Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 582 Hongshang, are you pregnant?

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Li Xuan immediately looked at Yu Hongshang on the throne with suspicion: "Shang'er, what's wrong with you? You must be pregnant, right? Is this morning sickness?"

He calculated the time and found that it was exactly two months since the first time between them, which was when he suffered from morning sickness.

"I think you are thinking too much." Yu Hongshang's face was a little unnatural, but then she gave Li Xuan a cold look: "People from the Tai Hospital said that there is something wrong with my recipes these days. Some people may think You want me to follow in the footsteps of my imperial brother and use mixed poison on me, so I use medicine to induce vomiting to eliminate possible toxins."

Li Xuan glanced sideways at a female imperial doctor next to him, who immediately bowed and said: "Her Royal Highness the Princess's recent recipes are indeed inappropriate. Most of the dishes provided in the imperial kitchen are mountain delicacies, wild ass, and pearls." Zhizhen.

Although these things are delicious, they also have great hidden dangers. There is a reason why people do not include them in home recipes and do not eat them often. They are easily manipulated. "

Li Xuan immediately frowned: "Have you checked it in the imperial dining room?"

He made a serious note to Zuo Daoxing, the commander of Xiuyi Guards, that such a big thing in the palace was not reported to him.

"I checked and found nothing."

Yu Hongshang waved her sleeves and burned the silver basin beside her into dregs: "This mixing of poisons is also the speculation of the imperial doctor, and it is unconfirmed... It can only be recorded by the embroidered clothes guard, and then replaced. Reliable cook.”

After hearing this, Li Xuan looked at Yu Hongshang in confusion: "You are also a high-ranking person, why do you eat so much?"

Celestial martial arts cultivators are already able to completely live without grains. They can live for a long time just by eating wind, drinking dew, and absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

It can be seen that Yu Hongshang was obsessed with the desire for food and drink, so she gave others the opportunity to take advantage of her.

"You take care of me!" Yu Hongshang's pretty face turned slightly red immediately, and she glared over with dissatisfaction: "My recent practice has caused too much physical damage. I need food to replenish it, okay?"

Li Xuan was speechless. He turned to ask: "What's going on, Your Majesty? Why did the period of supervising the country suddenly become four months?"

Yu Hongshang's anger subsided a little, and a complex color appeared in her eyes: "I just went to see my father. He is fine, but there seems to be some problems with the techniques he practices, and the situation is a bit tricky.

In fact, you can ask Doctor Jiang how your father is doing. His father is already preparing to recruit Dr. Jiang to the palace to treat him tomorrow. "

If someone else asked about this, Yu Hongshang would definitely not tell the truth and would doubt the other person's intentions.

But she trusts Li Xuan without a doubt.

Li Xuan was also relieved. He thought that Emperor Jingtai might not tell Yu Hongshang the real situation, but he would definitely not be able to hide it from Jiang Yunqi.

At this time, Yu Hongshang talked about another thing: "By the way, yesterday Shaobao wrote to Shangshu that the cleanup of farmland has come to an end, and the status of farmland at various health stations has basically returned to what it was before the 27th year of Yongle.

He also asked for credit for you, saying that this time it was thanks to the champion Hou Zhisuke, otherwise he would not be able to complete this matter within ten years. "

"How dare I take credit for this?" Li Xuan immediately shook his head: "Yu Shaobao is too praised. I actually contributed very little. The clearing of the farmland was all due to Shaobao's efforts."

After hearing this, Yu Hongshang couldn't help but smile: "But Yu Shaobao also said that he didn't dare to be greedy for credit, saying that he just put in some effort this time, and that the real troublesome things are all handled by you, Li Xuan."

She knew why Yu Jie said this. This was because Li Xuan seemed to have done nothing, but he tightly held the power of the northern general Jing Nan in the court.

On the one hand, this man was trying his best to suppress Liang Heng, and on the other hand, he was using his status as the "Chinese Army Judge" to fight or pull back the northern generals, dividing them and disintegrating them. As a result, several powerful factions in the army were never able to form a joint force, and the pressure on Yu Jie was very little.

