Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 568 Li Xuan is used to overturning

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In the next few days, Li Xuan still spent time giving lectures and banquets.

However, as Jiang Yunqi judged, the subsequent situation in the court became increasingly turbulent and treacherous.

There are more and more memorials to petition the emperor to establish heirs and consolidate the country's foundation. The General Affairs Department can receive thirty to fifty memorials every day.

Everyone is saying that Prince Yu Jianji has been in a coma and has no signs of waking up, and is no longer worthy of being the treasurer of the country.

For the long-term stability of the country, it is best for the emperor to establish another prince.

At this time, in the court, the Queen Mother and the Emperor's party, as well as those officials who were close to King Xiang, were already in obvious opposition.

Not only were they distinct from each other, they also criticized each other. In just twenty days, dozens of officials were deposed, reprimanded, or relegated to other places. .

——If it was just like this, Li Xuan wouldn't feel anything. He would be happy to watch the show.

However, at this time, more and more original ‘imperialists’ have become involved.

For example, Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs, was originally the most trusted person of the emperor.

Now they keep saying that he is the eldest son of King Xiang and is worthy of being the heir to Xuanzong.

Li Xuan guessed that this person had no intention of betraying the emperor, but just did not want the orthodox emperor to take control of the imperial line again.

But Wang Wen, who is the Minister of Civil Affairs, is still like this, let alone other people in the court?

The prince fell into a coma six months ago, and although the courtiers were panic-stricken, they were still able to stabilize themselves under the emperor's efforts to comfort him.

The invasion of the Mongol people also left them with no time to take care of the emperor's affairs.

However, as Mengwu, the biggest foreign enemy, suffered a severe loss of vitality, and there were rumors in the court that the emperor was in poor health and could no longer give birth to an heir, the controversy about the future emperor's heir suddenly became fierce.

Fortunately, Yu Hongshang understood what was going on, but she was still unfamiliar with handling government affairs and had to rely heavily on the cabinet and ministers.

But in terms of personnel and financial rights, Yu Hongshang focused on it. Several times of action not only balanced the situation in the DPRK, but also suppressed the increasingly fierce party disputes in the DPRK and China, so that the two parties fought without chaos and did not affect government affairs.

Li Xuan also secretly admired her, thinking that she was indeed the daughter of the emperor.

The ancients believed that the most important affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs.

In this world, due to the appearance of ghosts and gods, 'sacrifice' is particularly important, and Rong refers to all matters related to war.

People believe that as long as a king controls these two, he can be regarded as a wise king and can achieve long-term peace and stability.

Li Xuan disagreed with this. He believed that for a king, personnel, financial power, and military power were all indispensable, otherwise the country would have problems.

As for Yu Hongshang, she obviously knows it well.

At this time, Zhu Mingyue, the Six Paths Heavenly Lord, returned to the capital.

Every time Tianzun of Six Paths goes out, he never comes back empty-handed.

This time he went outside Jiayuguan and killed the great demon of the Western Regions, Yushahe, and at the same time killed the two great powers of Timur Khan. His achievements shocked the world and almost equaled the turmoil caused by the White Lotus Rebellion in the capital.

Yushahe is a famous great demon in the Western Regions. This demon has been entrenched in the deserts of the Western Regions and has monopolized the Southern Silk Road for seven hundred years. It is said that its cultivation is only a thin line away from the Great Heaven.

Especially in the desert, Yushahe's combat power is equal to that of Great Heaven.

Even among the great heavenly warriors, the great demon fish Shahe is one of the best. It can not only control the wind and sand, but also have countless sand and stone incarnations.

But Zhu Mingyue, with one against six, not only wiped out Yushahe, but also killed two big and small emperors of the Timur Khanate at the same time, and severely injured the other three.

This battle not only silenced the increasingly unscrupulous demon clans in the Western Regions who were instigated by the Timur Khanate, but also terrified the Timur Khanate to the west.

It is said that the Huqi sentry of the Timur Khanate retreated 150 miles that day and did not dare to approach Jiayuguan again.

