Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 472 Growing Authority

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In the capital city in mid-April, the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming. The sun was shining brightly. The peach trees planted on both sides of the imperial road in East Chang'an Street were in full bloom.

Looking from the sixth floor of Dengyun Building on the south side of East Chang'an Street, we can see flowers and willows everywhere.

Li Xuan was sitting in front of the window at this time, drinking tea and looking at the peach blossoms outside the window indifferently.

Sitting opposite him was a tall-faced, solemn monk wearing a golden cassock.

Many people in this restaurant recognize this person as Master Wei Zhen, the abbot of the largest temple in the capital, the Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple.

But at this time, this person's complexion was slightly gloomy, and his eyes were extremely gloomy.

On the other side is Yu Qiyong, the eldest son of King Xiang Yu Zhanyi. This man is about twenty years old, seven feet tall, wearing the prince's four-clawed python robe. He has a handsome appearance and a gentle and elegant temperament.

"The champion seems to like peach blossoms very much?" Yu Qiyong shook his folding fan and looked at Li Xuan with a smile: "There is a villa in Xiaotang Mountain outside the city. It not only has three hot springs, but also planted peach trees all over the courtyard. Whenever spring warms, When the flowers bloom, the scenery is extremely beautiful. Unfortunately, I am in the domain all year round and cannot enjoy it.

If the champion likes it, I can resell this hot spring property to you for thirty thousand taels. Champion Hou takes his family to the hot springs every day and enjoys the scenery. "

‘Champion Hou’, this is Li Xuan’s new nickname.

At this time, two and a half months had passed since the Mongol-Ughur invasion of the south.

In that battle, the Jin Dynasty chased north and killed 150,000 Mongol cavalrymen in Zhangjiakou and Shanhaiguan areas. They also sent troops to the grasslands, swept 300 miles and returned, plundering 370,000 cattle, sheep, and war horses. Ninety thousand horses.

There was also a Tatar tribe with 60,000 men and women attached, and they were placed in Huizhou, the original pastoral area of ​​Duoyan Sanwei. They were named "Changmingwei" by the emperor, and became a new barrier for the Jin Dynasty in the north.

As for the Duoyan Guards who were originally entrenched here, they have been expelled by the Jin army and can only shrink back to Quaning.

After that, the court argued endlessly about the meritorious service of Li Xuan, and the first, second, and second assistants in the court argued endlessly.

The first assistant, Chen Xun, believed that the battle at Nankou Pass helped save the Jin Dynasty and should be rewarded heavily; the second assistant, Gao Gu, believed that a heavy reward was okay, but it had to comply with the rules. In particular, Li Xuan, as a member of the Liudaosi, held concurrent positions in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion and the Beijing Camp. This was not only unprecedented after Taizu's dynasty, but also had far-reaching influence. The court should be cautious.

Although there were many people in the DPRK who followed Chen Xun, those who agreed with the Second Assistant were also equally powerful.

Among them were many people from the Qing Dynasty - although these Confucian scholars admired the conduct of Neo-Confucianism and praised Li Xuan's achievements, they attached great importance to rules.

In the end, the emperor personally decided and wrote the word "champion". Not only did he have the same rank as the Duke of the country, but his descendants could also inherit the title of "Jing'an Marquis".

Although this title of 'champion' is still not as good as directly canonizing the Duke of the country, it is enough to show his dignity. Although Li Xuan was granted the title of marquis before, he was demoted to a hereditary rank.

Naturally, considering Li Xuan's meritorious service, this reward is by no means excessive.

What is surprising is that the emperor actually agreed to Chen Xun's request and ordered the champion Hou Lixuan to take charge of the "Shenji Zuoying" in the capital and serve as the admiral of the "Shenji Zuoying".

The Shenji Battalion is one of the core elites of the Beijing Battalion. It is equipped with muskets, blunderbuss, artillery, rockets and other firearms. It has 40,000 personnel and is divided into four battalions, front, rear, left and right.

In addition, Li Xuan was also awarded the title of "Dudu Qianshi" of the Chinese Army Dudufu and the "Judging Officer" of the Chinese Military Dudufu.

‘Captain Qianshi’ is one of the deputy positions of the Central Military Governor’s Office. Although it is a second-grade military position, it has a high position and no power.

