Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 508 My name is Dugu Biluo

Chapter 511 My name is Dugu Biluo

The figures of Li Xuan and Luo Yan turned into lightning and flashed across the sky.

The combination of the positive and negative techniques of attacking the sky and the earth also increased their escape skills to the extreme, flying through the void like a fleeting stream of light.

It's a pity that they don't have enough magic power and insufficient cultivation to last long. .

However, within a distance of 3,500 miles, their escape speed was still the best in the world.

In just three hundred breaths, they had already caught up with the figure in front of them who had fled hundreds of miles away.

This person wields a fusiform magical weapon, and his speed is almost as fast as the Red Thunder Chariot. But they still caught up with them, and then two streams of light slashed, and countless sparks were shot out of the flying shuttle.

Li Xuan and Luo Yan each raised their swords at the same time, echoing each other. When their voices were in sync with each other, they were like the power of a powerful immortal weapon. In just a moment, they bombarded the fusiform magic weapon until it was scarred and their escape speed was greatly reduced.

Inside, Liu Zongquan's expression changed drastically, and his eyes became extremely ugly.

He is not a magic cultivator, so he cannot cast spells or use a sword to resist. All he could do was pour his Heavenly Gang Yuan into the flying shuttle and resist it with all his might.

But the damage and penetration brought by the extreme speed of those two people could easily break through his protection and severely damage the shuttle body.

The shuttle flew in the high air for about a hundred miles before suddenly shattering.

Liu Zongquan flew out of the shuttle with Dugu Biluo's figure and continued flying in the east direction. At the same time, eight long swords slipped out of his sleeves, and he used his true energy to simulate his arms, as if he were a man with eight arms, weaving a wave of swords in the sky.

This person practices the wind method, and his sword speed is also extremely fast. The sword curtain covered a space of five to ten feet, blocking the two people's swords in layers, and cut countless black void cracks around them, integrating defense and offense.

But the golden and purple light was like a white horse passing through the gap, penetrating into every hole. He was still able to find flaws in the seemingly airtight and watertight sword curtain, and cut bloody marks on Liu Zongquan's body.

The three of them fought fiercely in the air for half a moment, and after flying for more than two hundred miles, the big sun sword controlled by Li Xuan finally opened a huge wound in Liu Zongquan's chest.

Liu Zongquan's face was also green and white. He knew that the battle had come to a close.

Li Xuan's sword not only severely wounded his heart, but also penetrated his body with the majestic sword intent. This caused his True Yuan Qi and even his Sword Intent level to plummet.

Next, he has lost the ability to resist the pair of yangyang magic swords, and will be blasted into the abyss of hell by these two swords.

At the moment when Liu Zongquan's heart twitched, he saw a black sword light shining around him.

Luo Yan originally attacked from this direction, preparing to further damage his body. But at this time, she had to frown and get out of the way.


Liu Zongquan couldn't help but raise his head and looked ahead in surprise. He found a man in black clothes and a hat standing in the air twenty miles away. His 'Eternal Divine Splitting Sword' suddenly bombarded this place through twenty miles of void.

The speed of his knife is not very fast, but each knife can cut through the foundation of matter and directly attack the dust and mustard seeds. Even the pair of Yangyang Divine Swords had to avoid the light of his swords.

This effectively made up for Liu Zongquan's flaws and stabilized the situation he faced.

When Liu Zongquan felt slightly relieved, he knew that this was not enough. The sword of the man in black hat was not enough to allow him to escape from the swords of the pair of 'Yangyang Divine Swords'.

Just from the fact that this man in black clothes and hat never dared to approach, and always stayed twenty miles away from the battlefield, we can understand his thoughts.

This person probably had the plan to save him if he could, and to escape immediately if he couldn't.

Once the situation goes bad, this person will leave him behind without hesitation and fly thousands of miles away.

After just a moment's thought, Liu Zongquan gritted his teeth and threw Dugu Biluo, who had been protected by his side, out with a ferocious expression.

At the same time, he also penetrated a touch of sword intent directly into the girl's body.

"Aren't you checking the Yangtze River and the Leshan Giant Buddha? All the secrets are in her body."

Then he was wrapped in blood light, accelerated his escape speed by burning his energy and blood, and brought out a blood rainbow in the air.

At this moment, his speed was even higher than that of Li Xuan and Luo Yan, throwing them ten miles away.

Li Xuan was stunned and looked at the girl in Taoist clothing who was thrown away from the mysterious heaven.

He had noticed this girl for a long time, but he had not made a move against her just now because he and Luo Yan discovered that this girl had not only been nailed with Zhenyuan Nails all over her body, but also a secret technique had been used to seal the true essence. mana.

Li Xuan guessed that this girl was probably a hostage controlled by the mysterious heaven.

Therefore, although he and Luo Yan were using their swords fiercely, they always exercised restraint to avoid hurting this woman.

However, the origin and identity of this girl still exceeded Li Xuan and Luo Yan's expectations.

"Leshan Giant Buddha?"

There was a cold luster in Li Xuan's eyes.

He heard Jiang Yunqi talk about the situation of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

The purpose of Jiudeng, Huaibi and others instigating the flood of the Yangtze River was to open the organ cave of Leshan Giant Buddha and take out the treasures buried inside.

