Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 591 Shuying is promoted to the middle heaven position

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Li Xuan didn't know what was happening inside the palace. At this time, he had already left the palace and looked at a figure as strong as a mountain in front of the Meridian Gate.

That was none other than former General Liang Heng. At this moment, he was wearing a mandarin duck war jacket and holding a spear, standing in front of Chengtian Gate like an ordinary soldier of the Imperial Guard.

Li Xuan walked over in confusion: "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing that is none of your business?" Liang Heng immediately glared and looked at Li Xuan with murderous intent, but then under Li Xuan's cold eyes, he reluctantly snorted: "Dad~ "

He had made a vow in his heart that he would call Li Xuan dad when he saw him.

But this sound was as inaudible as the cry of ants.

Li Xuan couldn't help frowning and plucking his ears: "The voice was too soft, I didn't hear it. My son, you are very weak. Why do you talk like a mosquito? Louder."

Liang Heng noticed that the embroidered guards and soldiers of the Forbidden Army around him looked at him strangely.

Liang Heng was furious and almost wanted to kill someone on the spot.

But then he thought of what the Iron Masked Man had told him not long ago. If he wanted to be reinstated, he must let the emperor see his loyalty and obedience, and the civil servants must see his repentant attitude - this was no different than many The Meridian Gate, where ministers of civil and military affairs come and go, is a more suitable place.

The key is, if he doesn't use the power of an army, he may not be able to defeat this guy.

Liang Heng took a deep breath, thinking that he could not be fooled by Li Xuan again.

According to the Iron Masked Man, Li Xuan was always trying different ways to provoke him to anger.

He tried his best to calm down his anger and said angrily: "I'm guarding the door!"

Liang Heng saw that Li Xuan was not necessarily forcing him to call him daddy, but was just forcing him to speak properly.

Li Xuan looked thoughtfully at the mandarin duck jersey on Liang Heng: "Who gave you this idea? It's quite clever. But it seems that you are doing this against the rules, right? Foreign ministers have no orders and are not allowed to enter the palace. Inside the Tianmen.”

The Meridian Gate is behind the Chengtian Gate. Inside the Chengtian Gate is the imperial city, and inside the Meridian Gate is the real palace.

After hearing this, Liang Heng sneered: "So what? The pro-military commanders are in charge here. You are too lenient!"

Li Xuan is the official in charge of the affairs of the Chinese army and has no control over the general commander of the pro-army forces.

After hearing this, Li Xuan smiled slightly: "I have been ordered by the Emperor to take over the defense of Meridian Gate from today. Do you think I can take care of it?"

Liang Heng's face suddenly turned dark, and he wondered if this guy was born from God specifically to antagonize him, right?

"Son, you want to be an emperor and guard the gate. I won't stop you, but you have to go to Chengtianmen."

Li Xuan patted Liang Heng on the shoulder: "Keep a good watch on the door and be attentive."

Liang Heng's teeth were almost worn out, but at this moment he was slightly moved. He felt that Li Xuan's attitude towards him was pretty good today, so he said in a voice like a gnat: "Can you help me untie that 'castration'?" The ultimate method? You can set a price and I will give you the money."

Li Xuan rubbed his ears again: "What did you just say? Say it again? I didn't hear it."

Liang Heng had no choice but to raise his voice: "I said, can you help me untie the castration-"

But he felt something was wrong midway through his words. Liang Heng glanced around and found that the soldiers around him were all looking sideways.

Liang Heng felt that his chest was about to explode with anger. He turned his head to the side: "Get away! I don't want to talk to you."

Li Xuan laughed loudly and walked towards Chengtianmen with a waist knife in hand.

But while laughing, Li Xuan's eyes seemed to be contemplating.

The pro-military commander was a blind spot that he had not noticed before.

During the Taizong era, the Qinjun Shangzhi Twelve Guards were renamed Shangzhi Twenty-sixth Guards Qinjun. They were responsible for guarding the imperial city. They were all called the Qinjun Commandery Division and were not under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Army Dudufu.

However, during the Tumubao Incident, more than half of the 26 Shangzhi Guards followed the Emperor Zhengtong and were destroyed in Tumubao, and were taken captive to the grasslands and became herder slaves.

So when Emperor Jingtai succeeded to the throne, he had to arm the eunuchs in the palace to guard the gates inside and outside the palace. This is also the origin of the eunuchs who supervise the gates of the major palaces.

Later, most of the powers of the pro-army command and envoy division were usurped by the Beijing camp established by Yu Jie. The remaining parts were also taken over by the embroidered guards and the admiral eunuchs at the major palace gates.

However, the arrogance of the Commander-in-Chief of the Pro-military Division is still there, and theoretically he still has jurisdiction over the defense of Miyagi.

Li Xuan thought that he had to find an opportunity to talk to Yu Hongshang about this matter, otherwise, the commander of the army would become a thorn in the side of Emperor Jingtai and Yu Hongshang.

When he thought about this, he couldn't help but secretly sigh. After the Tumubao Incident, the dynasty system since Taizu Taizong had become a mess, leaving behind a lot of hidden dangers and a lot of inappropriate things.


After coming out of the palace, Li Xuan had to rush to the outer city to attend the birthday ceremony of Lord Shui Deyuan.

He knew that Xue Yunrou's mother, Mrs. Xue, had taken her uncle to stay at Jiangnan Medical Center overnight after learning about the 'Xuanhei Deer King'.

