Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 463 The Marquis of Jingan has defeated the enemy

Chapter 463 of Where Can the Witch Escape? After the Marquis of Jingan had defeated the enemy and killed Ashe Timur, Li Xuan collapsed on the ground. Not only was he panting like an ox, but he was also almost unable to move.

Unprecedented fatigue invaded his soul, and the depths of his soul were even more painful and dizzy. All the muscles in his body felt like they were being pricked by needles, as if thousands of steel needles were piercing them.

Green Qiluo was worried that he would die from Yin evil karma poison and did not allow him to recover. This time, Li Xuan could only risk his own life and waste his energy.

He visualized the 'nuclear fusion' alone for a full moment, completely consuming all the power of his spiritual consciousness and unable to squeeze out any more vitality.

He had been slashed with at least a thousand cuts all over his body. The heavenly 'Dao Fruit' had been completely exhausted. Without the heavenly true energy to support the 'Vicious Beast Taotie' and 'Martial Arts Breaking the Army', it would have been very long. I can't exert my full strength.

The Immortal Soldier 'Kaiyuan' is unparalleled in his sharpness, but in the later stages of this battle he can only be used as a top-quality magic weapon.

If it weren't for his current golden body and domineering body, he could be considered powerful with a defensive weapon, otherwise he would have died a long time ago.

In addition to the injuries, the true martial arts of Ashi Timur and Li Zhetian were also deposited in his body, continuing to destroy his flesh and blood.

So much so that Li Xuan couldn't even take a breath away after swallowing several top-notch wound pills.

Fortunately, with Zhang Guanlan seriously injured and Ashe Timur killed in battle, the Oara cavalry on the battlefield had completely collapsed.

The tens of thousands of majestic and invincible cavalry were fleeing like rabbits in the direction of Juyongguan.

Some people saw that Li Xuan was weak and tried to seek him to avenge Timur.

However, his jade unicorn came to his side to protect him immediately; Sun Chuyun also pressed her sword and walked to his side silently to protect him.

She is holding an immortal sword, and even if her cultivation is as strong as the Fourth Sect, she still cannot point it straight.

"Thank you Captain Sun!" Li Xuan looked at Sun Chuyun: "If it weren't for you, I might have been dead for a long time now."

In fact, he can still escape, but if he does this, Nankou Pass may be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the sword that Sun Chuyun used to kill Zhang Guanlan was particularly crucial. It not only cost Zhang Guanlan his ability to die on his behalf, but also gave Yu Qilin the opportunity to severely damage his body.

If Zhang Guanlan hadn't recalled Zhang Tianyuan after he was seriously injured, Li Xuan would have had no choice but to fight to the death and then 'sacrifice his life for righteousness'.

Sure enough, after cultivating Hao Qi, all escape methods were useless. As soon as the blood rushed in his mind, he never thought about the word 'escape'.

"What are you thanking me for?" Sun Chuyun didn't look at him and didn't want to talk to him: "Being a lower official is just a duty. Besides, I still understand the truth that no eggs are left intact after the nest is overturned."

Li Xuan smiled bitterly. It seemed that he had hurt Sun Chuyun's heart that night in Dali Temple.

At this time, Meng Qingfan was using her thunderous horn to force away a Wanhu who was trying to bully him. Then she swung her tail in despair, thinking that she had done so much since she went north, but Li Xuan never looked at her or said 'thank you' to her.

Is it because Sun Chuyun is a beautiful girl and she is just a spiritual pet mount?

But then, Li Xuan stood up and walked over, rubbing Yu Qilin's head lovingly: "Thank you too!"

He then hung a basket full of 'Yuhan Candle Shrimp' shrimps on Yu Qilin's neck: "You eat these shrimps first, and later I will ask Shanweilou to prepare a feast of candle shrimps for you."

Besides this, I also heard that you like to eat flying fish from the East China Sea? In the next few days, I will ask someone to purchase one or two hundred stones for you, so that you can eat to your heart's content. "

Meng Qingfan smelled the smell of shrimps, and her mind exploded. She could not think of anything else. She felt that the animal consciousness in her body was awakening.

Li Xuan then pressed the knife with his hand and looked around with a cold expression. The power of thousands of troops condensed around him again.

