Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 487 Doesn’t he have time to spare?

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"That woman seems to be the Young Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain." Next to Liu Zongquan, the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, a girl reminded him with unknown meaning: "Li Xuan himself has defeated several Heavenly Masters with the help of external forces. You Not their match."

She is Liu Zongquan's niece and a descendant of Wang Jian, the former lord of Shu.

For some reason, Liu Zongquan didn't trust her to be alone and would take her with him at all times.

At this moment, she was standing on a paper crane, suspended behind Liu Zongquan.

"I know! You don't need to tell me." Liu Zongquan snorted and inserted the drawn sword back into its sheath.

At this time, the girl looked at him with a strange look: "Uncle, you were ordered to lurk in the court, firstly because of the important task entrusted to you by the master, and secondly, for the treasure of the Leshan Giant Buddha. But now it seems that these two things , Uncle Master, you can’t even finish it.”

Although the girl's face was expressionless, there was a burst of joy in her heart.

Although she didn't know what Liu Zongquan wanted to do by disguising himself as a sixty-year-old scholar at over three hundred years old and lurking in the court, she knew that they must have a big plan.

But now, all this has been ruined by Li Xuan.

"Shut up!" As expected, Liu Zongquan's face showed a trace of green energy, and veins popped out in the hand holding the sword.

Li Xuan didn't know that someone was staring at him from above. He was startled by Xue Yunrou who suddenly appeared in front of him: "Didn't I ask you to wait inside the Taoist temple?"

Xue Yunrou sneered "ha", and then pointed to the sun that was almost hanging in the center of the sky: "I have been waiting since the sun first rose, and then until now. If I keep waiting like this, will I have to wait until tomorrow? ?”

She crossed her arms and looked at Li Xuan with a very unkind look: "You've been very busy these days. It's hard to even see you. There were seventeen talismans in three days, and I even asked my Taoist boy to find you. At least five times.”

In fact, she came to see her a few times herself, but Li Xuan was either dealing with official documents or riding around the capital on a jade unicorn, so he really didn't have time to accompany her.

Li Xuan said with a sly expression: "Yunrou, you don't know what I've been busy with recently? Is that something that can be delayed? I hurried here after I came out of the Ministry of Rites."

Then he pretended to be angry and walked directly in the direction of his palace: "Forget it, I'm tired today and want to rest."

Of course Xue Yunrou knew what Li Xuan had done in the past few days. Although it was revenge for Luo Yan, it was also a matter of official business in the court, clarifying the world, and a move that greatly pleased people's hearts.

Reexamining Xia Guangwei's case and restoring the innocence of the Salt Patrol Censor would be of great benefit to the country and the people. .

She also knew that the group of people led by Wei Zhen had great influence both inside and outside the court.

Li Xuan could not relax for a moment until the dust settled.

But Xue Yunrou understood, but she still couldn't help being angry.

But at this time, she felt a little distressed when she saw Li Xuan looking tired and discouraged.

"Are you still reasonable?"

Xue Yunrou pouted, seemingly very angry, but stretched out her hand to grab Li Xuan's sleeve: "You are clearly in the wrong, Mr. Xuan, why are you still scorning me?"

Li Xuan secretly praised himself, turned around and said with a bitter smile: "I'm just a little angry. Didn't you let your Fire Cloud Phoenix stare at me? Don't you know what I'm doing? Where have you been these days? Have a moment of free time? Why, Yunrou, do you still say such things?"

He didn't say Huo Yunhuang was okay, but when he mentioned the bird, Xue Yunrou became angry.

She asked Huo Yunhuang to spy on Li Xuan in the name of a lover. But it turned out that these two birds, Hu Tianhaidi, had been doing this on the roof of the Zhongjun Duanshi Guan Yamen for who knows how long.

When Huo Yunhuang came back, Xue Yunrou asked it what Li Xuan had done, but the result was that he didn't know anything about it.

At this time, the divine blood Qingluan, who was standing on Li Xuan's shoulder, had his legs trembling and looked at Li Xuan with resentful eyes.

It thought that it was worthy of its master this time. In order to provide cover for Li Xuan, it fought hard for a whole day and a half, and took at least three aphrodisiac drugs for this purpose.

Xue Yunrou suspected that Li Xuan had done something without telling her, but there was no evidence.

"Forget it." Xue Yunrou took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

She thought to herself that she would still have to be a magic enshrined person with Liudaosi when she came back, so that when encountering such a situation in the future, she could justifiably follow.

She had served as Shaotian Master before, but after coming to Beijing, she no longer had her name in the Six Daosi Division.

Since Li Xuan doesn't have time to spend time with him, it's the same thing if he spends time with him.

At this time, her eyes moved slightly and she snorted coldly: "Are you done now?"

"That's almost it. There shouldn't be any changes in this matter."

Li Xuan smiled and took Xue Yunrou in the direction of her Taoist temple: "Come on, Yunrou, let's go to your room."

Xue Yunrou's pretty face couldn't help but blush: "What are you doing in my room in broad daylight? Also, don't you care about Yu Hongshang now?"

According to her past experience, as long as the two of them came to her room, everything would turn upside down.

Li Xuan thought to himself at this time, how could Yu Hongshang have time to take care of him? Concerned about whether the prince was poisoned, Hongshang has been in the palace these days and has no time to care about his affairs.

