Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 612: Scheming Li Qianzhi

"Golden Book and Jade Certificate?"

Emperor Jingtai stared slightly: "Does Gao Qing doubt that my grandson is not my royal blood descendant?"

Hearing this, Gao Gu bowed calmly: "I don't dare. It's just that King Duanhe passed away three months ago, and now there is a posthumous son. I'm just a little confused. I'm worried that someone is cheating. Hiding the truth and confusing the royal bloodline."

Emperor Jingtai shuddered. He didn't say anything more. He just flicked his sleeves and ordered Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, to take out a gold book and jade certificate, and held it to the queue of ministers for them to read one by one.

Li Xuan took a look and found that the child's name was Yu Youxun.

The grandchildren of Emperor Jingtai are the generation with the character ‘you’, which is a quite uncommon character.

This was decided by Taizu of the Jin Dynasty, so that people would not have to be shy about naming names and writing articles, and would avoid a lot of trouble.

The meaning of "巃" is high and towering, such as "mountains standing tall", which has a very good meaning. . But there is a dragon under the word "山", and the mountain is used to suppress the dragon. Isn't this a good thing for the royal family?

Li Xuan was puzzled, why did Emperor Jingtai give this little baby such a name?

However, the aura of this golden book and jade certificate clearly echoed that of the child in Yu Hongshang's arms.

It can be seen that this little baby is indeed a descendant of their old Yu family.

At this time, Li Xuan had another enlightenment and realized that this little doll was probably the means used by Emperor Jingtai to suppress King Xiang today.

Even if he did not capture King Xiang today, Emperor Jingtai would not be unable to deal with the pressure from his courtiers.

Aren't these courtiers just worried that the country will have no reserves? Then give them one.

Prince Yu Jianji was unconscious and unable to succeed to the throne, so Yu Youxun, who was raised under Yu Jianji's knees, was the first candidate to take over the throne.

After Gao Gu took one look at the golden book and jade ultimatum, he was speechless for a moment.

This child being adopted as the crown prince's heir is undoubtedly extremely bad news for the Queen Mother, the Orthodox Emperor, King Yi, and even the entire King Yi's party.

This means that the possibility of the orthodox emperor and King Yi succeeding to the throne may be cut off again.

But it was a legitimate matter for Emperor Jingtai to adopt heirs and grandchildren from the royal family, and it was not the outer court's turn to intervene.

After Qian Long walked around the palace, took back the gold book and jade certificate, and returned to the imperial court, Emperor Jingtai spoke again: "Recently, due to the empty national treasury, the government and the public have been in turmoil, arguing, and even caused natural disasters. In addition to the celestial phenomenon of comets invading crape myrtle, there are also ambitious people like King Xiang who are plotting to cause chaos.

I have to be deeply worried about this. The country's lack of reserves is indeed the source of turmoil between the government and the opposition. Therefore, today my grandson Yu Youkun is appointed as the grandson of the emperor, Chen Xun, the first assistant, is the young master, Yu Jie, the Minister of War, is the young master, and Li Xuan, the champion lord, is the young protector. "

When Yu Hongshang heard this, she couldn't help but look at Emperor Jingtai in surprise.

This was not originally part of her father's plan.

Then Yu Hongshang realized that this should be Emperor Jingtai's impromptu idea.

At this time, nearly two-fifths of the courtiers were escorted to King Xiang and were forced to kneel in front of the Neijinshui Bridge.

The remaining people in this palace are either the imperial party, or the Queen Mother and King Yi's party members who are still held hostage by the Golden Knife Case. There are also some who are impartial and do not rely on both sides. This is when the resistance is least.

Li Xuan's eyebrows were slightly raised. Young Master, Young Master and Young Master were collectively called Sangu, and they were the deputies of Sangong.

In ancient times, their status was lower than that of public officials but higher than that of ministers. In addition to being in charge of assisting the emperor, managing yin and yang, and promoting the country, he was also the palace official who tutored the prince, and his duties were extremely important.

Up to now, the three princes and three orphans have become empty duties of the court officials.

The emperor's intention was obviously to use the power of him, Chen Xun, and Yu Jie to support the emperor's grandson.

But at this time, the courtiers in the palace were still in an uproar.

