Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 581 Lion versus Rabbit

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"Yunrou, are you back?" Li Xuan looked over in surprise, and then laughed: "Why are you jealous of this? Getting rid of the magician Ban Ruyi is good for everyone.

This person threatens more than just Hongshang. He was able to kill Yu Hongshang that day, and he may not attack you in the future. To be honest, I can't sleep peacefully even if this person is still alive. "

Xue Yunrou's pretty face turned slightly red: "Who is jealous?"

In fact, she was happy to see Li Xuan's idea of ​​getting rid of Ban Ruyi come to fruition. She knew that the magician Ban Ruyi had always had an unclear relationship with the 'middle-class layman'.

During the chaos at the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain a year ago, the magician Ban Ruyi was also secretly involved.

Last year at Dali Temple, the magician Ban Ruyi took action against Li Xuan, and Xue Yunrou always held a grudge against him.

But after meeting Yu Hongshang and Li Xuan today, she somehow still developed a taste for it.

Xue Yunrou crossed her arms and said with dissatisfaction in her eyes: "I came out of the palace just now. Looking at Yu Hongshang's appearance, she seemed to have no intention of participating in this battle. What? Today, as the victim, she wants to stay out of it? Let us Are you going to work for her?"

Li Xuan shook his head: "Yu Hongshang wants to sit in the palace, so she can't leave lightly. However, Helian Fulong will participate in this siege, and she also paid a lot of money to invite Lord Huang to take action."

In the battle at Dali Temple years ago, when Zhu Mingyue set up a trap to surround and kill the magician, Huang Junhuang Wuhuan also contributed.

That person may have sensed the danger of the magician and wanted to eradicate it; or he may have agreed to Yu Hongshang's invitation because he had no money in his pocket.

Xue Yunrou made an estimate in her mind. Li Xuan and Luo Yan, the pair of 'Yangyang Divine Swords', Huang Wuhuan, Helian Fulong, and the sin slave Dongfang Liang beside Li Xuan, plus herself, these days, Together, it's enough.

"So where is the location of Magician Ban Ruyi?" Xue Yunrou continued to ask: "The Magician's whereabouts are unpredictable, can you find his location?"

"I don't know where he is, but someone can find him," Li Xuan didn't answer. He shifted his gaze and looked at the entrance of the martial arts training ground.

Just as he was watching, King Xiang Yu Zhanyong was striding towards this side under the guidance of Li Dalu.

"I have finally fulfilled my mission and have found the whereabouts of Magician Ban Ruyi. This person is now hiding in a Taoist temple in the South Taihang Mountains."

While King Xiang Yu Zhanzong was speaking, he was also looking at the people present attentively: "But with all due respect to the king, under that Taoist temple, there is a magic palace that Ban Ruyi has been running for decades. The layout inside, even It is no less than a mountain gate from a large Buddhist and Taoist sect. If the champion wants to take down the magician with only this manpower, I am afraid it is a bit too much."

After Li Xuan heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "Your Highness, King Xiang, please be patient. We haven't all arrived yet."

Just as he finished speaking, a silver spear shot out of the sky and landed on the ground.

At the same time, a huge ice dragon's shadow flew across the sky. It coiled around the silver gun and quickly formed a figure wearing a bright yellow flying fish suit.

——That was Helian Fulong. He looked at Li Xuan with a smile: "Champion, I am not late, right?"

Just as he finished speaking, a crimson phoenix suddenly tore apart the void and forcibly shuttled into this space. . Then the flames transformed and condensed into the image of Huang Junhuang Wuhuan. Her words contained impatience: "When should we set off?"

King Xiang Yu Zhan's face suddenly condensed. He thought that this was just Helian Fulong, but when did Huang Junhuang Wuhuan get in touch with Li Xuan?

Isn't it said among the demon clan that this Phoenix Lord is a mortal enemy of Li Xuan?

Outside the demon market, the words "Li Xuan and dogs are not allowed to enter" are written until now.

Just as he was thinking this, he saw a small door opening on the wall adjacent to the Jiangnan Medical Center where the martial arts training ground was located. Jiang Yunqi and his daughter walked in from there, one behind the other.

There was a slight apology in Jiang Yun's flag: "I'm sorry, there was a patient just now, so it was delayed for a while."

At the same time, a huge black dragon shadow fell from the sky.

That was Ao Shuying. After she landed, thunder and lightning flashed, and she transformed into a female figure wearing armor: "It seems that I am the last one to arrive, should I be okay?"

Seeing this crowd gathered together, Dongfang Liang's originally indifferent expression couldn't help but change.

He remembered what the Master of the Qinglong Palace said before leaving - 'Don't blame your uncle for being cruel, only the champion Hou Lixuan can protect you in Beijing.'

Dongfang Liang was very angry at the time and did not take these words to heart.

But at this moment, Dongfang Liang looked at the many powerful men in front of him, and he suddenly realized that the bastard who had harmed his junior sister really had the background to compete with the 'middle-class layman' and the Jinque Tiangong.

Prince Xiang, Yu Zhanyi, narrowed his eyes slightly and felt a chill in his chest.

He suspected that today's scene was specially made for him by Li Xuan.

To besiege and kill a magician class like Ruyi, where do you need to use these many heavenly positions?

Xue Yunrou, however, focused her attention on the doorway that ran through the Jiangnan Medical Center. She thought that many things must have happened around Li Xuan during her absence from the capital for so many days.

Xue Yunrou felt a little bitter and full of sourness, but among the many girls around Li Xuan, the only one she was happy to see succeed was her cousin Jiang Hanyun.

Xue Yunrou quickly put away her thoughts. While she was thinking about making a door hole in the east courtyard wall another day, she asked Li Xuan doubtfully: "Isn't this a bit of a mobilization?"

