Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 602 The All-powerful Li Qianzhi

Li Xuan could see that King Xiang obviously wanted to come and talk to him, but before he could take a few steps, he was surrounded by a large group of civil and military officials, all of whom saluted and bowed to him.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, the day before yesterday someone impeached Xianguan for falsifying his political performance three years ago. Thank you very much for speaking out!"

"Prince Xiang is a thousand years old. I heard that you made a memorial the day before yesterday, asking the imperial court to allocate funds to rebuild the Hundred Miles Long Canal in Xiangyang? This is really a great virtue and can benefit all the people of Xiangyang. On behalf of the elders in my hometown, I would like to thank you for your kindness."

"Your Highness, I paid a visit to your residence yesterday. Unfortunately, there were too many visitors and I couldn't get a chance to meet you. Could you please speak to me? The day before yesterday, I went to the Ministry of Personnel to report on my work. They gave me a fair assessment. I should move to the right, but I am really unjust."

King Xiang had to stop and responded to each of them in a friendly manner. Even to those seventh-rank officials, he was kind and gentle, without the slightest hint of impatience.

At this time, many of the officials around him were talking about it, and most of them expressed admiration and admiration. .

"Is this King Xiang? He is indeed elegant in his advance and retreat, wise and prudent, and dignified. He is the true demeanor of a king!"

"This is the first time I have seen him. He is a graceful and wise king. No wonder he is praised by both the court and the public. There is also talk of letting Prince Xiang join the imperial line."

It was only then that Li Xuan realized that there were a lot of people attending the court meeting today.

He then realized that this must be because as the year was approaching, many foreign officials came to Beijing to report on their duties.

This originated from the Taizu period and was officially called "hajj inspection". Every few years, all government, prefecture, and county officials from all over the world must go to Beijing to report on their duties at the end of the year. The Ministry of Civil Affairs will then inspect the resume and official performance of the local officials during their tenure and make a judgment.

It was still early before the New Year, but many local officials had already entered Beijing one after another.

Li Xuan's eyes were slightly cold when he saw this scene.

This was the first time he knew that King Xiang Yu Zhanyi was so popular among local officials.

At this time, the debate among the crowd about King Xiang's succession to the imperial line had intensified.

"——His Royal Highness King Xiang is naturally kind, courteous and wise, but to say that he appointed His Highness King Xiang as the Emperor's uncle is against the rules, right?"

"Why is it against the rules? Prince Xiang and Xuanzong are both the legitimate sons of Renzong. He is Xuanzong's brother from the same mother. He is the closest to the royal family among the current clans. And it is not unprecedented for uncles to succeed nephews in the past? For example, Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty Liu Constant, like Tang Ruizong Li Dan."

"We proposed to establish King Xiang just as a precaution. In the past ten years, the emperor fought more than ten battles with the Mongols, and each time he fought against many. It is said that he was in poor health. But now the prince is seriously ill and unconscious. And your majesty's heirs are in trouble. If anything happens in the future, who among the royal family can stabilize the court and support the country, who is King Shexiang?'

"Exactly! To be honest with you, in the battle of Tumubao, the emperor committed a serious crime against the country. Weng Mou is absolutely unwilling to see this emperor restored to the throne. King Xiang is virtuous and cares little about fame and wealth. He has resigned from the throne three times. Because Weng Mou wants to come , Once His Majesty has a son in the future, His Highness King Xiang will definitely accept the offer graciously.

And they may not be willing to do so. It is said that since there was talk in the court about establishing Prince Xiang as the crown prince, His Royal Highness Prince Xiang wrote three times to request a return to the fiefdom. It can be said to be a noble act——"

Li Xuan quickly turned his attention away from the debate between King Xiang and the courtiers, because the commotion caused by him was by no means inferior to that of King Xiang.

At this time, many civil and military officials gathered around Li Xuan.

Most of these civil servants are below the fourth rank. They are either interested in Li Xuan's knowledge, or due to the prospecting and trade matters, or the gold knife case that he recently took over.