Gao Gu and Xiao Ci also frowned instinctively. It was no problem for Emperor Jingtai to adopt Yu Youxun as his heir, but at this time, the appointment of the emperor's grandson touched their bottom line.

They didn't want to see this scene, but they didn't plan to charge into battle themselves.

In this palace, there are courtiers who are bold and not afraid of death.

At this time, a junior official stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is too early to appoint a grandson! The emperor's grandson has just been born, his character is not yet clear, and his talent is not yet known. And there is a clear saying in ancient times that the country depends on the leader. I'm afraid this is not the case. It is a blessing to the country.”

Emperor Jingtai immediately looked at him coldly, with anger in his eyes: "I can make a final decision on the choice of the Crown Prince. How can it be discussed in a small matter like this for you? Also, what does it mean to be the king of the country? You are Do you think I can’t live for even fifteen years and wait until he grows up? I’ll put him in jail and be interrogated for the crime of cursing the king.”

But after this person was escorted out of the court, someone else stood up and said: "Your Majesty, King Duanhe is the great-grandson of Renzong's second son, King Zheng, Yu Zhanyong, and he is not his legitimate son. In terms of etiquette, he is already the son of Your Majesty. In addition to the 'three servers'.

Among the clan members, the blood descendants of the orthodox emperors are the closest to His Majesty. If Your Majesty wants to adopt heirs and grandchildren, you can choose from those who are the legitimate emperor, and there is no need to ask for help from others. "

After Emperor Jingtai heard this, he sneered and asked, "What's the point of this? There are countless people who choose their heirs from distant relatives, but it's my turn? I have to choose from the emperor's brothers." ? You are a minister of the Ministry of Etiquette, I would like to ask you, is there such a rule in etiquette?"

The Minister of Rites was speechless at the incident, and in the end could only clasp his fists: "Although there is no such rule in etiquette, it is difficult to convince the Jin clan. Your Majesty has forced the distant clan clan to be his heir, and I fear there will be endless troubles in the future."

At this time, someone else came out and said: "Your Majesty, do you still remember the promise you made to the Queen Mother when you ascended the throne? You said that the throne will be passed on to King Yi in the future, but now you want to break your promise?"

Emperor Jingtai's expression remained unchanged and his lips pursed.

Li Xuan was about to come forward to refute, but he found that among the military officials at the rear, an unusually tall figure came out first and said: "Why has your Majesty ever broken a promise? It is King Yi who has lost his moral character and resigned from the position of Crown Prince. What does this have to do with Your Majesty?"

That was Liang Heng. His beard was furious, his eyes were wide-eyed, and he glanced at the ministers: "When His Majesty did not appoint a crown prince, you cried and cried. Now that he has appointed a crown prince, you make irresponsible remarks. What do you want?

It is His Majesty's business to appoint who will be the crown prince. How can you, the foreign ministers, criticize it? Who of you dares to dissent? Anyone who dares to speak nonsense again will have his head chopped off by Liang now! "

Li Xuan glanced over, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Emperor Jingtai looked cheerful and said: "Marquis Wu Qing's words are very kind and have won my heart. I intend to reinstate him as the governor of the capital camp and take charge of the tenth regiment camp."

He knew that in the past few months, Liang Heng had been on duty outside Chengtian Gate every day, coming at the beginning of every day and staying until late at night before leaving, breeding non-stop and never slacking off. Even if he is ridiculed by others, he is not angry or angry, and he no longer has the domineering attitude before.

Liang Heng's statement today made him particularly satisfied.

However, Emperor Jingtai had not yet determined whether this person was sincere in his reform, so he was not directly reinstated, but was demoted one level and became the governor of the capital camp.

As for the "Ten Regiment Battalion", although it was the main force of the Beijing Battalion formed by Shaobao Yujie, who selected elites from the original Five Military Battalions, Three Thousand Battalions and Shenji Battalions as the backbone and recruited troops.

But Shaobao Yujie, as the person who first-hand founded the "Ten Regiment Camp", has a high reputation in the Ten Regiment Camp, which is enough to form a "big and small system" situation.

After saying this, Emperor Jingtai then stood up: "I have decided on the matter of the grandson. If anyone dares to discuss it arbitrarily, he will be dismissed from the official position and sent to the border. The imperial edict should also be drafted as soon as possible and warn the world! I I’m tired, that’s the end of today’s court meeting.”

