Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 561 I need to give an explanation

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Wei Zhen did not hesitate to praise Li Xuan like a flower, and then talked about another serious matter: "Also, there are many people in the capital who want to give you a life in the city. Temple', I asked the prefect of Shuntian to come forward and stop it.

But today, many people are attacking government officials because of this reason and want to build temples by force. I'm worried that someone is secretly instigating this matter with ulterior motives, so I want to say hello to you. "

Li Xuan frowned slightly. There was no such thing as setting up a 'shengshi' in the imperial court.

People everywhere pay tribute to those ministers with high moral character and outstanding political achievements, and will build ancestral temples to worship them during their lifetime.

All officials in the imperial court regarded it as a great honor and a path to becoming a god after death.

According to common sense, Li Xuan's achievements are undoubtedly worthy of the standard of establishing a 'shengshi'. The problem is that he is still young, and this matter is a bit eye-catching.

The former ‘husband of Prince Shui Deyuan’ accompanied the statue of Lord Shui Deyuan, and most people would smile when they saw him.

The most important thing is that if he accumulates too many incense and wishes, it will affect his noble spirit and martial arts practice.

"Uncle Wei, you did the right thing. I will personally handle this matter." Li Xuan nodded slightly: "It seems that you came at the right time today. I have something I want to ask you for help with."

"Oh?" Wei Zhen looked at him curiously: "Tell me, you look so serious about it, it seems like it's not a small matter?"

Li Xuan laughed out loud, and then said with a serious look: "It's really not a small matter. It involves the Queen Mother, Liang Heng and Prince Xiang's families."

At this time, Wei Zhen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He regretted coming to Li Xuan today.

But then Wei Zhen bared his teeth again: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

He knew that he and Li Xuan had been in the same boat for a long time, sharing the same glory and disgrace.

Just as Li Xuan was about to speak, another visitor came to his house.

One of the visitors was Tongzhi Zuo Daoxing, the governor of Xiuyi Guard, and the other was the master of Xuanwu Palace of Jinque Tiangong. It was said that he was named 'Lian Lingxian', a strong man in the realm of heaven.

Zuo Daoxing accompanied the latter. The master of Xuanwu Palace went directly to the palace and asked the court for a copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang.

Yu Hongshang ignored him at all and didn't even plan to meet the master of Xuanwu Palace. He only asked Zuo Daoxing to accompany the master of Xuanwu Palace to train Lingxian to the Champion Hou Mansion.

But after Li Xuan met the two of them, he didn't even look at the head coach of Xuanwu Palace, Lingxian. He directly asked Zuo Daoxing: "Captain Zuo, has Yu Yunhuang, the princess of Changning County, not spoken yet?"

The day before yesterday, Yu Hongshang, the princess of Changning County, Yu Yunhuang, had ordered Zuo Daoxing to immediately arrest and interrogate Yu Yunhuang, and at the same time deprived Yu Yunhuang of his job as a stall owner in the factory.

Zuo Daoxing responded with a wry smile: "Yu Yunhuang insisted that her 'palace card' was stolen by someone, and it was the work of the devil around her. She is the princess of the current dynasty, and her father is the wise King Xiang. We It’s not good to torture her.”

Li Xuan looked dissatisfied and said: "There are other ways without torture. Is this the only way you embroidered guards can do?"

Zuo Daoxing was also helpless: "There is a way, but the day before yesterday, King Xiang sent someone a message saying something was wrong with his daughter, so he went to the Ancestral Temple to cry."

Li Xuan frowned slightly after hearing this, thinking that if King Xiang really acted like a rogue, Zuo Daoxing would really have no choice.

When the virtuous king of the dynasty came to the Ancestral Temple to cry, his destructive power to the royal family was no less than that of his jade unicorn kneeling in front of the Chengtian Gate a few years ago.

Especially now that Yu Hongshang is supervising the country, it is even more difficult to deal with.

"The key is that we really found this mole." Zuo Daoxing looked solemn: "It is a close servant of Yu Yunhuang. She admitted that she copied her palace card while Yu Yunhuang was not paying attention.

This woman is now also being imprisoned in the imperial edict. We searched for her soul and found out that she had attempted to reproduce the palace card. We are going to wait for her spirit to recover a little before we start searching for her soul for the second time. "

Li Xuan couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the Princess of Changning County, Yu Yunhuang, really had nothing to do with the magician's plot against Yu Hongshang?

He then shook his head: "I must be present for the second soul search. And Yu Yunhuang, no matter what happens next, you have to lock her up with me. Can you cut off her contact with the outside of the prison?"

"That's no problem!" Zuo Daoxing said without any further excuses, with a solemn expression: "Yu Yunhuang is currently at the bottom of Xiuyiwei Prison, and I won't let her have any chance to communicate with the outside world."

At this time, he still felt somewhat emotional in his heart.

When he brought Li Xuan to the capital in the past, he regarded the champion as a promising junior, thinking that he was a rising star in the noble martial arts sect in the south.

As a result, in less than half a year, this person has become half of his boss to a certain extent.

The prince's sudden illness and the sorcerer's infiltration into the palace two days ago were not solved, so he had to obey Li Xuan's control.

At this time, the head coach of Xuanwu Palace, Lingxian, looked impatient. She said with a pale face: "Champion Lord, I am here to get the copy of the Golden Tower Heavenly Seal in your hand. This is a thing of the Golden Tower Heavenly Palace, and it cannot be grasped by mortals. Please return this item to me as soon as possible."

Li Xuan then moved his eyes towards her, and then raised his hand: "Is this what you are talking about?"