There are also people who ask Li Xuan to help intercede for the official department's work report and examination.

Most of these officials came from the vicinity of Jinling and considered themselves to be Li Xuan's township party.

Li Xuan did not completely refuse, but only responded that he would understand the situation and ensure that the officials would act impartially.

Li Xuan did not hesitate to support those officials who really had political achievements and were decent people. It was nothing more than delivering a fair word to the Ministry of Personnel to make the people there have some scruples.

But if you are a traitor to the country, a traitor to the country, you will not be able to get good things from him.

The literary style in Jiangnan was at its peak, and Li Xuan had many rural party members.

Other than that, it was just to beat around the bush and find out about Emperor Jingtai's physical condition.

Although Li Xuan was not a close official of Emperor Jingtai, Princess Yu Hongshang of Changle's affection for him was well known. There is also the miracle doctor Jiang Yunqi, who is currently the person who knows the body of Emperor Jingtai best.

Compared with the eagerness, admiration and respect of the civil servants, the military officers were no less generous, and their demeanor was more respectful, appearing to be submissive.

In the past two months, Li Xuan seized on the empty salary case thirteen years ago and swept away dozens of military ministers from the command and envoy departments of Shandong and Henan. He also forced Huangfu Xuanji to the ancestral temple and dared not go out.

This move made all the military attachés in the five-army governor's government system remain silent and frightened. It also made more military attachés determined to move closer to the champion.

It is worth mentioning that former general Liang Heng also came in soon after.

When he saw Li Xuan, he was stunned for a while, then walked over with a livid face and called "Dad", and then walked to a corner to stay alone.

Li Xuan was stunned, thinking how could this domineering guy be so obedient.

Former General Liang Heng thought about the instructions of the Man in the Iron Mask and must not offend the champion again before they were sure to reverse the overall situation.

At this time, although Liang Heng still held the title of Marquis of Wu Qing, his official position was still higher than the third rank. But his subordinates and followers did not, and were unable to confront the champion.

As the saying goes, a small intolerance will mess up a big plan. The Iron Mask believes that they should hide and be patient now, and temporarily reduce their sharpness. If you don't move, you'll be dead, if you move, you'll be fatal with one blow!

And just after King Xiang, Chen Xun and other important ministers arrived one after another, Emperor Jingtai also arrived on time after ringing a few bells.

After all the ministers paid their respects, they immediately looked in the direction of the throne.

They thought their movements were hidden, but Tai and the thousands of courtiers in the palace made the same movements, so it was difficult for them not to attract attention.

This was an extremely disrespectful move. Normally, he would have been scolded by officials from the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple who were responsible for maintaining order in the court.

But at this time, these etiquette officials all tacitly turned a blind eye.

After this look, most of the courtiers in the palace were at peace.

Emperor Jingtai's complexion is rosy, his aura is strong, and his eyes are bright and lively. This is not like the rumors outside that the holy bow will violate the law and his longevity will not last forever.

I wonder what the emperor's ability is in that area? Can she give birth to another heir? Can the prince wake up again? Otherwise, it is still imperative to establish a reserve.

Just as the ministers in the palace were getting up, Li Xuan and Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, looked at each other in the air, and then looked away with indifferent expressions.

Li Xuan already knew from Yu Hongshang that the palm eunuch accused him of "similar reckless behavior" in front of Emperor Jingtai.

Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremonial eunuch, was unhappy because of Li Xuan's recent attack on the internal eunuch.

Qian Long had a good reputation in civil and military affairs in the court, and he himself did not participate in the "expansion trade" with Fusang, but most of the eunuchs in the inner palace were from his sect.

Li Xuan knew that this was the imperial court, and even if they were both loyal and upright ministers and members of the imperial party, they might not be able to get together.

However, he did not expect that the first thing discussed in the Shuowang Dynasty this time would be the 'Golden Knife Case' that he presided over.

