Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 496 What a fast knife

Chapter 499 What a fast knife (please vote for me)

Yu Hongshang had been accumulating power for nearly three seconds. When she threw out the 'four-legged gilded Qiankun Xingshu Cauldron' in her hand, the cauldron turned into the shape of a hill!

The body of the cauldron is surrounded by dragon energy, and the yin and yang energy is separated from the left and right sides, turning into a huge yin and yang fish picture.

When the giant cauldron hit the temple gate, it immediately let out a shocking roar, and the surrounding mountains shook and the ground shook violently.

At this time, there were bursts of "clicking" sounds in the entire Folun Temple. The entire void hidden barrier was stirred by the power of extreme yin and extreme yang. It was shaken and shattered. Countless traces like cracked glass appeared. It started at the temple gate and spread in all directions. .

At this time, the young Dharma King Sonam Qiangba who saw this scene in the temple could not help but show a bit of astonishment in his eyes. He did not expect that those Jin people actually dared to take action!

"Master Qiangba, please rest assured." The master Lobsang Lunzhu not far away had a hint of joy on his face: "They can't get in. Even if they do, they will die!"

"I know!"

Suolang Qiangba snorted coldly, his eyes filled with anger: "Let all the disciples in the temple start chanting sutras and chanting the Void Mantra, and prepare to welcome the Dharma King out of seclusion! These Jin people, they are so courageous!"

At this time, he discovered another huge turmoil at the mountain gate, and the entire void hidden barrier in front of the temple gate collapsed!

Sonam Jampa couldn't help but be stunned. This barrier was personally presided over by another of his senior brothers, the master Gonpo Tenzin, whose strength had reached the realm of pseudo-heaven, and six hundred lamas gathered to chant sutras and bless it.

He looked intently towards the temple door, only to realize that it was actually a jade unicorn, which directly knocked out a huge hole in the temple door. Then the beast turned into a ball of red lightning and ran rampant in the Buddha Wheel Temple.

In just an instant, dozens of houses in the temple were smashed.

Then there was a huge iron man with the words "Demon-Suppressing King Kong" tattooed on his chest. The two-foot-tall machine puppet smashed it with its fist and continued to tear open the hole opened by the jade unicorn, and then strode in.

It held a huge shield and walked forward as solid as a rock step by step, and everything it passed was invincible. All the Buddhist halls, statues, prayer tubes, etc. in front were destroyed.

"Presumptuous!" Master Lobsang Lundup's face, which was like the bark of a mulberry tree, also showed a trace of anger: "Master Qiangba, I'll come as soon as I go."

Solang Qiangba's facial muscles twitched, and he nodded with a livid face: "Go! Go and subdue these monsters. I will kill them today, twitch and skin them!"

The 'Vajra' and 'Jade Kirin' destroyed no ordinary houses - those were buildings made of high-quality building materials mixed with the bone powder of devout believers, and there were also a large number of blood books embedded in them. Tantric scriptures.

Not only are they more expensive, they are also part of the 'Void Hidden Barrier'. While the other party was destroying those houses and palaces, they were also destroying the barrier.

Those statues of gods have accumulated a lot of power of faith and wish, which are the foundation of Fulun Temple.

Seeing these buildings and statues being destroyed, Suolang Qiangba was heartbroken and his eyes became even more angry.

At the same time, Suolang Qiangba was also a little panicked. He was not afraid of what the Central Plains people below would do to him, but he was worried that he would cause such a big trouble and would arouse his father's wrath.

At this moment, a figure covered in golden Sanskrit inscriptions appeared next to Solang Qiangba.

He was wearing a red lama robe and a high crown. He was about sixty years old, with a majestic appearance and a rosy complexion. He was none other than Nange Bazangbu, the Dharma King of Fulun Temple.

Seeing this, Sonam Jampa and all the lamas present looked solemn and bowed one after another.

Sonam Qiangpa even apologized: "It's all my fault for being reckless and disturbing my father."

Although he and Nangobazangbu are father and son, they cannot be called that in the temple.

Theoretically speaking, he is the flesh fetus of 'Nangobazangbu' who will be reincarnated in the future.

Most of the Dharma kings of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism who combined the power of incense and vows to practice did not live long. Even if they entered heaven, they would need to be 'reincarnated' after at most 250 years.

Namgo Bassangbu was already one hundred and ninety years old, and Sonam Jampa was only thirty years old.

"It's not your fault this time, Jumba."

The Dharma Protector Nange Bazangbu looked down with an indifferent expression: "It's my fault. I didn't expect these Central Plains people to have such a bad temper. But do they still think it's the time when the Jin Dynasty was founded?"

Aqi Zongze, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but feel bitter in his mouth.

It was only then that he was certain that everything Solang Qiangba did had the tacit approval of his master.

"Are you worried? Aqi Zongze." Nangobazangbu obviously sensed his disciple's mood.

The Void Hidden Dharma can increase the light of wisdom, help with concentration, strengthen memory, and promote mental clarity.

Nan Geba Zang practiced the method of divination, and his telepathy was extremely powerful, so he could sense Aqi Zongze's thoughts.

However, the Dharma King's face showed disapproval at this time: "Why do you need to do this? Aqi Zongze, I know the temperament of the people in the Central Plains. Kill these evil spirits who have offended this temple, and then respectfully report to the Jin Dynasty court Please forgive us and they will forgive us and give us higher courtesy."

