Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 501 Killing Brother and Enemy

Chapter 504 Killing Brother and Enemy

When Liu Zongquan came to Duogansi Khan's palace, he found that it was also heavily guarded and tense.

The guards looked at them with guarded and hostile eyes.

Liu Zongquan turned a blind eye and informed his name. . After waiting at the gate for almost a moment, he was led to the lobby of the Khan's Palace to meet Khan Dogansi.

The latter is a man in his forties, short and stocky, with rough features, wearing heavy armor, and his whole body is full of blood and evil power. The momentum is that of a snake coiled around a tiger, looking forward to its own glory.

He looked at Liu Zongquan with suspicion and defensiveness: "Heavenly martial cultivator from the Central Plains, what are you doing here?"

"Liu is here to help the Khan to deal with the enemy." Liu Zongquan only glanced at the Khan and knew that a certain magic weapon on his body had also undergone blood sacrifice. Moreover, there are several layers of precious armor, which makes Dogansi Khan look like a walking fortress, and his movements are a little clumsy.

He immediately frowned: "Is the Khan preparing to deal with the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and the Yangyang Divine Sword' in this way? It's useless. If the Great Khan is prepared to fight with the Great Jin in this state If the champion fights, the Great Khan will definitely die."

"Presumptuous!" Another person next to him snorted: "How dare you speak to the king like this?"

Liu Zongquan glanced at the man and found that he was a figure dressed as a scribe.

He guessed that this should be a confidant of Duo Gansi Khan's advisor, so he nodded kindly towards this person.

Although this person is despicable in his eyes, the bad things in the world are often those inconspicuous little people.

"I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry. I ask King Khan and everyone to forgive Liu for being rude. It's really because the Great Khan's actions are like committing suicide, so I have to advise him. I know that the Great Khan's family has ancestral treasure armor, and even the heavenly monks have it. It is difficult to break through this armor's strength.

But the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and Combines the Yangyang Divine Sword' is designed to break through heavy armor and strong energy. This precious armor of Khan may not be able to withstand the Yangyang Divine Sword for twenty rounds. "

Dogansi Khan's eyes immediately showed hesitation. He coveted the people, trade routes, believers, etc. under the rule of Fulun Temple, but the premise was that he could capture the Fulun Temple alive.

The scribe frowned: "Then how did you know?"

"I guessed it." Liu Zongquan's expression was flat: "Using common sense, we can imagine that all extremely fast objects in this world have powerful armor-breaking capabilities. Look at this leaf in my hand. Look -"

He casually summoned a leaf from the tree outside the door and threw it to the side.

This leaf did not have any real energy attached to it. It just relied on high-speed rotation to break directly into the table next to it.

"Although the pair of Yangyang Divine Swords are not at the level of heaven, their speed can make up for their shortcomings. The 'positive and negative two-handed attack method of heaven and earth combined' can originally increase the strength of their true energy. Their double The swords are held together, and the speed of the swords is unparalleled, so even ancient monsters like Wu Zhiqi and Xiang Yao cannot defend themselves.

In addition, I heard that they now have a set of top-quality knives in their hands. Together, they are as powerful as immortal treasures. "

Duo Gansi Khan couldn't help but fell into meditation, and then he looked Liu Zongquan up and down: "Martial cultivator from the Central Plains, why do you want to help me? Should I trust you?"

"Liu can make a blood oath." A flash of blood appeared in Liu Zongquan's eyes: "Although Li Xuan and I are from the Central Plains, we have a life-and-death feud. Did King Khan know about the Yangtze River flood not long ago?

That was caused by my senior brother Liu, but in that battle, Liu's three senior brothers all died directly and indirectly at the hands of Li Xuan. This hatred and hatred are irreconcilable. "

Dugu Biluo, who was following him, immediately raised the corners of his lips coldly and looked away with disdain.

"I see."

Duo Gansi Khan's eyes were relieved. He had also heard about the flood in the Central Plains: "You are the one who formed an alliance with Ba Snake Changze and trapped him in the Jinsha River."

Liu smiled bitterly: "Liu is ashamed."

Khan Duogansi had already put down some of his precautions, and asked with a confident expression: "Mr. Liu, this Khan's precious armor cannot withstand the Yang Yang Divine Sword, but this Khan can still unite the power of thousands of armies. Martial Arts Competition , how can we just talk about it in terms of protective power?"

"That's true!" Liu Zongquan nodded: "Another powerful aspect of the Yangyang Divine Sword is that they are extremely agile despite their rapidity, and they have a tacit understanding with each other as one.

No! That is even more terrifying than the same person. Even if he is as strong as Tianzhi, the coordination of his left and right hands cannot reach their level. Therefore, in Liu's opinion, it is best not to fight with Dahan outdoors. "

"You mean not to go to war?" The scribe frowned: "But this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After Nange Bazangbu was killed by you Central Plains people, the people of Fulun Temple were in turmoil.

As far as we know, your champion has already supported ‘Aqi Zongze’ to inherit Fulun Temple. I know this person, and as long as I give him half a month to a month, he will definitely be able to appease the lamas and believers of Fulun Temple. This opportunity is fleeting. "

"Not fighting doesn't mean doing nothing."

