Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 538 Flintlock Musket

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Yu Hongshang thought carefully for a moment: "How to deal with Liang Heng has to be decided by my father. However, I can try my best to replace those in the Beijing camp. Li Xuan, if you have any good candidates, can you recommend them to me. "

At this point, Yu Hongshang glanced sideways at Li Xuan again: "This matter ends here. While Liang Heng is at home, Li Xuan, if you don't have to, don't deliberately provoke him and make him a target."

She knew how ruthless and domineering Li Xuan was towards his enemies.

But after all, Liang Heng was a famous general who had made great contributions to the country. If he could not be removed legitimately, the court would inevitably have a bad reputation of "treating meritorious officials harshly".

This will create a huge disturbance in the court, and may even cause endless troubles.

Even Li Xuan himself will pay a heavy price.

"I know." Li Xuan responded with a smile: "Your man is not that stupid yet. But I hope that during the two months when the emperor is in seclusion, you have to help me keep him out of the court."


When Yu Hongshang heard this word, the corners of her lips twitched and her eyes showed a sneer.

However, she nodded slightly and said, "As long as I am still the supervisor, he will not be able to come back."

This matter is actually very simple. Just delay the case of Liang Heng's secret meeting with the civil and military ministers as much as possible.

Yu Hongshang was supervising the country for the first time. She was busy with everything and had no time to chat with Li Xuan. After she asked about the prince's sudden illness and the general Liang Heng, she sent Li Xuan away.

After Li Xuan came out of Taihemen, he felt at a loss for a moment.

At this time, he should have gone to the Liudaosi Yamen or the Central Military Affairs Bureau to work.

But there is his second spirit sitting there. This distracted spirit is full of ability and energy, and is much more diligent than Li Xuan's original body.

As for the girls around him, Yu Hongshang has to deal with government affairs; Xue Yunrou went to the north to preside over the layout of the magic circle of the Monolith Castle; Le Qianqian was busy in the Yamen; Leng Yurou stayed in her workshop all day long, which was very boring. ;Jiang Hanyun is following the Zuo Deputy Tianzun to investigate the case of the Capital God's Seven Poisons;

And Luo Yan, isn't he right next to him?

Li Xuan suddenly felt that he had more than enough time.

Even the case of the prince's sudden illness has begun to come to light. . They only need to catch the illusionist and the mistress in Li Yue'er's memory, and the case will be solved.

They were not even allowed to arrest her. They only needed to confirm the woman's identity, which was enough to give the emperor an explanation.

What Emperor Jingtai wanted was not evidence. The emperor just wanted to know who the enemy was and where to vent his anger.

But Li Xuan is really not good at searching for people.

He found many clues in Li Yuer's memory. But if you want to dig out them and the 'Gu Mother', you will have to conduct a large-scale investigation. Except for the embroidery guards and the internal police factory, no one else can do this.

Liu Daosi has such ability, but does not have such leisure time——

Li Xuan was only very concerned about the source of the Seven Poisons in the Capital City God's Temple, but Zuo Deputy Tianzun sealed the inside and outside of the Capital City God's Temple very tightly, and he also held all the witnesses in his hands, leaving no room for him to interfere.

Li Xuan didn't want to use this slow method to investigate. He had a way to directly get through to the underworld and let them enter the underworld to see what happened.

However, this requires the help of the King of the Golden Vase. The sacred weapon in the hands of this Dharma King, the 'Golden Vase of Transiting the World', coupled with Xue Yunrou's 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle', can help them break through the netherworld.

Xue Yunrou was easy to talk to, but Jin Ping Dharma King would have to arrive in the capital tomorrow.

At this time, the imperial envoys had already negotiated the reincarnation system with the Tibetan Dharma Kings. Jin Ping Dharma King is about to lead a large-scale mission to Beijing to accept the Emperor's "Golden Book of Edicts", which will be made permanent from now on.

This person still needs to cooperate with the court to refine two 'golden bottles'.

The original plan of the Golden Vase King was to enter the capital in five days. However, after receiving help from Li Xuan's Talisman Book, he had already left the mission and headed for the capital at full speed.