Although the Liudaosi was semi-independent from the court, Zhu Mingyue had taken action after all in the previous Mongolian invasion of the south, which made the Timur Khanate extremely fearful.

When Zhu Mingyue returned to the capital, she was not in very good condition.

He was covered in blood, and there were dozens of wounds all over his body, all of which were bleeding.

However, the first time Zhu Mingyue returned to the capital, he did not recuperate. Instead, he summoned many senior officials of the Six Daosi Division in the capital, including eighteen elders, dozens of lieutenants, all internal supervisors, etc., to discuss the recent death of Wen Zhonglie. A public case.

The reason why Our Lady of the White Lotus was able to bring chaos to the capital, and the reason why the middle-class laymen were able to break the altar of heaven and earth, the Six Daosi Division undoubtedly had to bear a great deal of responsibility.

If Zuo Vice-Tianzun had not made a wrong decision and rashly blocked the Capital God's Temple and ordered the people in the city to burn the statues and tablets of the Capital God, the situation would never have worsened to the point where the capital city was almost overturned and the national destiny of the Jin Dynasty was almost collapsed.

It was precisely because of Zuo Fu Tianzun's actions that Duke Wenzhong Lie's divine power declined greatly and he lost the ability to compete with middle-class laymen.

Fortunately, in the end, it was Li Xuan, the lieutenant general of their Six Daosi Division, who turned the tide and suppressed and killed the White Lotus Virgin, which somewhat saved the Six Daosi Division's face.

But Liu Daosi still had to give an explanation to the world and the court about this matter.

So from that day on, Zuo Futianzun took the blame and resigned, imprisoning himself in the Demon Suppression Tower to await his punishment. All affairs of the Six Daosi Division were temporarily entrusted to the right deputy Tianzun.

But there were serious disagreements within the Liudaosi about how to convict Zuo Futianzun in this matter. The Council of Elders has discussed the matter several times, but has been unable to reach a resolution, and it has been delayed to this day.

Apart from the decision to instruct several inspectors in the inner hall to strictly investigate Zuo Vice Tianzun and the Six Paths Divine Thunder Palace, they did not make any other decisions.

But with Zhu Mingyue's return, this long-pending matter must finally come to an end.


On this day, Li Xuan postponed all lectures and banquets until a few days later, and then rushed to Liudaosi with Luo Yan, Le Qianqian, and Dugu Biluo early in the morning.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Luo Yan and Le Qianqian were both radiant and youthful.

These are the effects of taking ‘Tianxin Zhuyuan Dan’, which makes their skin more tender and smooth.

Especially Luo Yan, she has a girlish appearance. But after taking the ‘Tianxin Zhuyuan Pill’, she now looks like a fifteen or sixteen year old girl.

The effect on Le Qianqian's side is a little less good, mainly because of her figure, with big breasts and perky butt, and two long legs, which makes her look too adult.

Someone has to believe that she is a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Li Xuan looked at the appearance of these two girls and felt very happy in his heart. I thought to myself that it was a good thing that I still had a few Tianxin Zhuyuan Pills in my hand and didn't give them away, otherwise I would have to overturn this time.

He wanted to send Yu Hongshang and Xue Yunrou.

They may have achieved heavenly status now, or they will definitely become heavenly bodies in the future, and they have no shortage of years, so Li Xuan has not considered them before.

But now it seems that the life-extending effect of this 'Tianxin Zhuyuan Pill' is secondary, the key is its beauty.

Fortunately, if you just want to rejuvenate and retain your youth, just use one pill.

"You want me and Qianqian to help you sort out the yellow records of the guards' fields from seventeen years ago in Yongle?"

Luo Yan, who was walking halfway, was about to be blown away by Li Xuan: "Qianqian and I are the captain and captain of the Six Daosi Division, not your personal staff!

Also, do you know how long it has been since you and your second soul went to Liudaosi? Now Qianqian and I are in charge of the affairs of your Divine Wing City.