But he looked at Xue Yunrou with a puzzled look on his face: "What are you thinking about? What in broad daylight? I just took you to see something, I made it for you."


When Liu Zongquan saw Li Xuan again, it was almost night.

He secretly resented that this couple had been fooling around in the room for half a day in broad daylight, making him wait for so long. At the same time, I felt relieved, thinking that this guy had finally come out.

Liu Zongquan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the long sword on his waist was half unsheathed.

But just when Liu Zongquan's murderous intention gradually increased. He saw a girl in silver armor walking across the street from the other side of the street. When she saw Li Xuan, her eyebrows suddenly raised, and her beautiful face showed joy.

Liu Zongquan frowned and put the long sword back into its sheath.

"Why don't you take action?" The girl next to him asked curiously: "That's just a Demon-Subduing Captain, named Jiang Hanyun. His cultivation level should be only Jiuzhonglou, right?"

Liu Zongquan glanced at her, then snorted and did not answer.

It was indeed just a Demon-Subduing Captain, but according to the intelligence he collected, this woman's combat power was very impressive. In the past six months, this woman has killed three fourth sects on her own, all with ease, finishing them off in one or two moves.

At this time, the Six Daosi Division was ready to transfer Zhu Chiling, the commander of Chileidu, to Nanjing as the deputy chief, and Jiang Hanyun would take over Chileidu.

And the most important thing about his shot this time was the word 'quick'. Even if they are delayed for a moment, Xue Yunrou and Jiang Yunrou nearby will be alarmed.

Liu Zongquan couldn't take the risk and would rather wait a little longer.

But this wait lasted another two full hours. Li Xuan followed the girl in silver armor into Jiang's Medical Center and didn't come out for two hours!

This made Liu Zongquan's face slightly distorted. He thought to himself, does this Li Xuan only do what he does in life?

At this time, in Jiang Hanyun's boudoir, the two of them were sitting face to face. A spiritual power of yin and yang intertwined formed a bridge between their eyebrows. Under the moonlight outside the window, it looks like a silver chain, containing stunning beauty.

After Li Xuan's cultivation reached the seventh-layer realm, they no longer needed the help of silver mercury when they practiced the divine and heavenly dual element method.

But at this time, the two people's practice has come to an end.

Li Xuan took back his spiritual power from Jiang Hanyun: "You should be almost there, how long will it take?"

He was referring to Jiang Hanyun's breakthrough in cultivation. She has now reached the threshold of the tenth level of the building, and her breakthrough is imminent.

This speed is much slower than Xue Yunrou. Xue Yunrou is half a year younger than Jiang Hanyun, but she has already caught up.

But Xue Yunrou relied on Tianshi Mansion's unique secret method, and Jiang Hanyun followed it step by step very solidly.

At this time, only Li Xuan knew that Jiang Hanyun's combat power was extremely terrifying.

Especially after she broke through the tenth floor and entered the fourth door. If she and Xue Yunrou really fought, it would be hard to tell the winner.

Since Jiang Hanyun obtained the fairy treasure, his use of 'power' and control of 'thunder' are very terrifying.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel ashamed. He had obtained Jiang Hanyun's 'power' through dual cultivation.

But Jiang Hanyun has already begun to grasp the initial grasp of gravity and strong interaction, and he has not yet touched the door of 'the combination of thunder and force'.

Jiang Hanyun's ability to integrate all his strength into thunder made Li Xuan extremely envious.

Think about it if he also mastered the 'Thunder and Power Combination', not only possessing the powerful destructive power of the 'Yushu Shenxiao Thunder' and the 'Innate Thunder Crystal', but also using thunder as a medium to transmit his own power, what would that be? How terrible?

"It's only been these two days." Jiang Hanyun was very happy when talking about this: "If you help me, it will only be two days. If you don't help me, it will be about five or six days."

Li Xuan knew that she was referring to the 'Shentian Dual Element Method', and he immediately said with a smile: "Dual cultivation is actually faster, with a breakthrough two months earlier. When will we start the third stage?"

Jiang Hanyun blushed and spat: "Get out!"

Then she looked at Li Xuan's chest with some worry: "Those remaining sword intentions, UU Reading really don't need my help for you?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "I have already reached the eighth level."

Jiang Hanyun was right when he thought about it. Since Li Xuan's cultivation was able to break through, it meant that the problem was not big.

And with his now increasingly powerful true energy power, it would be easy to drive away those fragmentary sword intentions.

So Jiang Hanyun blushed and ordered her to be kicked out: "Then why are you still here? It's almost early in the morning. If people find out, they will gossip."

But in fact, she has no reputation as a good friend now. In the past few months, Li Xuan stayed here until midnight every day as long as he was free.

Her parents had already acquiesced.

"Wait a minute." Li Xuan smiled and took out a small doll from the Qiankun bag: "I'll give you a gift. I carved it myself."

Jiang Hanyun didn't pay attention at first, but as the music sounded, she was fascinated after just one glance.

So when Liu Zongquan saw Li Xuan again, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, midnight.

He immediately held down the sword and prepared to take action, thinking that this time, it should be okay?

But in the next moment, his face twitched slightly and he put his hand down again.

Just because at this time, he saw a dragon flying high in the sky.

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