It is expected that Li Xuan will be able to enter the Beijing underworld at least early tomorrow morning to see where the source of the seven poisons is.

Li Xuan stood there and thought for a moment, then took Luo Yan with him, turned to the north of the Forbidden City, and walked to the Long Live Mountain over there.

The 12,000 soldiers of his Shenji Zuoying are currently stationed here, commanding the palace and city from a commanding position.

Li Xuan had to go and see what was going on with his subordinates now. Don't wait until the entire Shenji Zuoying rebelled. Even his boss didn't know.

It is embarrassing to say that Li Xuan has been the admiral of Shenji Zuoying for half a year, but Li Xuan has been to Shenji Zuoying less than twenty times in total. Every time I just take a quick look around and then leave in a hurry.

The reason why Emperor Jingtai and his chief assistant Chen Xun handed over the "Shenji Zuoying" to Li Xuan was naturally out of trust in him.

They also hope that at some point, there will be a trustworthy elite army in the capital.

But Li Xuan felt guilty because he did not meet their expectations.

Fortunately, the current state of the ‘Shenji Zuoying’ is not bad, and the Chengyi House has a deep foundation and sufficient foundation. When Li Xuan was transferred to another position six months ago, Li Chengji transferred a whole team of nearly one hundred 'servants' to him.

The "jiading" mentioned here is similar to the private military tribes in the Han and Tang Dynasties. Due to the corruption of the military system of the guards, there was a lack of food and salary. The generals of the Jin Dynasty had to support their families on a large scale to make up for the lack of combat power of the guards.

In addition to serving as elites, they also have a role to help their master control the entire army.

The generals of the Jin Dynasty lacked control over their subordinates and lacked trust in their generals. At this time, they would place servants on a large scale at the grassroots level to serve as grassroots officers to help the generals control the entire army.

This situation also existed in the Ming Dynasty in another era. Li Chengliang, the Liaodong general in the late Ming Dynasty, had nine thousand servants, all of whom were extremely elite armored cavalry.

Although the "Jia Ding" in the Jin Dynasty has not yet developed to this point, it has become popular among the entire noble class.

The one hundred 'housekeepers' assigned by Li Chengji were all elites from the northern frontier army.

Due to the massive encroachment of the northern guard's fields, many military households became deserters and chose to join local large households. There was also the Battle of Tumubao. After breaking out of the siege, many people were worried about being prosecuted by the court and simply became deserters.

The people recruited by Li Chengji were all proficient in martial arts, proficient in battles, and had real abilities. They could easily lead a general banner of fifty people.

Li Xuan used his connections to recruit Wang Yuan, the former guard of Nankou Pass, to serve as his deputy general.

——This was originally against the rules. The military system of the Jin Dynasty emphasized the system of large and small ministers. Li Xuan could place grassroots military generals on a large scale, but positions such as deputy generals, staff generals, and thousands of households needed to be appointed by the court.

But the emperor knew that he was busy with affairs, so he made a special exception and granted his request.

Therefore, even though Li Xuan was not doing his job properly, the troops and horses of this "Shenji Zuoying" battalion were actually trained by Wang Yuan and others to look good. Shaobao Yu Jie returned from several military parades with satisfaction. He was given the word "excellent" in the evaluation for three consecutive months.

When Li Xuan arrived, Wang Yuan was supervising three thousand generals in the camp's outpost, practicing reloading and shooting.

They were using newly made flintlock guns, and they had to complete the loading process in the shortest possible time, and ensure that they could reload ten rounds within a hundred seconds to be considered qualified.

There is also a magician sitting nearby to eliminate the noise and smoke of gunfire.

Li Xuan flew through the air and landed directly on the handsome stage. While looking at the school grounds, he waved his hand slightly, indicating to the generals beside him that they didn't need to be polite.

"Very good!" Li Xuan's eyes lit up: "It has improved a lot compared to more than a month ago, and it is basically within seventy breaths."