According to the rules from the time of Taizu and Taizong, there were multiple "Governors and Governors" in the Governor's Mansion of the Chinese Army. When there is a war, they will wear the seals of "General Soldier" and "Deputy Chief Soldier" and lead the local guards to go to war.

After the Tumubao Incident, when the Ministry of War under the leadership of Yu Jie became more and more authoritative, the position of 'Commander Qianshi' was even less important.

However, the ‘adjudicator’ of the Central Military Governor’s Mansion has great power.

The 'Chinese Army Judge Advocate' is only a fifth-rank officer, but he is in charge of the Chinese Army's 'Criminal, Political and Prison Litigation', that is, military law.

The Central Military Governor's Office not only manages nearly 700,000 local guards, but also includes the "Beijing Left Central Guards", "Shence Guards" and "Yingtian Guards" who are the nominal emperor's personal troops.

In addition, the "Chinese Army Judge Advocate" is the head of the "Five Army Judges", controlling the four armies before and after control, and has the final decision-making power in all "criminal, political and prison litigation" matters in the army.

When the emperor's decree was issued, the entire court was excited about it, and many people did not understand the intentions of the chief minister and the emperor.

But Yu Qiyong, the eldest son of Prince Xiang, had a deeper understanding of the profound meaning of Chen Xun, the first assistant.

First, since the great changes in Tumubao, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion has rarely been able to resist the infringement of the Ministry of War.

Since the early years of Jingtai, due to the emperor's undoubted trust in Jie, the authority of the Governor's Office of the Five Armies has been gradually seized by the Ministry of War, which also includes the military law disposal of the Weisuo Army.

But since Li Xuan took office, the military's criminal, political and prison litigation turned a deaf ear to the opinions of the Ministry of War.

It can be seen that this move by the first assistant Chen Xun was obviously intended to check and balance Yu Jie.

Second, this involves the issue of the capital and the garrison of the palace.

As far as Prince Xiang's Crown Prince Yu Qiyong knew, since Li Xuan took office in February and took charge of the 'Shenji Zuoying', the undercurrents that had been turbulent under the water in the Beijing camp due to the 'serious illness' of the Crown Prince Yu Jianji have calmed down a lot.

In particular, the fact that 3,000 people from the "Shenji Zuoying" were transferred to the "Long Live Mountain" and the "Inner Teaching Field" to the north of the Forbidden City for garrison, shows the depth of Chen Xun's intentions.

But in this way, he also raised a weirdo who held three positions in the Six Daosi Division, the Beijing Camp and the Fifth Army Governor's Office, and all held powerful positions.

Therefore, even if his status is as high as that of Prince Xiang's son Yu Qiyong, he still has to pay three respects to him.

The reason why he appears here today is precisely because of the military power held by the other party and the increasingly huge power and influence behind him.

"The hot spring resort in Xiaotangshan?" Li Xuan was really tempted, thinking that in modern times, this would be a tycoon-level enjoyment.

The price of thirty thousand taels is also very cheap. As far as he knows, the hot spring villas in Xiaotangshan are as luxurious as royal palaces.

But then he shook his head: "Thank you very much, Your Majesty, for your love. It's a pity that I don't have such a good fortune because I am short of money."

Yu Qiyong sighed secretly when he heard this. He knew that just half a month ago, the DPRK and the Central Government decided to buy the 350-meter shooting range of the Artifact Alliance Peacock Villa in the form of installment payment for a total price of 7.5 million taels of silver. The ten-mile cannon was named 'The Mighty General Cannon'.

It is said that if the imperial court has sufficient financial resources in the future, it plans to order three more doors from the Artifact Alliance - this is a big business worth a total of 30 million taels.

As for anyone who is well-informed, who knows that this 'Artifact Alliance' Peacock Villa is the property that Li Xuan won for his maid?

The so-called 'poor money' must be just an excuse. This is because he has no relationship and is unwilling to accept his gifts.

Little did he know that Li Xuan was filled with bitterness at this time.

Outsiders only know that he has made a fortune recently, and he has received three salaries from the court and the Sixth Division, as well as the marquis' salary. He must be extremely rich, but who knows that he now even eats his mount every day? Do you have to rely on the support of several girls?

