Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 484 Why are you pretending to be a gentleman?

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. A monk amassed tens of millions of dollars just by swindling salt and selling it!"

Emperor Jingtai who was sitting on the throne was obviously very angry. There were blue veins on his neck, and he sneered: "To what extent have they corrupted the imperial court's Kaizhong method?"

Yu Jie, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, looked solemn and said: "Your Majesty, I can guarantee with my life that after three years of Jingtai, there will be a real number of granaries on the northern border."

"I know." Emperor Jingtai nodded slightly. Yu Jie's words were verified. In the previous battle with Mengwu, the imperial court had never worried about the food and grass in the Xuanfu area of ​​Datong.

The situation at that time was that even if the connection between Xuanfu and Beijing was cut off, the food and grass in Xuanfu city would still be enough to support the more than 400,000 troops under Yu Jie's command for several months.

But Emperor Jingtai's anger not only did not diminish, but actually increased. His voice suddenly rose, shaking the hall like a bell and a drum, "If it hadn't been for Yu Shaobao's army reorganization, our Jin border would have been riddled with holes. The entire imperial court would have been eaten up by these moths!"

He then looked at Li Xuan: "Marquis Champion, I look at your files. There are at least seven of these salt merchants whose wealth is not inferior to Wei Zhen's."

Li Xuan bowed with a calm expression: "Your Majesty, there are indeed seven salt merchants, and the wealth is not inferior to that of Weizhen. However, I don't know how involved these merchants are in the salt fraud case, nor do I know their response. Whether the family wealth is obtained from past generations of business operations.”

Wang Wen, the official secretary in the hall, sneered: "These people dare to tamper with military rations, and even collude with officials to frame the censor. They must not be kind people. How can their family's money be so clean?" ?

Your Majesty, please send agents now to search and seize. We must not give these things a chance to hide their property. "

Emperor Jingtai's expression moved slightly, that's exactly what he thought, but he was still a little worried.

Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War, was somewhat resistant to this matter. He frowned slightly: "This does not seem to be in compliance with the court's laws? Although the evidence in the hands of the champion is enough to overturn the case of Xia Yushi, it fails to prove that these salt merchants were involved in the case. involved."

"But at least we can be sure that these people are closely associated with the villain Wei Zhen!"

Xiao Ci, the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs, sneered in reply to Shang Hong, feeling that his colleagues were too pedantic: "Your Majesty, these salt merchants are as rich as anyone in the country! If they were not involved in the extortion of salt, where did their huge wealth come from?

I think that even if they really have nothing to do with this case, they should be arrested and asked where their money came from. "

"Your Majesty!" The name of the newly appointed Minister of Dali Temple was Ma Yu, with a cold expression on his face: "After the Wei Zhen case is revealed, we will definitely alert the snake. If it is delayed any longer, it will indeed give these profiteers an opportunity to hide their assets.

I think that now that the matter is urgent, the court should refer to the Spring and Autumn Period to decide the case. "

Li Xuan glanced sideways at the newly appointed Minister of Dali Temple and thought to himself, this is really a ruthless person. What is the example of Spring and Autumn Period? That is the Spring and Autumn Judgment Prison, the free heart testimonial. If you are guilty, you are guilty.

Takagu, the second assistant, immediately responded: "Your Majesty, Dong Zi once said that the judgment of prison in "Spring and Autumn" must be based on the actual situation. This means that if there is an evil motive for committing a crime, even if the evil attempt is unsuccessful, he should be severely punished. Not to mention this Waiting for people who are greedy and have a human face and an animal heart?

The imperial court could indeed invoke the Spring and Autumn Period to arrest these salt merchants first and then torture them for their crimes! "

Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War, smiled bitterly, thinking that all the important officials in the court had been driven crazy by Wei Zhen's tens of millions of taels of wealth.

Even Gao Shaobao was no exception. This man always valued the laws and regulations of the court, but now he even said such things.

At this time, Shang Hong looked strange again and glanced at Li Xuan next to him. .

I thought that this champion seemed to be loyal and honest, but in fact he was cunning and cunning.

