Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 599 Symptoms of Pregnant Women

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After coming out of the Demon Suppression Tower, Li Xuan stood motionless on the spot with a serious expression. It wasn't until a long time later that he immediately went to see Wei Zhen, the imperial censor Zuo Qian of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

"Uncle Wei Shi, you will find someone to file a petition tomorrow to impeach officials from Guangjiku of the Ministry of Revenue and the 'Internal Officials and Supervisors' for colluding internally and externally in the Kanhe trade, giving and receiving privately, selling internal treasury assets at a low price, and harming the public and enriching private interests."

After hearing this, Wei Zhen was stunned at first, and then asked with a wry smile: "Are you going to stop this exploration and cooperation trade? Is this for the Fuso Mission?"

The capital is only that big, and Li Xuan is a figure that attracts attention from all parties. The conflict between him and the Fuso Mission has spread throughout the government and the public.

However, Wei Zhen didn't know about Si Zhengliang and the Xuanhei Deer King, so he felt that Li Xuan was a bit small-minded this time. Kanhe trade is a matter of foreign affairs and national affairs. If it is interfered without authorization, the consequences will be unpredictable.

And in that conflict, it was not Li Xuan who suffered. Afterwards, Fusangguan still swallowed his anger and did not dare to inform the court and the Ministry of Rites about the incident.

Li Xuan nodded: "Just to explore the trade, I have a few things here that require the cooperation of the Fuso people."

And if you want the Fuso people to cooperate obediently, you have to grasp the other party's vital points——

At this time, he hesitated for a moment, but still said with a solemn expression: "Uncle Wei Shi, this matter is not only related to the country, but also closely related to your family and my life. It must not be ignored."

Wei Zhen originally wanted to admonish him, but upon hearing this sentence, his face condensed slightly.

He knew that Li Xuan was not the kind of person to talk nonsense, so he believed it immediately.

"I'm going to find someone to report this right now. However, since there are various parties involved in the internal affairs prison and Kanhe trade, you will offend many people. Also, we don't have any evidence of guilt in our hands right now."

In charge of the twelve works of wood, stone, tile, soil, building materials, eastbound, westbound, paint, wedding, gunpowder, ritual implements, and weapons, as well as the rice and salt storehouse, the construction storehouse, the imperial altar storehouse, and the imperial mansions. Whenever the state builds palaces and mausoleums, as well as copper and tin dows, utensils and ice, it is also responsible for purchasing all the utensils used in the palace.

This is equivalent to the functions of most 'young masters' in the past, managing royal assets.

The joint trade between the imperial court and major vassal states was mainly conducted through internal officials.

But there are also dignitaries from various parties involved in this matter, such as the eunuchs Zhangyin and Bingbi of the Si Li Supervisor, as well as many dignitaries from outside the court. Many people are eyeing this prospecting trade with the Fusang people.

Fuso Island is not only rich in gold, silver, and weapons, but also a variety of natural materials and treasures that can only be found in the Far East. A single exploration and trade can generate wealth of up to 20 to 30 million taels of silver.

When Li Xuan heard this, he smiled and said: "If you offend me, offend me. You won't get all the way anyway... As for the evidence of guilt, is this very important? I don't even need you to find out anything."

Wei Zhen immediately understood that as long as Qingliu in the court continued to question the Kanhe trade, the Kanhe trade would not be able to proceed smoothly.

And since this matter involves a large amount of gold and silver, how can there be something fishy about it?

How many people can be clean in Guangjiku and Naiguan Prison of the Ministry of Household Affairs? Nine out of ten should be beheaded.


The memorial from the Metropolitan Procuratorate arrived at the desk of Princess Yu Hongshang the next day.

Wei Zhen stirred up a huge momentum, gathering more than thirty censors and six ministries to write a letter to Shizhong, impeaching Guangjiku officials and internal officials for stealing, harming the public and enriching themselves, causing a great disturbance in the court.

Regarding this matter, both the government and the public agreed that it was Li Xuan's revenge against the Fuso Mission, and then lamented that the champion would retaliate.

However, more people are still happy to see the jokes between Guangjiku of the Ministry of Revenue and the internal officials.

These two major institutions in the DPRK are extremely fat, and naturally they are also jealous of others.

Therefore, even if many Qingliu guessed in their hearts that this was Li Xuan's personal revenge, they still participated in it without hesitation.

They believe that Guangjiku of the Ministry of Revenue and the internal officials have been hiding evil and evil for a long time, and it is time to rectify it.

This matter even overpowered the proposal to establish a governor for a time, especially in the cabinet. Xiao Ci, Shang Hong and others seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. They clung to the case and made the matter a fuss.

Taking this opportunity, the three people not only withstood the criticism of many civil servants led by Wang Wen, but also made the matter of King Xiang's unification become less popular.

At this time, almost no one noticed that the Zhongjun Duushiguan Yamen in charge of Li Xuan had successively captured 27 generals of fourth grade or above in ten days, especially the Henan Commandery Division and the Shandong Commandery Division. The senior generals of the company were almost swept away by him.

The matter involved an old case thirteen years ago, when some military fields in Henan and Shandong were occupied, causing all the local guards to flee. However, the commanders and envoys of the two major cities kept this matter secret. The silver rewards, salt and oil and other materials issued by the imperial court every year were all faked by local military attachés, and their lives were very comfortable.

But in the 39th year of Zhengtong, Emperor Zhengtong decided to conquer the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties in the north, dispatching troops and horses from Henan and Shandong, with a total of 50,000 troops in both places, including 5,000 cavalry.

