Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 516: Turn over the clouds

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When Dugu Biluo woke up, she found herself lying in a strange room.

She was slightly surprised, wondering if she was not dead yet? Or is it that he has fallen into the hands of Liu Zongquan and is about to be taken away by him and turned into a spirit puppet?

However, looking at the condition inside her body, it was obvious that she had been properly treated. There is also a cool feeling on the chest, and the smell is refreshing - it is obviously an excellent medicine for wounds.

There are no traces of being controlled or banned either inside or outside the body.

If it were Liu Zongquan, he wouldn't be so kind to her, and he wouldn't be so assured of her.

Dugu Biluo frowned slightly, then stood up and walked out of the room.

At this time, she was despairing of all her thoughts and her heart was as quiet as death. However, she had two doubts that she wanted to know before she died no matter what. .

One is the fate of the sacred treasure embryo, and the other is Liu Zongquan's life and death.

When Dugu Biluo walked out of the room, he realized that it was the palace of Duo Gansi Khan.

She had been in and out of this place several times with Liu Zongquan in the past few days, so she recognized him.

However, the Khan's palace was empty, with no one around. It wasn't until Dugu Biluo came to the lobby of Prince Khan's Mansion that he heard a burst of human voices coming from inside.

Li Xuan's voice was mixed in. He seemed to be discussing Qinghai-Tibet affairs with others, and his tone was particularly strong and domineering.

Dugu Biluo walked to the side door and took a look inside, and found that there were a lot of lamas in different costumes sitting in the hall.

The Golden Vase Dharma King is among them, as well as the Protector Dharma King, Anguo Dharma King, Chanteaching Dharma King, Praise Dharma King, Assistant Teaching Dharma King, Karmapa Dharma King, Mahayana Dharma King, and Great Merciful Dharma King——

Ten of the twelve Dharma Kings from the Qinghai-Tibet area were present here, with only Vajra Chakra Dharma King and Tianlong Dharma King absent.

Dugu Biluo remembered that Li Xuan had previously promised to force him to pass away and reincarnate, otherwise he would be deprived of his temple property and title. Dugu Biluo didn't know whether this person was alive or dead now?

As for Dharma King Tianlong, his fiefdom is close to the country of Shendu, and is nearly seven thousand miles away from Duo Gansi.

What surprised Dugu Biluo was that these leaders of Tibetan Buddhism all lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes in front of Li Xuan, showing unusual respect.

Li Xuan also noticed her arrival. He turned his head and smiled at Dugu Biluo, then faced the Dharma Kings and said: "Let me explain it again. What I mean is that you all will contribute money and effort to cooperate with the court in refining this Sacred vessel.

I will imitate the "Golden Vase" used by His Holiness the Golden Urn, striving to achieve perfection and reach a higher level. This weapon does not need to be used in combat, it is only used to protect the true spirits of the Dharma Kings and reincarnate in the bodies of soul boys in the Qinghai-Tibet area.

Afterwards, the device was stored in the capital and under the care of the imperial court. Then all the Buddhist temples in Qinghai-Tibet area can choose two lamas to come to the capital. On the one hand, they will obey the instructions of the court, and on the other hand, they will help the court guard this 'golden bottle of reincarnation'. "

Jin Ping Dharma King frowned slightly, thinking that if Li Xuan really succeeded in this matter, then the entire Buddhist sect in the Qinghai-Tibet area would be held hostage by the Jin Dynasty court in the future, and they would have to rely on the imperial court to stop him.

But it was really hard for him to object to this matter.

The reincarnation of the ‘true spirit’ is a great temptation for all the Dharma Kings of Qinghai and Tibet.

In the past, their so-called reincarnation inheritance was just a copy of the memories of past Dharma Kings, but now it is the real reincarnation of the 'true spirit'.

The method of reincarnation in the Golden Vase is undoubtedly much more advanced. It not only allows the Qinghai and Tibetan Dharma Kings to break through the existing ‘Garam Fruition Stage’ and enter the Arhat Fruition Stage, or even the Golden Congo Stage, it can also benefit them themselves.