Li Xuan's status as a member of Chengyi Bofu also brought great help.

The founders of Nanjing were very generous to Li Xuan this time, and not many people jumped out to cause trouble for him.

Although these noble military ministers in the south also invaded and occupied farmland, their dependence on this financial source was actually much less than that of the generals in the north.

They rely more on business, mulberry fields, hemp fields in the mountains, and tea. These incomes are ten times the income from occupying farmland.

Since it is not a matter of life and death, the resistance is relatively small.

Although Yu Jie is an upright person, he is by no means a fool. He naturally knows what methods Li Xuan uses to protect the clearing of the farmland.

"Now that the farming matter has been settled, I can also take on the responsibility of being a general in charge of farming."

Because there was only one female imperial doctor in the Wenhua Palace, and no historian who recorded the emperor's daily life was present, Li Xuan clasped his fists casually: "Hongshang, you know, I am actually very busy here, not much. I am focusing my attention on the military affairs of the Wei Station, and I also ask the imperial court to take back this position as soon as possible and replace it with a talented person."

But after he mentioned this, Yu Hongshang sneered, with a slight wave of emotion in her eyes.

Does she think this guy is busy? It's very busy.

But his second spirit alone is more than enough to handle all official affairs, not to mention that he has three powerful people around him: Luo Yan, Le Qianqian and Dugu Biluo.

In addition to spending half a day giving lectures, this guy's body is really busy the rest of the time.

Today he accompanies Xue Yunrou to "practice Taoism"; tomorrow he accompanies Jiang Hanyun to practice martial arts; the day after tomorrow he and Ao Shuying go boating on the upper reaches of the Yellow River; and the day after tomorrow he and Luo Yan work together in the name of "hunting down criminals" Go to the south of the Yangtze River and stay with her.

Then he went to the palace to have dinner with her in the morning, and in the evening he and Le Qianqian went to Luoyang's black market to look for ancient books. There was really no time to spare.

During this period, this guy even went to Huang Wuhuan's Demon Market twice, and he didn't know what he did.

The more Yu Hongshang thought about it, the angrier she became, to the point where she couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

Finally, she took a deep breath and suppressed her anger: "Although the farmland has been cleared, you still have to be busy next. Yu Shaobao said that since Renxuan, the Jin Guards had 4.5 million troops. Half of the people have fled.

Taking advantage of the fact that the fields of the various guard stations had been cleared, Yu Shaobao prepared to reorganize the military households of the guard stations and restore the amount as during the Taizong period. This matter must have capable people cooperating within the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion.

Therefore, you still have to do the errands of the general and the farmer. Also, Diannong Zhonglang will be appointed by the Emperor Father. If you want to resign from this position, you should also go to the Emperor Father. "

Li Xuan frowned, but after a while, he still sighed: "It doesn't matter, I will try my best to cooperate."

He was actually not very optimistic about Jie's intention to restore the Guard Army, thinking that it was treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The guard military system established by Emperor Taizu of the Jin Dynasty has inherent flaws. UU Reading It should be noted that there have been only five dynasties since the founding of the Jin Dynasty. Emperors Taizong and Renxuan after the Emperor Taizu were also considered wise kings, but they By the time of the Tumubao Incident, most of the guard armies in the world had been destroyed and were close to being destroyed in name only.

All Yu Jie has to do is to be a paper framer and let Da Jin breathe a sigh of relief.

If it lasts for a few decades at most, the Jin's guard army will collapse again.

However, this matter was of great benefit to the Jin Dynasty, the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and the generals of the north and south.

As Li Xuan, the founder of the southern nation and a member of the Jin Wumen, he could not refuse, nor could he decide.

Li Xuan thought to himself that the poster artist should just be the poster artist and deal with the matter in front of him first.

If he has the opportunity to rebuild the world and reorganize the military system in the future, he will naturally do his part.

But now, the power he has at his disposal can only be used to tape up the house and make it as airtight as possible.

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