Shang Hong had read the file submitted by Li Xuan. Although he tried to be detailed in the Xia Guangwei case, the focus was still on the wealth of Wei Zhen and others.

The entire dossier contains more than 23,000 words, a small portion of which introduces the identities, origins, and assets of these salt merchants. Their wealth is emphasized in every line, attracting the attention of the emperor and his ministers.

This person really seized a good opportunity. A few days ago, Guangdong and Guangxi reported disaster, and a hurricane landed in Guangdong and Guangxi, making the imperial court's finances even more difficult.

Those Yunnan chieftains also became rebellious, and another war was about to begin in the southwestern territory of the imperial court.

Today's ministers in the DPRK are rare in having the same aspirations.

At this time, the emperor and his ministers would never let go of any opportunity that could alleviate the imperial court's financial crisis.

However, he did not say anything to stop it. The Spring and Autumn Period Prison Judgment was originally a Confucian way of settling cases, and the current court was indeed short of money.

At this time, it was Yu Jie, Minister of the Ministry of War, who frowned and spoke a few words to argue. He was not defending these salt merchants, but like Shang Hong, he believed that this was inconsistent with the "Law of the Jin Dynasty".

But the emperor and many courtiers had a tacit agreement to ignore Yu Jie's words.

Regarding the case of Yan Yin and Xia Guangwei, naturally the opinions of the cabinet, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment were the main ones.

"Then the matter is settled." Emperor Jingtai patted the armrest and decided with one word: "The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple are responsible for the Xia Guangwei case. The case of false reporting of military rations and the case of salt fraud will be handled by the Department of Sanfa and the Ministry of Household Affairs. Wei and the Internal Police Supervisor jointly handled the case. Shaobao and Champion Hou supervised the case.

Regarding this case, I have a message for you. This case must not affect innocent people, nor should we allow those who are harmful to the country to be allowed to do so! All accounts must be clear and must be reviewed clearly to show fairness to the world. "

Yu Jie originally had a dissatisfied look on his face, but when he heard Emperor Jingtai's words, he felt relieved: "I obey the order!"

Li Xuan also raised the corners of his lips slightly and bowed to obey the order without hesitation.

At this time, Emperor Jingtai looked at Li Xuan again: "I heard from Zuo Daoxing that Xia Guangwei still has descendants alive, and he has a close friendship with the champion? I wonder if the champion can bring him into the palace. What I mean is Give him a background and make up for it a little."

Li Xuan glanced at Zuo Daoxing subconsciously, knowing that this person also knew Luo Yan's true identity. He pondered for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is very inconvenient. Your Majesty must also be aware of that person's situation. She lost her father when she was young, and when she grew up, she did a lot of willful things, so she didn't want to be involved. His father’s name is clear.”

He then cupped his fists and bowed: "As long as the imperial court can restore Xia Yushi's innocence and allow Xia Yushi's popularity to continue, then the wishes of Xia Yushi's descendants will be fulfilled."

Emperor Jingtai sighed again: "Twelve years ago, I was the one who failed to investigate. I can't help Xia Yushi!"

Then he asked Yu Shiyue, the Minister of Punishment, and Ma Yu, the Minister of Dali Temple: "Do you have any doubts about the case of Xia Yushi?"

Ma Yu, the minister of Dali Temple, held his fist and said: "Your Majesty, I have no doubts here. The evidence, witnesses, file records, etc. provided by the champion are extremely detailed. In fact, the case can be concluded directly."

Yu Shiyue's eyes narrowed, thinking that this was still a little short of a final decision.

But then he shook his head. Although this was against the rules, he was not someone who didn't know how to adapt. Those minor problems are not serious, they are just a few more nails on the coffin board. With his ability, he can do it easily.

And on this occasion, he couldn't say anything to refute.

"Then the imperial edict office will draft the decree, and the cabinet will counter-sign it, and tell the world about Xia Yushi's affairs, so that the envoys will hear about it. Then let the Ministry of Rites discuss the posthumous title and posthumous gifts of Xia Yushi. I believe that we should be lenient and severe. To comfort the world’s loyalty!”

