Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 498 The 8th Dharma King

Chapter 501 The Eighth Dharma King (asking for monthly votes)


Jin Ping Dharma King is about forty years old, in his prime. His face is majestic, and his facial features are reminiscent of a lion on the grassland. His hair and beard are thick, and his beard is as green as a halberd.

At this time, this man was obviously extremely angry. His eyes were wide-eyed and his aura was even more majestic and terrifying: "Why did you kill Nange Bazangbu? Do you know what you have done? Now the entire situation in Qinghai-Tibet has been controlled by you. Corrupted!

All the believers' territories of Nangobazangbu will be swallowed up by 'Duo Gansi Khan'. He is closer to the Mongol people and is now in charge of 40,000 households around Yushu. Once he gets the subordinate fiefdom of Nangobazangbu, the entire Yushu will be under his control. . "

Li Xuan pressed his big sun sword, and his true energy resonated with Luo Yan. At the same time, he glanced sideways at the Jin Ping Dharma King: "Does the Dharma King want to be the enemy of my great Jin Dynasty?"

Jin Ping Dharma King couldn't help but look stagnant, remembering the terrifying blades and extreme speed of the two men just now.

His momentum and authority subsided slightly, but he still shook his head and said: "You are doing nothing. The death of Nange Bazangbu will only unbalance the situation in Qinghai. Your Duogan Commander in Chief will be in the shortest time." It fell apart within a short period of time. Among the twelve Dharma Kings, Nangobazangbu is already the one closest to your great Jin Dynasty."

Li Xuan laughed dumbly and said: "If this Dharma Protector is actually the one closest to Da Jin, then I, Da Jin, don't want him."

Jin Ling Dharma King's expression changed, and his eyes widened angrily: "Does the Champion want to use force to intimidate the Tibetans? You are wishful thinking."

"Wishful thinking?" Li Xuan shook his head: "Taizu has already succeeded once, and the Mongols have also succeeded."

He then ignored Jin Ping Dharma King and turned to ask Duogan Xiuyi Guard Qianhu Wangmeng, who arrived later: "Among the existing masters of Fulun Temple, who is the closest to Jin? Who is the one who protects the people the most? Who is the most respectful to all Buddhas?"

Wang Meng, the embroidered guard from Qianhu, was in a state of mist-eyed. An hour ago, he had no idea that today's trip to Fulun Temple would have such an outcome.

The ‘Guardian Dharma King’ who had already attained the status of Jialan, and the ‘Nangobazangbu’ who had enough magical power to be among the top five people in the snow area, were beheaded like this?

However, when Li Xuan asked, Wang Meng still responded.

He immediately said without hesitation: "Aqi Zongze! Aqi Zongze is not only profound in Buddhism, he is very popular among the believers of Fulun Temple, and he can also convince the lamas in the temple. In addition, this person has nothing to do with the Buddha. The other masters at Lun Temple are different. After my defeat at Tumubao, this person was quite respectful to me, Dajin."

Li Xuan nodded slightly, thinking that it didn't matter whether this person was respectful or not. After today's battle, no matter what this 'Aqi Zongze' thought in the past, he must now have a sense of awe towards Da Jin.

So he turned to Jin Ling Dharma King and said: "Your Excellency, the seventh generation of 'Nangobazangbu' has passed into Nirvana, but the foundation of Fulun Temple is still there, and the three sacred vessels have not been damaged. I would like to ask Jin Ping Dharma King to help with the initiation. , causing 'Nange Bazangbu' to be reincarnated in the body of 'Aqi Zongze', which is the eighth generation of 'Nangeba Zangbu'."

Jin Ping Dharma King couldn't help but laugh angrily, thinking how could there be such a shameless person in this world?

He immediately thought of the isolated and helpless situation of his "Wencheng Temple" in Tibet. After the loss of the seventh "Nangeba Zangbu", the Fulun Temple will definitely decline in popularity, but it is still an ally that can be relied on.

This time is even an opportunity. After he helps with the initiation, the two temples can establish the status of 'master and disciple' and 'master and disciple'. This is of great benefit to his sect.

Jin Ping Dharma King suppressed his anger again and said in a cold voice: "You can help me with the initiation, but Akei Sect is not the best candidate.

As far as I know, Nangobazangbu also has eight biological children and thirteen grandchildren alive. As we all know, in the reincarnation inheritance of the Nyingma sect, the closer the bloodline is, the better. "

"Really?" Li Xuan was noncommittal and directly ordered Wang Meng: "Wang Qianhu, go and arrest all the descendants of the seventh generation of 'Nange Bazangbu' and give them a glass of poisonous wine.

By the way, his eldest son, the one named ‘Solang Qamba’. This person should be killed with a thousand cuts and his head hung in front of the temple. This can be regarded as revenge for those brothers of your embroidered clothes guard. "

Then he looked at Jin Ling Dharma King with a smile: "I wonder if your Dharma King has any other suitable candidates? I asked Wang Qianhu to beheaded together."

Jin Ping Dharma King felt a chill rising from his head, thinking that this guy in front of him was really a protector of Confucianism and one of the leaders of the Confucian sect in the Central Plains?

His ruthless nature is comparable to that of a demon!

"Wait a minute, Wang Qianhu!" Jin Ling Dharma King exhaled a long breath; "Just choose Aqi Zongze, I will help him initiate, but as a descendant of the seventh generation of 'Nange Bazangbu', you have to do it no matter what. Leave them alive.”

Li Xuan smiled slightly: "Since the Dharma King said so, Li will take a step back. I will take the descendants of Nangobazangbu to the capital, and they will choose a Zen temple to practice in the future. But 'Suolang Qiangpa' Exception, if you don’t kill this person, you won’t be able to satisfy my hatred.”