Then he ignored the buzzing courtiers and walked out of the political hall.


After the dynasty was over, Li Xuan looked at Liang Heng with deep meaning in his eyes and looked the former general up and down: "Wu Qinghou's words today are really domineering."

"No, Dad, your achievements in exposing Prince Xiang's true face today and detecting the major rebellion are not worth mentioning. What's more, these courtiers are really shameless, and they have all bullied the emperor."

At this time, Liang Heng's face was flushed and he was in a very good mood. Even seeing the cheap father "Li Xuan" did not affect his good mood. He even said the word "father" without any hindrance.

He thought that the strategy provided by the Iron Mask Man was indeed correct. At this time, only by standing extremely firmly on the side of the emperor could he be reinstated in the shortest possible time.

Just like the advice of the Iron Mask Man, Liang Heng's first priority now is to grasp the real power as soon as possible, otherwise no matter what ideas he has, he will not be able to realize them.

Liang Heng was also secretly glad that since the incident at Wanyue Tower, he and Prince Xiang were far away.

Especially in the past two months after he was dismissed from office and his nephew Liang Biao was demoted to Yunnan, Liang Heng was angry at Prince Xiang for not trying his best to help. He simply listened to the man with the iron mask and completely cut off contact with Prince Xiang's palace. Otherwise, he might not be able to help this time. He will be involved and become King Xiang's rebel.

Li Xuan looked at him intently, and then chuckled: "I hope General Liang's words today are sincere."

He was even more vigilant in his heart. Liang Heng, who had regained control of the military, was extremely dangerous in his eyes.

Just when Li Xuan wanted to continue to say something, he found Gao Gu, Shang Hong and others walking towards him.

"The Champion!" Gao Gu held the jade guide and raised his fist towards Li Xuan: "Since the Golden Knife case involves Prince Xiang, it can be seen that both the Queen Mother and the Emperor are innocent. Can this case be closed?"

He was unable to stop Emperor Jingtai from establishing a grandson, so he could only do the next best thing, first letting the Queen Mother and the Emperor escape from the Golden Sword Case and regain their freedom. It can also allow the many courtiers involved with the Queen Mother and the Emperor to untie the ropes around their necks as soon as possible.

Li Xuan shook his head slightly: "Why do you say this, Lord Fu? I did say that Prince Xiang was involved in the Golden Knife case, but I never said that he was the mastermind."

"The words of the Champion Marquis are strange." Xiao Ci, the Minister of Household Affairs, frowned and looked at Li Xuan coldly: "Prince Xiang was the mastermind behind the murder of the two princes, and this golden sword case was obviously an attempt by Prince Xiang to usurp the throne. Deliberate frame-up. The case is simple and clear, what else is there to investigate?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said: "This is just a guess made by Xiao Shangshu. So far, there is no direct evidence that Prince Xiang is the mastermind of the Golden Knife Case."

"But so far, there is no evidence proving that the Queen Mother and the Emperor are involved in the case."

This is Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War. He said with a sincere expression: "The Emperor cannot keep Ciqing Palace sealed off like this. UU Reading Otherwise, it will inevitably be remembered as unfilial in the history books in the future. The Champion Marquis wants to investigate the case, But you have to give it a time limit.”

Li Xuan immediately looked at Shang Hong firmly, thinking that trouble was coming.

In fact, the current situation was also within his expectation.

With the fall of King Xiang and the imbalance of the court, the situation of the Golden Knife Case will naturally change. It will be difficult for this case to be delayed any longer.

But Li Xuan then smiled slightly: "Although Ciqing Palace is blocked, all the Queen Mother's daily expenses are as before, and the emperor is still very respectful to the Queen Mother. As long as he has free time, he will calm down at dawn and dusk. How can this be said? Is it unfilial? The big problem is that the Golden Knife case is not investigated clearly, which makes people think that the Queen Mother is ignorant and unkind."

He then pondered: "Well, I've been investigating Fei Yuan's poisoning case and the prince's sudden illness case for more than a year. How about we just give it a one-year period? If nothing can be found out after one year, I will personally ask His Majesty Order, unblock Ciqing Palace."

At this time, Gao Gu, Xiao Ci and others on the opposite side all had the urge to curse.


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