Aqizong was stunned when he heard this and thought, could it be so simple? He then bowed his head respectfully and said: "Master, among that group of people is the daughter of the Emperor of the Central Plains, named Yu Hongshang. This is the only one, you must spare her life no matter what."

After he finished speaking, he didn't see any special reaction from Nangobazangbu.

Aqizong followed Nan Geba Zangbu's line of sight and discovered that the 'Vajra Conquering Demons' had broken through to the Galantang Hall, the core area of ​​Fulun Temple.

In front of the magnificent Kalam Hall, the master Lobsang Lundup has also used the power of 600 lamas in the temple to condense the "Four Kalachakra Images".

——It is a Buddha statue with four heads and twenty-four arms. It has red and white feet and an angry face. Each hand is bound with the 'Void Mahamudra' symbolizing perfection and truth. Behind it are ten huge Buddha statues. The mantra wheel represents body, wisdom, emptiness, wind, fire, water, earth, utensil, emotion and heaven respectively.

These mantra wheels rotate, leveraging the mighty power of heaven and earth.

It is worth mentioning that those six hundred lamas are all disciples of the master Lobsang Chakravartin. The support provided by Fulun Temple is also the basis for this person to maintain his pseudo-celestial fighting power with his eleventh-layer Buddhist cultivation.

Lobsang Chakra is good at training his disciples, so this "four Kalachakra statues" are particularly perfect and the Buddha is majestic.

At this time, Li Xuan and Luo Yan were walking leisurely behind the 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong'.

Behind them were Jiang Hanyun and Le Qianqian who were bored.

Yu Hongshang walked behind the four people with the same calm expression, her hands behind her back. Yu Hongshang's 'Four-legged Gilded Universe Star Tripod' is still suppressing the sky above Fulun Temple. She must use nearly 90% of her mana to maintain the pressure of this tripod at all times.

But she knew that in the upcoming battle, she would no longer need to take action.

Xiuyiwei Qianhu Wangmeng walked at the end, half a step behind Yu Hongshang. He tried his best to suppress the anxiety and fear in his heart.

He was surprised that Li Xuan and the others broke through the Void Hidden Barrier so quickly.

But in this Folun Temple, Li Xuan's cultivation level will be suppressed by one or two realms. In addition, the protective Dharma King has not shown up yet.

When he came in before, Wang Meng hesitated for a long time. He knew that if something unexpected happened next, Li Xuan and the others might be able to escape. Only he, Wang Meng, is likely to die here.

However, after carefully weighing the situation, Wang Meng still followed in and advised earnestly: "Your Highness, why don't you retreat outside the temple temporarily and seize the formation for us? If there is any accident, Your Highness can also help us."

"Wang Qianhu is serious." Yu Hongshang shook her head: "Don't worry, there won't be any accidents."

At this time, she paused and saw the 'four-headed Kalachakra statue' in front of her, as well as the ten mantra wheels of this vajra statue.


As the Buddha's seal was formed on the hands of the Lausang chakra, he made the wrathful look of Vajra and shouted angrily. The ten mantra wheels suddenly rotated slowly. At that time, the twenty-four Buddha hands of Chakravartin sprayed out red beams of light and bombarded them in the direction of Li Xuan.

"Evil devil, kill me!"

Li Xuan glanced at it lightly, then unsheathed his sword, and his figure turned into a flash of light and electricity. Luo Yan had a clear connection with him, and at the same moment, within the same instant, they also turned into light and electricity and traveled through it.

Just one of the two photons crossed, and the "Four Kalachakra Images" collapsed.

Master Lobsang Chakram stood motionless in front of the Kalam Hall.

"Boring." Li Xuan's figure appeared three feet away from Luosang Lunzhu, with a little disappointment on his face: "I thought you were really capable of leveraging the wheel of time, but it turned out that you practiced fire magic! "

At this moment, Luosang Lunzhu's seemingly complete body suddenly collapsed and turned into more than twenty pieces of flesh that had no vitality and were scattered on the ground.

The Demon-Conquering King Kong has flown into the Jialantang Hall, carrying violent thunder and sweeping everything with invincible power.

In the back, Wang Meng, the embroidered man from Qianhu, couldn't help but look confused. He was wondering what happened just now? Why did Luosang Lunzhu die so quickly?

At this time, on the high platform at the core of the Buddha Wheel Temple, Suolang Qiangba's face turned blue, and he couldn't help but make a "gudong" sound and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"These two people, UU Reading, have such fast escape techniques and such fast swords!"

He was also close to the tenth level of cultivation, but he didn't see the swords of those two people just now.

The Dharma Protector Nange Bazangbu did not speak. But his face was as green as iron at this moment, and the fists in his sleeves were clenched tighter.

It was impossible for him to let Luosang Lunzhu fight against the Jin people alone. The glimmer of spiritual consciousness that Nangobazangbu had just now has always remained in Luosang Lunzhu.

The Dharma Protector Nango Pazangbu is confident that when his disciple shows any signs of failure, he will be the first to help.

But just now, when faced with Li Xuan's two swords, not only was he unable to react, but even his glimmer of spiritual consciousness was destroyed by the swords of the man and woman.

Coincidentally, Queen Ba Snake also changed her color when she saw this scene on the top of a mountain a hundred miles away.

Her pupils shrank, and her voice was harsh and hoarse: "Is this the divine sword that strikes my brother?"

"It's them." Dan Yuan felt a bitter taste in his mouth: "They have become stronger. I can't even see their knives now."

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