Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 489 The more I watch, the more I fall in love with you

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"The champion of the Jin Dynasty, Qian Shi, the governor of the Chinese Army Governor's Mansion, and Li Xuan, the general of the Six Daosi Division, have arrived!"

As a gatekeeper shouted, Li Xuan strode into the main hall of Yangzhou Dragon Palace.

He glanced at the Dragon Queen and the Crown Prince of East China Sea, then strode forward.

"Human Li Xuan, I have seen——"

Just when Li Xuan was about to bow to the two of them, he heard someone next to him smile: "Are you Li Xuan, the rumored 'Husband of Prince Shui De'? Are you human beings so shameless?" ? Without a clear matchmaker to marry you, you dare to think that you are Shuying's husband. Who gave you the courage?"

Li Xuan immediately frowned and looked where the sound came from, and then he saw a Long Jun looking at him with an unkind look.

Li Xuan suddenly looked puzzled, thinking who is this? Never seen it before.

The aura of this dragon was very strange, something he had never seen before.

The next moment, someone explained his doubts, and Ao Zhizhi's voice came to his ears: "This is Ao Youman, the fourth dragon tribe of the East China Sea, the fifth dragon leader. He is not the same dragon as us. Brother-in-law, you don't have to worry about it. he."

Li Xuan understood. He knew that under the rule of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, there were a total of twenty-four 'Dragon Departments', which were like provinces on land. Under each Dragon Division, there are one hundred and eight "Dragon Leaders", which are the prefectures and counties of the Jin Dynasty.

It is rumored that these twenty-four 'Dragon Tribes' are all led by Heavenly and Pseudo-Celestial level 'Dragon Generals'.

Then among the dragon leaders below, the higher they rank, the stronger their combat power will be.

This Ao barbarian can serve as the lord of the fourth dragon tribe and the fifth dragon territory. He must have a high status in the dragon clan and his strength is relatively high.

"My sister has quite a few admirers over there in the East China Sea." Ao Gong's voice also sounded in Li Xuan's ears: "This Ao Youman is one of them, but how can our Sister Shu Ying see this?" Can you compare to these guys who don’t even have the blood of a true dragon?

Brother-in-law, don't worry. If he dares to do anything, just beat him. We will help you then. "

Ao Gong gritted his teeth in his tone, secretly hating him.

He thought that these dragons in the East China Sea were not under the jurisdiction of Ao Shuying, so how could they feel the pain of dragons in rivers and lakes?

Li Xuan ignored Ao Savage and continued to bow in a polite manner: "Human Li Xuan, I have met Her Royal Highness the Queen and the Prince of the East China Sea! In the rush of coming down, I didn't have time to prepare. It's just a small gift, it's not respectful——"

"Didn't you listen to me?" Ao Yayou felt that he was being ignored. He immediately roared and rushed out of the desk, striding towards Li Xuan.

At this time, Queen Ao Zhujun of the East China Sea frowned at first and looked unhappy, but then a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes and she did not stop her.

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, was sitting in the upper left corner of the palace, looking at Li Xuan with deep meaning in his eyes, half-smiling but not smiling.

Ao Shuying, who was next to him, let out a soft snort and instinctively wanted to blow Ao Shuying away. But then, she felt her body stagnate, and her dragon essence paused for a moment. .

She was immediately extremely annoyed and glanced in the direction of Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, but there was nothing she could do.

Her mother was not only a real "Zhongtian", but also in charge of a false divine treasure. She had suppressed countless deep sea monsters for thousands of years and experienced hundreds of bloody battles. Ao Shuying was definitely no match for her.

However, Ao Shuying was not too worried. Although Li Xuan was only at the eighth level, his own cultivation, mana, and martial arts cultivation were already better than most of the fourth sects.

This man still has two immortal weapons in his hands and a top-quality magical weapon. How can Ao Manhua be able to handle it? Now, no one can suppress Li Xuan unless he is the real emperor.

If these people want to test Li Xuan's ability and cultivation, they will only bring humiliation to themselves.