Wang Wen, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, immediately walked out from among the ministers: "Your Majesty, I am impeaching the champion Hou Lixuan to eat the corpse of Hou Lixuan for not fulfilling his duties! Since he presided over the Golden Knife Case, he did not examine witnesses or inquire about the facts of the case.

In the past month, he either traveled to major academies in the capital to give lectures, or played with women, so that the gold knife case has been postponed for recent months with no progress. Li Xuan has failed to live up to the expectations of the Emperor and the expectations of the ministers. I would like to ask Your Majesty to give up his errand and choose someone else to handle it. "

After hearing this, Li Xuan clasped his fists with a calm expression: "Your Majesty, the Golden Knife Case is complicated and difficult to solve for the time being. If the imperial court thinks that the body of a minor official is in plain sight, it can order wise men."

Xiao Ci, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, could not sit still and immediately walked out from the group of ministers: "Your Majesty, what Wang Shangshu said is wrong. The Golden Knife case involves a very wide range of things and is complicated. How can we understand it clearly in a short time? In my humble opinion, this case may not be fully investigated in a year or two, so the court should give the champion a little more time."

Wang Wen couldn't help but frown, thinking, okay! You actually want to delay this case for a year or two.

Takatani, the second assistant, also followed up: "Your Majesty, in today's court, when it comes to character, merit, and cases, who can be as good as the champion? Who else can convince all the ministers?"

The champion has always used cardinals to solve crimes. How could Wang Wen, the minister of official affairs, know that the champion was not secretly using his force? Moreover, this case involves a large number of matters. If omissions were made due to too hasty investigation, wouldn't it be counterproductive? I believe that the court does not need to interfere too much in this case. "

After hearing this, Emperor Jingtai nodded slightly and said: "That's a very good statement! I also think that this gold knife case should be taken slowly rather than urgently. Champion, please go and investigate with peace of mind and be patient. We need to investigate clearly so that everyone can The ministers are convinced."

And just after Wang Wen resigned speechlessly, another Minister of Rites came out from among the ministers.

"Your Majesty, it has been two months since the 'Golden Knife Case' occurred. The court has not yet found any conclusive evidence. Ciqing Palace and Nangong Palace have been banned for two months. The Queen Mother and the Emperor are trapped in the palace. Is it difficult to See the light of day. I am afraid that this action of the imperial court will harm the emperor's reputation, so I ask your majesty to issue an order to release Ciqing Palace and Nangong Palace as soon as possible."

Li Xuan glanced sideways and found that it was a Taoist official who was usually close to the prince.

At this time, King Xiang also frowned slightly, his eyes showed worry, and he looked at the emperor but hesitated to speak.

Such is his character, benevolent, filial, loyal, and friendly to his relatives and friends.

Based on King Xiang’s character, UU read the book wwww. Naturally, he couldn't bear to see the Queen Mother and the Emperor being detained. But he seemed to be worried about Emperor Jingtai's attitude and did not dare to speak.

Li Xuan thought that if this person traveled to modern times, he would definitely win the Best Actor Award.

However, there were people in the court who looked after him for things that were inconvenient for King Xiang to talk about.

Soon someone came forward and said that Lu Zhong, the embroidered guard of Qianhu, had previously tortured a confession from the attendant of Ruan Lang, the eunuch in charge of Nangong, and also had the Da Sun Golden Rainbow Sword as evidence. How could it be said that there was no conclusive evidence of guilt? ?

Later, many censors, scientific officials and ministers followed. The momentum of these people was even greater than that of Gao Gu, Xiao Ci and others, occupying almost a quarter of the court.

Then several officials from the Ministry of Rites came forward to refute it from the perspective of etiquette and law, believing that Emperor Jingtai's move was not inappropriate.

Emperor Jingtai was absolutely unwilling to relax his control over the Queen Mother and the Emperor at this time, so he just went with the flow.

But Li Xuan keenly discovered that the depths of Emperor Jingtai's eyes were as cold as ice.

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