Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 623 General Zhenji

After the Shuo Wang Dynasty Meeting on the first day of March, Emperor Jingtai and Yu Jie led the 140,000 imperial army to march from Zijingguan to Datong and Taiyuan.

Li Xuan, the 'General Zhenji', is in charge of the defense of Beizhili, so he is in no hurry to leave Beijing.

However, since the warning signal came from northern Xinjiang on February 27, Li Xuan has been preparing intensively for war.

All kinds of grain, military supplies, etc. are being continuously transported to the military warehouse in Jizhou Town.

There were also guards and troops from various places in Northern Zhili and Shandong, who also received orders from Li Xuan and gathered in the direction of Jizhou Town.

There are a total of 80,000 soldiers and horses in these two places, plus the garrison troops in Jizhou Town itself, the total number is 280,000.

It is worth mentioning that "Jizhou Town" governs Jizhou, Yongping, Changping, Miyun and other places. It is the first of the nine important towns in the Jin Dynasty and is the largest military group in the Jin Dynasty after the Beijing Camp Forbidden Army.

During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the number of soldiers in Jizhou Town reached 240,000, which to a certain extent assumed the function of the imperial army. Later, it gradually increased to 270,000. .

Among the nine important towns, only Xuanfu and Datong can compare with it.

Last year, Emperor Jingtai relied on the strength of Jizhou Town to defend against the Mongol army in the Tangshan area.

This time, in addition to the 70,000 garrison troops in Jizhou Town, one family provided 200,000 garrison troops.

Since they had just experienced Qingtian's army reorganization, Jizhou Town's morale and overall condition were very good, and they were only inferior to the Jingying camp in terms of their ability to fight.

Among the 280,000 troops, 100,000 were stationed by Li Xuan in the two major gates of Xifengkou and Gubeikou. The remaining 180,000 were assigned to the generals Shiguan and Malan along the Yanshan Mountains. Wait for the pass.

These checkpoints can also connect the north and south of Yanshan Mountain, but their military value is far less than that of Xifengkou and Gubeikou. This is because the two major fortresses of Xifengkou and Gubeikou have rivers passing through them, and they can pass an army of more than 100,000 people without worrying about water sources.

So under normal circumstances, Li Xuan only needs to arrange five to six thousand troops at these levels to ensure that everything is safe.

The problem is that his opponent this time is different. They are a group of corpse army cavalry who don't need to eat or drink water!

As long as there is enough blood food or Yin evil power supply, they can march tirelessly without any supplies, and can even ignore the terrain to a certain extent.

Therefore, any pass in the Yanshan Mountains that can pass the army must be guarded against.

Li Xuan also placed the Shenji Left and Right Battalion, with a total of 41,000 people, in Jizhou City as the general reserve force.

In this way, if there is a warning signal in any direction to the north, his 40,000 musketeers can press forward.

Li Xuan's combat strategy was very different from the ideas of the Emperor and Emperor Jingtai. They also hope to dismantle Shenji's left and right camps and station them at several pass defenses.

But Li Xuan knew that only when this all-musketeer army was gathered together could it maximize its power in field battles, so he came with the idea of ​​"the general will not accept your orders."

Since the imperial court has appointed him as the 'General Zhenji', he can only have the final say on how to fight this battle.

Li Xuan did not leave the capital until March 5. At this time, Yu Hongshang did not hesitate to serve as a prisoner and personally sent Li Xuan twenty miles outside Chaoyang Gate.

Before leaving, Yu Hongshang found Li Xuan looking at her intently, with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Yu Hongshang knew what he was thinking, and immediately turned her head with a blushing face and looked away.

She thought that she had indeed gone too far in the past few months. Li Xuan tried his best to make her happy, but he never used excuses.

But it really doesn't work now, she is still breastfeeding.

Although Yu Hongshang was able to temporarily control the milk from overflowing, the smell of milk on her body and the changes in the pair of little white rabbits could not be hidden from Li Xuan.

He only needed to touch it to know what was going on.

Yu Hongshang has occasionally been coaxed into being crazy and infatuated recently, and her body is extremely hot, but now she can only endure it.

She couldn't bear Li Xuan's affectionate gaze, so she could only try to change the subject: "Xuan Lang, do you have anything else to explain before you leave?"

Li Xuan sighed secretly and could only calm down and said: "In terms of civil affairs, Hongshang, you have your own opinions and don't need anyone else to comment. But in terms of military matters, Hongshang, you have to rely more on Zhu Guoneng and the 'Fifth Army Camp'." Tenth Regiment You can use the camp, but you must be prepared for it——"

When Yu Hongshang heard this, she knew that Li Xuan was still worried about Liang Heng, who had been transferred to Liaodong and served as the general of Liao Dynasty.

The Tenth Regiment Battalion was founded by Yu Jie, but it was Liang Heng who was in charge of military training at that time. When it came time to influence the Tenth Regiment Battalion, Liang Heng was only inferior to "Yu Shaofu".

At this time, there are still three regiments of the "Tenth Regiment Camp" left in the capital, all of which are old troops brought out by Liang Heng.

Li Xuan continued: "Hongshang, you must be careful of the Emperor and the Queen Mother! Although there is no evidence, the Mongol-Ughur invasion of the south is probably related to them. There is also King Xiang, this person did not ask for execution in one day. Don't be careless. If this person dares to do anything strange, just give him a glass of poisonous wine.