"Not at all. The so-called lion uses all his strength to fight a rabbit." Li Xuan's face was condensed and his eyes were cold: "Not to mention that the rabbit we want to kill is extra cunning."


At the Paiyun Temple at the southern foot of Taihang Mountain, the magician class Ruyi woke up in the early morning and felt upset and restless.

Ban Ruyi initially thought that it was his own demonic thoughts that were causing trouble and interfering with his mind and thoughts, so he tried his best to calm down his depression. He even went to the depths of the demonic palace below the Paiyun Temple and faced the dozens of people he had captured. Photographed here, Jianghu martial arts practitioners were whipped and tortured to vent their anger.

It wasn't until almost noon that Ban Ruyi suddenly realized that this was not his 'inner demon'. But his soul sensed danger on a whim.

The magician Ban Ruyi did not panic at all. He calmly ordered the disciples: "Activate the magic palace array and destroy everything in the palace that deserves to be destroyed. Also, take your luggage with you and be ready to evacuate at any time. ——”

Ban Ruyi himself walked directly to the main hall of Paiyun Temple.

Walking into the hall, Ban Ruyi raised his hand, causing the three 'Sanqing God Statues' in the hall to gush out countless green incense and wishes.

They gathered together and finally fell into a fist-sized demon statue with three heads and six arms in Ban Ruyi's hand.

The 'Sanqing Statue' also changed subsequently. The originally solemn statue also transformed into an extremely ugly ghostly image at this moment.

The power of these incense and incense wishes is the key thing for the magician class to condense the "three-phase Dharma body" as desired.

For this purpose, he built the "Paiyun Temple" and spent decades operating it, gathering believers at the southern foot of the Taihang Mountains, but now they have all failed.

Fortunately, the incense and wish power that Ban Ruyi had collected at this time was more than enough for him to condense two clones.

Next, the magician Ban Ruyi was ready to go deeper into the magic palace.

At the bottom of the Demon Palace below, there is a 'Blood Spirit Pill' that he has been refining for a long time.

It is the gathering of the energy, blood and essence of hundreds of martial arts cultivators. It is also the foundation of the 'Three Phase Dharma Body'. It is only one step away from the completion of the sacrifice.

——These two things are what he cannot give up now no matter what.

But at this moment, Magician Ban Ruyi heard a cold voice coming from behind him.

"Magician Ban Ruyi, you are indeed hiding here! You must die——"

Following this sound, a silver-white spear shot through the air like a dragon.

When the tip of the spear struck behind the magician Ban Ruyi, the entire hilltop where Paiyun Temple was located was covered with a layer of ice.

Ban Ruyi couldn't help being secretly frightened, thinking that these people had arrived so quickly.

It seems that the 'vacuum' method of the Holy Mother White Lotus can directly transport people here one by one from dozens or even hundreds of miles away.

Ban Ruyi's face was expressionless. He waved his hand slightly, and a black soul figure jumped out from behind him. He clashed with Helian Fulong's silver-white spear one after another, hitting him hundreds of times in an instant.

Although half of this soul shadow was frozen by Helian Fulong's cold spear power just a moment later, Ban Ruyi had already used this to escape and arrived at the entrance of the Demon Palace.

"Don't even think about escaping this time!"

Huang Wuhuan's figure suddenly appeared in front of Ban Ruyi, and her true Nirvana flame suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, covering hundreds of feet of space around her.

At the same time, two red beams of light shot out from Huang Wuhuan's eyes and bombarded the magician Ban Ruyi.

Ban Ruyi's face remained as cold as before. He was resisting the fire while forming seals with his hands. Then, on the left and right of the Taoist temple, two stone giants standing thousands of feet high stood up.

The two giants covered their entire bodies with thick earth energy. At the same time, they raised their palms and smashed them in the direction of Huang Wuhuan.

And the monstrous fire here was suffocated by the suppression of the power of earth element.

Ban Ruyi himself turned into mud and dived deep underground.

It is more troublesome to enter the underground magic palace in this way. He also needs to break through the outer restrictions of the magic palace himself.

The problem is that the entrance to the Demon Palace has been blocked by Huang Jun, and Ban Ruyi has no other choice.

Just as Ban Ruyi's body was moving in the soil, another sneer came from outside: "Is this the nest that your Ban Ruyi carefully built?"

That was the voice of Shui De Yuanjun Ao Shuying. Following this voice, there was a roaring sound inside and outside the Paiyun Temple, and the entire mountain was violently turbulent.

Shui De Yuanjun Ao Shuying's 'Eight Extremes Divine Destruction Fist' was shaking every inch of the mountain.

Most of the outer forbidden laws of this underground demon palace were blown to pieces in an instant.

Fortunately, this ‘Dieshang Mountain’ is a mountain specially chosen by Ban Ruyi. UU reading www. More than half of its mountain is made of black bluestone, and the mountain is extremely solid.

Although the Demonic Palace suffered a huge impact, it was still generally intact.

Ban Ruyi's body condensed again in the Demon Palace. His mouth was filled with blood, but he still walked forward calmly and calmly.

Until he saw another roar coming from the front, and a large amount of gravel shot in. At the same time, a female figure wearing six-layered demon-suppressing armor and a veil on her face appeared in front of Ban Ruyi, carrying thousands of thunders.

The woman turned to look at him, her eyes full of interest: "Are you the magician Ban Ruyi?"

Ban Ruyi's pupils narrowed and he immediately turned around and walked in the other direction.

He could see that this woman's cultivation had not yet reached the level of heaven, but at that moment, this woman had clearly condensed the power of thousands of thunderbolts into one, and forcibly penetrated the outer layer of the magic palace!

——This woman’s level of danger is definitely not inferior to any heaven!

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