Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 596 An unexpected gain

Li Xuan thought that the Xuanhei Deer King was hiding in the residence of the Bashe Queen. However, after entering the door, the six-tailed spirit fox led them to the left.


Li Xuan looked in front of him in astonishment, then frowned slightly.

There is also a huge island in the east of the Great Jin Dynasty in this world. The geographical location is similar to Japan, and the land area is three times the size of Japan.

After the people on the island claimed to be Xu Fu, they called them the "Land of the Rising Sun" and believed that their residence was the place where the sun rose.

The Jin Dynasty did not recognize the name of the country, "The Kingdom of the Rising Sun", nor did it recognize the emperor of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun. It only called it the Japanese Kingdom. Later, at the request of the Japanese envoy, it was changed to "Fusang".

It just so happened that a mission from Fusang State came to Beijing recently to explore and cooperate with trade.

Kanhe trade is also called "tribute ship trade". After the maritime ban was implemented in the early Jin Dynasty, only foreign countries and the Ming court were allowed to conduct tribute trade with specified time and place.

Foreign merchant ships came to Jin carrying tributes and local products. After collecting the tributes and purchasing the goods, the Jin court repaid the foreign merchants with the Chinese goods they needed in the form of "state gifts."

Before these merchant ships come to Dajin, they must hold a "kanhe" issued by Dajin in advance, which can be understood as a license.

On the one hand, Da Jin intended to put an end to piracy in this way, and on the other hand, it could monopolize the income from overseas trade.

As for the mission of the Fusang Kingdom, they came to pay homage to the emperor in name, but in fact they wanted to obtain a "collaboration".

Li Xuan didn't understand, why did King Xuanhei Deer get involved with the Fuso people's mission?

"right here!"

Jiang Hanyun raised her head and looked at the plaque of the 'Fuso Pavilion': "Xiao Lei said that the last breath of the Xuanhei Deer King was here. He was very sure and sensed that there was still a ray of sword intent left by you inside. .”

The reason why Jiang Hanyun said it was the sword intention was because of the 'ultimate method of heaven', which was originally born from the ultimate martial intention.

At this time, there were several Fuso warriors guarding the door of the Fuso Pavilion, and some people were already running in.

Then a man wearing silk, a haori, and a Mediterranean warrior hair (Tsukiyo hair) hurried out from inside.

This person focused his attention on Li Xuan's bright yellow flying fish suit, embroidered spring knife, six-path demon-suppressing armor, and the Wenshan seal on his waist.

He quickly recognized Li Xuan's identity and immediately bowed to Li Xuan: "Fuso envoy, Onodera Saburo Keitao, a direct descendant of the Qingwa Gen clan, and the champion of the Jin Dynasty."

He looked at Li Xuan with confusion and caution: "I wonder why the champion Hou Dajia is here?"

"It turns out that he is Onodera-dono, a direct descendant of Qinghe Genji. I heard that he is a descendant of your King Fuso, right?"

Li Xuan walked directly up the steps and said nonchalantly: "I am here to find someone. A major case has occurred in the capital recently. I suspect that the suspect has sneaked into the Fusang Pavilion to hide."

He thought that since Xiao Lei said that, then this black deer must be in the Fuso people's embassy. .

Onodera Jinggang's expression changed slightly, and he dodged and stopped in front of Li Xuan: "Wait a minute! Lord Champion, this is the Fuso Embassy, ​​outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission."

Li Xuan's pupils immediately condensed slightly, and his gaze when looking at Onodera Kagegang was as cold as a knife: "Your Excellency Onodera, are you trying to stop me from handling the case?"

He was not an angry youth before time travel, and he had no ill feelings towards the Fuso people in this world.

After all, the Fusang people of this era were very respectful to the Jin Dynasty.

The key is that he can't do anything to others now.

At the beginning of the founding of the Jin Dynasty, the five envoys sent to Fusang were beheaded by the Fusang people as Yuan envoys, but Emperor Taizu Hongwu still endured it.

On the one hand, this is because the Fusang people have a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, but on the other hand, the Jin Dynasty's power at sea is very weak.

At that time, the old tribes of several powerful men in the late Yuan Dynasty were active at sea and plundered everywhere, which greatly disturbed the Jin Dynasty and forced Emperor Hongwu to impose a sea ban.

This situation did not gradually improve until the Taizong period, when the pressure from the Meng Yuan Dynasty on the Jin Dynasty was greatly reduced. During the Taizong period, the Qibao fleet traveled across the seas and became famous in Southeast Asia.

But now, with the growing embarrassment of the imperial court's expenses and the changes in the civil fort, those treasure ships are sealed in the port and are all rotten.

If you provoke a dispute when you don't have enough strength to support it, you will only lose your face.

But if Onodera Keigang wanted to stop him from capturing the 'Black Black Deer King', the situation would be different.

"His Royal Highness the Champion." Onodera Keigang probably didn't want to offend Li Xuan, so he avoided Li Xuan's sight and lowered his body lower.

However, he still refused to give in at all, and his intention to stop Li Xuan became even more determined.

"Your Highness the Champion, the embassy is currently inconvenient and not suitable for outsiders to enter. If you are looking for a suspect, you can draw his appearance and characteristics and let us search for him on your behalf.

Please believe in the ability of our mission, Your Highness the Champion. This time, there are fifty senior warriors, five swordsmen, and a celestial swordsman accompanying our mission. "

Li Xuan heard this person's last sentence, which clearly contained an implicit threat.

Fuso's superior warriors are equivalent to the martial arts of the third sect; while the 'swordsmen' are equivalent to the strong men of the fourth sect.