Is this girl related to this case?

At this time, he had noticed something strange about the girl. The sword energy of the mysterious heaven was raging freely in the girl's body.

If he just sits there and ignores her, the girl will explode and die under the influence of the sword energy.

Li Xuan glanced at the figure who was desperately escaping again, and finally sighed secretly. He dodged and grabbed the girl in his hand. Then a large amount of blood mist burst out from the girl's right arm.

This is when Li Xuan used his awe-inspiring righteousness to force most of the sword energy of the mysterious heavenly position out of his body from this position.

This is actually a clever strategy. After all, Li Xuan has not yet reached the heavenly position and cannot directly suppress the power of the heavenly position.

He could only force this person's sword energy together, and then completely crush this part of the girl's flesh and blood.

After he solved the girl's danger of exploding her body and looked towards the mysterious heavenly figure and the man in the black hat, he found that the two escaping lights in the distance, one black and one red, had already escaped seventy miles away.

"Stop chasing them." Luo Yan shook his head slightly: "Even if we chase them forcefully, we may not be able to kill them. On the contrary, we may put ourselves in danger."

This is due to their lack of cultivation. Luo Yan has less than half of his cultivation power left.

With their two swords combined, they could maintain their ultimate combat power for only half an hour.

Of course, they can also take pills after this to stimulate their blood energy potential, which can allow them to persist for an hour or two.

But Luo Yan was also worried that there might be an ambush ahead.

Li Xuan felt a headache as he looked at the girl who was still unconscious even though the danger was over.

He thought that in this case, he couldn't continue to pursue him.


Half an hour later, the Khan's palace in Derge City.

Dharma King Anguo, Dharma Protector, Ganzi Consolation Envoy Shaker, and Duogansi Consolation Envoy Lobsang Gonpo, who inherited the 'Blood Spirit Battle Flag' from Duogansi Khan, were leaving from the lobby. go.

Li Xuan is good at using all the resources around him, so there is no reason to let go of these powerful combat forces at his disposal.

He unceremoniously handed over the task of sealing off the 'Ba Snake King's Court' to these few people.

Although the Fulun Temple suffered heavy losses at this time, there were still three lamas of the fourth sect and fifteen lamas of the third sect.

As for Anguo Temple, they are intact and have sufficient financial resources, so their combat effectiveness will not be too weak.

Dogansi Khan also left behind some elite soldiers and horses, which are now in the hands of Shaker and Luosang Gonbu.

These people may not be good enough to attack the 'Ba Snake King's Court', but they are more than enough to block the Ba Snake King's Court.

Anguo Dharma King's face clearly showed helplessness.

If possible, he would never want to be driven by Li Xuan, but he knew that this time, he not only had to go all out, but also had to do this thing beautifully to satisfy Li Xuan.

This is because he made the wrong bet and misjudged the cost of the situation.

In the eyes of Li Xuan and the Jin Dynasty, there is no doubt that his Anguo Dharma King has a huge stain. He could only make more efforts to make up for his mistakes as soon as possible in exchange for Li Xuan's forgiveness.

Don't look at what the champion has done to him now, but when he calms down the situation between Duo Gan and Wu Zang, who knows whether he will settle accounts with the Jin Dynasty? Do you want to force him to pass away and reincarnate?

In the view of King Anguo, it is very likely that the Jin Dynasty will take control of Qinghai-Tibet again at this time.

This champion has mastered the power to check and balance the plateau. The key is that he is also good at using this power.

After these people left, Yu Hongshang looked at Li Xuan with strange eyes: "You really did it. You captured Duo Gansi without any use of weapons or bloodshed."

"It's nothing more than borrowing strength to fight. We often use it in martial arts. The premise is that our own strength must be strong enough."

Li Xuan didn't care much. As he spoke, he walked up to the girl. UU reading

The latter is being taken care of by Jiang Hanyun and Le Qianqian. Jiang Hanyun is helping her remove the Zhenyuan nail, while Le Qianqian is trying to find a way to lift the girl's ban.

Fortunately, the mysterious person was a martial artist and was not good at magic. Le Qianqian was also famous for his erudition, so he quickly found a way to solve it.

She directly invited the Houtu Spirit to help the girl lift the restrictions on her soul.

The girl finally woke up. She opened her eyes and glanced around the main hall of the Khan's Palace, as well as Li Xuan and others, and her eyes suddenly became happy.

"Who are you?" Li Xuan also looked at her up and down: "And who is the person who hijacked your throne just now? He said you were related to the Yangtze River floods and the Leshan Giant Buddha?"

Although the mysterious heavenly figure was not masked, even Le Qianqian, the most knowledgeable person, did not know this person.

"My name is Dugu Biluo, a disciple of the great master Huaibi, and I am currently one of the keys to unlocking the treasure of the Leshan Giant Buddha."

Dugu Biluo looked at Li Xuan with fiery eyes: "As for the man just now, he is the junior brother of Monk Jiudeng and Huaibi, the 'Eight-Armed Sword King' Liu Shangquan more than two hundred years ago. But he now has another name. And identity - Liu Zongquan, the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel."

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