At that time, both the Henan and Shandong Dusi were in a panic, so they could only seize the strong people to make up for their numbers.

But they didn't dare to go too far for fear of offending local officials. In the end, they could only defend the army with more than 10,000 people and pretend to be an army of 50,000 people.

I don't know whether their luck will be good or bad next.

In the battle of Tumubao, nearly 800,000 Jin troops were completely destroyed. Among them were nearly 90% of the 100,000 troops and horses from the two major divisions of Henan and Shandong, who were also 'killed' under the attack of the Mongols.

This made Li Xuan feel deeply about this, thinking that it was not easy to be the emperor in the past.

This man was ambitious and wanted to imitate Taizu Taizong and conquer the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty in the north, but his civil servants and generals were all trying to dig holes for him.

Afterwards, the two generals who were lucky enough to survive were worried about being held accountable by the court, so they blamed Huangfu Xuanji.

Huangfu Xuanji was very loyal and tried his best to cover up the matter.

The person in charge of this matter at that time was Si Zhengliang. He handled the matter extremely appropriately and beautifully, leaving almost no flaws.

When Si Zhengliang betrayed Huangfu's secret, Li Xuan had almost all the evidence. Almost no one involved in the case from the two major divisions of Henan and Shandong escaped.

It's a pity that Huangfu Xuanji was quick to seize the opportunity. He hid in the ancestral hall of Huangfu's family that day, holding the "iron coupon of alchemy book" given by Emperor Taizong. She cried bitterly in front of Shenji's spiritual throne.

Li Xuan had no choice but to choose capable people to keep an eye on the Fuguo Palace.

Once Huangfu's secret comes out, he will be arrested immediately. He still didn't believe it, this guy could stay in the ancestral hall of Duke Fuguo's mansion for the rest of his life.

Time soon came to the end of October, and Emperor Jingtai was still hiding in the palace and did not show up. As a result, the battle for the crown prince in the imperial court became heated again. What made Li Xuan slightly strange was that after the time entered mid-October, Yu Hongshang changed her dressing style.

She used to like to wear dresses that showed off her waist, but now she likes loose clothes.

Also, Yu Hongshang's taste has also changed a little.

Li Xuan secretly brought some delicacies to Yu Hongshang, but Yu Hongshang disliked them. Instead, she liked to eat some sour things.

Li Xuan once suspected that Yu Hongshang was pregnant, because all of Yu Hongshang's symptoms were the same as those of a pregnant woman, and the timing was just right.

But when Li Xuan checked Yu Hongshang's pulse, he felt nothing.

And in early November, Xue Bai finally fully recovered under the joint treatment of Li Xuan and Jiang Yunqi.

It was snowing heavily in the capital that day, and Xue Bai roared endlessly in the backyard of Jiangnan Medical Center, causing waves of snow in the sky for several miles around.

At the same time, seven buildings in the backyard of the hospital collapsed at the same time, and a huge boulder used as a rockery disappeared without a trace.

Those buildings were shaken down by Xue Bai's majestic energy, and the huge rocks were forcibly 'erased' by Xue Bai's void sword intention, turning into powder and mustard dust.

Before Xue Bai was seriously injured, he was at the level of Eight Layer Tower.

After he recovered from his injury, he merged with the Void Sword Intent and directly entered the realm of the fourth gate of Confucianism and Taoism, where the majesty lasts forever. The purity of Hao Qi is also close to that of 'Purple Qi from the East'.

According to the standards of the world, this is already a famous Confucian in the world.

For example, Quan Dingtian is only in the realm of the twelfth floor.

There is still a gap between Xue Bai and Quan Dingtian, UU read www.uukanshu. net, the difference is not big.

If this matter were to happen between Jiang Yunqi and Jiang Hanyun, Mrs. Jiang would definitely be furious.

But Mrs. Jiang felt sorry for her nephew. She was the only one left in her family and had been lying on the bed for several years. How could she not feel pity for him?

So not only did she not reprimand her, but she smiled happily. Afterwards, she even cooked a feast for Li Xuan and Xue Bai.

Mother Xue and Xue Yunrou were so happy that day that they both held back their tears and sat with them.

Xue Bai frequently toasted to Li Xuan, saying that this kindness and virtue are like reincarnation, and Xue will be rewarded in the future.

Li Xuan was not ambiguous at all. The day after Xue Bai recovered from his injury, he offered Xue Bai a high-ranking and important position in the court where "the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Industry were given to him".

Xue Bai's Jinshi in the seventh year of Jingtai, among the top two and eight, was awarded the post of editor of the Hanlin Academy.

Although he was recuperating at home these years, he had been holding a post in the Hanlin Academy, so his transfer to the Ministry of Industry of the seventh rank was a perfect fit.

This was a position that became vacant after Wang Wen launched a massive attack on the Queen Mother's party. Originally, Wang Wen and King Xiang prepared another candidate to take over. But as soon as Li Xuan reached out, Gao Gu and Yu Hongshang, the second assistant ministers of the cabinet, followed the trend and gave Xue Bai the position of "the Ministry of Industry is all in charge".

Although this is only the Ministry of Industry with the weakest authority among the six ministries, it is no longer a day or two for the six ministries to meddle in their own affairs.

This position is not only noble and powerful, but also has a bright future. As long as Xue Bai stays in this position for five or six years, he can be promoted several levels, and jump directly to the third or fourth rank like Wei Zhen.

It was at this time that Li Xuan received the official decree signed by Emperor Jingtai.

After more than a month of King Yi Yu's campaign, Emperor Jingtai finally relented and ordered Li Xuan to take charge of the Golden Knife Case.

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