Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 608 The real murderer

When Li Xuan finished speaking, there was a commotion in the hall. The kneeling ministers all raised their heads and looked ahead.

The emperor on the throne also had a stern look on his face and looked at Li Xuan intently. His eyes were filled with anticipation, wondering if there was any progress in the Golden Knife Case?

Prince Xiang also subconsciously thought that Li Xuan was talking about the Golden Knife Case, and the champion was planning to use this case to stop today's discussion of the 'Assistant Prince'.

He was immediately filled with anger and must have said angrily: "Are the champions planning to slander me again and accuse me of being involved in the Golden Knife Case? But just now you were outside Taihe Gate, but you personally said that there was no progress in this case.

If you cannot produce conclusive evidence today, I will not give up! "

Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs, also frowned: "Prince Champion, you need to know that everything is done in moderation! Your Highness Prince Xiang has a noble character, as bright as the sun and the moon. You have no evidence, so don't accuse someone of innocence by making things up out of thin air."

"Boy, I didn't say it was a gold knife case."

Li Xuan smiled and bowed slightly towards the emperor: "Your Majesty! Regarding the case of the prince's sudden illness, I am fortunate to have fulfilled my duty and have found out the truth.

I also have conclusive evidence in my hands, confirming that King Xiang Yu Zhan is related to the poisoning of Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics a year ago, with the intention of murdering the former prince, the case of King Yi Yu Jianshen, and the sudden illness of Prince Yu Jianji. These two are the The mastermind behind the case. . "

In an instant, all the courtiers in the palace were buzzing again.

Including Chen Xun, Gao Gu, Xiao Ci, Shang Hong and Wang Wen, almost everyone could not help but be shocked and lost their minds.

The ministers who were kneeling on the ground could no longer kneel. They straightened up and looked in the direction of Li Xuan.

Emperor Jingtai's body was trembling slightly and his pupils were slightly dilated.

He paid more attention to the case of the prince's sudden illness than the case of the golden knife.

King Xiang Yuzhan's face was even more bloodless, as pale as paper.

He tried hard to remain calm, trying to appear filled with grief and anger, aggrieved and aggrieved. However, Li Xuan's calmness and confidence made him suspicious, and his thoughts stirred up turbulent waves.

He thought he had cleaned up the details of these two cases.

But since Li Xuan told this matter above the court and in front of the emperor, he was definitely not bluffing.

Emperor Jingtai looked at Prince Xiang Yu Zhanzong with extremely cold eyes: "You said that the real culprit in these two cases is me, the emperor's uncle? Li Xuan, you can tell the truth about the case."

Li Xuan cupped his fists and bowed to Emperor Jingtai: "This has to start with Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics. A year ago, Fei Yuan sacrificed his life and poisoned himself with the intention of poisoning the former prince. After the truth was revealed, the imperial court sent envoys to Fei Yuan's hometown to arrest Fei Yuan. The three Yuan clans inquired about the crime, but found that Fei Yuan had no father, no mother, no wife, no children. All his family members had died of a sudden illness a few years ago.

At that time, Governor Zuo of the Xiuyi Guard suspected that his family had faked their death to escape, so he issued a wanted order that day and sent people to search the country, but nothing was found. "

The Commander-in-Chief of the Xiuyi Guards, Tongzhi Zuo Daoxing, bowed and bowed: "I am incompetent! So far, no trace of Fei Yuan's family has been found."

"The reason why they couldn't be found is because they went to Fusang and were killed and silenced two months after Fei Yuan's poisoning case. They wiped out the whole family!"

Li Xuan took his time and said in a leisurely voice under everyone's shocked gazes: "It's a coincidence that at that time, Si Zhengliang, the supervisory censor of Qianhuguang Road, was ordered by Huangfu Xuanji to secretly release the water monkey Wu Zhiqi, which triggered Great water in the south.

This man fled to Fuso after the incident. With his experience as an official in the Central Plains and his eloquence, he gained the trust of the Fuso shogunate and became a "side servant" of the shogunate.

This is the highest position of a servant, and its authority is roughly equivalent to that of Bingbi, the Supervisor of Ceremonies in our dynasty. At this time, Fei Yuan's family hiding in Fuso Kyoto was wiped out. The Ashikaga Shogunate's "Kyoto Pursuit" investigated the case for several months without any results, so the shogunate ordered Si Zhengliang to take over the case——"

When Guo Cong, the Left Governor of the Central Military Governor's Mansion and the Marquis of Fengcheng, heard this, he couldn't help but twitching his lips.

Huangfu Xuanji instructed Si Zhengliang to release the water monkey Wu Zhiqi, but so far there is no evidence. Li Xuan's words clearly imply slander.

Normally, he would definitely defend Huangfu Xuanji, but at this time, he would never dare to interrupt. He was even more attracted by Li Xuan's words and listened attentively.

Li Xuan continued to talk under the gaze of many eyes in the court: "Although Si Zhengliang has a human face and an animal heart, and a vicious heart, his ability to investigate cases is still good.

The killers sent by King Xiang did their job cleanly and left almost no clues. However, Si Zhengliang found out that the wife of Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, had sent her youngest daughter and a maid to the Fusang Palace a few years ago. She was adopted by Prince Chengliang of Fusang as an adopted daughter. tender. "

King Xiang's face turned red and he was furious: "Nonsense! When did I send any assassins? What does Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, have to do with me?"