I also know that Emperor Jingtai and Yu Hongshang are also very concerned about this deer.

But things have to come one after another, and today is also an extremely important day for Shui De Yuanjun Ao Shuying.

When Li Xuan came to Shuide Yuanjun Temple, the streets were already full of flowers, red and green, and there were music and drums in front of the temple.

Shui Deyuanjun's belief around Beijing was originally equal to nothing.

But recently, because of Li Xuan, the 'husband of the king', Ao Shuying's reputation among the people in Beizhili has spread widely.

The previous Bailian Rebellion and the floods in the Northern Zhili area also gave Ao Shuying many more followers.

So when the temple blessing organizers carried the statues of "Shui Deyuanjun Ao Shuying" and "Wang Husband Li Xuan" on the street, the whole street was crowded with people, rubbing shoulders.

Li Xuan looked at his 'god statue' and felt a very strange feeling. Then he shook his head and came to Shuide Yuanjun Temple, a void that Ao Shuying temporarily created with his divine power.

When Li Xuan stepped in, Lord Shui Deyuan had already revealed his true form, twisting his body in great pain.

At this time, all of her scales were incomplete, and more scales and skin were falling off.

In a corner not far away, there were also sitting Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea from the Dragon Palace, Dongfang Liang and Xuan Chenzi.

The three of them all looked solemn, spreading their spiritual thoughts in all directions, sensing all directions.

"Li Xuan!" Ao Shuying weakly turned her head in the direction of Li Xuan: "I told you not to come today."

For some reason, she just didn't want Li Xuan to see her in such an embarrassing state.

Li Xuan looked at Ao Shuying and shook his head slightly with a solemn expression: "I'm worried."

Today is the moment of transformation of Shui Deyuanjun Ao Shuying. With the help of her birthday, when the fragrance of her faith is strongest, she will be promoted to the middle heaven position.

But this move is also extremely dangerous, and Ao Shuying will face many disasters and obstacles.

Li Xuan remembered that it was mentioned in "Journey to the West" that after Sun Wukong learned the art of immortality, Patriarch Bodhi once warned Wukong to prevent three disasters, which occur every five hundred years, namely thunder, fire, and wind.

Tathagata Buddha also said that the Jade Emperor had practiced cultivation since he was a child and had endured one thousand, seven hundred and fifty kalpas, each of which was worth 129,600 years.

In all kinds of immortal cultivation, various kinds of 'catastrophes' are standard, and they are all extremely dangerous.

This world is no exception. Regardless of martial arts, after reaching the heavenly realm, you will have to go through various disasters, which are also very dangerous.

Li Xuan has never seen it with his own eyes. He only knows from books that the calamity for a small heavenly position is basically a small calamity every hundred years. If you are promoted to a middle heavenly position, it will be a major calamity, such as thunder calamity, water calamity, fire calamity, etc. There are all kinds of forms.

There are many celestial beings in this world who were not expelled from this world by the Golden Palace, but fell into disaster.

Therefore, Li Xuan sent his two strongest subordinates here early to prevent "human disaster".

Ao Shuying has a strong character and has many enemies. The moment she was promoted and transformed was also the time when she was at her weakest, so there might not be anyone who would come looking for revenge.

"What's there to worry about?" Ao Shuying muttered dissatisfied after hearing this: "I'm not even going to be able to survive the fate of a middle-class person -"

But a moment later, she let out a painful groan, and the entire dragon body twisted and twitched, and even began to roll violently, with blood splattering all over her body.

When Li Xuan saw this, he couldn't help but frown, and the worry in his heart increased instead of decreasing.

At this time, he raised his head again, looked at the sky, and found that the sky over the capital had been covered with dark clouds at some point.

"Don't worry, she's fine."

Ao Mengsheng, the prince of the East China Sea in the distance, smiled and opened his eyes: "My sister, I won't be able to survive this disaster."

Li Xuan couldn't feel at ease: "This seems to be a thunder disaster?"

This is the most powerful, most terrifying and terrifying of all calamities.

"There are many types of thunder tribulations, each with different powers. So what if there is the most powerful one? I, the East China Sea dragon, can't survive it?"

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, raised his eyebrows and said with an arrogant expression: "Actually, for us, the most terrifying thing is not the catastrophe in the world, but the human heart, which is unpredictable. Therefore, practitioners need the help of Taoist companions. , Shuying, I am very happy that she can have you as her companion."

He knew that Li Xuan not only dispatched his master guards this time. At this time, outside the divine domain of Ao Shuying, there was still the power of Wen Zhonglie Gong secretly protecting him.

Therefore, UU Reading Ao Mengsheng is still very satisfied with this sister-in-law.

As for this guy's romantic nature, in Ao Mengsheng's eyes, it doesn't matter at all.

Although Ao Mengsheng was not as promiscuous as his brothers, he still had more than ten wives and concubines.

"Li Xuan, do you know why our dragon clan wants to practice the divine way?"

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, looked at Ao Shuying's dragon body and asked himself: "On the one hand, I want to be tied to your human race, and on the other hand, this world is no longer suitable for our dragon race. When we transform into a dragon body, we have to rely on the power of human faith and incense.

That's why my father and mother specifically asked me to thank you, saying that if it weren't for you, they didn't know if they would have been able to see the day when Shuying transformed into a dragon body. "

At this moment, Ao Mengsheng smelled an unusual fragrance in the void.

His pupils suddenly shrank at this moment: "He turned into a demon of freedom!"

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