Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 693 Prepare to die

After the explosion, Li Xuan's Wang Banner also encountered a large amount of gravel rain.

However, where Li Xuan was, the blood and military strength of hundreds of thousands of soldiers were condensed, and seven dragon auras in the shape of 'dragons' were circling and dancing around him.

The rain of gravel was bounced away in mid-air, and the shock wave sweeping from the direction of the city wall was also split into two in front of the king's banner and swept to both sides.

Zhang Yue looked at the large area of ​​collapsed city wall in front of him and couldn't help but open his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"It actually exploded?" His face showed an uncontrollable excitement: "This is really amazing!"

He couldn't help but be excited. The pacification of King Xiang's clan meant that the authority of the current new emperor and the court would be more stable.

The defeats of King Xiang and King Ning were enough to frighten all the ambitious people in the world.

Zhang Yue and his family have long been inevitably tied to Li Xuan, with honor and disgrace linked to each other, ups and downs. .

His father, Huaiyuan Bo Zhang Zhong, had recently taken up actual duties and was appointed by the imperial court as the chief military officer of Guangxi.

This is undoubtedly Li Xuan's handiwork. Although military generals of the third rank and above in the court require eight auxiliary ministers, or are decided by court recommendation, Li Xuan, who is the 'chief governor of the five armies' and the 'chief auxiliary minister', It holds great weight in personnel power in the military.

Therefore, the stronger and more stable this court is, the more prosperous Uncle Huaiyuan's family will be.

"Once this city is destroyed, the world will be at peace!" Ao Shuying, who was standing next to Li Xuan, was overjoyed and slightly puzzled: "But someone had a method like yours to blow up a city hundreds of years ago. I’ve tried it, more than once, but no one has ever succeeded.”

She knew that Li Xuan not only used a large amount of gunpowder this time, but also filled tens of thousands of explosive flame talismans, and even used nine of Longhu Mountain's secret 'Nirvana Core Beads', which can be said to be full of materials.

But in fact, the predecessors used more sufficient materials. During the Jin Taizu period, famous generals tried to bomb the city. To ensure success, they placed ten "Great Extinction Thunderbolts" under the city wall, and their power exceeded that of "Ji". The nuclear-killing beads are more than three times more powerful.

But the result was a failure. The city wall remained motionless, but the tunnel buried with explosives collapsed, killing and injuring more than a hundred craftsmen who could not escape.

Li Xuan's reaction was unremarkable. He shook his head slightly: "It's not just about burying explosives that will make it successful. It must also be sealed. The reason why those predecessors failed was because the sealing was not enough."

In fact, it is not only the issue of sealing, but also the positioning, charge volume, shape of the medicine chamber, etc., as well as waterproofing. Xiangyang is next to a river, so the tunnel they dug is extremely damp and even leaks.

But the key is to 'seal'. If the seal is not good, the explosive gas will spray out from the weakest point, making it impossible to shake the city wall.

The city walls in this world are not only extra strong, they are also made of large pieces of iron stone that are as strong as steel, and are reinforced with magic circles inside.

If the explosion is illegal, it will be difficult to shake it even with the use of nuclear bombs.

Only a well-directed blast can destroy it.

"Sealing?" Ao Shuying thought for a moment, and then she became convinced: "I see. No wonder you said that after this battle, all the city walls in the world will be out of date."

She smiled slightly and said with a bit of schadenfreude: "I heard that King Yi Wang Yu Jianshen recruited people in Xi'an and used materials provided by Jinque Tiangong to build hundreds of miles of defense lines in the past two months. Among them are A six-foot-high wall with a width of one hundred and twenty-seven miles, isn’t this all in vain?”

"I can't say it's completely useless." Li Xuan raised his lips slightly: "But the effect of this high wall should not be as good as they expected."

At this time, most of his attention was focused on the great commander.

Just as the rain of gravel in the sky stopped falling, the Jin troops from three directions all let out shouts that shook the sky and shook the earth, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks.

Although most people were temporarily deafened by the explosion just now, this did not hinder their next actions.

At this moment, everyone was full of blood and passion.

They could no longer hear the orders from the generals around them, but they all ran forward and attacked in unison, like crazy wolves.

In addition to the 40,000 Shenji Battalion soldiers stationed on the high platform and the 20,000 Liaodong Cavalry Army responsible for holding down the formation, the hundreds of thousands of Jin troops in black clothes and armor were like a tide, rushing towards the gaps in the three city walls.

At this moment, the Jin army's formation in front could no longer be maintained.

However, their blood energy was more condensed and surging than before when they formed a formation. They actually gathered into three huge and majestic pillars of blood, blocking the space between heaven and earth.

This made the Jin army in three directions invincible, turning into a red tide and flooding everything!

Any resistance attempt by King Xiang's army in the city was instantly crushed and wiped out. It was like an ant in front of a torrential flood, so fragile!

At this time, there was not much resistance in Xiangyang City.

Previously, the vast majority of King Xiang's army was guarding the wall or hiding in the 'Tibetan Soldier Cave'. With the roar of the mountains and the earth shaking, most of these elite soldiers were buried in the rubble.

Although there are still more than 100,000 people in King Xiang's army, most of them are heartbroken, and their morale and morale have completely collapsed.

