On March 12, on a mountain peak next to the tomb of Taizu Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, Zhang Guanlan, the former Yuan Dynasty Master, was looking at the direction of Jizhou City with his hands on his back and his eyes like candlelight.

There was a hint of probing in his words: "Brother Zong, please tell me truthfully, Master, what exactly do you think about this battle?"

The person he asked was Zong Xuanhua, the ‘Shenkai Dao’, who was the man in black clothes and hat that Li Xuan had met several times.

The figure of the man in the bamboo hat turned his back to Zhang Guanlan, looking at the tomb chamber below with great interest: "Master said that he would wait and see what happens for the time being. If you want to help the Mongol people, that's up to you.

But from then on, we each went our own way and had nothing to do with each other. When we meet with swordsmen in the future, don't blame the master for being ruthless! "

Former Yuan Tianshi Zhang Guanlan frowned slightly when he heard this, but he was not surprised at all.

Their master, a middle-class layman, worked tirelessly throughout his life to drive away the evil spirits and maintain Chinese orthodoxy.

If it hadn't been for the content of some historical books circulated from the Jinque Tiangong hundreds of years ago, which deeply affected the middle-class layman and caused his style to change drastically, he would never have joined forces with the Wala people.

"In other words, the master has decided not to help each other?"

Zhang Guanlan's eyes flashed with surprise: "But doesn't the master want to overthrow the history books of Jinque Tiangong? This is the best opportunity..."

The middle-class layman is the ceiling of combat power in the world. Not only has his cultivation reached the level of Great Heaven, but he has also mastered the extremely powerful "Dharma of Extreme Heaven". He is a true "half-step to Ultimate Heaven".

Even the young master Yujie, who is known as the "No. 1 in the world", is still inferior to him in terms of combat power.

Once this person takes the side of the Jin Dynasty, there is no chance that the Khan's plan will succeed this time.

Therefore, Zhang Guanlan, a middle-class layman, would be very satisfied if he could only sit on the sidelines.

But Zhang Guanlan still held on to the hope of being lucky and wanted to drag this person into the whirlpool.

Once there is the help of middle-class laymen, then Emperor Jingtai and the champion Hou Lixuan will definitely die!

"Master, he doesn't think it is necessary to intervene." Zong Xuanhua of the 'Shencrack Sword' shook his head and chuckled: "This is very interesting, isn't it? The 'gate seizing incident' recorded in the history books of Jinque Tiangong should have happened in It was the twenty-third year of Jingtai. As a result, in the fourteenth year of Jingtai, you decided to go all-in.

So the next situation will be very strange. If your conspiracy fails, then the Zhengtong Emperor and the Queen Mother will definitely not survive this time. But if you succeed, then what happened in the twenty-third year of Jingtai will also be brought forward to the fourteenth year of Jingtai.

The master wanted to change history from the bottom of his heart, and he had been planning carefully for decades but failed. As a result, when he was discouraged, there was a bright future.

What's ridiculous is that this time, he didn't even need to do anything to watch the history written by Qianqiu Bi be overturned. If that's the case, then why does he need to help a traitor like you? "

Zhang Guanlan's face turned slightly green when he heard this: "Brother Zong? You and I have been working together for decades, so please keep your word!"

"Aren't you just a dog of the Mongol people?"

Zong Xuanhua, the ‘Shencrack Sword’, turned around and looked at Zhang Guanlan with mocking eyes. Then he raised his hand and forcibly pulled out a golden seal from Zhang Guanlan: "Since you no longer intend to follow the master's will, then this seal used to blind the 'Golden Que Tianzhang' will naturally No need anymore.

Also, the master asked me to tell you. If the capital falls into Mengwu's hands, he will definitely take your life himself! "

After he said this, his whole person turned into a golden light and escaped into the sky.

Zhang Guanlan couldn't help but bulging his teeth, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Then there was a sarcastic smile on his lips.

If they can capture Beizhili this time, Mengwu will definitely take control of the Central Plains again.

At that time, the situation was already established, so why should I be afraid of those mere middle-class lay people?

This ‘Shencrack Sword’ Zong Xuanhua is just a dog of a middle-class layman——

At this time, Zong Xuanhua's voice came again: "Instead of worrying about my master, you might as well pay more attention to the Jinque Tiangong. It's really interesting, in advance of the change that took place in the 14th year of Jingtai, the Jinque Tiangong I wonder what the reaction will be over there? I really want to see their expressions."

He laughed loudly and disappeared into the clouds in an instant.

Zhang Guanlan didn't bother to pay attention. He stepped away and walked deep into the tomb of Taizu Taizu of Liao Dynasty.

As early as more than a year ago, Zhang Guanlan had already completed the experiment of condensing the body and soul of the "Liao Empress Dowager Shu Luping" with the help of the 'God of Ten Thousand Coffins' Sikong Xin, and controlling the leather room corpse army.

At this time, all the preparations before summoning the souls are in place. All we have to do is wait for March 26, the memorial day of Shu Luping, the Empress Dowager of the Liao Dynasty. During this time, the 270,000 cavalry corpse army can go south to Chengde!

Almost at the same time, in front of Yanghe Pass on the north side of the Great Wall, about 12,000 miles away from the Mausoleum of Taizu of Liao Dynasty.

In a red-gold royal tent, the 'Wala Khan' was also looking expectantly at the national advisor Aba who walked into his royal tent.

"National Preceptor!" He also first noticed a scroll in Abbas's hand, and his eyes could not help but show a fiery luster: "Is that the oath of the orthodox emperor? Did you get it?"

"Fortunately, I live up to my fate!"

Aba Shi, the Mengwu State Preceptor, smiled slightly and placed the scroll in front of Yexian: "That emperor has no ability to govern the country. He is very good at bargaining. I discussed with him for nearly a month until We made a promise yesterday.”