The term "swordsman" of the Fusang people is not a general term like the "swordsman" of the Middle-earth people. They specifically refer to those characters who have obtained the swordsmanship school's "Wu Xu Jie Chuan", and they are all people who are qualified to establish a sect.

Li Xuan did not hesitate to put his hands on the pair of big Japanese swords on his waist: "What if I must go in to find someone?"

Xue Yunrou, who had followed along, used a spiritual secret to unsheath a pair of 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Swords'.

The Xuanheilu King was related to her brother's life and death, and she had to capture him no matter what.

"Our mission has the right to reject unreasonable requests and must do so."

Onodera Jinggang raised his head and looked at Li Xuan: "The Jin Dynasty is a country of etiquette. I heard that the champion is also a protector of Neo-Confucianism and a famous teacher, so he should know how to write the word 'ritual'.

If we have a conflict here, you and the Jin Dynasty will not want to see it. Also, if you do not find the suspect in our embassy, ​​the ambassador will definitely report the matter to the court of your country. "

At this time, a cold sword intent came out from the inside of the 'Fuso Pavilion', locking Li Xuan's soul from the distance.

Li Xuan's pupils suddenly condensed slightly, knowing that this must be the heavenly 'swordsman' mentioned by 'Onodera Keigang'.

The Fuso people use the "katana" as their sword, and all katana and swordsmanship are developed from the "Tang straight sword".

Li Xuan's eyes were even colder, and a trace of cold murderous intent condensed in his eyes.

What he hated most in his life was to be threatened, and the words of Keigo Onodera were not worth mentioning in his ears.

Li Xuan has plenty of ways to deal with any embassy conflicts or complaints to the court.

But just before he took action, Jiang Hanyun tugged on his sleeve: "Wait a minute, don't do anything yet."

Li Xuan looked over in surprise. Jiang Hanyun's temper was much hotter than his.

Recently, the reputation of 'Iron-Blooded Shura' has spread to the capital.

Jiang Hanyun said in a secret voice: "Xiao Lei just told me that the deer's aura has disappeared. It may have been transferred, or escaped, or it may have been hidden."

Li Xuan still held the big sun sword in his hand. He thought, so what if he was transferred or hidden? Just follow the clues and chase them all the way.

It wasn't until he saw Jiang Hanyun's look that Li Xuan raised his eyebrows and sneered.


Half a moment later, Onodera Jinggang watched Li Xuan and his party leave, then turned around with a gloomy expression and came to the main hall of Fuso Pavilion.

Sitting in the center of the hall is an old man wearing a white robe, with white beard and hair, his eyes are like lightning, and he looks calm and confident.

Onodera Keigang bowed in front of the old man: "Master Kamo, the champion of the Jin Dynasty has left."

The old man in front of him was named 'Kamo Ittousai'.

Although he did not serve as a court official in the Fuso Kingdom and was not a daimyo lord anywhere, he was a heavenly swordsman respected by all the warriors in Fuso and was also his kendo teacher.

"I have sensed it." Kamo Ittousai said calmly: "Onoji-don, do you know why he came? Is it for that demon deer of heavenly position?"

Onodera Keigang leaned forward slightly: "Disciple is not sure. Although the other party said so, he may have another purpose."

"It's best to do it for other things. The blood and elixir of this demon deer are both great tonics and can even help nobles extend their lives. After we return home, this will be the best gift for the shogun and the emperor. "

As Kamo Ittosai spoke, he flicked his sleeves and manifested a metal cage with a radius of one foot not far from his side.

Inside was a huge black deer, but its expression was sluggish and in a semi-conscious state.

At this time, he noticed a worried look on Onodera Keigo's face. Kamo Ittousai couldn't help but frown: "What? Are you worried about offending that champion?"

"Yes!" Onodera Keigang nodded heavily: "I heard that this champion has great influence in the Jin Dynasty, and even formed a powerful faction with him as the leader.

I'm worried that offending this person will affect our exploration and cooperation trade with the Jin Dynasty——"

But before he finished speaking, he heard someone next to him sneer: "Sir Onodera, you are too worried. This is because you don't understand the Jin Dynasty."

Onodera Keigang immediately looked sideways and found that the person was 'Ito Masairo'.

It is said that this man, whose original name was Si Zhengliang, once served as an official in China and went to Huguang Road to supervise the imperial censor. Due to the strife in the Jin Dynasty, he abandoned his official position and fled eastward. He was hired as a guest minister by their talented shogunate, who granted him the title of guest minister. The land of 35,000 koku in Ito Township was granted.

Under Onodera Keggang's puzzled eyes, UU Kanshu Si Zhengliang was confident and said: "I admit that the current champion is very powerful, but now the institutions of the Jin Dynasty that lead the exploration and cooperation trade, one is the household The first is the inner court headed by the Chief of Ceremonies.

These are all outside the scope of the Champion's influence, so it doesn't matter if you offend him. When we return to Fuso, he won't be able to care anymore——"

But at this time, Kamo Ittosai's expression changed. He immediately waved his sleeves, put away the cage again, and at the same time looked to the left side of the hall.

There was a sudden "boom" in that direction, and amid the flying wood chips in the sky, two golden and purple streams of light shuttled in.

Li Xuan's figure appeared directly in the hall. He glanced at the three people present with a half-smile, and then his eyes fell on Si Zhengliang, and his pupils immediately condensed slightly.

"How interesting! I didn't expect that I would have an unexpected harvest today."

Si Zhengliang, the censor of Huguang Road, was directly involved in instigating the Jiangnan flood case. This year, he has been searching for this person's whereabouts.

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