Liu Zongquan smiled coldly: "The Great Khan can first send some of his rangers to plunder the people of Fulun Temple; secondly, he can make allies and wait for the opportunity.

It is impossible for the champion to stay in Fulun Temple for too long. He will definitely be unable to sit still. If he wants to solve this scourge for you, the king, before leaving, he will definitely take the initiative to attack; three--"

He glanced around: "I can help the Great Khan set up a large formation here and wait for Li Xuan's arrival. This formation is where the Yangyang Divine Sword broke and died."

Dogansi Khan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at each other with his counselor.


Originally, at the speed of the Red Thunder Divine Chariot, it only took a moment to cover hundreds of miles.

But this is a place with towering mountains, and there are many majestic mountains with thousands of walls and tens of thousands of feet in height.

Therefore, even if the Red Thunder Divine Chariot flies from the air, the path is winding and cannot fly quickly. They couldn't fly from higher altitudes because there were all kinds of dangers lurking in the sky. Especially the thunderstorms above, even if they are as strong as the sky, they may not be able to withstand them.

The Red Thunder Divine Chariot is not the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Shuttle, and it does not have the ability to travel through the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

It took Li Xuan and the others a full quarter and a half to travel these 676 miles.

When they came down from the Red Thunder Divine Chariot, the atmosphere between Li Xuan and the girls relaxed a little.

Li Xuan raised his head and glanced around, then fixed his gaze on a high mountain in front of him. That is the water source of the Tuotuo River and one of the main sources of the Tongtian River and the Yangtze River. Streams of water wash down from the top of the mountain and eventually merge into a river.

Li Xuan looked at it with the 'Dao-Guarding Heavenly Eye' and found that the inside of the mountain was hollowed out and there was a huge building complex inside. There are also tunnels extending in all directions, leading to all directions.

At the same time, although there were no runes inside the snake nest, it formed a natural magic circle, which made Li Xuan feel that the real energy around him was obscure and his energy was low.

This magic circle's suppression of martial arts essence is actually much stronger than that of Fulun Temple.

Le Qianqian took one look and frowned: "General Zhonglang, this place is very dangerous. It's best not to take the risk of breaking in. It is said that Padmasambhava, the ancestor of Tibetan Buddhism, also tried to wipe out the Bas snake clan, but The result was a failure.

Before that great scholar left this world, he was already at the pinnacle of the Great Celestial Realm, half a step away from the Extreme Celestial Realm, but even he couldn't do anything about these snakes. "

Li Xuan thought to himself that the Ba Snake King's Court was really extraordinary. His 'Daw-protecting Heavenly Eye' could only see the surface of this huge snake nest, which was already extremely dangerous.

It was impossible to attack here by force, but since he couldn't convince others with force, it would be a fool's errand for him to ask Queen Ba Snake to reveal the whereabouts of the two people.

Thinking of Ba Snake Changze who died in his own hands, Li Xuan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "Anyway, let's try it first. Where is the Ba Snake Queen? The champion of the Jin Dynasty has come to pay homage to the mountain. Please show up to see her! "

The last sentence he used used the thunderous sound of God Kui, which shook the mountains.

But then he waited for a long time, but there was no sound from the snake nest. Li Xuan's 'Daw-protecting Heavenly Eye' didn't even see any demon inside the snake's nest.

Several girls couldn't help but look at each other, thinking that this situation would be difficult to handle.

The person inside actually had the attitude of being a coward and ignoring him.

Li Xuan smiled helplessly and shouted again: "Queen Ba She, I know you can hear me. Your brother-killing enemy is here, and you don't dare to meet him?"

There was still no movement in the snake nest.

Li Xuan continued to shout: "Queen Ba She, the enemy who killed your brother is here, and you don't dare to meet her. What kind of queen are you worthy of? Are you worthy of commanding all the demons in the Tongtian River?"

In the past, Tongtianhe Royal Court sent hundreds of thousands of troops to march eastward. How arrogant and arrogant was UU Reading But now that your enemies have been slaughtered so far, no one dares to show up, which is simply ridiculous and pitiful. Will you ever have the face to see anyone again? "

He felt quite shameless, but in the current situation, Li Xuan had no choice.

The few girls next to him didn't take it seriously. There was also a method of insulting and shouting in the military formation. Li Xuan's method was similar.

At this time, in a huge hall inside the Ba Snake King's Court, the little face of the Ba Snake Queen had turned blue and white with anger.

At this time, beside her, there were many monsters who either turned into human forms or manifested huge monster bodies, all of them looked sideways in Li Xuan's direction.

The next moment, Queen Ba Snake left the throne and flew out of the royal court.

When Dan Yuan next to the throne saw this, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

He knew that in this case, it would be the best choice for them to hide inside the Demon Court and not come into contact with them.

But Danyuan also knew that he couldn't stop it. All the demons here had been scolded by Li Xuan until they were filled with anger. If Queen Ba Snake continues to endure it, she will definitely not be able to convince the public in the future, and she will definitely be looked down upon by the demon clan in the world.

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