The Great Khan of Wala also directly opened the scroll and looked at it carefully. After a moment, he saw that "if I can successfully restore the throne, I will definitely kill the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Young Master Yu Jie" and the "Champion Marquis, the Young Protector Li Xuan". The two men were cut into pieces with thousands of swords and given the punishment of Lingchi in order to repay the kindness of the Great Khan of Wala Yexian.'

After reading this sentence first, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and he couldn't restrain his joy: "This Great Jin Emperor, he really agreed."

But then he also saw the last part of the scroll, which said, 'This is a secret agreement, and both parties should keep it secret. If a person who swears an oath breaks his promise, he will be struck by thousands of thunders and die, and he will have no descendants from now on.' and other words.

After the Great Khan of Wala also looked at it first, he couldn't help but laugh: "This emperor of the Jin Dynasty is quite careful. However, once Emperor Jingtai, Yu Jie and Li Xuan die, who else in the Jin Dynasty can stop me?"

He bit his finger without hesitation and pressed a bloody handprint on the tail of the scroll.

In addition to him, there are three bloody handprints on the scroll at this time. One of them belongs to the Imperial Master Aba, and the other two belong to the Zhengtong Emperor and the Empress Dowager Sun.

At this time, Master Aba took out a piece of bright yellow rice paper: "This is the list provided by the Empress Dowager Sun. There are ninety-seven people in total. They are either civil or military, and their official positions are between the seventh and third grades. They are distributed in Datong. Town and Taiyuan Town.

When our Mongolian and Uighur armies move south, they will try their best to provide us with Jin military aircraft and various assistance in a covert manner. "

Behind this piece of paper, Master Aba took out another five-foot-square map.

"——This thing is a military map of the four towns of Datong, Taiyuan, Ningxia, and Guyuan. All the terrain, fortresses, defenses, etc. of these four towns are on this piece of paper."

The Great Khan of Wala also held this object first, and suddenly laughed loudly, shaking the sky.

He drank the wine in the wine cup next to him in one gulp, and then threw it heavily to the ground, causing the fragments to scatter.

At the same time, he must be angry and scan the outside of the tent like a tiger: "Call the Daru Huachi and Wanhu to tell the children that it's time to send out troops! Let them move.

This time, we don't need to attack the city or capture the forts. I just need them to rob and plunder, so that everyone can have a good year! "

And just a moment later, hundreds of thousands of cavalry outside the golden tent let out bursts of howls like wolf howls.

These knights waved their reins one after another, making a roaring movement, urging the dragon colts and horses under their crotches to gallop towards the south. And not long after, more than a dozen huge arrows formed, crossing the gap in the Great Wall in front of them.


When the Mongol army surged in through the gap in the Great Wall in the 'Yanghewei' area, Shaofu Yujie, who had already rushed to Taiyuan City to take charge, was informed of the military situation at the first opportunity.

In the first day or two, young master Yu Jie was still confident.

But as time went by, Yu Jie's eyebrows gradually wrinkled into the character "Chuan".

Just because the development of the overall battle situation was very different from his prediction.

After Mongolia's 450,000 cavalry crossed the Great Wall, they ignored all the forts and cities along the way. They did not even attack the 'Yanghe Guard' and 'Gaoshan Guard', which were one of the back roads, and went directly to The heart of Jin Dynasty is very close.

They headed south along the Yuhe and Sanggan rivers. In just two days, they arrived at the location of 'Yingzhou' (Yingxian). The military front has been directed towards Shanyin, Mayi and Shuozhou.

Emperor Jingtai was also surprised: "In other words, apart from the two million sheep and some dried meat, they have no other military ration reserves? These military rations can only last for a month, right?"

"Your Majesty! It should be twenty days in a month."

A general next to him who was wearing the uniform of a first-class military attache corrected him. He was Guo Tai, the Marquis of Dingxiang and the chief military officer of Taiyuan. One of the six great generals of the Jin Dynasty, his military strength was only inferior to that of Liang Heng.

He clasped his fists with his hands and looked respectful: "The Mongol people have three horses per person. At this time, the grass is growing in the Central Plains and the warblers are flying. There is no shortage of fodder. In times of crisis, they can kill horses to satisfy their hunger. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Use horses Blood quenches thirst.”

Emperor Jingtai couldn't help but nodded slightly: "The Marquis of Dingxiang is still experienced, so from the Marquis of Dingxiang's perspective, what do the Mongols want to do?"

"It should be to plunder Shuozhou!" Guo Tai replied without hesitation: "If the imperial court doesn't save us, we can sneak into Taiyuan through Ningwuguan and Yanmenguan!"

Emperor Jingtai immediately shook hands with a serious expression.

The imperial court has made sufficient preparations for this battle, and the five hundred miles along the Great Wall have been fortified and cleared. All the people in the wild were included in the forts and cities.

They had the idea that they would rather give up spring plowing than let the Mongols plunder any goods or food.

But ‘Shuozhou’ is five hundred miles away——

"This is a lack of consideration on my part." Yu Jie bowed deeply to Emperor Jingtai; "I am doing this first, and I think I am using the people of Shuozhou as hostages to force our court to fight with him in Shuozhou."

Emperor Jingtai raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and then he laughed: "The decisive battle is what I want!"

Today's Jin Dynasty is by no means the Jin Dynasty of the Zhengtong years, nor is it the Jin Dynasty of Jingtai thirteen years ago.

At this time, the Jin army will never be afraid of a grand battle with the Mongol people.

He stood up and stabbed the map with his long sword.

"Then let's fight. If the 450,000 Mengwu cavalry are wiped out in the plains of Shuozhou, the Jin Dynasty will have a hundred years of peace and tranquility!"

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