In fact, he has not recovered much from his current injuries. With the help of a few top-level wound pills, he can close the wound and regain a little strength.

But at this time, Li Xuan was better off standing than sitting, and his weakness would only bring more danger to him.

Sure enough, when the powerful Mengwu men passing by saw him getting up, they were all shocked and confused, unsure whether Li Xuan was bluffing or whether he had really regained his fighting strength.

In the end, they all retreated north with the defeated army and did not risk taking action against Li Xuan.

Today, they saw with their own eyes that this man fought against two heavenly beings with his sword, covering half of the battlefield, and finally killed Ashe Timur.

They can't help but be wary of such a tiger's power.

Li Xuan was a little worried about Xue Yunrou at this time.

Since 'Zhang Tianyuan' protected Zhang Guanlan's escape, Xue Yunrou pursued him alone.

But at this time, ‘Zhang Tianyuan’ was still in peak condition, and Zhang Guanlan was not seriously injured or on the verge of death. This person has extraordinary magical power and has endless ways to protect the Tao. Even in a dying state, one must be careful.

Li Xuan was worried that if Xue Yunrou failed to pursue him, he would encounter a backlash and put himself in danger——

But now he was in a helpless state. Fortunately, Jiang Yunqi had already chased him. With the support of this unparalleled Ice and Thunder Divine Halberd, and the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle' in Xue Yunrou's hands, the possibility of encountering danger is unlikely.

At this time, two figures wearing red official robes flew over the Nankou Pass.

They were Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War, and Wang Wen, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel. They looked around in astonishment.

The interior of Nankou Pass is still intact, and the morale of all the soldiers is high. The Mongols had fled, leaving a large number of corpses in front of the city wall.

Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War, was stunned for a moment, then flew down in front of Li Xuan and gave Li Xuan a deep salute: "Shang, the great Jin Dynasty, thanks Marquis Jing'an!"

Li Xuan looked stunned and hurriedly got out of the way: "Why is Bachelor of Business doing this? Are you trying to kill Li?"

The business bachelor in front of him was not only a great Confucian of the Three Yuan Dynasty, but also highly respected in the court. It is said that his majesty and purity are only inferior to Shaobao's, and he will ascend to the throne within the next two years.

——This will also be the first real heavenly scholar in the cabinet after the great changes in Tumubao.

Li Xuan knew that in the battle of Tumubao, the five great scholars in the court were all buried in the grassland.

Nowadays, Chen Xun, the first assistant in the cabinet, Gao Gu, the second assistant, Wang Wen, the official minister, and others can only possess the power of heaven with the help of special magic weapons and dragon energy.

At this time, Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs, escaped from the sky and landed: "The Marquis of Jing'an should accept this gift."

He also bowed deeply to Li Xuan: "Please also accept Wang's worship. If it were not the Marquis of Jing'an today, our country of Jin would be in danger."


At the same time, above Tangshan, several heavenly beings were fighting in the sky.

Emperor Jingtai fought one against three and was covered in blood.

As he struck with the light of his sword, countless dragon energy coiled around his body, turning into nine golden dragons and letting out thunderous dragon roars.

And every time Emperor Jingtai's blood drips, it will turn into black and yellow energy and blend into his nine golden dragons, making them even more fierce and powerful.

Dragons fight in the wild, their blood is black and yellow!

His opponents were Boyan Timur, Ye Xian's younger brother, and Trukhuchar, the leader of the Duoyan Tribe.

The last one was Mengwu Great Khan Tuotuo Buhua. The latter also controlled nine black dragons, but his power was far inferior to that of Emperor Jingtai. And those black dragons were bitten by the golden dragon and became mutilated.

"Have you lost your mind and gone crazy?" Tuo Tuo Bu Hua's eyes were extremely puzzled, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

At this time, Emperor Jingtai actually sacrificed his life, only attacking but not defending. He ignored his own injuries and slashed at him with a knife.

This was a great way to fight for one's life. The dragon's energy was so powerful that it kept cutting wounds all over his body.

The injuries that Emperor Jingtai suffered were also extremely heavy.

Boyan Timur is also in the Oara tribe, second only to the national teacher and Yexian. And Tuluhuqar was able to harness the power of the three tribes of Duoyan to resist the Jin Dynasty in the south and the Tatars in the north. He was also a standing figure in the grassland.