This time I will leave Luo Yan, Qianqian, Xuan Chenzi, and Lu Xue to help you. Uncle Jiang will stay at Jiangnan Medical Center until April, and Ao Shuying also promised me to stay at Shuide Yuanjun Temple in Beijing. Once there are changes in the capital, they can be your backup. "

Yu Hongshang raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Luo Yan, is she staying too?"

She was not disgusted with this purple butterfly witch, but was surprised by Li Xuan's arrangement.

Li Xuan and Luo Yan together are the powerful 'Heaven Strikes Earth Combined Yangyang Divine Sword' that shocked the Jin Dynasty.

But once these two people are separated, their combat effectiveness and deterrence will drop significantly.

Li Xuan nodded slightly: "Yan'er will still follow me to Jizhou on the surface, but she will sneak back to the capital in two days at most."

He then explained calmly: "Everyone knows that the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and Combines the Yangyang Divine Sword' is known to all. But because of this reason, the first thing our enemies do is to separate Luo Yan and me. Now there is actually no chance for the two of us to combine our swords." Very little.

So this time I plan to take my secondary body there, but after the secondary body leaves, there must be someone in charge of Liudaosi, right? The informant network of Shenyi Mansion has just been established and is in the stabilizing stage. Yan'er cannot be separated from the capital even for a moment. She is one of the top three illusion masters in the world and can also help you. "

Yu Hongshang was right. If she were a Mongolian, she would have tried every means to separate the two before the war.

However, she knew that the greatest confidence that Li Xuan dared to do so came from the progress of Li Xuan and Luo Yan's cultivation in the past six months.

Their own combat power has long been enough to stand alone.

But her brows were still furrowed: "But in this case, you only have Dongfang Liang by your side. Will there be insufficient manpower?"

"In addition to Dongfang Liang, there are also Masters Xue Shaotian, Hanyun and Yurou, which is enough!"

Li Xuan smiled disapprovingly: "At this time, Zhu Tianzun is already on his way back to the capital, and he is here to take care of him. Even if Taizu Liao comes back to the world again, he will never take a step beyond Yanshan Mountain."

At this time, Li Xuan hesitated a little and said: "By the way, there is also Fang Ying, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu in the north, Hongshang, and you have to be on guard against him."

Fang Ying, the chief soldier of the Xuanfu, has the same name as Fang Ying, a famous general from the Ming Dynasty period in another world, and has a similar life trajectory.

In the early years of Zhengtong, Fang Ying accompanied her father Fang Zheng on an expedition to Luchuan. After Fang Zheng died in battle, Fang Ying was determined to take revenge. At first he inherited the title of commander, and later he was promoted to the commander of the capital. He participated in two battles of Luchuan, led his troops to quell rebellions in Guizhou and Huguang, and conquered nearly 2,000 large and small villages.

It is said that he was a handsome man and was proficient in the ancient art of war. He is honest and modest, and he is able to protect the environment and the people wherever he goes, and is considered a famous general in the dynasty.

Especially after the 13th year of Jingtai, I don’t know if it was because of the great improvement in the national fortunes of the Jin Dynasty. This man also broke through the heavenly realm and became the sixth heavenly general in the Jin army.

Judging from Fang Ying's resume alone, this person is naturally trustworthy.

But what makes Li Xuan fearful is another world. Fang Ying came to Beijing to governor the military affairs of the Beijing camp after the restoration of Emperor Zhengtong. Cumulatively, Fengtian Yiwei pushed Chengxuanli to be a military minister, specially promoted to Ronglu doctor, Zhuguo, and was granted the title of Nanhehou.

After his death, Emperor Zhengtong retired from the court for one day and gave him the posthumous title of "Zhongxiang", so later generations called him "Fang Zhongxiang".

Li Xuan was worried that this person might have been connected with the Zhengtong Emperor before the incident of seizing the palace.

When Yu Hongshang heard this, she smiled bitterly.

She felt that Li Xuan was too powerful, and the Queen Mother and the Emperor should not be underestimated. But Yu Hongshang would never believe that they had the ability to restore the country now.

But the next moment, she felt Li Xuan suddenly grab her hand and gently tickle her hand with his fingers. UU reading

Li Xuan continued without any abnormalities: "I predict that the possibility of changes in the capital this time is unlikely, but if something happens, you have to notify me as soon as possible. When my 40,000 musketeers return, it will be enough to suppress everything!"

The coup that led to the restoration of the Emperor Zhengtong in his memory was actually an extremely lucky success.

If Emperor Jingtai had not had an heir and was seriously ill, but Yu Qian, the Shaobao who controlled the entire Beijing camp and even part of the Jinyi Guards, had done nothing after the incident without resisting, it would have been impossible for Emperor Zhengtong to be restored successfully.

But in this world, Emperor Jingtai has established an imperial grandson, and while he is on an expedition, the situation inside and outside the Jin Dynasty has also improved unprecedentedly.

Therefore, even Li Xuan believed that it would be difficult to seize the door, at least not in the fourteenth year of Jingtai. His current arrangement is just a precaution.

Yu Hongshang did not break away from Li Xuan's hand, but looked around in a panic.

It wasn't until she realized that her maids and attendants were all facing outwards and no one dared to look at them that she calmed down a little.

Then Yu Hongshang bit her lip with her teeth and squeezed Li Xuan's hand.

"Don't worry, I will be careful in Beijing. I will wait for you to come back."

At this time, Yu Hongshang was blushing, and her face was almost burning with shame.

She thought that it would take Li Xuan two or three months to return to Beijing this time.

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