I have never seen someone like you, a high-ranking lieutenant general in the Six Daosi Division, so derelict in his duties. How can you have the nerve to say such a thing? "

During the period when Li Xuan's second spirit had just been refined, he still went on duty every day honestly.

But recently, the investigation of the guard farmland affairs led by Yu Jie was progressing rapidly, so Li Xuan's second soul had to invest more energy there.

After hearing this, Li Xuan smiled slightly: "I am helpless. Haven't you seen Zhu Tianzun and the right deputy Tianzun turning a blind eye?"

Those few wanted the attention of the people of the capital and the Confucian scholars to move away from Liu Daosi.

What's more, Li Xuan is also a member of the Liudaosi. As this person expands his influence among the Confucian sect, the senior officials of the Liudaosi are naturally happy to see this happen.

Li Xuan then clasped his hands together and begged sincerely: "Originally, I wanted to handle the farm matters myself. But the kindness of those societies is hard to refuse. I really have no choice but to ask you two."

Seeing him like this, Luo Yan couldn't help but feel soft in her heart. She touched her face again, thinking of the three 'Tianxin Zhuyuan Pills' given by Li Xuan.

And just when she was about to agree, Le Qianqian next to her had already taken the initiative and said, "I can do it. The capital has been very peaceful recently, so I should be able to find time."

Luo Yan glanced sideways at Le Qianqian, thinking that this girl was too easy to deceive.

Li Xuan was happy when he heard this: "Qianqian still loves me."

Luo Yan couldn't help but sigh secretly, and then hummed softly: "I'll try to take as much time as possible."

Li Xuan was immediately overjoyed. Le Qianqian was like a god in organizing official documents, but her flaw was her lack of decision-making and her inability to handle some complex affairs, which required Luo Yan's help. The two of them join forces and are a perfect match.

He knew that Luo Yan still had some resentment, so he accompanied Xiao Xing along the way and said some humorous and thoughtful words, which soon made Luo Yan and Le Qianqian smile.

Dugu Biluo, who was standing next to him, couldn't stand Li Xuan's scumbag face: "Let me tell you a joke. Didn't King Xiang hold a birthday banquet for his princess a few days ago? My mother was also invited. went."

Luo Yan and Le Qianqian couldn't help but stare at Dugu Biluo. They didn't understand why this person mentioned Princess Xiang's birthday banquet?

Li Xuan's face turned slightly green: "Dugu Biluo! If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute."

At this time, Luo Yan was actually interested: "Don't worry about him. Let's hear what kind of joke he has."

As expected, Dugu Biluo ignored Li Xuan's threatening gaze. She thought that she, a person who wanted to die, would still care about Li Xuan's threat?

"My mother recently took a pill that not only rejuvenated her youth, but also extended her life by ten years. So during that birthday party, she boasted to everyone she met that her son-in-law was filial, but she ended up getting into a car with someone."

Dugu Biluo looked at Li Xuan with teasing eyes: "That night, Concubine Hang also came to congratulate Princess Xiang on her birthday. The concubine's face turned out to be more than twenty years younger. Then she also said to others, this is all It’s all thanks to the champion. She has never seen such a filial child. UU said that she must recruit the champion as her consort.”

Luo Yan and Le Qianqian couldn't help but look at Li Xuan with strange eyes.

They could imagine how embarrassing the scene was at that time, and the two women felt as if they had turned over the five-flavor bottle.

"Do you think that's all?" Dugu Biluo covered her lips with her sleeves and sneered: "During the subsequent banquet, my mother met her younger brother and sister again, Master Xue Shaotian's mother, Mrs. Zhang, and it turned out that this Her face was like that of a girl, and she was full of praise for Li Xuan. You don’t know, but my mother’s expression at that time was so wonderful.”

Luo Yan and Le Qianqian's eyes suddenly became more complicated. Luo Yan was even regretting that she had agreed too quickly before.

Li Xuan's expression was calm as usual at this time. He thought this good thing should be shared with everyone! He didn't do anything wrong.

But at the same time, he felt a slight chill all over his body.


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