Some of them were directly trampled into mud by the surging army under the impact of the red tide; some of them fled in confusion, discarding their helmets and armor, and hid in nearby houses for shelter.

Only a few soldiers of King Xiang's army were able to escape into the inner city of Xiangyang.

At this time, at the top of the inner city of Xiangyang, the crown prince of Prince Xiang, Yu Qiyong, was bleeding from all his orifices. He was looking at the scene in front of him almost hysterically: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. My father spent 1.5 million in silver on this city wall. Two, not to mention the 'Nirvana Core Bead', even if it is as powerful as the Great Heavenly Throne, it is impossible to destroy one of them."

After the explosion, the master of the White Tiger Palace immediately judged that the outer city wall could no longer be defended. So he used magic power to rescue Yu Qiyong.

But Yu Qiyong couldn't believe it until now. He suspected that he was in a dream.

The Xiangyang city wall is well-defended and as solid as a rock, and can even withstand the frontal bombardment of more than a dozen heavenly masters. How could it suddenly collapse? How can this be?

Shi Tianze, the master of the White Tiger Palace, also suspected that he was dreaming. He was a famous Han general in the early years of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and participated in the Battle of Xiangyang.

At that time, he also tried to blast a military fortress outside Xiangyang with the help of Semu people. But the result was that some of the Zhao army soldiers in this military fort were stunned, but the military fort with a circumference of only one mile remained motionless.

Therefore, although Shi Tianze knew that the Jin army was digging tunnels, he never thought about it from beginning to end.

However, now was obviously not the time to investigate the reason. He looked at Da Siming with an extremely ugly face: "Da Siming, this inner city cannot be defended. Xiangyang City is about to be destroyed and it is no longer reliable. We have to consider evacuating. .”

Shi Tianze, the master of the White Tiger Palace, looked at the ‘Pros and Reverse Innate Beidou Galaxy Formation’ on the horizon from the corner of his eye, his face twitching slightly.

Before, they were still wondering what Li Xuan, the king of Fenyang County, wanted to do with his arrangement.

But now he knows, this is to invite you to enter the urn!

In fact, even if Xiangyang City is intact, they have to consider breaking the formation and returning some of the heavenly thrones to Jinque Tiangong as soon as possible to prevent the Tiangong from being taken advantage of.

But Xiangyang City was breached, which pushed them into a more dangerous situation.

The Fenyang County Prince Li Xuan's appetite was so greedy and vicious that it made people feel cold all over.

This wolf is not just satisfied with blocking them here, he clearly wants to trap and annihilate everyone in their Jinque Tiangong in the ‘Pros and Reverse Innate Beidou Galaxy Formation’!

Da Siming also realized the bad situation: "Can the inner city hold on until dawn?"

She had just weighed the pros and cons, and realized that the person guarding the Nine Palaces at this time was one of her most proud disciples.

Everyone else might betray, but she, the disciple, would never do so.

Therefore, the core formation hub of Jinque Tiangong should not be a big problem, and the opponent's target is mostly Dongdao.

On the East Island, there are various rare treasures, magic weapons and immortal weapons that Jinque Tiangong has accumulated over the years. In addition, after the recent opening of the sky gap, various funding from outside the world, the total value exceeds 120,000 taels of silver. .

But as the saying goes, 'the lesser of two evils', compared to this huge wealth, the many heavenly positions she brought to Xiangyang are the foundation of Jinque Tiangong.

They can only hold on here until dawn. When the 'Morning Star' appears in the sky, the star power of Zhou Tian will decline significantly.

The lethality of the ‘positive and negative innate Beidou Galaxy Formation’ will also be reduced by nearly half, and that will be the perfect opportunity to break out.

"Maybe I can't hold it."

Shi Tianze, the master of the White Tiger Palace, shook his head. Although he was a famous general in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, in this situation, he was too clever to make a meal without rice.

At this time, a 'noise' suddenly came from the east gate of the inner city.

Shi Tianze looked from a distance and saw a general dressed as a general over there, who caught everyone off guard and killed all the soldiers of King Xiang's army who tried to close the city gate.

While he was killing people and preventing the city gate from closing, he shouted loudly: "Everyone! King Xiang poisoned the prince in front, and Prince Xiang's prince conspired in the back. King Xiang's vassal has committed a heinous crime and his evil deeds are obvious! Now the imperial army has entered the city to kill him. Rebellion, anyone who doesn’t want to die will follow me!”

"court death!"

Da Si Ming snorted angrily, and immediately pointed his finger in the distance, directly ordering this person to die using the law.

But at this moment, she heard a huge dragon roar.

A figure carrying seven golden dragon auras appeared in front of the city gate.

Da Siming's supreme method was also torn apart by a force of the same level.

That was Li Xuan, the king of Fenyang County. He looked at Da Siming indifferently from afar: "Are you the master of Jinque Tiangong? Are you ready to die?"

At this moment, the force of the 400,000 Jin army soldiers and the Heavenly Pillar of Blood turned into a huge white tiger and rushed towards the great commander. This caused a huge wave of Gang Yuan Qi to explode between the two of them.

And in the midst of the huge shock, Li Xuan's bright sword light, with Liuli Hao Qi as the core, wrapped in dragon Qi and invincible military power, was already directly in front of Dashiming's eyes.

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