Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 65 Fulfill Your Mercy

The atmosphere was dull after that, and it was not until early in the morning that the arrangement work came to an end. By the time Li Xuan and others returned to the Zhuquetang Yamen, Peng Fulai and Le Qianqian were already exhausted.

"I won't be accompanying you anymore, I have to go back to sleep."

Peng Fulai let out a big yawn: "I really can't hold it anymore. I feel like fighting the girls for ten rounds in the Qinhuai River is not so tiring."

At this time, he looked at the door of Suzaku Hall in astonishment: "Eh? Where are the stone lions here? Why is one missing?"

Li Xuan was also surprised, but didn't think much about it. Now he just wants to clean up the aftermath and return home early.

But then, he was called to the main hall of Suzaku Hall by Ma Chenggong.

At this time, Jiang Hanyun and others were all present here. And when he stepped into the hall, several big guys inside all turned their attention to him.

"Suppressing Demons and Traveling with Li Xuan?"

The white-haired old man sitting at the top glanced at Li Xuan with his pale, pupilless eyes. He seemed to be very surprised: "Very good, your cold power is worthy of being called even in the fourth level of the building." A leader, it is rare to be able to master both ice and thunder, and you are walking the same path as your ancestors."

Li Xuan gave a bitter smile and said humbly: "I don't dare to be praised by the general manager. I am already eighteen years old, but now I only have the cultivation level of a third-level building. How can I dare to be called a leader?"

"Since you know you are lagging behind, just catch up. You are not inferior to others in talent, and your cold element true energy is indeed amazing."

The old man smiled and then returned to the topic: "Your boss told me that this time we were able to detect the Jiangjun Mountain Blood Sacrifice Case and arrest Xue Wuya. Li Xuan, you are the one who takes the greatest credit and can be the first to do so."

Li Xuan still bowed slightly: "It is the captain who praised me too much. The ability to solve this case is all due to the hard work of the brothers, and the subordinates only did their meager efforts."

"Meager strength? What you said is so embarrassing. You are so young, how can you talk like an old man? You are watertight. You should show off your vitality and momentum, which is better than mine."

The white-haired old man shook his head and said disapprovingly: "To make a long story short, I called you here this time to reward you for your merits. Jiang Hanyun said that you have made five achievements. One of them is that thunder meteorites were found at the Jiangjun Mountain crime scene; Second, find out the origin of the nine hundred boys and girls; third, find clues to where Xue Wuya and others are hiding through autopsy. This is the key to solving these two major cases; fourth, solve the wolf murder case; Five, discover traces of Xue Wuya together with Jiang Hanyun——"

At this time, Li Xuan's eyes couldn't help but be attracted by Lei Yun sitting next to him. The commander of the Fire Crow Capital was holding a piece of food and chewing on it, making a clear and crisp sound from his mouth.

Li Xuan thought to himself, right? What this guy is eating seems to be a rock?

Perhaps noticing Li Xuan's gaze, Lei Yun glared back in displeasure, with an expression that seemed to say, 'What are you looking at? I, Lei Yun, spit and nail, do you have any objections to eating rocks? ’.

Li Xuan then remembered that at Dushan Temple of Sanqing Temple, Lei Yun's subordinates mentioned that this guy once said, "I will swallow the lion in one bite." Is he fulfilling his promise?

No wonder the stone lion at the door has disappeared. It seems that this guy took it and ate it, but why didn't he swallow it in one gulp?

By the way, is it okay to eat this stone? If this were an ordinary person, he would probably die immediately.

Lei Yun clearly understood his expression. He snorted and tilted his head, took another bite of the stone in his hand, and then bit it with a 'click, click, click' sound.

It was too difficult to swallow the stone lion in one gulp. The best he could do was eat it slowly, which could not be considered as gaining weight by breaking his promise.

At this time, the white-haired old man in the first place had already mentioned his reward for Li Xuan: "There are five achievements in total. I will remember your six major achievements and three minor achievements. I will also reward you with three thousand taels of silver, seven floors of the library and eight days." Time limit, two Six Taoist Yuan Pills and one middle-grade magic weapon, Li Xuan, are you convinced?"

"My subordinates have no objections." Li Xuan was extremely happy, and even felt that he deserved it.

This reward is already very generous. Although the money given by the steward this time is a little less, the merit is enough. These great and small achievements can not only be exchanged for skills, magic weapons, elixirs, etc. from Liudaosi, but they are also qualifications, which can help him get promoted.

As for the Six Paths Human Yuan Dan and the middle-grade magic weapon, he was even more overjoyed. These were things that could directly enhance his strength.

Especially for the former, Liudaosi's Human Yuan Dan production is very small, so it rarely appears directly in the rewards.

As for the eight days on the seventh floor of the library, they were also extremely precious to him.

"And then there is my personal reward." The old man looked at Li Xuan with burning eyes: "Ten days ago, I made a promise to all the captains of the Six Daosi Division. If anyone can find the whereabouts of Xue Wuya and the evil corpse, You can make a request to me. As long as it is within my ability and it is not too difficult, UU Kanshu I will not refuse."

Li Xuan's expression perked up and he was overjoyed. He had never heard of the promise made by the steward before. But then he thought of something again, and his expression began to struggle.

After a full two minutes, Li Xuan made up his mind. With a solemn expression, he bowed his hands to the old man: "I would like to ask the manager to give those young children a chance, and the Six Daosi will come forward to adopt them."

Perhaps for these children, being able to return to their parents as soon as possible is the most important and happiest thing.

But Li Xuan knew that Peng Fulai's words were right, and that was just the beginning of another hell.

And their Liudaosi is the only force in the world that can change the fate of these untouchables without caring about the laws of the court.

As far as Li Xuan knew, they did have the habit of adopting young children for training as a reserve manpower for Liudaosi, and Liudaosi was not short of this money.

"I can do this." The old man's eyes flashed: "But are you sure? Li Xuan, do you know how rare this opportunity is? Don't you rely on your own cultivation? If you ask me for help now, I even have a way to help you directly enter the fourth level."

Li Xuan was a little shaken for a moment, but when he thought of the children in Dushan Temple, he still shook his head slightly: "A man once said what he said, it is hard to follow. This is my request, and I ask the manager to fulfill it."

He knows how to practice the exercises himself, but he only has one chance to help these untouchables change their lives.

Li Xuan thought that this was the only thing he could do for these children.

The old man first looked at Qiu Qianqiu next to him, and then laughed with great joy: "Then it's settled, Li Xuan, you have the heart of a Bodhisattva, how can I not fulfill your mercy!"

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