He shook his head and turned to look at the monk next to him: "The general is busy with official duties and cannot stay here for a long time. Let's talk about business. The prince invites the general to come here today, but for this master of 'Weizhen'? Is he here for you?" Did he intercede?"

Master Wei Zhen's brows suddenly frowned slightly, and his eyes showed anger.

Just the word 'intercede' shows that Li Xuan has no respect for him, and it also implies humiliation.

At this time, with his more than a hundred years of intensive Buddhist cultivation, he could not help but feel the anger of ignorance.

In the past, even when Xuanzong was still alive, he was treated with great respect as the abbot of the "Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple".

But the young man in front of him dared to be so rude to him!

The crown prince of Prince Xiang, Yu Qiyong, still had a smile as bright as a flower, and his words and gestures made people feel like spring breeze: "The main reason is that I haven't seen the champion for a long time, and I miss you so much. It happened that Master Wei Zhen came to Gu here, so he went with the flow and asked Qianzhi to come out. Let’s chat, drink and listen to the show.”

At this time, Yu Qiyong's expression became solemn: "Qianzhi, please give me a small favor. You two have no grudges at all, why do you need to make such a fuss?"

Li Xuan shook his head: "The Crown Prince's face, how can I dare to refute it? But I think the Crown Prince also knows my situation in Liudaosi, so the things that should be resolved still need to be resolved."

He blew the water from the teacup with a calm expression, and asked Wei Zhen in an unwavering voice: "Then in the future, when the Six Daosi Division has any discussions about me and the Divine Winged City, Master Wei Zhen and your junior brother will definitely hold their hands high. Bar?"

Prince Xiang Yu Qiyong smiled bitterly after hearing this, knowing that although this man's words sounded nice, he actually refused to give in even a single step and did not give any face at all.

However, Yu Qiyong himself didn't have much hope for this, so he didn't feel angry, and he had no intention of going to battle naked for Wei Zhen and continuing to persuade him.

The grudge between Li Xuan and the ‘Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple’ stems from the recent internal struggle within the Six Daosi Division.

The 'Weizhen' master next to him is one of the veterans hired by the Six Daosi Division.

His younger brother Wei Xing is also one of the elders of Liu Daosi and has served in Liu Daosi for 140 years.

In the past two months, the Six Daosi Elders Council has repeatedly passed resolutions to suppress the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lords Zhu Mingyue, Li Xuan and Shen Yidu. Anyone with a certain foundation in the capital can know about it.

But this Grand Jin champion is obviously not someone to be trifled with.

When this man suppressed the Artifact Alliance years ago, he showed his ability to turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.

At this time, his status is higher, his power is stronger, and his methods are even more powerful.

Just two months ago, almost all wealthy businessmen operating waterways in the capital were forced to cut off their offerings to the 'Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple'.

Then this person's more ruthless method was to directly stop the issuance of monks' certificates at the "Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple", and also ordered the imperial court's Senglu Department to strictly investigate the monks in the temple who violated the law and violated the law. UU Reading More than 70 monks were arrested and imprisoned in one day.

At the same time, he encouraged dozens of people to sue the 'Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple' for occupying their land - this was indeed true. The 'Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple' was built in the BC Yuan Dynasty and initially only had ten acres of land. Now it covers an area of ​​150 acres. Most of the land was obtained by forcing surrounding residents to relocate.

In the past, these ordinary people were afraid of the momentum of the "Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple", and no one dared to fight against it.

But now that the champion is backing him, the case has caused a stir in the capital.

If Yu Qiyong’s news is correct, the verdict at Dali Temple should be very unfavorable to the ‘Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple’. The latter not only had to return the land, but also had to pay a huge amount of money.

But what does this matter have to do with him, Yu Qiyong? If he could invite this champion to sit down and talk, he would have done his best to establish friendship. Could he still offend Li Xuan for the sake of "Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple"?

Whether the relationship can be reconciled and the war can be turned into gold and silk depends on what Master Wei Zhen himself says.

But this 'Weizhen' was glaring at Li Xuan angrily at this moment: "Lao Na makes decisions about the Six Daosi Division based on his own will. Now the champion wants to use his power to intimidate him, why is that?"

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