Li Xuan held the copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang in his hand, but was slightly stunned when he found that the golden light of this thing had dimmed, and it no longer had its previous look.

The head trainer of Xuanwu Palace, Lingxian, was slightly startled when he saw this, and found that the power accumulated in this copy of Tianzhang had been exhausted.

She then reached out and took a photo, intending to return the copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang.

But then, the copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang seemed to have taken root in Li Xuan's hands. Although it kept trembling, it could not move at all.

"You~" A look of displeasure suddenly appeared in Xuanwu Palace's head coach Lingxian's eyes.

"You don't think I will return this to you so easily, do you?"

Li Xuan sneered and put the copy of the Heavenly Seal back into his sleeve: "I got this from Yao Xie, who colluded with Bai Lian to assassinate the court ministers, so it is naturally mine.

Even the imperial court can't take away my personal belongings from me, so what does your Golden Que Tiangong mean? Just want to get this thing from me with empty teeth? "

He asked Li Dalu to serve them tea, but there was not even a cup of tea in front of Lian Lingxian.

"What evil?" Xuanwu Palace's head coach Lingxian immediately frowned and snorted angrily: "That's Gong Nianci, the master of Tianshi Palace in Jinque Tiangong——"

As she spoke, she realized that her words had fallen into the opponent's trap.

But Lingxian, the head coach of Xuanwu Palace, didn't care much: "Anyway, return the copy of Jinque Tianzhang as soon as possible, otherwise you, the champion of a mortal dynasty, cannot afford the price."

After Li Xuan heard this, the irony in his eyes became even stronger: "So that's your Palace Master Tianshi!"

He picked up the tea cup in his hand and blew it gently: "Then I really want to know why your Tianshi Palace Master attacked me when I was suppressing the White Lotus Virgin? And he also injured my mount. , making it unconscious to this day, and seriously injured my friend Ao Shuying.

This is in public, in full view of everyone. I really want to know, where did I offend you, Jinque Tiangong, to make you use heavenly rules and regulations to punish me? If you, Jin Que Tiangong, do not give a satisfactory explanation of this matter to the world, neither the Jin Dynasty court nor this prince will give up. "

Lian Lingxian was even more displeased, but then she saw a slim, yet heroic and domineering female figure striding in from the door.

Lian Lingxian recognized this woman as Shui De Yuanjun Ao Shuying, and she sat down directly on a seat next to Li Xuan.

"What Li Xuan means is also what I mean. If your Jinque Tiangong doesn't give an explanation this time, our dragon clan will no longer follow the ancient oath."

Lian Lingxian couldn't help but frown and looked at Ao Shuying with cold eyes: "Shui Deyuanjun! Do you know what you just said? Is this your intention or the intention of your dragon clan?"

Ao Shuying pursed her lips slightly: "I can make the decision for all the dragon clans in the two rivers and five lakes. But if you want to ask about the Donghai clan and my father, there will be no other answers. I guess their confession, At this time, it has been delivered to Jinque Tiangong."

Lian Lingxian finally felt that something was not going well: "You guys——"

Before she could finish her words, they saw a lion-like spirit beast with six ears traveling directly through the void and appearing in front of them.

That was none other than Liu Ru, the spiritual pet master in front of Duke Wen Zhonglie of the Capital City of Beijing. This person placed a letter from his mouth on the table of the spiritual immortal.

"Regarding the matter of your Jin Que Tiangong's assistance to Our Lady of the White Lotus two days ago, Lord Wen Zhonglie took 3,797 city gods, land gods, mountain gods, etc. in the north of the Yangtze River and asked you what the Jin Que Tiangong's intention was?

This is a joint letter written by Wen Zhong Lie Gong and the gods, asking the Master of Xuanwu Palace to take it back to Da Siming. Duke Wenzhong wanted to ask him, if we disobey the rules of heaven, we will be punished by the heavenly palace. But if your heavenly palace breaks the rules, what should you do? "

The jade-like forehead of the Spiritual Immortal suddenly broke out in dense cold sweat.

She now understands why Gong Nianci is so afraid of Li Xuan.

Lianling Xianqing said with a stern face: "The Lord of Tianshi Palace, Gong Nianci, was indeed ordered by the Chief Commander to bring a copy of the Golden Palace Tianzhang to the capital to investigate the recent abnormalities in the capital. She may have acted inappropriately, but she is not the right person. He died at the hands of Li Xuan that day.

Because of this, we at Jinque Tiangong did not pursue the matter. What else do you think? "

According to the investigation results in their palace, Gong Nianci is probably the person who colluded with the 'Mother of the White Lotus' and the 'Middle-class layman'.

But in front of Li Xuan and Ao Shuying, Lian Lingxian could not admit it under any circumstances.

Li Xuan sighed softly and UU Reading picked up the tea cup again: "If this is the case, then there is no need to talk anymore. Palace Master, please come back. I forgot to mention that tonight at most, I will go to the court. The Supervisor will also issue an incriminating document.

If your Jinque Heavenly Palace does not give a satisfactory explanation, then the imperial court will issue an edict in the near future. From now on, all dragons, ghosts and gods in the world will no longer be controlled by your Golden Palace. "

"You!" Lian Lingxian was filled with anger, but under Li Xuan's cold gaze, she could not get angry.

She then took a deep breath and continued to ask: "What do you want, and what do you want to do before you are willing to send the copy back?"

"That's up to you."

Li Xuan smiled and took a sip of tea: "You must first satisfy the court and the gods in the world, and then think about what price you are willing to pay to redeem this thing from me."

He thought that if he didn't take a hard step from Jinque Tiangong this time, there would be no way he could return this thing.

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