In current Zen Buddhism, it is not allowed to take a wife. He would not allow Nangobazangbu's bloodline to remain in the world uncontrollably, leaving hidden dangers for the future.

The reason why he was not castrated directly and became an eunuch was because he considered that this would have a restraint on the next generation of Dharma kings.

"what ever!"

Jin Ling Dharma King half-closed his eyes and did not bargain any more. He knew that he could not keep Sonam Jampa.

"Then let's ask the Dharma King to help me control the situation." When Li Xuan spoke, he glanced outside.

At this time, although his Jade Qilin and Demon-Suppressing King Kong had stopped, he did not move again. But all the lamas in the temple were panicked.

The entire Folun Temple was in chaos, and some people fled out of the temple.

However, the next situation was very simple. There were several powerful heavenly forces in the temple who suppressed the situation and easily controlled the situation. Even the monks who had fled were forced back.

The escape speed of the 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Combines Yangyang Divine Sword' is extremely fast, and they cannot escape no matter what.

It is worth mentioning that one of the two pseudo-celestial masters of Fulun Temple, Gongpo Tenzin, was killed by him and Luo Yan.

About three moments later, almost all the lamas in the temple were forced to gather in a square in the temple.

Aqizongze was also brought to Li Xuan again by Wang Meng.

After learning that he would be selected as the eighth ‘Nangeba Zangbu’, Akizong was stunned for a while, and then his eyes showed ecstasy.

However, Aqizong was also a wealthy man. He first bowed deeply to Li Xuan and said, "Thank you very much, Champion Hou Chengquan. In the future, Nange Basangbu and I, Fulun Temple, will be loyal servants of the Jin Dynasty and Champion Hou. "

He then bowed to His Holiness Jin Ling and said, “This disciple is willing to accept His Holiness Jin Ling as his teacher and listen to His teachings.”

The Qing Leng expression of the King of the Golden Vase softened slightly: "You need to understand that the inheritance of the Dharma King of the Nyingma Sect of Tantric Buddhism requires blood connection and inheritance from father to son. This is reasonable. Only in this way can we inherit the inheritance to the greatest extent. The memory and knowledge of the Dharma King.

Therefore, although I can help you with the initiation now, I can only let you inherit the Dharma body of the Void Bodhisattva that has been passed down from generation to generation by the ‘Nangobazangbu’, as well as the three Buddhist sacred objects. "

——But this is enough, enough for Aqizong, who has cultivated to the eleventh level of the building, to reach the preliminary realm of ‘Heaven’.

Although the future 'Nangobazangbu' will be the weakest among the twelve Dharma Kings in the snow area, he is enough to defend this Buddha Wheel Temple.

Jin Ping Dharma King then stretched out his hand towards Li Xuan: "Bring it over."

He was referring to the remnants of the seventh generation ‘Nange Bazangbu’ in Li Xuan’s hands.

Although the soul of 'Nange Bazangbu' was chopped into pieces by Li Xuan, Li Xuan did not let it dissipate. Instead, he used magic power to gather it into a ball, and suppressed it with awe-inspiring righteousness to prevent it from changing.

There are also three Buddhist sacred artifacts from Nangobazangbu, two of which are in Li Xuan's hands. There is another thing, which is the ‘Sacred Statue of Kongzang Bodhisattva’ in the central Buddha Hall of Folun Temple.

This holy elephant is the key to the inheritance of the "Void Bodhisattva Bodhisattva". This soul contains the knowledge and memory of the "Nangobazang Bu" of the past generations.

Li Xuan did not hesitate and gave these things directly to the Golden Vase Dharma King. The latter was also unambiguous and took Aqi Zongze directly to the Central Buddha Hall.

Next, this person must spend up to twelve hours helping Aqi Zongze perform the initiation.

At this time, Jiang Hanyun, who had been silent, finally regained her smile. She punched her fist and said, "Happy! I was almost blown away by these lamas just now."

Luo Yan curled his lips disdainfully: "How are these lamas different from the cult? I think their 'Great Secret of Nirvana' is essentially the blood sacrifice method of the cult.

There is also that 'Aqi Zongze'. I have seen before that this person actually has limited respect for Da Jin, and is more unwilling to cause trouble. Are you really prepared to let him take over as the eighth generation of Nange Pa Zangbu? This guy has reached the sky in one fell swoop, it's really an advantage for him. "

Li Xuan couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "The Nyingma sect is also called the ancient Tantric Sect. UU Reading It was a hybrid of the ancient Tibetan primitive religion 'Bon Religion' when Padmasambhava came to Tibet to preach. It is normal for a mature Tantric sect to have some remnants of Bon and Shamanism. Even our Taoism also has many traces of ancient shamanism.

As for Aqi Zongze, he got an advantage this time. However, wouldn’t it be a pity if a temple as big as Folun Temple, with hundreds of thousands of believers, fell into the hands of others? It would be better to use this person's power to control it in the hands of the imperial court. "

Yu Hongshang nodded beside her. She felt that Li Xuan's approach couldn't be more appropriate.

At this time, he saw King Meng, the king of embroidered clothes and thousands of households, walking up to the high platform with his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

Li Xuan immediately raised his eyebrows; "Wang Qianhu, no clues about Dorje Cairen and Tashi Gonbu were found?"

In fact, he was planning to ask the Dharma King Jin Ling directly about this matter.

However, considering that the moment he spoke about this matter, he might fall out, Li Xuan was prepared to wait until the Golden Vase Initiation was completed.

Wang Meng shook his head: "I'm still investigating these two people. The problem lies outside the temple. My subordinates at the foot of the mountain discovered the people of 'Duo Gansi Khan'. They have a large number of people and are watching the Buddha Wheel from a distance." Temple.”

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