Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 78 Still the same bad guy at heart

In the east of the city, Li Xuan, who thought that the day when he would enter the coffin was not far away, found that he had actually withstood the pressure of Zi Die's thoughts.

At this time, the ground between him and Zidie continued to crack, revealing deep cracks. The frost and the purple flames were confronting each other above. There was a clear dividing line between them, and they were spreading to the buildings on both sides.

But Li Xuan couldn't be happy either. It was one thing to fight with such momentum, but it was another thing to actually take action.

What's more, besides this, Li Xuan also felt the yin numbness in his chest spreading again.

This is also fatal! The only difference is that one is suspended and the other is executed immediately.

But what was even more miserable was Li Dalu and the group of frightened coolies. The latter had fallen into coma one by one, while the former was covered in frost and was trying his best to resist the cold force.

He is not much older than Li Xuan, but he is already at the fourth level of cultivation. In addition to serving as the original bodyguard, he is also the latter's bodyguard and gold medal fighter.

But at this time, when the coldness of the female ghost in red overflowed, it was extremely difficult for Li Dalu to resist.

"Jiuyou Juehan? It seems that I still underestimated you."

The Purple Butterfly Demon Goddess looked at Bo Bing in front of Li Xuan with an extremely solemn expression, and then sneered: "Don't you want to catch me? Why don't you do it?"

Li Xuan was secretly wondering, I should ask this question, why doesn't this witch take action yet?

He then realized something and looked around at the surrounding houses. Is this woman worried that once she takes action, she will lose control of her power and affect the innocent people around her?

Li Xuan felt that something was happening, and Gao Xuan's heart suddenly fell back into his stomach. Then he sighed calmly on his face: "I said, this is just a coincidence. If I wanted to arrest you, I would never choose this place. We won’t bring just one person to this place.”

The Purple Butterfly Demon Girl was stunned for a moment, then her eyes hesitated, wondering if she had really made a mistake? But why would this person block her way again and again? Show off his ability to predict enemy planes first?

"If you're not here to block me, then what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to deliver something like you." Li Xuan pointed to the sack on Li Dalu's body next to him: "You should have seen my carriage outside the alley."

At this moment, the thatched house in the distance suddenly opened. The little girl named Yuan'er from Granny Li's family ran out in a hurry with a money bag: "Master, Master, my mother-in-law said that your elder brother Changsui lost his wallet."

At this moment, both Zidie and Li Xuan changed their colors. The former hurriedly restrained the purple fire, while Li Xuan couldn't think of anything. But at this moment, he saw a blood-red streamer swish and wrap up the unconscious little girl and send her to a safe distance in the distance.

Seeing this scene, Zi Die looked slightly relaxed at first, and then his pupils condensed, and there was more surprise in his eyes: "It is really not easy for you to be able to photograph objects in the air to this extent."

She sneered again at this time: "So, are you stalling for time, waiting for reinforcements from your Six Daosi Division? It's a pity that your eyesight is still a little bit poor. How can I let you get what you want!"

Li Xuanzheng looked confused and confused when he saw the purple butterfly's figure transformed into thousands of butterflies flying away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Is this a departure?

Li Xuan glanced around and found no sign of Zidie.

At this time, Li Dalu made a sound. His teeth chattered and he pointed forward with trembling fingers: "That was just now, the Purple Butterfly Witch?"

"That's right."

Li Xuan's expression seemed to be calm, but in fact, he was still in a weak state after the disaster. He tried his best to hold on without showing any abnormality: "It's Zidie who you said is a little stupid."

Li Dalu's face turned pale, thinking that this was terrible. The person who said bad things behind someone's back heard it. The key was that the person involved was a highly skilled demon who was ranked seventh on the Six Daosi Black List.

"Then why did she suddenly leave again? Also, who was confronting her just now?"

Just now, all his energy and mind were used to fight against the cold force and those two tyrannical thoughts, and he had no time to care about the surrounding situation.

Although he finally pushed through, his whole body was still frozen and it was temporarily difficult to move.

"How do I know?"

Li Xuan responded angrily. He was also wondering why the purple butterfly witch left suddenly?

This woman said that he had poor eyesight. Could it be that it was the same as last time? In fact, the real body had left long ago and all that remained was the illusion clone?

He then ignored all this and immediately opened his clothes and glanced at his chest. Then I discovered that the miserable green patch had expanded to the size of my palm. The talisman given by the City God has also lost its luster.

And just when he was worried about this, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

"Li Xuan, why are you here?"

Li Xuan was also surprised. He raised his eyebrows: "Uncle Qiu Shi?"

The figure in front of him, wearing a fire-colored cloak and a bamboo hat, was none other than Qiu Qianqiu.

Li Xuan already understood why Zidie wanted to escape. It was because the boss of Liudaosi was coming.

"The spirit detector detected the aura of the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl here." Qiu Qianqiu first glanced around with doubtful eyes, and then looked at Li Xuan strangely: "Since you are here, you must have seen her?"

"I've seen her before. She was still in this position about twenty years ago."

Li Xuan answered truthfully, and then pointed at the pile of unconscious coolies next to him with his finger: "Just now, the witch came with these people."

Qiu Qianqiu didn't care about those coolies at all, and didn't ask Li Xuan where the purple butterfly was fleeing to. He continued to ask: "So, have you seen any Yin spirits nearby?"

Li Xuan's heart tightened slightly. His face showed surprise at first, and then he asked blankly: "The purple butterfly demon girl was indeed confronting someone just now. UU Reading Is that a Yin spirit?"

He was extremely lucky that at this moment he actually showed actor-level acting skills.

Most of everyone present, including the little girl named Yuan'er, fainted directly. The only one left, Li Dalu, seemed to be confused about the situation.


This thrilling farce delayed Li Xuan for at least half an hour. Later, many people from the Six Daosi Division came to inquire about the situation.

As the only witness, Li Xuan was questioned many times.

It's not like he didn't reveal his flaws, especially the traces left at the scene that were difficult to explain clearly. Those coolies also fell into coma after he met Zidie.

But the female ghost in red was indeed very smart, and none of the big bosses thought in his direction. Regarding the questions from his colleagues, Li Xuan simply said that he did not know anything. He only said that he was crushed by the purple butterfly demon girl's divine thoughts and almost fainted.

As for why there is nothing strange about his body - he has Kui Niu luminous armor on his body, which makes sense.

It was not until half an hour later that Li Xuan and others were released to continue the activity of sending warmth to the whole city. But Li Dalu next to him kept looking at Li Xuan with suspicious eyes from time to time.

Li Xuan ignored him until he saw Li Dalu was hesitant to speak several times, and then he glared at Li Dalu.

"Shut up! Don't ask. If you dare to reveal anything about today, I will encourage my mother to marry Xiaotao to someone else."

Xiao Tao is the maid in Liu's house. She is very pretty and Li Dalu likes her.

Li Dalu's face turned pale as expected. After that, he honestly shut up and stopped talking.

He deeply realized that the young master seemed to be a different person these days. But deep down, he is still as bad as before, very bad.

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