But Tuo Tuo Bu Hua can be sure that when Emperor Jingtai dies today, he Tuo Tuo Bu Hua will also be buried with him.

But this time the attack on Jin was clearly in the lead.

The Duoyan Tribe was a vassal of the Jin Dynasty, so their betrayal should be hated by the emperor of the Jin Dynasty.

Emperor Jingtai did not answer, but concentrated his dragon energy with an indifferent expression.


The nine golden dragons were controlled by the emperor, tearing apart the black armor on Tuo Tuo Buhua's left shoulder, and forcibly tore one of the nine black dragons into pieces.

Even though Emperor Jingtai paid the price for this move, causing another wound on his waist, Emperor Jingtai still raised the corners of his lips happily.

——If the Jin Dynasty is destined to die, then he will definitely let the golden family of the Mongol people, the "Bor Zhijin Clan", be buried with him!

"Yu Qiyu, you are indeed a lunatic!"

Tuotuo Buhua roared angrily, and his figure began to escape to the east.

He could no longer fight, and everyone knew that he coveted Mengwu Khan. Every additional trauma he endures at this time means more danger in the future.

Just after Totuobuhua left, Boyan Timur and Toluhuqar looked at each other, and then silently withdrew ten miles away.

Without Tuo Tuo Bu Hua, both of them would be enemies of Emperor Jingtai together.

Emperor Jingtai did not pursue him. He landed on a nearby hill and then looked at the battlefield below with his hands behind his back with an ugly face.

The so-called Tangshan was named after Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty who stationed here during his eastern expedition to Goguryeo.

At this time, around Tangshan City, 140,000 soldiers from the capital camp, plus 20,000 garrison troops here, were launching a 25-mile-long battle line, blocking the path of Mengwu's 170,000 cavalry.

But the walls of Tangshan City had been blown to pieces, and the temporary fortifications built by the soldiers were also fragile. At this time, under the impact of the iron cavalry from the opposite side, it was already riddled with holes and was on the verge of collapse.

However, Emperor Jingtai knew that the key was not the lack of fortifications, but the unsteadiness of people's hearts and low morale.

The news that the 70,000 Mongol cavalry troops marched south to Beijing has spread among the army. Almost all the soldiers of the Beijing army, UU Reading www.uukanshu. nt are all worried about the families around Beijing.

Under such circumstances, how could the whole army have any morale at all?

Emperor Jingtai looked at the messy battle situation below, but his mood was unexpectedly calm, neither frustrated nor panicked.

He thought that by supporting himself to this point, he was worthy of his ancestors and the world.

The next step is nothing more than death - the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country!

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind him: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

That was the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the chief eunuch of Du Zhiyuan. This flushed man held up a 'Fire-Eyed Golden Crow' raised by the royal family and galloped towards the place where Emperor Jingtai stood.

"The Governor Zuo used the Fire-Eyed Golden Crow to deliver the news. A great victory at Nankou Pass! A great victory at Nankou Pass! The five Yunzhong gunboats of the Mongol people were all sunk and damaged. The 70,000 Mongol cavalry have been defeated. The little prince of Wala, Atemur He has been beheaded by Li Xuan, the Marquis of Jing'an."

Emperor Jingtai suddenly turned around and looked at Wang Chuanhua with disbelief.

Nankou Pass won? That kid, did he really destroy those five Yunzhong gunboats? Intercepted the Mengwu cavalry?

Emperor Jingtai raised his hand and caught the flaming-eyed golden crow in his hand. But the letterbox tied to the Fire-Eyed Golden Crow's claw was empty.

Wang Chuanhua's expression was bright, and he sent a talisman book he had taken out to the front of Emperor Jingtai: "It should be true. It also contains the seal of Luo Dahai, the head of the internal police factory."

Emperor Jingtai held the talisman in his hand and was speechless for a long time. After a moment of breathing, he suddenly let out a long roar that shook the sky.

The whistle continued for another ten breaths. It was not until Emperor Jingtai vented his frustration that he ordered: "Tell the whole army about this matter and let the envoys hear it. And inform the cabinet to discuss the merits of Marquis Jing'an, so as to I will not begrudge you the reward of Marquis Jing'an for your merits in repelling the enemy."

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