——If one's own 'true spirit' can inherit everything in front of him, why should he pass on the Buddhahood to his heirs or disciples?

Not to mention these Dharma Kings, even Jin Ping himself was interested.

Although his 'Golden Bottle of Transition' has the power to protect true spirits, its function is actually more focused on subduing demons and is not very perfect.

But if such a holy weapon is made, he will never trust anyone else to take charge of it. Only in the hands of the imperial court can he feel at ease.

Sure enough, when Li Xuan said these words, all the Dharma Kings' faces were slightly moved, showing their thoughts of contemplation, and no one spoke out to object.

Dugu Biluo listened to their discussion and felt confused.

But at this time, the girl named Le Qianqian walked up to her, not only held her hand, but also greeted her and talked to her.

After asking, Dugu Biluo found out that he had been in a coma for ten days.

During these ten days, Li Xuan and Luo Yan, the pair of Yangyang magic swords, together with Princess Yu Hongshang of Changle, swept through the Buddhist temples in the snowy area.

Under this champion's hard and soft tactics, all twelve Dharma Kings had to bow their heads and obey orders. Even the 'Vajra Chakra Dharma King' had to sit down and die four days ago.

Later, Li Xuan convened this Buddhist meeting and gathered all the Dharma Kings to discuss the follow-up matters in Qinghai-Tibet area.

After all the Dharma Kings meditated for a while, a middle-aged lama stood up and said: "I agree with the reincarnation of the Golden Vase. This is a great event for Tibetan Buddhism, and it can even benefit countless generations. merit.

This is truly the gift of enlightenment. If Lord Marquis can facilitate this, he will be our benefactor and honored guest from now on, and will be respected by all generations. But the specifics of how to refine the golden bottle, how much each family contributed, the steps for reincarnation of the soul boy, where the golden bottle is stored, etc., still need to be discussed. "

At this point, the middle-aged lama's voice changed: "But before that, I would also like to know how the Marquis plans to deal with the Anbulo tribe?"

Dugu Biluo took one look at him and recognized this person as the 'Kabok Karmapa', who was relatively close to 'Abrohan' in the past.

Liu Zongquan was an extremely cautious and thoughtful person. Before entering Tibet, he made a thorough investigation of all the forces in the Qinghai-Tibet area, and also collected portraits of various Dharma kings and major chieftains.

Dugu Biluo had seen those portraits, so she recognized them.

When Li Xuan heard this, he smiled kindly: "What Li wants is for me, Brohan, to apologize to the court and pay compensation, and then divide the 80,000 households into tribes, and let his Under the leadership of the second son and the third son, two Xuanwei Envoys were established near Sunlight City (Lhasa). These two Xuanwei Envoys were established independently and were directly under the imperial court."

After hearing this, all the Dharma Kings had different expressions on their faces. Among them, Jin Ping also raised his eyebrows slightly and his eyes were extra complicated.

Li Xuan's arrangement is undoubtedly excellent news for his Wencheng Temple, which can directly eliminate nearly half of the pressure faced by Wencheng Temple.

Ordinarily Jin Ping should agree with Huanxi, but he also realized that Li Xuan's methods were extremely vicious.

This was a method used in the Han Dynasty to cut down vassal vassals, which could directly dismember the powerful Anbulo tribe. From now on, the glory of the Tubo Empire may never be reproduced in Qinghai-Tibet.

The Karmapa Karmapa had a cold expression on his face: "As far as I know, I, Brohan, have a strong temperament, so I'm afraid I won't agree. If I, Brohan, refuse, will the Marquis prepare to use weapons?"

Li Xuan looked at him and said: "I came here with the goodwill of the court, how could I want to start a war? However, I, Brohan, violated the laws of the court, so I have to punish him, otherwise how can I convince the public?