Emperor Jingtai then looked at Li Xuan with a steady expression: "If I trouble you again about my love for you, you can go to Xia Yushi's clan and choose a pure and loyal son as his heir, and he will inherit the position of embroidered clothes guard for hundreds of households!"

Li Xuan suddenly understood that Emperor Jingtai said that he was responsible for Xia Guangwei's heir, but he was actually indirectly giving this right to Luo Yan.

He couldn't help but secretly sigh that although this emperor did not have the ruthless determination and ambitious plans of Taizu Taizong of the Jin Dynasty, he was a truly benevolent master.


Regarding Xia Guangwei's imperial edict, it only took a moment for the imperial edict to be drafted, and the cabinet ministers also simply voted for it.

This imperial edict will be copied by the Secretary of General Affairs, and will soon be delivered to prefectures and counties all over the world in the form of dibao.

Li Xuan copied a copy when he left the palace and returned to the Zhongjun Administrative Office.

Luo Yan had been waiting here for a long time, and when she took the imperial edict from Li Xuan, the tears in her eyes fell like broken pearls.

It took Li Xuan half a moment to coax her.

At this time, he was already very tired and had no plans to return to the Champion House. He planned to stay in the Duanshi Official Yamen.

Each yamen in Dajin is usually the residence of the chief official. The entire backyard of the official yamen belongs to him.

But when Li Xuan walked to the door of his room, he found that Luo Yan had not walked to the side room next to her. Her face was flushed, her face was delicate and charming, and her whole body was filled with breathtaking beauty.


Li Xuan's heart was pounding when he saw Luo Yan throw herself into his arms, then pulled Li Xuan's clothes and couldn't wait to kiss his lips.

Li Xuan was stunned, and then instinctively turned from defense to offense, and in an instant he hit Luo Yan until he lost his armor.

Li Xuan also lost his mind. Just because the two of them had just come into contact, the trembling feeling hit his soul.

With the understanding between the two parties, they seemed to have double the pleasure.

This made Li Xuan intoxicated for a moment, and he and Luo Yan were in love with each other.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Xuan felt a little pain in his tongue and let go of Luo Yan. He bared his teeth and said, "Yan'er, why are you biting me?"

Luo Yan blushed a little. UU Reading She couldn't stand being teased by this guy just now, so she couldn't help but bite him.

At this time, her eyes were filled with mist and spring, and her little face looked like a peach blossom blooming.

"It's so comfortable. Is this what it's like between men and women? No wonder——"

Maybe it was due to a different state of mind. Luo Yan felt that this time, it was a completely different experience from their previous close contacts.

——No wonder the guy in front of me used to run to Xue Yunrou every day. If she felt like this every time, she would also be addicted to it.

Li Xuan only remembered Le Qianqian at this moment, and he looked to the side with some worry. He remembered that Qianqian came in together just now.

Luo Yan frowned slightly when she saw this: "Are you looking for Qianqian? She just walked into the yard and slipped back again, with a red face, like a rabbit. She must have guessed what I wanted to do."

At this time, Luo Yan's eyes became a little gloomy again: "At this time, Xuan Lang, do you still want to think about another woman?"

Li Xuan noticed that Luo Yan was pushing him into the room while talking.

Li Xuan couldn't help but make a 'gudong' sound and swallowed. He was secretly happy in his heart, but with a slightly solemn expression on his face, he said with a wry smile: "Calm down and light up Yan'er. I know what you are thinking now, but if Yan'er you just want to repay your kindness -"

At this time, his lips were pressed by Luo Yan's fingers.

"Hypocritical! How can you pretend to be a gentleman at this time? Who among the people around you doesn't know that you are a playboy? Do you think I will believe you?"

Luo Yan's eyes were shining, and her breathing was extremely hot as she leaned her head against Li Xuan's chest: "Now, Li Xuan, if you want to still be a man, you want me now."

Li Xuan didn't say anything anymore. He picked up the girl's delicate body and strode towards the bed in the inner room.

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