structure of the 'Thousand Bullets' and 'Grenade' makes the production of artillery shells more difficult and requires higher materials.

"Anything can be used?" Leng Yurou thought, and she was right. This is not a cannonball with a range of three hundred miles. If the range and target are reduced to fifty miles, then the shape and material requirements for the cannonball will be much simpler.

With the powerful thrust of the electromagnetic gun, even a simple stream of metal can cause great damage.

"Then there's no need for these shells. I'll keep them for later use."

"what ever!"

Li Xuan shook his head slightly. He wondered how he would need it in the future. How could the imperial court allow such an important military weapon to be kept in his hands?

However, it is also possible to sell it to the court afterwards.

Li Xuan then flew into the air and landed on the top of the city of Nankou Pass.

When he arrived, Jiang Yunqi and Yu Hongshang had already left the city to fight. The two intended to destroy the three 'giant statues' outside the city, but were blocked by the opponent's heavenly position.

In addition to the man in black robes, there is also a young lama in red robes.

Li Xuan knew all the fifteen heavenly heads of the Mongol people. He only took one look at this person and recognized it as Tsongkhapa, the "Dharma King of Longxiang Temple".

The Nine Dragons and Ten Elephants commanded by this man were roaring in the sky, converging their infinite power on Tsongkhapa, and furiously attacking Yu Hongshang. He can shatter the void with one punch, split mountains and rivers with one kick, and is as ferocious as a mad elephant and a mad dragon.

There are also three Buddha wheels representing the "Four Truths", "Prajna" and "August" surrounding Tsongkhapa, making his defense almost impenetrable.

Tsongkhapa obtained his throne by relying on external forces, and his combat power should not be as good as Yu Hongshang, who mastered the power of extreme yin and yang.

However, Longxiang Temple has a long tradition, which is far superior to that of another Dharma king, Lobsang Tsundampa. Tsongkhapa possesses four tantric sacred objects, and has been empowered and inherited by seven generations of Longxiang Temple Dharma kings. His martial intention is powerful and powerful, surpassing Many true heavenly positions.

Yu Hongshang, on the other hand, suffers from an unsolved syndrome of yin and yang reversal, and fought against Boyan Timur for seven hours in Shanhaiguan and Tangshan Yiyi, and was already on the verge of reaching her limit.

At this time, Yu Hongshang could only remain on the defensive amid the fierce attack of the 'Dragon Elephant King' Tsongkhapa, who was like a mountain and a sea. We still have to rely on Jiang Yunqi's help from time to time to support ourselves.

Jiang Yunqi's enemies are also very difficult. The man in the black hat has a good escape method, and he does not hesitate to use his true energy to continuously tear the void with the 'Eternal Divine Split Knife', destroying Jiang Yunqi's superconducting escape method.

At this time, the shortcomings of Jiang Yunqi, who was newly promoted to heaven, were revealed. Although he was able to suppress his opponents in battle and secure an advantage, he was never able to turn his advantage into an opportunity to defeat the enemy.

The men in black hats were using their abilities to injure the enemy, but Jiang Yunqi's Heavenly Realm was far inferior to his opponents in both quantity and quality.

This is a shortcoming in the foundation, which can only be made up by accumulation over time.

Li Xuan looked at the slope in front of Guancheng and saw tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry galloping up, charging towards the city wall in a black mass. They are as dense as clouds and fearless of death.

Although Xue Yunrou has been suppressing it, the height of the soil slope has always been three feet lower than the wall. But the height of three feet is no longer an insurmountable height for dragon blood horses and earth dragons.


Following the order from Wang Yuan, the guerrilla general of Nankou Pass, rows of flames suddenly appeared on the pass wall. A total of nine thousand flintlock muskets weaved a dense rain of bullets, making a huge roar, and the smoke sprayed from the barrels almost covered the entire wall.

The eight red-coated cannons and twenty-four squatting tiger cannons on the wall also sprayed out fire and countless shotguns.

This made the iron cavalry below, which looked like a swarm of locusts, seem to have been beaten by an invisible hammer. The entire formation collapsed inward, and countless Mongol knights fell off their horses.

But this only slightly dampened their momentum before they charged back to the wall.

At this time, it was revealed that the soldiers defending the city were poorly trained. Only 3,000 men could launch the second round of volley at Wang Yuan's order. The rest of them were good at loading gunpowder bullets accurately. They used the cover of the stacked walls to fire randomly, but their lethality against the Mongol knights was far less than before.

At this time, in front of the seven-mile-long wall of Nankou Pass, many strong men of the fourth gate were already fighting.

The seven thousand households of the Mongol people are equivalent to seven fourth gates, and the powerful martial arts combined with the power of thousands of troops put every inch of the city wall under tremendous pressure.

At this time, the only people in the pass who can fight against them are Jade Qilin, Demon-Conquering King Kong, Peacock Qianji, Xuan Chenzi, Le Qianqian and Zuo Daoxing. At this time, they all rely on the defense in the pass. The formation fought fiercely with these Mongol households.

It is a pity that the defensive formation in Guancheng can no longer provide much power at this time, which makes pseudo-tianzhi like Zuo Daoxing fall into a bitter battle.

Only the Jade Qilin looked like it was strolling in the courtyard. It condensed a thick stone armor around its body, and it was helpless no matter how the opponent attacked and slashed it. We can only let this holy beast run rampant among the cavalry, invincible.

"let's start!"

Luo Yan was tired of waiting. She knew that the biggest threat to Nankou Pass at this moment was the three 'giant statues'.

Although these things have power close to the heaven, in front of the real heaven, they are just useless snacks and can be easily solved.

Their bodies are too large and clumsy, and they don't look like the 'Multi-armed King'. Although the latter has a thousand-foot-tall divine body, sitting cross-legged, his body is made of wood and looks even more clumsy. But its thousands of arms can grow from any part, and there are no dead spots on its body.

But when these three 'giant statues' are used on the battlefield, they are extremely deadly weapons.

At this time, the only ones who have the ability to deal with these three 'giant statues' are UU Reading and she and Li Xuan.

The two of them were connected in spirit and in mind, and with just one thought, they were able to lift their swords into the sky at the same time. The red sword light controlled by the two men cut off all the heads of a 'giant statue' in just one back and forth.

However, neither of them had any intention of entangled with the 'Giant Spirit Statue', and the two red lights crashed directly in the direction of the former Yuan Tianshi Zhang Guanlan.

——This is the source of the ‘Giant Spirit Statue’. As long as this person is solved, then whether it is the Giant Spirit Statue, the earth slope, or the Wind Suppression Tower, everything can be solved easily.

Zhang Guanlan had already expected this. He looked at the sky with a sneer, his eyes filled with endless killing intent.

At this moment, a disciple behind him wearing a purple gold Taoist uniform suddenly took out a silver mirror and looked at the sky, pointing at Luo Yan.


As the silver mirror suddenly shattered, Luo Yan's figure also disappeared on the battlefield, and his whole body was moved by the void to an unknown place.

Zhang Guanlan smiled coldly. They were no match for the pair of "Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword", but as long as they were willing to pay the price, it would be easy to break through these two swords.

Just like now, sacrificing a top-quality magic weapon with a lifespan of three hundred years to move Luo Yan Qiankun and send it two hundred miles away.

At this moment, Zhang Tianyuan slowly pulled out his pair of long knives, with scarlet blood in his eyes; Ashe Timur next to him also became energetic and high in fighting spirit.

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