At that time, I will cut off all trade with the Anbulo tribe, and ask all Dharma kings to prepare a Buddhist edict to label Anbulo Khan as an enemy of the Buddha, and to issue an edict to all believers in Qinghai and Tibet, and everyone will be punished. "

There was a sudden silence in the lobby.

Dugu Biluo thought to herself that this champion was really deceitful.

If Ambrohan is really accused by all the lamaseries of being an enemy of Buddha, then all his followers will simply collapse.

Qinghai-Tibet is known as the "Buddhist Kingdom", and everyone here is a believer in Tantra.

Karmapa Karmapa was stunned for a long time before he realized: "But is this too much? The actions of the champion will only force me, Brohan, to rebel."

Li Xuan laughed and held down his big sun sword: "I Brohan has been unruly and rude to the imperial court for a long time. Now I have neither taken away his fiefdom nor taken his life. If he is not even willing to agree to this, , isn’t it because he had already expressed his disobedience?

If Ambrohan dares to rebel and push millions of people in Qinghai and Tibet into the flames of war for his ambition, I will definitely call in troops to kill this evil devil. or--"

He paused and looked at Karmapa with an extremely cold look: "Is the Karmapa concerned about my friendship with Brohan and unwilling to issue the Buddha's decree?"

Karmapa Karmapa's breath was stagnant, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "How dare the young monk disobey the champion's order?"

A few days ago, the champion Hou Ke came to his Yingyou Temple, broke through the protective formation of his temple, and thrust the blade of the Yangyang Divine Sword directly in front of his seat.

In fact, if the many heavenly combat forces in the Qinghai-Tibet area can work together, they don't have to be afraid of this person at all.

But this champion is good at combining vertical and horizontal, dividing and disintegrating.

During that battle at Yingyou Temple, Li Xuan came hand in hand with Dharma King Zanshan and Dharma King Auxiliary.

These two families were close to the Yingyou Temple, and they had been squeezed by him for decades, and their followers gradually became rare.

That time when the champion went to Yingyou Temple to question him, these two people, regardless of their status as Tibetans, joined forces with outsiders and forced him to hand over 20% of his followers.

This made Karmapa Karmapa very sad and angry, but he was helpless.

He knew that there were countless conflicts of interest between the Dharma Kings and the chieftains from various places. How easy was it to form a joint force?

If he dares to have disloyal intentions, the first ones to attack him will be the Dharma King Praise and the Assistant Teaching Dharma King.

Although he can use the power of Anbrohan to fend off enemies, the terrifying thing about the Yangyang Divine Sword lies in their speed.

It only took them less than half a moment to break into Yingyou Temple. If they missed, they could still travel thousands of miles and come back next time.

How many Heavenly Combat Powers in the hands of Brohan can guard the 'Yingyou Temple' at all times?

Next, Li Xuan discussed with the Dharma Kings for a while, and even a fierce quarrel broke out.

The focus of their debate was not whether they should refine the 'Golden Vase of Reincarnation' - on this issue, UU Reading all Dharmarajas fully agreed and even looked forward to it.

They were arguing about the details of the reincarnation system, and in the end no one could reach a consensus.

The 'Jin Ping Reincarnation' system proposed by Li Xuan was such a big deal that they couldn't decide immediately and needed some time to weigh the pros and cons.

Li Xuan didn't think that this matter could be discussed in a day or two. However, after the Buddhist meeting, he suggested that all the Dharma Kings choose a good place to build a hut near the Ba She King's Court for self-cultivation while they were discussing the matter. It can also help him seal off the Basque King's Court.

Jin Ling Dharma King knew about this champion, and planned to use the power of their Dharma Kings to frighten the Ba Snake Queen.

But Jin Ping had already boarded Li Xuan's pirate ship, and the matter had nothing to do with the interests of Wencheng Temple, so he just went along with the flow and agreed.

Li Xuan personally sent these Dharma Kings away one by one, and then called Dugu Biluo to him.


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