As expected, Li Xuan's eyes were slightly cold, just when Ao Youyou reached out to grab him. His hands flashed like lightning.

The top-notch magic weapon ‘Yang Yan Divine Hand’ that he acquired four months ago allowed his body skills and hand speed to reach higher levels, becoming even faster, like light and electricity.

All the dragons in the hall saw a blur before their eyes. Ao Barbarian, who was originally wearing armor, was suddenly stripped naked. The armor, shoulder armor, helmet, bracelets and other magic weapons that Ao Hua was wearing all fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

Ao Youman couldn't help but be stunned, thinking how could he be naked? Then he felt like he was being thrown directly outside the main hall of the Dragon Palace like a cloud.

There was a sudden silence in the entire hall.

Even Yangzhou Longjun Aogun was extremely surprised, thinking that the child of Uncle Chengcheng's family had actually reached this level of strength?

Ao Youman was a twelfth-level cultivation man. Dalong, who was standing in front of the threshold of the True Dragon, was even better than him in cultivation, yet he was solved by Li Xuan so neatly and in such an almost humiliating way!

Li Xuan had also defeated Xiang Yao in Yichang before, but at that time there were several heavenly officials holding him back, and Li Xuan gathered the power of thousands of Confucian scholars to create three major provinces and hundreds of thousands of troops.

At that time, although Li Xuan's own combat power was also very impressive, it had not reached the level it is now, and it actually made him feel unfathomable.

The next moment, there was a burst of laughter in the entire hall.

The East China Sea Dragon Clan and the Jianghu Dragon Clan have never dealt with each other. Now they saw that Ao Youman, who had always despised them, made a big fool of themselves, and they were extremely happy.

Lord Ao Zhu, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, whose face was darkened above him, said: "Zhou Champion, how dare you humiliate my dragon general in front of me? Is this how you treat me as a guest?"

Li Xuan laughed. He flicked his robe sleeves and looked at Ao Zhujun without giving in. "I would also like to ask the Queen and the Crown Prince, why do you allow your subordinates to provoke guests? Is this your way of hospitality? It's you. Is this intentional, or have you, Dragon Palace, always been so unruly?"

The eyes of Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, lit up slightly, and there was a hint of admiration deep in her eyes, but her face was even more cold and cold, as if she had no good intentions: "How dare you speak to me like this? You and I Is it reasonable for Shuying to have a private marriage in front of me?"

At this time, Ao Zhujun's pupils had changed into vertical pupils. A vast dragon power covered the entire hall, causing all the dragons present to freeze and even tremble.

The clam girls, shrimp soldiers and crab generals were all kneeling on the ground with pale faces.

Li Xuan was the first to bear the brunt. The dragon power covering the hall was only a small part, and most of the rest was condensed by Ao Zhujun and locked on Li Xuan.

The power was as if the entire majestic East China Sea was pouring towards Li Xuan.

Li Xuan didn't take a step back. The stone slab under his feet was cracking inch by inch, and the bones all over his body were cracking. However, he still stood upright and looked at Ao Zhujun.

"You don't have to speak loudly to be reasonable. Are you planning to convince others with your strength?"

Following his voice, a burst of pure purple majestic energy suddenly rushed out of Li Xuan's body. Under the pressure of Ao Zhujun's dragon power, which was as high as the middle heaven level, the pillar of energy was still extremely strong and shook the Dragon Palace.

"Li asked himself that in this world, no one can make me do something that goes against my will, not even Her Royal Highness the Queen. As for the 'Wang Husband', it is just a rumor from outsiders. Li has never approved it, so why? A private marriage?"

Ao Shuying, who was behind him, nodded fiercely, but for some reason, she felt slightly disappointed.

Just as the two men were confronting each other in great awe, Prince Ao Mengsheng of the East China Sea smiled silently. The so-called Zhimu Mo Ruozi, he knew that the champion of the Jin Dynasty probably had the temperament of his mother.

"Queen Mother, please calm down! What happened to my second sister is indeed the fault of our Dragon Palace. What Ao Barbarian did is indeed not the way to treat guests. Someone, drag this bastard down and give him twenty lashes!"