Fire ten times within seventy breaths - this speed is already very terrifying on the battlefield.

In the world where Li Xuan came from, the elites of the British army fired flintlock muskets in modern times, but they could only fire four rounds per minute.

In this world, martial arts practitioners are more agile and can reload faster.

After Wang Yuan heard this, he smiled and complimented: "This is all thanks to the Marquis. The fixed-load ammunition you came up with has at least saved us half of the loading time."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the generals beside him burst into compliments.

"Exactly, this fixed gunpowder is really a wonderful idea. When used with flint to fire, the rate of fire is indeed at least doubled compared to before."

"Admiral is wise, if this method can be promoted to the whole army, the muskets will have great potential."

"The power of a flintlock gun can be equivalent to that of a fourth-level martial artist who specializes in archery. But it takes at least ten years for us to train a qualified archer. How long does it take to become a shooter? Five months at most. time."

Li Xuan smiled slightly and didn't care about the generals' praise.

This 'fixed gunpowder' method is just a copy of the wisdom of the predecessors, and there is nothing to be proud of.

In ancient times, loading a musket required not only quick action, but also good control of the weight. If the amount of gunpowder is small, the power will be small; if the amount of gunpowder is large, the chamber will explode.

Later, someone came up with a way to wrap a rated amount of gunpowder in paper that could burn quickly.

This not only ensures the power of each shot, but also greatly reduces the time of reloading.

This also doubles the lethality of a musketeer.

Li Xuan continued to observe, and then walked to the queues in person to talk to the soldiers.

After a moment, Li Xuan frowned: "Hasn't the Ministry of War sent this rifled flintlock gun yet?"

The principle of a rifled flintlock gun is to imprint rifling lines into the musket, which can greatly increase the power and range of the flintlock gun and make it more accurate.

Wang Yuan cried and laughed and said: "The Ministry of War rejected it. The weapons supervisor said that casting rifled flintlock guns was time-consuming and laborious, and they did not have extra craftsmen. The Artifact Alliance offered a price of one thousand two hundred taels of silver. The Ministry of War said I can't afford it. But the Ministry of War has asked the weapons inspector to make a lot of the sabers that are inserted into the muzzles of the muskets that the Marquis mentioned."

Li Xuan couldn't help but frown. He originally thought that the imperial court would be arrogant after making a fortune this time.

One thousand two hundred taels of grained silver is not expensive. To suppress the runes on the gun body and burn the rifling, special steel is required. The cost of one thousand two hundred taels of silver is still very cost-effective. After all, its power exceeds that of many low-grade thunder talismans.

Li Xuan estimated that only three thousand such muskets would be enough for the Shenji Zuoying to compete with several times the number of Mongol cavalry in the field.

"That's all, I will talk to Yu Shangshu personally about the rifled musket."

Li Xuan looked helpless, and then asked: "What about the new military formation? Do you have any ideas?"

Wang Yuan and the generals present looked at each other, then clasped their fists and said: "Master Marquis, inserting a saber into the muzzle of a flintlock gun is equivalent to an eight-foot-long spear. This can save us some spearmen, UU Read the book This strategy must be changed, but we haven’t thought of a perfect way to change it specifically.

As for what you mentioned about using the hollow square formation to restrain the Mongolian cavalry, although we have practiced it several times, we don't know how effective it will be in actual combat. "

The so-called "hollow square formation" is a modern musketeer's method of defeating cavalry.

Li Xuan was just about to ask Wang Yuan to lead someone to practice for him, when he noticed a letter talisman flying over from a distance.

He immediately reached out and grabbed the letter talisman in his hand.

Then Li Xuan's eyes showed confusion.

This letter came from Peng Fulai, and Lao Peng asked him to go back to Liudaosi to meet someone as soon as possible.

That was an acquaintance that Li Xuan had met before - "Jianyu" Hua Shenxiao, one of the Seven Quanzhen Sons.

This person came to him for help on behalf of another one of the Quanzhen Twin Concubines, ‘Xixue Ji’, and it seemed to involve Duke Wen Zhonglie.

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