Li Xuan ignored him and took out a few letters from his sleeves and put them in his hand: "This Mrs. Fei has been on guard against King Xiang for a long time. She not only left twenty-seven letters from her husband during his lifetime, but also Half a month before the incident, she wrote a suicide note in blood and gave it to her young daughter to keep.

Her purpose was to be on guard against King Xiang just in case. As she expected, King Xiang sent people to Fusang to destroy his entire family! "

Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, immediately waved his whisk, took the letters from Li Xuan, and then respectfully delivered them to Emperor Jingtai.

Emperor Jingtai quickly read through it, and then said in a cold voice: "Give these letters to the ministers of the third rank and above in the palace for circulation."

While Chen Xun, Gao Gu and others couldn't wait to take over the reading of the letters, Li Xuan looked at Xiang Wang Yu Zhanzong: "At this time, Fei Yuan's young daughter, and the Fuso people's Kyoto monks, will be here at noon. Wait outside the door, Your Majesty can call for inquiries at any time!"

Chen Xun, the chief assistant, had already read the letters, and his expression changed slightly: "Is this the reason why the Champion has been criticizing the Internal Affairs Bureau and the Ministry of Revenue Guangjiku for several months, and obstructing the Kanhe trade?"

Two months ago, he really thought that Li Xuan's efforts to obstruct the 'expansion and cooperation trade' were really out of personal grudges.

I also lamented that the champion was a little selfish and a little ignorant.

But now it seems that he is judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Exactly!" Li Xuan turned around and nodded towards Chen Xun: "I want to force the Fusang people to send all the witnesses and physical evidence back to Dajin. We also need them to keep secrets. We can't alert the snake, just You can come up with this plan."

"Absurd! How absurd!" King Xiang laughed angrily: "Only based on some letters from sinners, and a so-called blood letter left by a sinner's wife, you can conclude that I am the mastermind behind the poisoning of Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics? And these The so-called personal and material evidence all come from Fusang, how do you know whether they are true or false?"

Filled with righteous indignation, he took off his crown and knelt down on the ground: "Your Majesty, are you just going to sit back and watch the champion Hou Luozhi accuse others and slander others, and you want to trap me to death? I have said before that I have no virtue and incompetence and cannot be the treasure of the imperial court. .I want to resign from the post of Da Zongzheng and return to my fiefdom.

If Your Majesty does not want me to serve as an 'auxiliary prince', you only need to agree to my request and send me to the country. Why bother? "

At the end of the sentence, King Xiang's words were not only filled with grief and anger, but also hinted at tears.

At this time, in the palace, Gao Gu, Xiao Ci, Shang Hong and others couldn't help but sneered after hearing this.

Judging from these letters, there is no doubt that it was King Xiang who ordered Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, to set up a scheme to poison King Yi and Yu Jianshen.

After the incident, Emperor Jingtai, the Queen Mother, and King Yi Yu Jianshen began to suspect each other.

Although the case was found out by Li Xuan, it was Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, who committed suicide. But not long after the incident, the relationship between the emperor, the queen mother, and King Yi deteriorated rapidly, and even the prince was abolished.

King Xiang's plan can be said to be successful in one fell swoop, teasing all the officials in the dynasty.

Emperor Jingtai snorted softly. He heard that King Xiang's words were extremely vicious, implying that everything Li Xuan did today was driven by him, just to prevent King Xiang from becoming the auxiliary prince.

However, most of the kneeling ministers believed King Xiang's words.

They all fought hard for their future in order to succeed King Fuxiang Yu Zhan and gain support. At this time, how could they easily believe that the virtuous and virtuous king in their hearts was actually an ambitious man?

Wang Wen, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, also frowned: "Your Majesty, Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, is quite accomplished in calligraphy. I have seen several of his memorials and was deeply impressed. Judging from the handwriting of these letters, they were indeed written by Fei Yuan himself." Book.

Although Dr. Fei mentioned the King of Xiang, Yu Zhanyi, many times in these letters, and the words he expressed were full of trust and reverence, he did not directly mention the poisoning of the former crown prince Yu Jianshen in his letters. As for Mrs. Fei Yuan's bloody suicide note, most of it is speculative. "

King Xiang Yu Zhanyang suddenly became energetic. He was originally in an uneasy mood, worried that Li Xuan had some conclusive evidence of crime.

But if this was just what Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs, said, then he would still be alive today.

As long as you capture the will of the ministers, you can even directly turn the world around.

After Cisuke Takatani heard this, UU Reading couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking that Wang Tianguan was really pedantic. With these letters alone, isn't this bloody letter enough evidence?

This is a matter of treason, so where is the need for any conclusive evidence?

He sneered: "Wang Shangshu's statement is completely false. From these letters, it can be seen that Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, has a close relationship with King Xiang, and has been sponsored by King Xiang many times. This person is clearly a member of King Xiang's party."

Xu Yuanxian, the right counselor of the general affairs envoy, immediately stood out from the group of ministers and said: "This does not make sense. King Xiang has a high reputation in the court and is good at charity. Many ministers have received his favor. And Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics, also expressed his gratitude to the former prince during his lifetime. , King Yi and Yu became very close to each other, how could you know that this was not directed and performed by King Yi?"

Li Xuan had expected this scene. The reason why he delayed his attack on King Xiang for two months was because he knew that the letters left by Mrs. Fei Yuan could not crucify King Xiang and make him truly ruined and lose his support.

So next, he bowed to the emperor on the throne with a calm expression: "Your Majesty, what I am going to talk about next is the real murderer of the prince's sudden illness!"

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