He knew that both of them needed a step up, so he turned around and apologized to Li Xuan: "Please don't be offended, Champion. Queen Mother has been in the deep sea for a long time. This time, it was because she was worried about Shuying that she came here to take a look. She was not there." I don’t know the details.”

Li Xuan's face turned warm, and he hugged his fists towards the two of them: "I see, I'm rude."

Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, looked at the glaze color in his purple energy and nodded with a solemn expression: "He is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men!"

Ao Gon and the rest of the bunch of little bastards, this time it was rare that they didn't boast.

Ao Zhujun then slightly flicked his robe sleeves, waved away Ao Gong who was sitting next to him on the right, and said with a smile: "Your cousin's name is 'Qianzhi', right? Come on, please come and sit here. .”

Ao Gun was confused for a while, thinking that he had always been sitting next to his mother before.

He pursed his lips and wanted to speak, but in the end he could only walk down in despair and shared a seat with his cousin Ao Zhihui.

Li Xuan didn't refuse and sat directly over.

Ao Shuying sat down opposite her brother Ao Mengsheng, but most of her thoughts were still on her mother and Li Xuan.

She was worried that her mother's serious and cold attitude would arouse Li Xuan's dissatisfaction, and she was also worried that Li Xuan's too strong response would offend her mother, so she had no intention of having a banquet.

But to her surprise, the two of them only exchanged a few words, and her mother, who she had always remembered as being dignified and serious, began to smile.

The two of them were discussing Confucian scriptures. Li Xuan had recently studied it for a while in order to enhance his aura and secure his position as a protector of Confucianism, and he was able to speak succinctly.

He did not follow the script, but combined some modern insights, which amazed Ao Zhujun.

Li Xuan's character is far smoother than Ao Shuying thought. He only chatted with the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea for a few words, and he knew that this person was a person who valued rules very much, so he also focused on etiquette, rules, and laws in his words.

After discussing knowledge for a while, Mr. Ao Zhu suddenly looked slightly moved and asked with a solemn expression: "The Champion is indeed a great scholar in the world. He is very insightful and I admire him. I don't know what the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is in the eyes of the Champion. Like, please champion, please speak freely without any scruples."

Ao Shuying and Prince Ao Mengsheng were stunned when they heard this, and immediately looked sideways.

Li Xuan instinctively felt that the question from the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea was quite meaningful. He pondered carefully for a while, then shook his head and said: "The rules are loose, a piece of loose sand, not knowing how to make progress, indulge in extravagance, and indulge in pleasure."

"You are so sincere!" Mr. Ao Zhu couldn't help but praise, and then said with sincerity: "Marquis Champion, my husband has been feeling this recently, and is currently preparing to hire a 'Dragon Clan Executive', UU Reading www. I want to rectify the lax style of our Dragon Clan. I think the Champion is a man of upright character and majestic, which is just right. I wonder if you would be willing to do so, Champion?"

Li Xuan subconsciously wanted to refuse. He didn't want to worry about the lower bodies of these dragons. My own time is not enough to begin with.

But at this time, the crown prince of the East China Sea, Ao Mengsheng, said with a smile: "My father has also prepared a generous bride price, including a top-quality magic weapon, and also offers various elixirs and treasures worth fifty thousand taels of gold every year. "

Fifty thousand taels of gold means five hundred thousand taels of silver.

Li Xuan immediately swallowed the words that came to his lips, and showed a very interested attitude: "Is there such a thing? His Majesty the Dragon King is really wise. The atmosphere of the Dragon Clan really needs to be rectified. Dragon Queen Since he has this intention, Li is obligated!"

Then the hall fell silent again, and all the dragons looked sideways and looked in the direction of several people.

Ao Gong and Ao Zhihui were stunned. This development was not the same as the script they imagined!

Their purpose was to marry off their troublesome sister through this marriage. But judging from today's results, it seems that they have dug a hole for themselves in turn?

Maybe it’s still the bottomless kind——

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